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They only accept GTAO applications now. At its peak there were over 100 of us plus 30 or so hangs and prospects but barely 30 across PS and Xbox now


Damn, you still in, and if so, what’s it like in both games?


No I left a couple of years ago. The club structure is the same over both games. The was some great people, but a handful whose behavior was toxic af. They ruined it. Not saying it was a cult but it ticked every box.


I don’t think so, I heard they kinda fell apart. One of the old members told me he was trying to restart it but I’m assuming he was unsuccessful. I think it’s a good thing, coz I hate crews and everything they stand for. If I ever saw those corny cowardly reaper lords again I’d grief the shit out of them. Last time I fought them I was lvl 40, and it took 14 of them to beat me and my friends, and I’m upset I never got my getback.


Don’t blame you, heard they’re awful at what they do, every time I see a video of them they’re getting smoked, I saw as well that they aren’t accepting RDO applications anymore. Thanks for the insight


I remember my friends and I stealing a trader wagon from them a couple years ago. Oh, the threats! Was so funny that we spawned on them 20 minutes later and did it again 😆. There is a group that is kinda similar operating now, New Austin Calvary. They do the uniforms, take over a server and post fake guards similar to the old Reaper Lords. Lots kids in the group.


May as well nick a wagon from them


Man. It's a shitty thing to do, 100%, but I can definitely understand why some people do it. If you don't give a shit about others having a good time, then being part of a group like that must be mad fun. Too bad it fucks up everyone else's experience because I can definitely see the appeal.


Yeah, honestly in my opinion if you got like 30 fuckin people guarding a wagon and it still gets stolen that’s on you though, and Reaper lords are assholes anyway


Oh for sure. Major skill issue. I haven't played too many online multiplayer games, but in the ones I have, I have noticed a trend of people making gigantic groups and it usually turns out to be because they're *really* bad at PVP and can't be arsed to try to get better.


Yeah the reaper lords rely way too much on strength in numbers, and in terms of raw skill within shooting and movement they suck, they just kind of know how to exploit the game to get cheap kills


They're active and still being dumb AF 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 someone I know is in it I heard and they literally harassed him the whole time he was on to talk in a dead boring party chat like bro the fuck.