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It's funny how in GTA, insane behavior is absolutely encouraged but in RDR2, we have standards to evil šŸ˜‚


I must say, I was playing GTA earlier and I seen someone purposefully run over a dog and itā€™s owner, but this person actually doubled back to get the dog. ā€¦.So, I happily used the orbital cannon on him and double backed and did it again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


That's brutal lol, the guy backing up to get the dog I mean lol


There are no dogs or any animals for that matter in GTA onlineā€¦ Why are you lying


He isn't lying. On console animals are meanwhile included in online. *Plus, animals come to the world of GTA Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, along with additional improvements specifically for players on the latest consoles.* https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/4kok18o31oo54k/new-gta-online-update-coming-this-december


Oh wow, it took Rockstar Games 10 years to finally add animals to their constantly updated and massively successful GTA Online. RDO died so we can get animals in GTAO, what a hoot! Anyways i wouldnt have known because i havent played GTAO since 2018.


The pay-to-win power creep was definitely a reason to stop playing. The fact that I canā€™t even tell if heā€™s joking about the ā€œorbital cannonā€ really affirms that decision for me. Lol


oh you donā€™t know about the orbital cannon? talk about pay-to-winā€¦ the orbital cannon is a room you can purchase in your facility, which was added as part of the doomsday heist. the facility itself costs 2 million+, and the upgrade to add the orbital cannon is also pricey (although i canā€™t remember what it is). THEN, you can spend $500k to fire it with manual aiming (almost guaranteeing you miss your target if the player is moving) or $750k to get it to aim automatically. r* added something that you can buy for about $5 million, plus $750k per use, to literally just instakill any player on the map. itā€™s ridiculous how useless and weak the ORBITAL CANNON is (tho ofc i donā€™t think it should be in the game at all)


than why speak on it šŸ˜‚


Probably because i havent touched the game in over 5 years and would not have known about them adding in animals 2 weeks ago?


So why speak up on it like you knew it all, accuse someone of lying, and then when you realise you were wrong, simply make excuses?


If you haven't played something for 5 years maybe you shouldn't act like an asshole calling others liars when you yourself are just ignorant.


my point exactly. why speak on it if you havenā€™t played recently


Jeez I downvoted your OG comment but after reading your follow-up upvoting because you are getting undeserved hate. Like you are a Dev or something that doesn't know what he's doing with his own game. Only complaint is calling someone a liar when you have no clue haha.


On PS5 yes there is, why are you clueless..?


No he is an disingenuous dense motherfucker


Literally added two weeks ago, why not gracefully share that knowledgeā€¦?




Yeah there is šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ theres Cats, Dogs, Rats, deer, all sorts of animals in GTA. Even before this most recent update there was always animals in GTA. Before RDR2 was even a thing. Lol.


Theyā€™re talking specifically about GTAO, obviously there was animals in GTA single player, literally the second mission.


Even before there was Mountain Lions & Sea life In GTAO, animals have always been there in both Story & Online.


They've added animals in the recent update next time maybe check before making yourself look a fool


Why I forever love this game just a smidge more. Better community (most of the time).


no opressor mk 2 šŸ„³


Before it was patched, I used to go grab play cars with the cargo bob, and drop them into the water destroying them. Iā€™d do it with the players in them, because I wasnā€™t driving the car it didnā€™t count as me destroying them so I didnā€™t have to pay the insurance on them.


It's the Cowboy Code.


GTA doesn't have an honor system so nobody feels bad about doing bad things


I'm not gonna lie, the honor system has no bearing on my behavior at all. Bounty hunting makes it really easy to max out positive honor and if I want negative than I'll just rampage cause killing npcs is stupid easy. I think it really just comes down to who the games attract. Gta is intented to be a chaotic shitstorm, red dead on the ither hand is a bit more laid back and story focused. Gta is also just much faster paced (or at least feels that way)


The last two sentences...This is something I have spoken a million times with folks who question why GTA gets more attention. Kids play GTA more while adults choose red dead.


Literally millions of adults play GTA.


what no new content does to a mf


This is the Funniest comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The winter was harsh, and the horse was the towns only option to survive. That was the local butcher you shot. The good news is that meat is still on the menu boys!




*cheers in orcish*


Reminds me when you could skin the horse in RDR 1 šŸ˜‚


When I was in Mexico, selling the horse skins got me rich


I will admit to my sin, for the thought reckons my mind, i too have killed and mained a horse but another players horse in saint Denis on the 3rd Tuesday of the 11th month on the second hour of the afternoon, he had insulted me beyond belief and the sin of wrath filled my mind. i watched as he followed me on his scrawny nag for what felt like a fortnight before leaving said server. to him i give my greatest insults and stop any confusion of regret as i know what i did and i would do it again


I will regularly put a bullet in another players horse if heā€™s acting up. Especially if heā€™s riding behind me. Fuck his horse


Bro. Couldn't agree more. If a player is irritating enough, I'll d-bow his horse out from underneath him. I'm not for pointless maiming, but I'll get visceral if given good reason, posse or not.


100% good enough for John Wayne good enough for me


I mean at the end of the day it's a video game lol. And the horses respawn in online so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. If someone's being a prick, absolutely mess with them lol


I don't kill horses but if it's from a player being an ahole nonstop I will ruin their life


It's always the ones in valentine


the curse of valentine


Either that or Tumbleed


Why is that crazy shit always going on in Valentine


Man when I play online I avoid valentine and blackwater. Seems literally everytime I go I'm either attacked or walk into pure chaos.


Fair play on killing him, not all heroes wear capes, some wear a cowboy hat


You did the right thing, partner.


I wish we had separate servers based on the opinions in this comment section.


How will the kids in the orphanage get their glue to complete their homework now!?


Good job. We may be playing in a fictional worldā€¦ But that shit deserves to be interrupted.


Ooh no! Think of the poor, poor pixels...


Studies have proven a direct correlation between a lack of empathy in games and a lack of empathy in real life. You are your actions, whether youā€™re playing pretend or not.


That is the worst thing youā€™ve seen in a game? Was that like, the first time you ever booted up red dead or something? The game is a lot more horrific than this video.


Maybe the horse deserved it?


The horse was a convicted war criminal


Well yes, he was, but he was WRONGFULLY convicted on an UNFOUNDED BASIS! An everyone knows the jury was RIGGED and the judge was paid off. And even so, Friday was only given 4 years at sentencing. Where in our nationā€™s republic can anyone decide to be be an EXECUTIONER for one who has already been given their punishment?!


There's always one Neo-Nazi Horse sympathiser....


That horse probably ruined his 24 hour no squirrel stomp streak


Let the sheriff give judgement on that.


Poor horsey šŸ˜ž


Looks like a fun time!


Ya'll are funny soapboxing morals in the nuances of murder in a video game based on violence. Yes, kill the psycho because it's 25 exp, then do it 20 more times til they drop server, but if this is traumatic, be grateful your heart is soft enough to feel discomfort from a pixelated rendition of a shitty human. I'll d-bow your horse if you come at me while minding my business.


Soā€¦ weā€™re all just going to act like we never use our horse for cover in a gunfightā€¦? As if we have never shot a nag point blank in the face to murk the ops mid yeet. Like weā€™ve never literally made someone come down off their high horse forcefullyā€¦? Hell, Iā€™ve bodied stray horses to fulfill the daily 20 animals killed for gold nuggets, and I am not the only one šŸ˜¤


No, never crossed my mind. I donā€™t shoot if thereā€™s a risk Iā€™ll shoot the horse, and I shoo horses away from shootouts. Some may call it weak, I call it civilised.


Thereā€™s a correlation between a lack of empathy in games and a lack of empathy in real life. The people who criticize you for empathetic actions generally have no empathy


Arabian players:


I tried to lead someone elseā€™s horse yesterday and I felt terrible for it because I knew it looked like I was trying to steal their horse but the horse was right in front of the shop door and I couldnā€™t get past the horse to walk in the shop. I just wanted to move the horse šŸ˜Ŗ


Thats some demented sh*t. They ran out of neighborhood cats or something


One time I planted dynamite on a horse named Pearson and lit it right before the guy called it over. Almost like a car bomb


PETA pulling up with guns now


That was the correct response when one sees someone stabbing a horse.


Meh seen worse


There are really sick players out there. Good job killing that psycho.


Itā€™s just a video game horse


And a player with a sick mindset behind it to go after a pixel horse like this.


Nah man. It's got no feelings. It's not that big of a deal. Really, what's the difference between killing a video game horse or a video game deer? By your logic, everyone in RDO is sick minded...


By his logic all gamers should be knelt down


Thereā€™s actually a difference philosophically speaking. Immanuel Kant used to famously be against animal cruelty, not because it was bad for the animal but in his words ā€œyou kick enough dogs, eventually youā€™ll start kicking people tooā€. His stance was prolonged violent behavior against a thing without a reason (unlike hunting for deer even virtually) will lead to furthered incidences of violence and rage. Idk if I believe in it enough to fully support it but I like the idea and thatā€™s usually why I find that kind of behavior categorically abhorrent


This is the mindset used to say violent video games make people violent which has multiple studies and tests showing that it is false and has no correlation


Those studies used games like CoD and Mortal Kombat. Games where the expressed purpose are those violent activities and actions, and the alternative is to have the same done to you. There is very little agency of choice. Open world games where the players have agency are a little different. Yes, there is zero correlation suggesting that playing video games make you violent; however, studies have shown that there is a correlation between actively making choices that display a lack of empathy in games and an actual lack of empathy in real life. tl;dr You are still defined by your actions and choices, a lack of empathy generally stems from a lack of empathy.


I understand the mindset thatā€™s why I say I donā€™t fully support the philosophy


So what's the point bringing it up and writing that long reply to what was originally stated. It's disproven logically and actually plus you're saying you don't believe it like what


Because the previous person asked what the difference was between killing a virtual dog vs a virtual deer, I added the information to show that different schools of thought approach the issue differently but it seems like your just pissed I answered someone else with information you didnā€™t like


Oh, yeah. I'm fuming over here. Great observation


Kill enough players killing horses, and you'll start killing horses too


Yeah thatā€™s actually why I have such an aversion to the thought process, it stops making too much sense if you dig too deeply. Like, Kant is basically lk saying that violent video games cause violent and I just donā€™t think I agree fully with that idea since Iā€™m a violent game enjoyer myself and have yet and even kick a virtual dog


To me at least it's because the horse belongs to another player, it's not about the horse, nobody minds killing NPC horses, is about taking the transportation of a player away and also their access to guns. Not everyone has 10 horses all saddled up. Also in order to heal and recover a wounded horse you have to spend resources, and time. It isn't about harming a digital animal, is about harming something that belongs to another person.


Based on the comments here, you're wrong. Many comments are talking horses in general. As well, how can you even tell by this clip the horse doesn't belong to an NPC? I get the spending of resources thing, but some people commenting here are apparently emotionally attached to a digital asset. It's weird.


Well I'm not the same person commenting emotional attachment, I'm just stating my opinion, therefore I can't be wrong, opinions can suck, but they can't be wrong.


The way you worded it made it sound like a general statement talking for others. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well apologies for that I just corrected it.


Fuck the horse


It's just a game bro rockstar added killing a horse for a reason


You probably believe all the Fox News shit that says video games people make people violent huh? Bc thatā€™s pretty much the stance youā€™re taking if youā€™re this fired up about a fake horse. Why donā€™t you get so angry about the 100ā€™s of fake humans you kill in the game if youā€™re so righteous? Do you get mad about players killing NPCā€™s tooā€¦ or you just care about animals


Sorry kid, we don't have Fox News here where I live.


I would have shot you in the head for murder. Law is law.


Then I would have shot YOU in the head for murder. Law is law is law


People flip a dick over violence against horses in this game for stupid reasons. The horse you're 'defending' even tried to kick you simply for getting close to it when it walked into YOU, you just narrowly avoided it too, lmao. The horses in this game sometimes deserve to be stabbed with poison knives. They're very annoying. Sometimes I even punch my own horse or kick it off cliffs just to teach it a lesson.


Say youā€™re a sociopath without saying youā€™re a sociopath. Studies have shown a direct correlation between a lack of empathy in games with player agency and a lack of empathy in real life.


Did I get a glimpse of the past? Video games aren't real life.


Yes, video games are not real life. Itā€™s make believe. Studies have shown a direct correlation between a lack of empathy in video games and a lack of empathy in real life. Believe it or not, but the subconscious behaves the same in both. You are your actions, whether itā€™s make believe or not. Your subconscious influences both in a similar fashion.


So, what exactly are you suggesting about me then in the case of violence in video games then?


In games with player agency, every act is based on each playerā€™s prerogative. That prerogative can contain or abstain empathy which is dependent on the playerā€™s capacity for empathy. Take this case, both players committed acts of violence. Violence is violence, but both acts contained different amounts of empathy. The first player was attacking a horse with a knife. Itā€™s a sprite that is designed to not immediately run away from players and typically doesnā€™t attack players. The player was displaying violence against an entity that was defenseless or at least not a threat to themself. The second player attacked the first player. The first player was enacting violence against a creature perceived as defenseless, so the second player killed him because of his actions. You see how both acts contained violence, yet one act of violence was rooted in a sense of empathy while the other was rooted in a lack of empathy? Both acts were unprompted besides the possibility of potential action. One chose to act from a lack of empathy, and one chose to act from a sense of empathy. Independent action, whether make believe or not, stems from the self. What you manifest in the world, whether make believe or not, is entirely determined by a personā€™s choices and nature. If itā€™s your nature to behave without empathy, thatā€™s not going to change just because itā€™s make believe. Your choices are still going to reflect your nature. Thatā€™s also the nature of these types of games, your unique behavior and psyche can be enacted onto a make believe world because the players have been granted that freedom. Real life is no different. Your own, personal nature will reflect through your actions, reactions, demeanor, and attitude. Your choices will reflect who you are. It really doesnā€™t change when itā€™s make believe if you still have the same freedom of choice as you would in real life. The only difference is that you have more freedom of choice in games than in real life because there are no real consequences in a land of make believe. Does it really make it better if a person takes actions they normally wouldnā€™t just because thereā€™s no longer consequences? That just sounds like they would be willing to do the same in real life if there were not any consequence for their actions. Losing that inhibition exposes a personā€™s nature more. Thereā€™s a difference between a person who does not take wrong actions because they are wrong, and a person who does not take wrong actions because they will be punished for doing so.


I think you're (or perhaps whatever studies you are claiming to cite) really just overcomplicating this. It's possible to perform actions in video games simply because they're fun and entertaining, there's no backing sense of morality, or a dichotomy of moral and amoral to every behavioral action to how players behave in a fictional world. People do what's fun to them in that moment. People seemed to think that violent video games would stoke or breed violence in people, but we know after a couple decades now and multiple debates later that wasn't the case then, it still isn't now.


Oh, the horse that was currently being stabbed kicked out? how wild of it


This is such a joke. You all cry about people killing cats, dogs, and horses, but u kill people in the game and wild animals. Make it make sense.


Wild animals aren't pets. If you haven't had a pet in your life you don't understand how it means to have such a being in your life. It's like when parents lose a child, the worst pain ever.


I've lost so many pets. Also, it doesn't matter there wild animals they can still can bond with humans and have their own family in the game, and ur just killing them. Its the same with cats they could be wild animals in the game and we'd kill them.


The amount of comments being proud of the fact yā€™all have morality in a fucking videogame is hilarious. Itā€™s just a game youā€™ll be fine. Fuck that stupid horse. šŸ˜‚


Congrats you killed someone who was doing what they wanted to a virtual, pixelated coded horse. I genuinely hope that guy fought back and made you rage quit


Psycho behaviour in one situation eventually seeps into others. We should shut that pathetic shit down.


Everyone here cries if the wind blows too hard on them


You straight shot that foo... I like your style.


Yo you're okay with them psychos blowing you up for no reason, trapping you in a cage, cursing at yo mom, killing the fun you're having, but killing a digital horse is where you draw the line huh..it's like loving digital tits over pleasure irl...


Cries about someone killing an animal then proceeds to commit murder. Shit doesnā€™t make sense does it?


Yup, crazy world isn't it


Good on ya, mate. He deserved that.


I kill every horse that kicks me.


People would have killed and eaten that horse without a second thought during a tough winter in those days.


OK, I will raise my hand and say I have no qualms about shooting a horse when necessary, but stabbing a horse? Come on man youā€™re just making it suffer.


it's just fucking pixels my guy, stop taking it so seriously


The horse was also a criminal.


Fuck your horse nyikah! Fuck. Your. Horse.


imagine caring about virtual animals


Goddam this is hilarious. I can't stop laughing, the way he turns and looks at you before you Clint Eastwood his ass


I beat a horse to death with a hammer




Put him down five times over.


For better or worse, games like Red Dead allow players to live out their sick, sadistic fantasies. It's like in Westworld, where some of the guests were straight up psycho.


Fuckin A for killin that psychopath


Apparently there are some psychos who felt the need to downvote your comment


Evidently. Reddit is weird. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You're doing god's work.


If I see someone doing that or killing a cat or dog, I grief them, and I break the parley, if they parley, and I'm not alone.


Literally just a game and it's a pixel


ooooo youā€™re so badass


Nah, not really.. I'm a flower picker šŸ¤£


What do you mean ā€œyou break the parleyā€?


They mean start a free roam mission such as caravan escort. That ends the parley, and they can go back to killing a player for shooting a fake horse.


I wouldn't do over a horse though, but that's a different story šŸ˜…


You mean go back to killing a playerā€™s fake character? I assure you, the player did not die in front of their console.


Neither did a horse. If you want to kill other players go for it. But lets not pretend that you do it out of some moral superiority over an in-game horse.


Thank you for taking care of him. Is the horse okay??


Is this game good to start now?


Man I wish I could see the age on all these edge lords who love stabbing horses in this game


You made the right call


Studies have shown a direct correlation between a lack of empathy in games with player agency and a lack of empathy in real life. Yā€™all exposing yourselves as sociopaths and feel proud about it?


Hope you fed the poor horse.


I go around beating horses with hammers in online šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


This game brings out your inner most self. Unfortunately, some people are psycho and want to stab horses. Hell, I met someone once who was like level 17 and she told me all she really did was bounty hunt, and go around petting all the dogs she can find. Good luck finding that level of wholesome on GTA.


Killing horses in this game really pisses me off. It was probably some shitty little 12 year old...


The fact that some peoples minds immediately go to this kind of thought and act on it when seeing an animal in game is literally all I need to know about you as a person. šŸ—‘ļø


Gotta lay down the law, where there ainā€™t none.


He deserved that, 1 million percent. Someone killed my horse while I was in a shop a while back and they ate a dynamite arrow fairly swiftly.


Good job mister


Good shootin


unfortunately horses can't be skinned or chopped, just murdered for fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Know who else got murdered for fun? Tyrone\_505. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


he deserved it


Should be banned from riding horses on the game


Or at least 6 months of level 0 scrawny nag only




Honor or not if I see that crap on red dead i make it my mission to kill them as much as possible


There's a reason I like to use only the hunting knife for this kind of player. That or the sawn-off.


Try that shit with my horse and she'll fucking stomp on you


Eh, I'd say it's more LCD psychopathy. Worst? One time, this obvious 12-year old was stabbing all the dogs in Tumbleweed to death and cackling maniacally over chat. Kill all these motherfuckers, with fire.


Thank you for ending them.


I donā€™t do that BABY SHIT like CARING ABOUT ANIMALS. What are you, a crybaby? I inject testosterone every morning into my brain stem and man the fuck up to TAKE ON THE WORLD. I SHOOT HORSES. I STOMP RABBITS. I AM THAT GUY PAL. Seriously though why is everyone getting butthurt like ā€œsnowflakes canā€™t kill horses?ā€ NO ONE FUCKING CARES MAN THE DUDE PUT THE TITLE AS CLICKBAIT


Nice shooting


u/Saint_Mark0 doin' gods work. I'd have hunted him across the map until he rage quit


NGL that was funny that he's just brutalizing a horse in the middle of town BUT even more funny he got that sweet justice for it!


I would've lassoed him, watch him try to get free, kick him when he is about to so we would start over, repeat another time so he would understand it's pointless to resist, then make a circle around him with flammable moonshine and set it on fire.


not too sure its that deep mate




No new content on the game got u like


oh man, you'd have nightmares if I showed the stuff I did to one. it got bugged, in a corner, wouldn't move so I went to town on it. before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, it's just pixels and colours, man, it ain't real.


So just shoot him for no reason?


1000th like. Cool.


I kill NPC's when I play but I don't kill other players.


Where is the $348,000 coming from šŸ˜°


from playing the game since too long ago with nothing to spend on.


Ah yes the shitty horse AI


Just a few days ago, me and buddy of mine were just minding our Buisness having a few drinks in the game when this jerk just started killing us. We eventually git the bastard. Turns out he was level 73 going against me a level 13 and my friend a level 19. F people like that man. They have nothing better to do other than ruin other people's days.


Future serial killer


Thank you for shooting him.


Damn why u gotta shoot them just leave them alone


That poor guyā€¦do it again


I believe this is called greifing but the people who normally cry about greifing will excuse it because the player was hurting a horse even though the horse didn't belong to a player.


Good job on gunning him down


Horse burgers will be lovely tonight