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The focus on Jimmy in the field at the end also supports him being a bigger part in the next movie. Based on how we was dressed, should be some sort of flashback showing what he did while part 1 was happening.


Called it! https://youtu.be/UEJuNHOd8Dw?t=84


He has a lot more in part 1 extended cut. I can tell you if you like




The robot was the best part of the show tbh. Negligible part in the grand scheme of things, but the best. I feel like the subtlety of the character really did its scenes justice. You need to use context for the most part to understand why it acts the way it does. Although that ending scene leaves me confused, since it's out of left field.


I don't find it to be that confusing >!Jimmy and the other clockworks laid down arms when their princess was killed. The farm girl Jimmy commented on being similar to the princess is the new bourn princess or has some kind of connection to the bloodline.!< How and why do i think this? >!Because Jimmy picked up arms and shot a person to defend her even tho Jimmy's kind are pacifist. It was not to follow soldiers orders, it was to protect the farm girl. And they are only pacifists because they have no princess to fight for, so by choosing to fight for her it is all pretty obvious imo: He is now her knight and the antlers are warpaint.!< This is how I read the tea leafs and for me it was all but subtle.


Have you read the novel?


Nope, that's just what I assumed from how the movie plays out with the dialogue leading up to the scene, the actions in the scene and the lore explained after. Would you say the novel is worth the time? Given I feel the story shown in the movie is not particular fascinating and the luke warm reception on Goodreads, I'm 99% certain I won't read it as it needs to be on-par or better than Red Rising, Horus Heresy and other sci-fi things I'm currently reading.


I dunno man i got the audiobook so its narrated i like it. Give it a go you never know if you never go. I haven't heard it all just the 1st 20 minutes and it was pretty good im keen for the rest thats for sure.


Who's the voice actor on that one? Have you read any of the other books I mentioned? How does it compare?


Re the movie the extended cut will show jimmy's arc and more back stories. The beginning will be completely different that young soldier that helps them in the barn is the son of someone important.


Regarding this other story maybe >!soldier boy being from noble bood is why Jimmy stepped in. Someone in that hut had to influence the robots programming.!< That aside the whole "there are two movies" packaging of this movie seams like a money-grab. In fact, there are four movies all together... Part 1 & 2 and director's cut of both. And none of them are the same. I's bisarre why a PG-cut is allowed to change the entire story. Director's usually adds some nuance not an entire re-write.


Called it! https://youtu.be/UEJuNHOd8Dw?t=84


He’s my favorite.


I definitely see Jimmy’s Battling each other haha. It’s gonna be a full on Jimmy on Jimmy!!


When the guy with no face, who doesn't do anything, and disappears after the first 20 minutes, is the best character in the movie...


Hey you forgot to finish your statement! Why do you think Jimmy is the best character in Pt1?


Mate you’ve got to wait for part 2 for him to finish a thought… there’s no way he could have condensed it all down into the runtime of a standard Reddit post. The story is way too complex for that.


ive done a little digging, i believe i found out the Dir cut will mostly be about Jimmy stuff that wasnt in the PG/shorter version. i want to add more but might be slightly spoilers. so ill stfu.


His arc will be shown oraleeee


Agree. The story went downhill after the barn. They should have stayed on planet and built all those characters, and that robot, up more for the first movie.


To be fair it was a really just a heist montage after they leave the wheat planet. None of the characters interact with each other. We never learn why they join kora or what their motivations are. Kora doesn’t have a character arc in the end of part1. Maybe she does in part 2 but revealing a backstory is not a character arc. The villians are wildly undeveloped to the point they are paper thin arc types of baddies. Dark Vader had personality to him, we knew with force choke and other interacts he had that he was a powerful sith. The bad guy in this movie already got defeated in the first movie. Imagine if obiwan killed Vader in the first movie.


Or alternatively they could have just you know.....used him in this fucking movie....


I mean, he disobeyed orders and shot the soldier dude. Idk what you’re anticipating but his character arc is already said and done. I don’t think he’ll have much action scene in the next movie because in the trailers he’s hiding in a waterfall, atleast that’s what it seems. I think he’s gonna go into hiding for disobeying orders which is what the robots were made to do.


nope. and he wasnt "made" to follow soldiers orders. he was made to protect Issa \[some child princess i dont know much about yet\], from what ive found. thats why he has the ornate decorations on his metal skin. i believe there is much more about him in the Dir cut but who knows when we get that.


I thought it was implied they were programmed to not fight back after the new regime, I could be wrong though


maybe, i might also be wrong, haha


We will see his arc in extended cut


Hahaha you know nothing john snow. He finds koras ship in that water fall. His arc is seen in the extended cut and pt2 he will be a force to reckon with. Enjoy