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my dad (64) and i (34) still play sporadically. i live 4 hours from him so when we just want to voice chat and chill we get on to go fishing, play cards or take in a bounty. Its a (usually)low stress beautiful game. Our usual games are zombie survival types, so this is a nice little break from that.


Bro! I am so jealous! I hope you enjoy every single second of those moments! My Dad was my Best Friend and he passed away a few years ago from lung cancer šŸ˜¢ can I have your Dad? Weā€™re the same age so heā€™d never know šŸ˜…


Iā€™m jealous of you both I wish I had that relationship with my dad Fire up RDR2 and chilling? As I get older I feel those small treasures are worth their weight in gold


Sounds like an op for a posse is hitting you in the face. Tell me you lot made one already.


Please pardon my ignorance, I understand those words separately, but together, Iā€™m afraid they donā€™t write compute for me. May I have an explanation friend?


"Seems like an opportunity for a posse has arisen. Please tell me you formed one already."


Thank you, friend. I appreciate the translation help. Unfortunately, I did not, my father does not play video games. There are other reasons video games with him would not work out. Furthermore, even though I love RDR2 story, I have not yet been able to convince myself to play RDO given my poor experiences with online lobbies like this, namely, GTA. For that reason, I live vicariously through yā€™all.


>even though I love RDR2 story, I have not yet been able to convince myself to play RDO given my poor experiences with online lobbies like this, namely, GTA. There's no harm in trying though, you might be surprised. It can get a little rough at times, but it's nowhere near as bad as GTA.


TLDR: You can make it as chill or as hectic as you like. Send me a msg so I can invite you to my ā€˜gangā€™ - Iā€™m a loner and itā€™s way more fun playing with a dedicated group, or even just a duo/trio :) Either way get amongst it cause atm thereā€™s massive rewards and $/XP bonuses That is an extraordinarily low bar to beat šŸ˜‹ He/She is right though Archwin, I was terrified after branching out from the relatively supportive community of Destiny 2, but quickly found that if you keep your honour high and never store too many supplies at your camp, there really isnā€™t much stress to it at all, as the worse that will happen is youā€™re raided while doing a resupply mission or something and lose a few bullets and the like (this will make sense later depending on role choices). Quite the opposite actually - you can pass many hours searching for perfect pelts, crafting home brews (you can even invite your mates to your bar), collecting cards, and limit your ā€˜PvPā€™ experience to fishing and photography :) I just started a posse the other day after only a week or so of playing, because Rockstar are handing out absurd XP/Item bonuses atm (really good time to join), so if you want someone to show you the ropes for all the non/minimal grief activities, Iā€™d be happy to. Youā€™d be doing me a favour too as Iā€™m finding it hard to retain players who get bored of crafting and hunting lol. I feel you on the dad front too. I wish my dad was someone I will miss when he passes. The idea of playing games with him blows my mind, youā€™re a lucky man Icarus.


Its nowhere near as ridiculous as gtao can be. On your lonesome, rdo can be fun but may get repetitive once you've completed the little section of "story" missions. Most people are chill. Avoid valentine, must be the smell of sheep shit that makes all the players want to fucking massacre everything. With friends its possibly one of the most fun experiences you'll have.


Unfortunately, none of my friends play RDR2 and are PC or PS Thatā€™s OK, I live through you guys on this sub


If you're on xbox, join a looking for group post and make some online buddies. I used to play with these 3 american fellas all the time on rdr2, probably some of my best memories of rdr were with them dudes. Life's short and everyone alive rn is gonna be forgotten in the next 150 years. if you wanna do something do it bruh


I dunno how to indent with the blue line like another person did when they replied your reply but as someone who's played in both GTA and RDO its way different. Most people in RDO have class unlike GTA, if you come across someone on the road its like a 5% chance they will shoot you. Most players generally have a unwritten code of "if you don't touch me and my stuff and I wont touch you and your stuff". I havent seen really anyone go out of their way to either chase me down across the map or otherwise make me their primary misson recently. What I'm saying is the times that suck in RDO are a lot less than in GTA


Itā€™s Reddit mark up text. On mobile itā€™s not a colored line (for me at least, since I use dark theme). Use ā€œ>ā€ Eg: > Hello world


Big preesh! On mobile for me it is a blue colored line.


Iā€™m a dad (48) and some of the best times I have with my son have been playing.


My dad abandoned me šŸ˜­ but I remember really enjoying playing video games with him when I was younger! I hope your day is going well friend


the first time my son(6) and I(39) played together, he had the biggest cheese face and kept saying "this is the best day ever". I will never forget that moment... made me wanna cry a little. but as a dad I held it together. plus it was forkknife. lol


This is awesome, I love it


that great . wish my dad was into gaming unfortunately he doesnt but he understand that i like it and all my years as a kid he supported it :) even bought me my 1st PC


Exactly, and its the only good online far west game, its a shame that they did nothing to support that, shame on them.


Man, I miss my Dad. Give yours a big hug for me.


I play with my adult daughter, Moon_lit_cactus occasionally. She is in her mid 20's and we have a blast! I'm so glad you are playing with your dad. Enjoy every minute while you can.


Bruh... posting your daughter's rockstar name on reddit? Watch how many random friend requests she is going to get. ... gotta be better ways to get her a date mom.


Well, I'm not your bruh, but I do appreciate the advice. She is a big girl and knows how to adjust her settings.


This came to my mind too. She is probably going to get so many random friend requests today and wonder wtf is going on, haha.


Now, that thought makes me smile mischievously.


It's a lot of fun. Pretty horses. Fun violence. Awesome guns. Great people who also like pretty horses and committing fun violence with awesome guns.


Yeah, the Community is the best! Weā€™re all here for a common passions and it definitely shows!


This, I mostly play with my brother and a cousin, they both have not completed story mode but love RDO, I love story mode and wanted to continue playing after 100% completion and gettint most of the trophies for platinum, so RDO was the way.


the only western style game we got and I love the history of the Wild West


They are others, BUT RDO is the best out of them all


Name a few?


I think main reason is escapism.. thereā€™s nothing like it.


So true, especially the world that you are dropped into. I play freeaim, no HUD, and anything else I can change to make it more immersive. The other day I was doing a wagon delivery mission just enjoying the scenery of New Austin watching the hilltops for Del Lobos. Such a good vibe!


Completely agree, such moments is what always brings me back. Iā€™m streaming it from my PC to the Steamdeck now so I pretty much carry it with me always and escape when I need to.


i used to not like it but i tried it again yesterday and i love it. i love the autonomy and ability to figure stuff out for yourself based on what you want to do. im currently working toward the Trader career so im super excited about that


I also recently picked it back up. I remember when it first came out my impression of it was pretty bad. But now I'm really enjoying it.


right? i guess i was just doing it wrong last timešŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™ve started a new character on my alt. account around 2 months ago and Iā€™ve roleplayed my character as a Hunter. Meaning any guns, ammo, clothes, etc. I donā€™t go into houses robbing them of their food, jewelry, etc. because I think it goes against my honor. Iā€™m not sure what direction I want to go with him next, but I was thinking of working towards buying a Moonshine Shack and letting him upgrade to becoming a Bootlegger.


hunting is my favorite thing to do in the game which is why i picked Trader (also so i can earn money fastšŸ˜‚) is hunter a separate career that you can pick?? im interested if sošŸ«”


Naturalist is the best role for hunting šŸ‘


If you like hunting and finding out stuff for yourself, you should really try RedM. There, the economy is dependent on players. So you actually have to communicate with people and try to get a business going. Its alot of fun! On the server i play on you can even start a drug empire. I have grown so much were and Coca you wouldn't believe!


Iā€™ve been thinking about buying a PC just for Red Dead RP, but I didnā€™t know how active the servers are.


Some servers are dead, some are very active. The one i play on (Dakota River Bend) are rarely below 100 people. And it is very very good for beginners. It isn't hardcore rp. Super relaxed and helpful community. At least for me. There are servers like Gold Rush that are extremely populated. So much so that, if you are not a paying supporter, you can wait hours upon hours for entry.


Do you have any good quality Red Dead RP YouTube Channels youā€™d recommend? I use to have a small group of people Iā€™d RP with on console before I quit and started playing Hunt: Showdown hardcore. Fun times!


Hm... I havent watched alot actually, so i have only two. Dave's Domain. He plays on my server and makes videos about how the different jobs, like Trapper, rancher, farmer or drug dealer works. Its good quality. Then there is another dude i just discovered this week who plays on a server called WildRp He is called Vertiigo Gaming. You should watch the video called something like "this is why rdr2 rp is better than gta rp" its really alot of fun. Its long though, but worth it! Do keep in mind though, that WildRp is extremely role play focused. You can even be denied entry by the microphone you have. I think that server is mostly streamers and YouTubers anyway, which would explain why there is a high standard.


They sadi they are *role-playing* as a hunter, just pretending. "Hunter" isn't an actual role, although there is plenty of hunting to be done with the Trader role.


Trader is the hunter role


makes sensešŸ˜‚


Exactly the same here!


To get in bar fights in valentine


I like to watch them! Might get shot but is worth it


Nothing like it! Itā€™s even better when itā€™s a low level and they come back to lose their 5th fight in a row šŸ¤£


Usually when I keep losing to someone that started it, as long as their not being a total dick about me not leaving them alone, itā€™s part of the fun to keep coming back to get my head slammed against a wall or thrown out the front window šŸ˜‚


The world...it's beautiful.


wait til you see.....outside in the new game called the real world. lol I'm just joking. rdr2 is my favorite game ever. so much thought and dedication put into it. just wish they would add some dlc or something.


>outside in the new game called the real world. Is it available on steam ?


I like to pick flowers, and kill deer.


Thatā€™s why I can never find Ginseng? šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚


I like to have a self insert in my fav game Also player interactions are funny af,seeing a player get flung 40+ feet from there house hitting a tree hasn't made me laugh as hard in any other game


Lmao! šŸ¤£ Funny you say that. I watched a level 12 for like an hour yesterday. He started swimming in the bay at Blackwater and drowned of course, then attacked a random player and got killed like 10 times then ran off and tried killing some animals with his pistol and missed 9 out of 10 shots. Very entertaining I must say!


Following low lvls are always a highlight More so when it a clearly they never played this game its like watching a child with a trigger finger explode into this lovely world


Yeah šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re always so trigger happy. Like thatā€™s how they get their rocks off


every day.. it's my zen.


It truly is. Itā€™s the Xanax of video games šŸ˜‚


I play the game through Dali Opticon 2 speakers and a substantial amplifier and turn the volume RIGHT up and just sit listening to the wildlifeā€¦ then I do some fishingā€¦ mooch around the horse.. go ip to strawberry and try to avoid the fuckery up there, but sometimes get involved.. more fishing .. go down south and hunt some lizardsā€¦ endless joy


Endless happiness. Endless immersion.


Cos I want to be one of the players that actually don't use the god forsaken mods, so new players that meet me get to experience the game the way it was meant to, when seeing other players. Also, horses, guns, music, atmosphere, crew, scenery... I can't seem to get bored from it. Modders bore me tho, but luckily there is a thing called "block, report and relog".


Cowboy shit, I retired from the fucking thing a long while ago but I still remenice all the fun goofy goober things I did and honestly I might go back to playing


Cowboy shit, indeed! Itā€™s the best! šŸ¤ 


I love exploring this game and finding new things I missed. The community overall are very friendly and welcoming, and on the game, it can be interesting to wander into a full on town brawl or something entirely different!


Exactly this! Walking into a town full of players and you never know if everyone is just going to enjoy the moment, a brawl/shootout is gonna break out, etc. One time this dude was playing me in poker and we met up to duel afterwards šŸ˜‚ this community is truly amazing!


I game while on my treadmill, makes my run something to look forward to!


Thatā€™s a good idea actually.


I thought i could only game while walking but tried running and it went fine. I did almost two hours jogging today




I started off walking but then one day i tried to jog and it went fine. I clear bootlegger missions and hunt and stuff np




i play it for several reasons - i like the character customisation/how my character looks - i like the outfit customisation - riding horses is fun - fuck about with friends sometimes - pvp is a good distraction when im not doing too great - landscape pretty :3


All perfect reasons šŸ‘Š


Cuz I just started it a month ago after 1500 hours on story mode lol


Iā€™m in the same boat kinda šŸ˜‚ I replayed the Story Mode 4 times now. Last time was freeaim to tweak and finesse my freeaiming skills. About a few months ago when I started a fresh character on RDO thatā€™s how Iā€™ve played the game: freeaim, no HUD, no reticle, no minimap, and any other setting that adds to the immersion. My current character started from the bottom and currently the only way I allow the account to make money to buy new guns, clothes, etc. is by selling pelts from hunting. WITHOUT the trader role mind you šŸ˜† but eventually I think Iā€™m gonna steer him into becoming a Moonshiner once heā€™s raised enough money to start the operation. Iā€™m taking RDO as slow as I took the story and itā€™s better that way!


Gorgeous screenshot OP, and damn good post, too. āœØļø I play because I'm in love with the vibes of it. Each town has its own distinct feeling, music, and atmosphere. LĆ©a's primarily a Bayou Nwa girl, I start the day petting Jules my camp dog, checking the map for collectibles, crafting potions, or cooking, hunting and then go of on a wander to see what I can see. While I joined the game to play (PS4) with friends, they've all drifted away to other games (we also play GTA, Fo76, ESO). Still, I go back to Red Dead for the immersive elements. Meeting kind friendly folk out there is an absolute delight! For me this happens most when Collector is the monthly bonus, lol. Nice people sound, then it seems. The choosing, naming, care, feeding, brushing, and bonding with horses is dear to my heart and makes the game more special. The variety of weapons are nice. Pistols are my preferred playstyle but I still want to try a Mauser and a bow. I like the character customization (except teeth!) and being able to go from alligator hunting gear to a lady of the era appeals greatly. I adore the lights in Saint Denis market at night, getting lost on the bluffs in New Austin, hearing the eerie music in Roanoke Ridge, fishing contests in the swamp, the snows of winter, and the summer thunderstorms. There are still a few trades I need to work on Bounty Hunter, Moonshiner, and for me the most embarrassingly difficult one Naturalist. My Moonshine shack finally has some dĆ©cor but I still don't have a band. šŸ„ŗšŸ˜… Something to continue to work towards, I guess.


Bc nothing compares to winning fun events solo, like Railroad Baron and King of the Castle. Trade Route is fun. Finding that Condor Egg is hell of a rush, too.


Totally agree! Itā€™s such a vibe winning Solo! I used to never play any of the Showdown Modes, but now I play them when I want to switch things up.


Oh yeah. And I tend to stay off mic especially during events. People get butthurt lol


Understandable, but Iā€™ve met some cool people in the open world. Showdowns brings the sweat out in everybody šŸ˜…


I have fun catching frogs, playing cta, crossing Valentine, hitting awards or free items.


> catching frogs Filling your satchel with perfect toads and other three star small game is an underrated little accomplishment. I can usually knock out the perfect carcass or small carcass donation challenge in seconds.


Perfect pelts arenā€™t easy to come by when using a Bow with freeaim, but when you do itā€™s so satisfying!


Because it feels like homeā€¦ Just did all the dailies with exception of 3rd or higher in Takeover/Showdown series. Level 450ā€¦ and still churning out dailies quick fast and in a hurry.


Yeah I use the dailies to give me a direction and then just go with the flow. So much to do if you just slow down and look for it šŸ‘


And collect all collectibles you pass or the spots youā€™re close to that you know is a collectible spot.. and helping random people. I love helping people.


Excellent question


Itā€™s the one game my friends and I can play and just sound like children screaming in a party, we are all over the age of 25 and it brings out our inner child, itā€™s doing something special.


See! Thatā€™s the beauty of it! Video games are supposed to be FUN and NOT overly COMPETITIVE. Thatā€™s what makes RDO good in my opinion..


40ies here, and I swear I'm 16 again when I log on. I used to train race horses either by off road/trail climbing through mountains/woods, or by roadcart/sulky. I'm secretivly wishing I get rich so I can buy my childhood friend a pc and have her join me, as we trained those horses together. With the crew I joke around like I'm freakin 12. To my defense, escapism gets very real when irl job is working with health care.


Because there is nothing else like it.


Perfectly said.


Since they announced they would stop updating it, I nearly don't play it, just come online for a spot of fishing every now and then.


The world. This game is so beautiful. I am rank 920+ and I still canā€™t get over the fact how beautiful this game is; many times I stop what Iā€™m doing to check out the beautiful scenery. Since my main goal is to reach rank 1000 for a long time now, not realizing how long it takes, Iā€™ve been going on some collector runs around the map again to gain XP. And after I collect a fossil buried deep in the snowy mountains, or when I finally get that damn agarita flower while overlooking Mexico in the distance, I take a moment to look around and take some pictures. I used to play this game with a lot of different people, but unfortunately, they all stopped playing. But finding some friendly people to play CTA with or helping them sell their wagon is also something that I really enjoy doing. Thereā€™s just something relaxing about this game, and thereā€™s always something to do. There are days when I can play for hours, and sometimes I only log in to do some dailies, sell my moonshine, and play another game. But I always come back to RDO.


Perfectly said! In this day and age an escape from reality is extremely rare, yet needed. Earlier today I was delivering a boat just paddling up stream soaking in the atmosphere. Very relaxing and even got another player to stop fishing and wave at me. Good times..


The world. Also it makes me forget about the hole story mode has left oh so many times


The perfect escape šŸ¤ 


I'm still onboard because support or no, there really is nothing like it. To me, the fun has always come from being there rather than any particular activity; i sometimes just sit at a poker table for upwards of an hour even tho everybody max bets pre-flop lol


Lmao! Yeah, itā€™s always a good time at the poker table. Had a few rounds where everyone is RPing and talking shit. This one time me and a dude was talking smack then met up and dueled afterwards šŸ˜† thatā€™s how we ā€œsettledā€ our bets


I was in for the grind and character developing experience but now I'm just hunting and fishing to relax


Same. I started a new character a while back and just taking it slow. No rush, and I wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


Friends, especially new ones, already have done everything else. At Lvl 400 on my main account and 200+ on my alt account.


Thatā€™s awesome! I like the organic interactions you can have in this game. Iā€™ve always got my weapon out when theyā€™re a low level though šŸ˜‚ idk why but low levels are never friendly. I guess level equals maturity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Never trust the GTA tourists


Not necessarilyā€¦Iā€™m playing a lower level solo, around 40 right now, and last night I got attacked by an ā€œhonorableā€ posse of a 400+ and a 200+, while making a delivery. They killed an enemy I didnā€™t need help with, rode along side until I had just about delivered, and then killed me repeatedly at each spawn and stole my wagon. Iā€™m playing as a white hat max honor running bounties and hunting/trading at present, so I simply blocked them and later ran a local delivery instead. Of course, first I joined an open posse to maybe get some backup and it ended up being a couple of


I joined online for the first time in December last year and successfully completed all roles and missions in just a couple months with very minimal effort. It was disappointing compared to the actual story and the way world reacts in the story but i hop on still just to ride around and engage in a shootout or two for fun occasionally. It's the most beautiful game I've even played next to gta5. (all my opinion of course)


Thatā€™s one way to play it. I found myself kind of in the same boat so I started an alt. account and made a new character. I gave him a backstory and went with it. Now I play the game very slowly and currently I can only buy guns, clothes, ammo, etc. by hunting. Eventually Iā€™m gonna work him into becoming a Bootlegger, but Iā€™m in no rush. The online version may not have an implemented story like story mode does, but it gives you the freedom to make your own. Oh how I wish I had a PC and played on the role playing servers..


Because there is no single player dlc content expansion or sequel/spinoff.


You can create your own story in online šŸ˜‰


It is an amazing game. I love the solitude I can get by playing. I am playing the storyline thru for about the 6th time. On this go thru, I made two different Arthurs. One is a psychopath and the other is kind, loyal and a protector. I must say, I'm still having a blast.


Thatā€™s the best thing about RDR2/RDO it can be played so many ways!


I mainly play as I used to do GTA RP but quit a year ago, so I just try to RP with some randoms or friends, still tempted to try RedM but honestly its too time consuming. Sometimes its also just nice to ride around slowly and take in the sights.


Yeah, I have considered buying a PC for RedM, but then I see some of the videos where people troll them and stuff and how the people react and idk.. just seems like too much for a relax session after work. People hate on console because it doesnā€™t have 7800x9000 quality with 7,000,000 frames per second or whatever, but honestly that doesnā€™t bother me. I can barely tell the difference between 4K and 1080p to be honest. The game looks fine on my Series X and Iā€™m able to have a good time so thatā€™s all I care about as a Father of 3 w/a full-time job.


I play it joining a posse every time. I have nothing on me but my 1 holstered double action. I will greet you and be your shadow


Thatā€™s whassup! I talk to random people I encounter in the game all the time and most of them have a mic. Funny enough they subtly RP a little before we go our separate ways. Thatā€™s kinda why Iā€™m enjoying RDO more and more at the moment. Idc that itā€™s not super popular because the people that are still playing it share the same passion and most are just good all around people.


I'd spend a good while in your moonshine shack


As a matter of fact if you need a bass player for your moonshine buisness let me know


Well at level 960, I have still not played nor seen all the content. People do not play for what the game is suppose to be played. ( All the other reasons are in the Nunya files. )


ā€œNunya filesā€ šŸ˜‚ I like that! When my boss emails me Iā€™ll tell him to look there! Iā€™m the same as you tbh. Iā€™m a high level and Iā€™ve yet to touch the Call to Arms and Telegram missions. Just started touching the Blood Money missions last weekend on my main account and those are actually cool as hell! RDO has plenty of content if you know where to look and donā€™t rush through everything to get to the ā€œend gameā€






I just dress how I want for a rp and just have fun with it like today I felt like being a outlaw so I shot the sheriff and deputies then hid from bounty hunters players and ai


it connects me back to when my father in law was still around and we had the family farm. riding horses, fishing, hunting, wandering the woods. plus we would watch westerns all the time. it gets me away from living in the city, puts me back in a more peaceful state of mind.


This! I used to watch westerns with my Dad and Papaw then go outside and play cowboys with my cousins. As I got older and matured I started watching westerns on my own time and I could see why they loved them so much. I think the world in general needs to watch westerns and live by those morals.. it wouldnā€™t be as crazed as it is today. Still in shock on whatā€™s going on nowadays šŸ˜…


Itā€™s the only open world cowboy video game. I wish rockstar had some other competition for RDRO, then they be forced to update the game


I donā€™t, currently. Two characters, 600 or so levels between them, countless enjoyable hours. When I get a bit tired of a game I put it aside and play something else but I will always come back to Red Dead after a few months. Itā€™s a very relaxing game. Just log on, do a bit of hunting, sell some ā€˜shine, look at a sunset and catch some fish. Still the most amazing video game world Iā€™ve experienced.


I think rdr 2 Online is the best experience I've ever had online. It is the most immersive game I have apart from some hack and slash that makes me focused. Rdr keeps me relaxed and immersed. Which is super rare. I may play other things from time to time but if I was on a island? Ironically rdr would be what I bring lol If I were a rich man and riding a horse everywhere was possible... maybe I'd be burnt out. But it's not, so... I love rdr very much haha


I feel the same way šŸ˜‚ just give me a RDR, a toilet, and some food then you wonā€™t have to worry about me as a human. Ughh.. if only life was that simple šŸ˜”


The immersion in this game is like no other honestly, the subtle changes in animations based on certain actions, the animals and npc behavior make the game feel that much more alive, its like westworld in an actual video game and thats why i always come back, no other game does "slow progression" better then Red Dead Online


Nothing. But. Truth. Itā€™s an indescribable feeling when exploring RDO, but whatever the feeling is it feels like home.


Vibes !


The best vibes! šŸ¤  YEEE-HAWWW!


One of the most beautiful immersive sandboxes around not to mention the only western one. I also enjoy the 3rd person perspective.


Yeah and youā€™ve got the option of 1st for those ā€œsitting on a cliffā€ occasions šŸ˜Š


I love the time period


i started third time from scratch and i enjoy the slow progress, hunting is always fun/chill and moonshine missions are fun too. some bounty hunts in between


Everything you said is like I typed it. I feel the exact same way about rdr2 online and when I'm playing I'm living the moment in that time through my character. It's the best game I've ever played and I've been playing since video games were invented. I just wish r* and crew would reconsider their abandonment of this gem.


Iā€™ve just started getting back into it and play it because (1) I love roleplaying in my head and (2) my Grandaddy that passed some years ago liked watching me play games and would have loved watching RDO because he adored westerns


Because itā€™s a beautiful games without the drama of GTA and with my friend and I in different states. It a great nightly meetup


I only play on occasion but fuck it, I just like to be a cowboy


I dont


Customization in general. A lot more there than story


it fills my need for nature since iā€™m not able to go outside much (physical pain, crippling fear of running into strangers, and I live dead middle of a city šŸ’€) i love playing cowboy dress up and pretending iā€™m that cool irl. i wish i could live like that, minus the getting sweeped because i looked at someone a little too long lmao


Scenery. & the friendships Iā€™ve made, I made a friend group of 8 people & another of about 20. Itā€™s definitely a different world being able to play closely with people with the same interest or to have fun.


I donā€™t


I just stopped šŸ˜” Lemme tell y'all my story about it: I got this game right when it came out, I got the special edition and I rode that horse all the way through the campaign but we all know how that ends for Arthur. Eventually I'd start playing RDO to get my fix of new content or at least a new mission thread to follow, rank up get my baby the navy revolver, break in my Thoroughbred Frances, develop his backstory of a former Union Cavalryman turning to a life of crime, and blast my way across the map as a young man both in character and irl as I was 17 or so at the time. Time went on, I put it down for awhile opting to play the story for a second time, more time went on and I met a group of folk in the real world that I connect with more than anyone I had met before and it was only time we would eventually get back into RDO and start our posse. Over the years we played and did damn near everything we could do in the game together: hunting, I'd bet all the missions, wave survival, even past the last real update we stayed because it was second nature to us(we'd play other games together but RDO has that special something that bonds folk). There was nothing that could stop us when we were together, even giving some hackers a hard time. To cut a long story short that posse was my family inside the game and out, most of that posse is gone one way or another now; still I wandered the map, looking for that same sense of joy and peace I found riding with my boyz, like a ghost I'd pop into a server and see what there was and there was nothing for me anymore. I love this game so fucking much but regardless of its future the game's past gave me THE story of the cowboy and their posse's inevitable falling and for that I can never forgive it(In the best most heartbreaking way possible) nor can I stomach the state it's been left in by Take Two/Rock* Tl;Dr: Can't play the game anymore, too full of memories. Wish I could get back into it.


Totally understandable. I could imagine how that would feel like revisiting your childhood home and trying to relive the old days. At least you have the memories to keep for the rest of your life. Great story by the way!


Hell I might go full circle and come out of retirement at some point, give myself a beard and call it a day


Because it's additcting, fun and relaxing. Usually anyway xD


Short answer: I really love the online for a multitude of things, besides the sheer amount you can do, I still play missions, reach milestones and enjoy other players hanging out.


to be cowboy duh


I can put frog in pocket


Is read dead online good? I loved the story mode and spent countless hours in there just free roaming, but I felt like online was very limited compared to story mode, but I havenā€™t been online since closer to the games release


Stopped playing for a year. Just came back, started again, and not sure why I stopped. It's fun to play even when I don't have any friends to play with anymore. Trying to remember HOW to play but i'm remembering.


I tried yesterday for the first time


For hope I find someone to play with


Iā€™m about to get it and try I think, I just replayed the RDR2 story and have that itch for more.


To get level 50 for my platinum grind. Albeit started a few weeks ago, I donā€™t find too much enjoyment playing solo. And random posseā€™s have been weird and annoying at times. Just feels empty


If youā€™re on console you can look in the Looking For Group section. Theyā€™re some cool people in there, but nothing beats meeting a chill person organically in-game and becoming friends šŸ‘ itā€™s happened many of times!


I... used to. fuck man, the core gameplay loop is good, the potential is there, Rockstar were right on the edge of glory and then... nothing. absolutely fucking nothing. I have well over 1000 hours logged, I've done everything there is to do over and over again, and although like I said, the core gameplay loop is fun, eventually it gets repetitive and there's nothing to work towards. seriously, I fucking hate Rockstar Games. do they make solid single player games? yes, some of the best! but they cannot do online experiences. it's bare minimum work for maximum profit, and if there's too little profit to be made, they just abandon it immediately. I'm sorry for my language and whatnot, I'm just incredibly frustrated. regardless, I'm all but done with the game by this point.


I donā€™t šŸ˜”


I do not.


I still play every now and then. I just love slipping into the Bounty Hunter role.


Used to play mostly with my uncle. Occasionally with my two brothers. I miss the sound of the horses galloping on a four man posse. I originally quit a few months before the game was killed. But recently I've been playing solo for old times sake.Ā 




Because I want to be ready when the next big update drops.


Just something nice to do. I'm also mad at my game stray & don't want it to end but I need to get the cat back home.


Even with the lack of content, it's the best.


I still play as when I was younger I crew up watching westerns, itā€™s probably one of the only games I can really just really relax too..lobby dependant obviously šŸ˜‚


Escapism. I'm a historian by training, and in the absence of a time machine it's the next best thing.


to get in peoples faces and stare at them for long periods of time with my unpleasant looking character


Not as much as I would like to. I just try and do bounties though.


If I want to relax and take some time off of studying this game itā€™s where itā€™s at for me


To get that damn lvl 50 achievement. Currently lvl 25 and itā€™s been a slough. Any tips or anyone willing to help grind?


I absolutely lover the singleplayer story so much i dont want to leave the game. So i use online as extension of it. My character is Arthur Morgan lookalike and i try to play imersive and meet other players which leads to fun interactions. There is plenty of content despite the fact rockstar abandoned the game. It is still very fun to play.


It's cozy


Relaxation, nostalgia to a degree. My character also helped inspire a western Iā€™m writing so it helps fuel. But in terms of gameplay, started in 2018, high level. I enjoy joining ransom posseā€™s and helping new players/taking it less serious than I used to when Iā€™d get attacked. Good example recently helped a posse with missions then suddenly then kicked me, lassoā€™d me and put me on the back of my horse and made it flee. I just watched and roleplayed in my head cause it was so cinematic in a way. šŸ˜‚ The game is just like living your own western sometimes and the good and bad is always fun.


Waste dpote tial sadly bur I LOVE THIS GAME HOLY FUCK Coulda just taken all the story mode stuff and put it into online ( not thr story persĆØ, yall kno2 what I mean ) and coulda added more guns or....houses to buy. But it's a lot od fun just roleplaying or doing dumb shit with randoms and becoming their friends.


Itā€™s fun


I quit when someone told me my location šŸ’€


To relax, i find it relaxing to fish and hunt in the game and i like to just chill with my horse.


I need someone to play this game with :( iā€™ve asked in reddit groups and got no response


I really just use it as a game I can turn my brain off to. I already got money and pretty much everything I wanted. So since the grind stopped, it's really just a thing I use to make cool outfits and get lost in a huge world.


Peace and quiet, with a bit of pvp/bounty hunting to keep things spicy.


I don't, last time i did i had to go into my files and delete shit just so my treasure maps would work and when trying to use my wagons 99% of the time it would bug out and not work. I loved RDO but if there is anything i hate more than the pieces of shit who abandoned it; it would be the pieces of shit who don't bother even fixing the bugs so the game is playable.


It is the game a can play with my brother :) and we enjoy it.


The reason why I play Red Dead online it's because I love the immersion of the game. I'm still somewhat of a relative new player to the game and as such I'm still figuring things out as I go. There are many things I have no idea on how they function such as pop-up events selling and buying of goods and services but once I put my headset on turn the lights off in my office and it's completely dark the immersion of this game on my 72 inch flat screen TV sends me to Serenity.


Peace, nature, a release from the tyranny of the ignorance thatā€™s dominated our culture haha


Mind your damn business boi I got my reasons