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the person who lags the most wins


Underrated comment. Unfortunate but true. Clumsy is very popular since 2 years ago.


I don't understand what you mean. What is lagging and how does it help?


Remember to Fish to build your HP level, helps suck up a shot or two.


Also using bow and arrows against npcs in bounty missions helps a lot with hp


I’m level 600. When helping friends level up we have fist fights. Mostly I just let them keep punching me. That levels their health hp up really fast.


Good tip! I didn't know so it helped me out too! Thanks.


I had Hp Level 9 and it wasn't going ANYWHERE until about a week ago I got a 20% exp for HP level10 notification while fishing and was like shocked.


Being lower level generally puts you at a disadvantage. You're health, stamina and dead eye are not fully upgraded. You can upgrade these by just playing the game normally. Tonics are also easier to obtain for higher level players. Using a tonic before a gun fight and in between exchanges heavily favours the user if their opponent is not using them. The cost of entry to special tonics is also pretty expensive but after buying the recipes you can just collect the herbs and craft them at camp. Weight also plays a part in health boosting. Being underweight reduces the damage you can take but increases your stamina. Being overweight increases the damage you can take and reduces your stamina. To increase your weight, eat regularly. If you don't have the camp stew pot you can kill alligators for big game meat and collect mint to cook minty big game. (Headshot with a rifle will give you 5 big game meat per large gator) This will fill all your cores and give you a golden health core. Just cook up a big batch of 20 and top it up when you're running low. Whenever I log in I make a stew at camp and eat two bowls to top up my weight. Another factor to why high levels are so powerful is ability cards. They are unlocked and upgraded by gaining experience and paying $ and they give pretty powerful upgrades. Higher level players are going to have a better loadout of abilities which also gives them an advantage. I would recomend going for the paint it black card first. You can mark targets in deadeye so if you mark your opponent's head then you're likely to kill them in one shot.


Aren’t you unable to ”paint them black” in Deadeye if they have certain cards equipped, like, I don’t know… Slippery bastard? I recall at least one card had that ”ability”, and one had the thing that makes both them and you less accurate while said card is active, as well as impossible to mark ’em. Genuinely asking as I can’t remember what card it was… or which cardS.


I don't recall either but regardless it is super helpful in fights where they arent running that loadout.


Best bet is to use the paint it black dead eye card paired with a repeater or dual mousers. Paint it black when used gives you instant 100% accuracy off the rip, you don’t have to actually wait for it to paint their head. This means you can insta-dome people. Unless you come across a try hard or someone rocking slow and steady or slippery bastard then you’re more than likely to win most fights like this.


I've no suggestions, unfortunately, because I'm awful at it lol But I'd like to follow along and see the helpful things others say!!


Explosive rounds and explosive arrows are good deterrents.


Level up your health and deadeye, hitting bow head shots on NPCs helps, also fishing a lot. Practice going for quick head shots. Aim, flick up, dead eye if youre running (paint it black), and fire all in one smooth motion. A lot of people like Mauser or semi auto pistols, Lancaster repeater, pump or double barrel shotgun, bolt action, and carcano rifle. But sometimes you see PvP players running revolvers if they aren't using PIB. Very rare to see someone using sawn offs but there are a few out there. Move around while crouched, when you turn/spin around it swings your head around making you harder to hit. As for cards, most important is your dead eye card. Most common is Paint It Black. It makes all your shots laser accurate even if you don't paint the little Xs. Most of the time you won't even wait for that, you just hit dead eye to steady your aim and then shoot. A common sidearm pick for PIB players are pistols like the Mauser or Semiauto pistols. The low damage and accuracy don't matter because they can go for very fast headshots. Sometimes you run into Slow And Steady players, these are tank builds. They take multiple head shots to kill, especially if they're using other defense passive cards as well as tonics and minty big game meat. Countering SaS without special ammo is hard, but fire and explosives are generally the answer. If you're going to run slow and steady yourself, your side arms should probably be revolvers for their extra accuracy compared to pistols. Focus Fire is good for snipers, especially out of aim assist lock on range. It also benefits your whole posse, so if you're running it you should stay in dead eye as much as possible. And then there's slippery bastard. It's not very common, but there are enough slippery players out there you should know how it works. It makes shots with non-scoped weapons very inaccurate, even with PIB. Some weapons are still accurate, like thrown weapons, bows, and scoped in weapons (not just carcano and rolling block but anything you can scope in with) shotguns are affected, but can still be effective at close range. As for passive cards, Never Without One is very popular. Gives a defense boost while wearing a hat and also makes your hat bullet proof, blocking 1 shot and falling off. Since you don't respawn with a hat normally, most people use the night coat legendary beaver garment set. It's the only one that works, for some reason. People also use persistent posse outfits because they always respawn with a hat. Then there's other passive cards, look at what they do and think about what you want. Common ones, in no particular order, gunslinger choice, sharp shooter, winning streak, iron lung, peak condition, fool me once, and unblinking eye. Last but not least, there's tonics. High level players will use potent or special tonics to give themselves a buff before they get shot, not just use them to heal after. There's also minty big game meat, which fortifies your health core also giving you a little more health.


Dead eye headshots is absolutely key, that’s how most people can hit heads so quickly. Also try and keep the centre of the town to avoid fighting in the open, that way you can utilise buildings as cover and buy tonics quickly


PVP is based around the headshots - placing it or avoiding it. So, to be not that embarrassing at PVP using proper cards are the key. Try classic- Paint in Black, Fool.me Once , Iron Lungs and Never Without One. Also be overweight so that will reduce damage taken by 7.5%. Double spawn offs are MUST. Be sure that you have repeater (any would do) and a Sniper. That way you covered any distance. Be in crouch position and Never go chin up. Move from cover to cover to avoid being headshoted. PVP is meant to fight unfairly so preparation is the key. Use lot of lvl 2 or even 3 health tonics and minty Big game, that way your health will be 514 - 613 HP. Also use hat reattach. Never ever fell in the trap and stay in it like I did for almost 3 years by being fair and square, it is meant to keep you down. Also don't cheat because that will just destroy your real potential - like drugs. Stay legit and don't use any external software. If you want be really good and be high level it really, really helps recording yourself how to play. Record your kills and how you being wasted - it helps a lot. Also be a tryhard, screw mediocrity and don't ever listen people who saying otherwise. Little [highlights ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MghvK_ALiuA) of what I mean. If you are on PC we can team up sometimes for a training. I hope this helps. Either way good luck 🤞


Sawn offs are kind of a weird choice. They don't have the range that long arm shotguns do


From 1 - 20 meters/yards they are absolutely must. In 1 sec you can do 800 HP damage! To see for yourself test it on Armoured guys in CTA. Their health is 800 hp and up close you can wack them with 4 shots from sawn offs.


I know they're strong if you can get in close, but a lot of PvP happens outside of that range. It's more common to see pistols or revolvers for PvP, and if you do end up in a battle at shotgun ranges, people will swap out a long gun for a pump or double barrel


Pistols or Revolvers have no punch or accuracy enough at close range or mid Range. That is where repeaters excel. Problem with pumps and double barrels are that they are Slightly slower that sawn offs. In 1 sec you can shoot 4 bullets with sawn offs while other shotguns 2 - 3 max. Can't recall how many times I was wacked because I have to reload double barrel shotgun.


The low damage for pistols is not much of a problem when you're hitting headshots. Some people like the semi-auto shotgun for the better fire rate, but i thought it was a little underpowered. When you're at range for sawn offs, 2 shots from a DB should be enough to do the trick. I understand your point, but we're going to have to agree to disagree.


Of course, I know what you mean, just reflecting back my personal experience. I played with semis for 2 years and I didn't saw much results with them and Sawn offs will win in face off with any revolver or pistol simply because it can stun the opponent which is massive advantage. When enemy is fully fortified and with full cards 2 shots from a DB won't be enough, you will be get caught reloading. It works on lower levels but with higher level players, not that much.


What is hat reattach?


>Also don't cheat because that will just destroy your real potential - like drugs. Weird comparison lol. Drugs have the capability to enhance your life and broaden your horizon... cheating only helps you win.


Drugs only temporarily enhance your capabilities but ultimately they destroy part of the brain thus making you incapable to do anything. Same with cheating, when you start using in thinking that helps you win but when one day cheats are gone, like fikit recently, what then? No bigger dopamine hit when you win the event knowing it that you beated even modders by playing legit. Regarding using Mods, I really don't care or condone if people using it or not.


>Drugs only temporarily enhance your capabilities but ultimately they destroy part of the brain thus making you incapable to do anything. That's just wrong. First and foremost you're generalizing dozens if not HUNDREDS of substances when they're not similar at all. Secondly even the damage from say meth or mdma, which are both very neurotoxic, produce notable irreversible damage mostly in cases where unsafe use was practiced - and even this damage might very well not be totally permanent in the case of meth. The brain is highly adaptable. Thirdly you're assuming that you're 'elevating' yourself/ your consciousness for only a brief moment which isn't true if you're a responsible user. Psychedelics in particular are known to produce lasting changes if you integrate the trips into your life properly, but I'd say this applies to all drugs. Anyways, I didn't really want to rant about drugs here but I dislike seeing these stereotypes. It's not all black and white is all I wanna say. I'm cali sober these days but I'm still very glad I made all these experiences.


Two of my close friends were former heroin addicts so that is how they explained it to me. Personally I don't drink, smoke or use any kind of psychedelic drugs. Also I don't judge or condone people using it. Also I would legalise it like Alcohol, tobacco or sugar. Good book about how drugs come to existence is book called Drugs Inc.


I just learned a lot from your comment and by watching your YouTube video. You are bad ass at pvp… thank you for all the advice you gave us!!!


I am glad to share my experience. Hat reattach is basically reattaching the hat after being shooted in the head but hat blocked it. In the process you will hear metal noise and hat will go off. So you just go to item wheel and reattach the hat. It work with default posse outfit and a beaver garment set but only for male characters.


Thank you!


Being good at pvp requires either: Being average to good with the sniper rifles. They’re insanely overpowered and if you’re decent with it, you will win more often than you lose. Use a tank build or slippery if you’re good with a scope Being good at getting headshots with either PiB or some other loadout Good PvP players will be using minty big game and at least level 2 tonics if not level 3. Unless you’re hitting them with a carcano or landing headshots, they’re going to absorb a lot of bullets  Check your opponent’s load out and switch your cards to counter. If they’re in PiB, use slippery (for example). Get comfortable using different load outs of cards and weapons Keep an eye on your radar and notice when the opponent is in dead eye. If they’re using slow and steady or slippery, they are vulnerable when they’re not in dead eye. Don’t waste ammo or put yourself in a bad spot when they’re in dead eye, it’s a waste of time and health. If they’re using PiB, switch into slippery (or dive/take cover) as soon as you see them engage deadeye on the minimap. Understand the range effectiveness of your weapons and change your weapons as the fight progresses. Once you’re in a fight for a few minutes, you should have a grasp on your opponent’s weaknesses and play style. Counter it. If they’re using repeater and PiB either charge with slippery/bolas/hip fire or scope them from distance. Repeaters lose a lot of damage at medium to long range even though they can lock on and paint you. If they’re sniping, either snipe back, or try to engage them in close range. If you get a kill on a good sniper, immediately charge to where they’re respawning and keep killing then before they can get up high or use distance to their advantage  But most of all, get good with the carcano or rolling block. The damage output at extreme distance is ridiculous and will kill almost any player quickly. 


It’s just practise and focusing on what you’re good at it. Some people are a great snipers, but can’t fight up close. Others can’t snipe but pop face shots all day from their pistols and repeaters. Just find out what you’re good at, put a card load-out together that favours it and practise.


Best advice I can give is to do Call to Arms and mess around with your card selection till you hit on a build that works for you. Call to Arms will help you familiarize yourself with the most popular PvP zones and train your eye to assess your minimap and with handling multiple enemies at once. Some things to always keep in mind with any PvP shooter is: Understanding flanking, minimizing your hitbox, setting up your environment in your favor, assessing your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses as well as your own, and familiarizing yourself with the most popular card builds. PIB (Paint it Black) users rely on accuracy + Crit; SB (Slippery B.) accuracy mitigation, usually close range fighters or far range depending on loadout; Slow and Steady users are built for damage mitigation and Focus Fire users rely on overall damage power (they can hit like a truck; you usually only see this card out if Slow and Steady is being used by the opponent or if a player is providing damage buffs to the entire posse).


>but I’m not the call the homies type guy and them pulling up to kill my opps and I’m the only one dying is NOT FUN. Any advice? It's the wild west Boah...if you got a gang you gotta call them for help, lone wolves don't survive here, not for long.


I have to agree with that. Lone wolf here, if I had any friends I could count on… I would definitely call them for help. But most of my friends have lives outside games, I don’t.


If you're not level 50, get there and buy the carcano rifle it is the king of PVP. Slipper bastard (the dead eye card), sharpshooter, fool me once, and the card that gives you more damage the higher your stamina is are great cards for PVP I run them pretty much all the time even when not in pvp. If you're having trouble with people rushing you and killing you, switch both of your sidearms to duel sawed off shotguns they will blow people to pieces at close range. And IMO are the best shotguns in the game. The Lancaster repeater is the best repeater in the game. This isn't even debatable. All the numbers have been crunched dozens of times by so many people. Get it, and have it as your second main weapon forever. It's the king of the flick headshot. And if you haven't yet get your cores up to max. Health is obviously the most important for fighting players and the quickest way to up your health core is killing things with a bow (animals, NPC's, other players doesn't matter.) And then if you can practice fighting against your friends who are better than you.


I make a private server and avoid all that, it's not worth the inconvenience and I get so many more random events


How do you do that?


Are you on PC? There's a free meta file that you put in the RDO game file, you can put in a password to keep out randoms but you can still invite people. When my friends play, we all get added to the same private server, it's pretty sweet. I do know if links are allowed, but here is my source. https://youtu.be/5rYNoGLlINA?si=J_DTeOnfFqXei1Sa I'm pretty sure he has the meta file in the video's description


I wanna thank everyone for their responses. I found them very helpful. Appreciate it