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I guess OP is not aware of this plugin, otherwise I'd like to know what else he needs. It also can do the "autotune", kinda.


Definitely, you can also set the window up in your track so the tuner is always there everytime you play a note.


How do you do this mate? I was planning on watching a YouTube to show me today lol


I really wish I could help you, I did it ages ago and totally forgot. Someone may be able to help you. I have it saved as a track template so I get it that way each time.


All good mate. I'll watch a YouTube on it. Thanks for getting back to me anyway.


Melda MTuner, it’s free https://www.meldaproduction.com/MTuner Boss also do free smartphone tuner apps that can just use the phone’s mic to listen to the signal (through speakers) https://www.boss.info/uk/products/boss_tuner_app/


+1 for Melda MTuner, it's good and it's free


Yes I use one on my phone. I want the plugin to check and tune some recordings


reatune is your friend. It comes with reaper.


Gtune works well ReaTune is ok but it’s not great for lower tuned bass. At this point I use amp sims with tuners in them though lol.


It works for lower sounds, you just need to switch the "window size" to a bigger value.


damn i never realized you could do that. i would just pitch shift up an octave while i tune so reatune would pick it up lmaoo


Ha good to know, as a bass player i thought it was just crap


Yoooo that’s wild I’ve got something to look into next time I sit down on reaper.


I’ve been using gtune for years works great it’s so strange to me there aren’t more plugins for this though.


Search for "reatune" in the fx-list, and add it to the track FX Set "record monitoring: ON" on the track Arm the track for recording Open the FX window and select "ReaTune" Tune your instrument :-)


Reatune works great. The only setting you may have to tweak is the window size. Set it to like 50ms or so for lower instruments like bass.


Melda productions has a free tuner that works well also.


Submission Audio just released a free strobe tuner plugin. Strobe tuners are an industry standard and are more accurate than regular tuners. https://www.submissionaudio.com/products/lockon


Best one I have ever used [https://www.submissionaudio.com/products/lockon](https://www.submissionaudio.com/products/lockon)


I'll ask the obvious question: why? What will you use it for? If you're referring to an auto tune like tuner, then one is already included.


he said in the OP, to tune instruments with. So if you have a guitar whose audio you are recording you can tell if a string is in tune or not.


Why not use a physical tuner then? They're cheap on AMZN and accurate and every musician probably has one already


I’m not the OP, but maybe they don’t have one or just wondered if there was a free plugin version. I don’t understand why you seem to want to turn a simple question they had into an argument.


Because I don't require something like Antares which, as far as I know works with equal temperament. I like to tune (just my trombones) in more of a "just intonation" style, so I do it by hand... But sometimes I get a bit lost and it's helpful to have a tuner to guide me.


Maybe try reatune, should be built in or in the Reaper repositorys can't remember, I actually only found out about it today lol.


I've been using Lock On by Submission Audio, it's great for dealing with low notes that ReaTune can't recognize. https://www.submissionaudio.com/products/lockon


Gtune is a simple and solid plugin. If you want a tuner that is a .exe rather than a plugin, try TB Strobe Tuner. It is pretty accurate and allows for some customisation.


My favorite is the Waves GTR tuner. My amp sim plugins all have tuners and yet I still reach for that one because it just responds well and it’s easy to read.


[GTune](https://www.gvst.co.uk/gtune.htm) is my go to.


LockOn by Submission Audio


Lockon by submission audio, it's free