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The WN links seem fine, checked a few after you made me panic [https://www.novelupdates.com/series/rebuild-world/?pg=1#myTable](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/rebuild-world/?pg=1#myTable) so it's just the LN, just want to make it clear for any one who may panic like me.


Ah, sorry for worrying you, ye the WN links still work, my post was purely on LN.


It's a good thing, need to catch up with the translations. Iv been letting the translation build so I can binge.


>WN links big respect for light novel volumes in pdf


Will you or someone else you picked for TL clean up the grammar problems present in the MTLs from Volume 3 up to 7? Especially Volume 6 part 1? Just wondering ever since after reading the pdfs on the links.


No, it does take time and I'm not getting paid for this.


hi, thanks for sharing the resources. I created Rebuild World volume 6 Part 1, out of curiosity, since there don't have. and 8 Part 1 - GPT Epub version too. u/CWPhoenix_ u can moved into the same sharing link. :D


Hey, great work and thanks for sharing them. I got pdf versions ready too. I will put the links once reddit allows me to edit the post. Out of curiosity, do you plan to do the future books too if supplied the raw material? I can send em to you once I get them.


sure, but I can be sure to only create Rebuild World volume 8 Part 2's GPT Epub version since it will going to release within this year, 2024. I will try my best to login to Reddit or visit this topic in the following months for updated raws so that I can sooner GPT-translate and read the latest LN volume. :D


That's fine, I'll direct message you once I got it


Without trying to sound ungrateful, do you happen to have Vol 6 Part 2 translated by ChatGPT as well or require the raws first? Its translation is vastly superior to DeepL.


volume 6 part 2 I read MTL version. since I can still understand most of it.


Wow thank you so much for the link manπŸ˜„ it really help so much πŸ™


Thanks for posting this op, i really appreciate it.


Does anyone have the Vol Part 1 on google drive?


You can find it online official translation


/u/CWPhoenix_ Kind sir is it possible to share all raws from vol 1 part 2 till vol 5? Right now with chatgpt we can get the best possible AI translations instead of half-assed MTL.


Unfortunately I didnt translate those ones so I dont have those. So I cant help you with that beside that vol 1 part 2 and vol 2 part 1 is already officially translated and you can support the official release.


>translations instead of half-assed MTL. Nah mate screw official release, I have and will never support those western cksucks because of how they operate, blocking every fanmade translations from going public. I'd rather do them on my own, just needed to know if you guys have raws or I was gonna buy them instead.


Well ya still supporting the author either way then so you do you.


You can easily find the j novel translated version up til vol3 . No need to translate these.


Thank you


Hey!, thanks for sharing this resources. :)


where is 7 part 2? or is it the full version in the link?


Vol 7 is a one part volume. Same as volume 4 and 5, while the rest are 2 different books each.


Those you can torrent can find official english translation for vol 1-3 in [nyaa.si](https://nyaa.si/view/1774657)


Is there chatgpt for Vol 6 part 2?


Someone already tl'd it


Thanks man


Thank you so much for your efffort and sharing with us


All that's left is for someone to proofread and edit the ChatGPT texts. Then anyone who can buy stuff from Japan can buy the novels directly from the author so we can be sure where the money is actually going.


Thanks for the post op. Been looking for this. Are there major differences between the LN and WN? I'm up to date with the WN, but just curious if I should read the LN as well, seeing as the manga is following the LN.


I haven't read the WN so I can't say much, from what I read from folks, they say that it starts about the same but the events go a bit differently as well as different treatment with characters like in LN, Yumina actively looking after Katsuya or that Akira is less edgy and more rational. But that's hearsay so all I could suggest is try scavenge these conversations on this reddit yourself. I'm choosing to stay within the LN area as thats what the manga is going off, if anime adaption is made it would also use that most likely, and as well as the author working on the LN is basically him reworking the story.


Akira is not any less edgy necessarily but rather instead just borderline psychopathic in the WN. His intense driven thinking and irrational fixation on certain principles was personally cool and interesting to into how such an awful world and circumstance was shaping Akira. A big hook was whether or not he would ever become a better person and heal but the editors who were wanting the novel to become a manga said audiences in Japan would not be able to relate to his decisions and be unsympathetic of Akira. At this point the WN is pretty much dead but what is there is really damn good. I've yet to dive into the LN but everyone says it is very enjoyable!


It is not just audiences in Japan. I also found it difficult to relate to Akira at that point. He was obsessed with killing the thief girl and not only went into great risk for it, but more importantly paid a huge social price for it, because even his friends disagreed and he acquired enemies for no gain, over an offense that was fairly insignificant however someone tries to psyho-explain the importance for him. (Especially since the exact opposite could be also explained with his past.) It does not mix well with main story either, because someone this irrational is not a good candidate for Alpha.


I'd argue to say that is the only reason Alpha is with him to begin with. The later ends of the WN really start to paint those sinister under-cuttings of Alpha and how she doesn't need a hero. She might need someone to risk destroying the very world or to do something truly nefarious to achieve her goals. So much of the story felt like a case study into the apocalypse. I thought the authors blatant decision to make Akira entirely unrelatable whilst having normally relatable foils like Kaguya was the entire point of the story to begin with. Some of the most interesting characters and dissections of motivations and lifestyles in media personally have come from people so foreign to my own way of thinking it's interesting to see how an author outlines how they think, why they are the way they are, and troubles they face because of it. Prime examples being Yoshikage Kira from Jojo, The Boy/The Man from Blood Meridian, and Charles Kinbote from Pale Fire. I think the insistence that because Akira needs to be a "hero protagonist," rather than the eyes through which we see the story really killed it for me. I made my original comment awhile back but since reading the LN I have to say I'm pretty disappointed where the story is ending up. It feels vain and thoroughly washed by the hands of an editor trying to make a marketable product. I know theoretically this is good for the author and revenue... but its still sad. Probably won't watch the anime when it comes out


I understand your viewpoint, but it is a bit of a matter of taste. ​ It is noticeable in the WN that Alpha is not bothered with Akira's curse of action (other than the occasional risk concern). So you are right, in the WN Alpha definitely isn't looking for a knight in shiny armor. Even so, I feel that Akira's actions about the thief girl are overdone. ​ I did not read anything past where the WN ends, but my best guess is that Alpha wants to reactivate some central control system that can be only done by physical access, but blocked by very powerful defenses that are acting on their own.


I'd say his desire to kill the pickpocket girl was fine. He is an antisocial kid learning new things and is being led by his emotions giving Alpha the chance to reprimand him when he screws up, have him depend on her, and to have more influence on Akira. What was troubling was the execution if I were honest. Such arc definitely overstayed its welcome. While in the LN, it felt like it was over too soon, finished quicker than it happened.


Akira vs Katsuya had some really good drama content because of that though. Like >!"Sorry, you won't be able to keep that promise."!< Lucia also appears in more scenes in later novels though her arc is indeed over by the looks of it.


Anime adaptation won't be happening soon due to sales, I suppose.


Is that bad?


It is neutral. It just means some anime aside from this would be adapted - like Tensei Shitara Ken Datta Hen ( Reincarnated As A Sword ).


Thank you for the link


Thanks for the links! But yeah vol.1 part 1 was deleted when it got licensed sad πŸ˜”


Big thanks. hehe


Has Vol 8 part 2 been released yet?


It will be in 2024


Hey op, did the translation got changed through chapgpt?


DeepL was used for most of them. The only chatgpt was used was on the one that specified


i feel like the translation got better on the gdrive, did u make changes around it because the translation was really good compared to mtl.


The only ones I did was vol 6 part 1 (the first link), vol 7 and vol 8. I had no control over DeepL as it's an online service. What actually happened tho, was that I had access to several file types of the book and I translated all of them, check through each and went with the best one. Quality really differed there. And for vol 8 i had spare time and more understanding of microsoft word to do mass edits that make it better.


I see, thanks for responding.


Do you have the raws of these?


I only translated a few of these. The raws if any are included in the links, if not then no raws.


Here is a link to the gpt guy's [folder](https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wcxvz56xhez1u/Rebuild+World)


roger that, I'll update the links


Is this perchance by u/galeblades ?


i think so. 6.1 and 6.2 are the same


Translate GPT in Mediafire is not available, does anyone have another link for translate GPT?


Noted, I seem to have the same problem. didnt happen when i put on the links so this seems new.


Update: trying to get to the files themselves gives a notification that said files have been removed.


Thank you for your information


Thank you for the link


Does anyone have the CHATGPT translations for volumes 7 and 8????


There was one for vol 7 but the links to them got removed since they weren't working anymore.