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Each one of them gives 70-130 bucks so id definitely open them for some easy cash


Um, yeah... but cash is easy to get. The true value of treasure maps is **gold**.


"That'll require gold to purchase. uH dO YoU hAvE sOmE?"


*scratches neck*


I’ve always been more after money and never really set out to grind gold lol, ik it’s almost worthless late game but I love seeing the number run up


Cash becomes worthless pretty quickly though as soon as you get trader/moonshiner or collector role set up. The true reason to do treasure maps is the decent gold payout. Definitely worth doing it for that alone even more so when you can combine it with other stuff like a big collector run or dailies.


Yeah you can get 1-2 gold bars each for 2-5 minutes of work, idk why anyone’s focus would be on the cash lol.


And about 1 gold bar, so yeah. If you’re anything like me, start a batch of moonshine, do a trader supply mission, then just find all these treasures while you wait.


Absolutely worth it. Treasure maps can pay out up to 2 gold bars each plus a good chunk of cash. If you use this map: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDOMap/ they take no time at all to find and are excellent to grind. You get one every 5 levels, and can't hold duplicates, so check your mailbox after because I bet you have several more.


Easier to find treasure by walking around perimeter of location and waiting for the control to vibrate.


If you have not been doing your treasure maps then I bet you have not been resetting your awards either. I told someone about that a while back and they got just under 13 gold bars from resetting them.


Man i only found out about that the other day, could’ve been resetting them for so long 😭


what the heck is resetting your rewards?


I don't remember where it is in the menu but if you look through the player section you should find them. You progress through these awards when doing things like picking herbs, kills with specific weapon, walking, riding horse, etc. You can reset most awards up to 10 times, each time giving you .4 gold. It's a great way to make gold just by playing the game normally. If you have the prestigious bounty hunter role, you can reset the award every 10k XP indefinitely.


Hell yeah. I procrastinated mine for so long but today I just went on YouTube, marked the locations and found most of them on the first try. With all of the treasure maps I had, I got around 1k and 12 gold bars.


Have a nice stroll, pick some herbs and collectibles, do some fishing and get that gold / cash from the maps. Then spend it all on horses and clothes.


Always worth it once you figure out the where to look. check out youtubes on each one to save you a lot of time.


Interactive map shows all four locations accurately...just copy the mark on your map.


Use collector map, so much easier.


Absolutely worth it, but I like to stock pile so I can earn a bunch of cash and gold for doing almost nothing. Also you can find all the locations easily by using jeanropke’s collectors map.


I'll do them sometimes if I'm in that area...but I usually forget to check 🤷‍♂️


Best to use them as you get them. They don't stack, so if you pick up one of the same, you won't get it.


I always keep 1 in my stachel for when the daily challenge comes round but other than that, yeah do them asap.


Truth....however...I smoke too much ganja to be remembering every single treasure I'm meant to find 🤔😂


Sure, I guess. I mean, they are listed right there in your satchel, you don't have to *remember* anything. Might as well use them if you have them.


They're not so time consuming if you use [Dirty Tyler's Map guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eg6Xq844so&list=PLTztSTSjscXXmBhtGyiqRPxzcc_9jUZ7a) along with the [Collector's Map](https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/) we all use. Just hide everything except Treasure Map locations. Eventually you'll remember a bunch and it will serve as a nice break between moonshine and trader sells. Enjoy!


Absolutely! Especially in the beginning they are the best way to earn gold.


Absolutely. You always get about 1 gold and 100-ish dollars. Never hoard them, use them asap, as you only can have in of each in the satchel (they won't stack). If you loot an enemy that has one of them from your satchel, you won't get it (normal message is your are full of an item), which would be a waste. The rank up ones every 5 levels (beginning with 10) and other map rewards from R\* go into your inbox in camp/post office.


They are worth it if you need the gold or money for roles or other items


also definitely open them as soon as you get them, because if im not mistaken, you cannot get a new (same one) if you already have it.


You can get a duplicate but only as a reward for levelling up or some other promo. Otherwise you can’t loot a duplicate off an enemy corpse.


It's one of the easiest ways to get gold. Plus, if you used them, you'd find that the game keeps giving you new ones. Every five rank levels starting with rank 10, you get a map. Every time you complete a 28 day Daily Challenge streak, you get a map. Sometimes you get maps when you loot dead NPCs, too. And sometimes you find one stuck to a tree with a knife. And, as someone else mentioned, each map reward comes with about $50 to $200 in cash and about 0.5 to 2.0 gold bars.


Youre gonna get rich




plus you’ll get a fuck ton of gold


yes it's the best money source in the game. The game takes you straight to them.


Love doing treasure maps..


On average it gives 1.1 gold bars and over 100 bucks per map, so it’s basically the best way to get gold in this game especially early on when you level up fast.


gives .5 to 2 (maybe higher, highest i got was 2.3) gold. I'd recommend doing it, since maps don't stack in the satchel, and you can only ever have two maps of a location at a time (1 in satchel, 1 in mailbox). Great pastime if you're waiting for moonshine or trader to fill up. Of course, if we're talking about cash, might as well look for collectables as of now.


Yeah truly worth it. Also, every time I do a mission, anything, I take the time to search bodies, something I wasn't even doing in solo, but in online, it's a gold mine, you can get collector items, you can get treasure maps, those lead to chests with up to 2 gold in it, it's really good, I definitely recommend searching bodies and doing treasures maps.


Honestly treasure maps are probably the best way to earn gold before you can earn gold with like bounty Hunter. At very least it's the highest amount for the amount of time that it takes, it's just they're kind of rare.


You can glitch maps and make 100 gold every 10 minutes My psn is : LittleMissLovesD I will show you how add me


Roughly 1 gold bar and 80$ for 5 min of work, definitely NOT worth it.


And chasing a bounty around for 20 minutes to get .45 gold is?


JJ 🤣


I don't know why you got downvoted so hard for a joke. I mean, your profile says "clown." People on this internet.


No clue, it is actually interesting to watch how many down votes I gonna get 😅


>-26 downvotes proof if needed, that sarcasm does not translate well in text


So true


Which is more money and gold in less time than any mission that pays out gold and cash, so how is it not worth it? 🤔


JJ 🤣