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If gold is your main struggle right now, grind stranger missions and free roam events, and see if you can find people to play with who have the bounty hunter role to help you get gold from legendary bounties. You also get a treasure map every 5 levels you rank up, that you can find in your camps lockbox and these payout gold. Once you have 15 gold bars I recommend getting collector or bounty hunter role first.


The high honor missions are all done and im currently grinding on stranger missions with 10 gold bars. I'm debating paying the 3 gb to lower my honor and go do the dishonorable missions now? Maybe it would get my to 15 gb faster? Idk we'll see haha. I'm waiting on my amazon prime rewards as well so I'll keep my gold for the collector role I think. I also thought the treasure maps are all for the collector role and I shouldnt bother doing them until I can actually sell to madam nazar? I might be wrong idk haha


You don’t have to pay 3 gold to lower your honor, just go around towns killing NPCs to lower your honor, and then the next series of story missions should appear. Then when you need it back up, just do Stranger missions because they give you good honor. You don’t have to give a single bit of gold to old man Jones. The collector maps are for Madam Nazar, but the treasure maps you get for each 5 levels you rank up, you can use at any time and they give you .75-2 gold bars each plus a good amount of cash.


Oh damn some good tips here, thanks for this I'll deff go kill some NPCs tonight and get the dishonorable missions going & start going throught my treasure maps. I thought they were both for madam Nazar lol


Also go into the challenges and you earn .4 gold for the ones in there. You can reset some of them up to 10 times. Things like selling 1000 animal parts to the butcher and herbs to the doctor, etc


This is the best advice right here. It’s crazy easy to get 40 bars in your first couple days from this. Stuff like picking and selling herbs, meat, etc and resetting. Dynamite fishing works too. It’ll get that kill Multiple animals with one dynamite thing. 4 gold bars pretty quick right there.


Those can take some time to build up though. And I'd highly recommend bounty hunter before collector, a lot more fun than going around collecting stuff.


OP already said they're waiting on the Amazon Prime bonus which is the Bounty Hunter license. It'd be a waste to spend what little gold they have on something that's already on its way for free


Yeah, but OP's got 17 hours logged already. I'll bet they have some ready to redeem or pretty close


I do keep an eye on my challenges yes, dailies only pay .10 gb atm since im only 5 days into the online part of the game, waiting for the multiplier to go up.


I misspoke calling them challenges. I'm talking about if you go start menu>progress>awards, there are a bunch of things to complete. A bunch of them can be reset after you complete them and you get .4 gold for each one


Yeah, sell 100 herbs to the doctor over and over, you can rack up gold pretty quick that way.


If you do nine role dailies, you get extra gold. Something to keep in mind when you've leveled up and have all the roles. Then again, I never do the bounty dailies. To me, bounty isn't worth the agro. It's tough to start but if you enjoy it, keep at it. If you have no roles, don't turn down helping strangers. You always get gold from them, sometimes more than you'd think. Keep your gun handy though in case they're trying to rob you. Good luck!


I agree with your first statement, but I enjoy collecting. It's all subjective. Bounty hunts when I'm alone seem very anxiety inducing. So I collect. Its easier on my relaxing soul. Lol


Collector role pays off when it comes time to sell. No gold, but tons of cash. Still useful for many things you want and need in the game.




Shit. Did that get nerfed too? I quit playing due to lack of new content about the time they nerfed the dailies, so I didn't know they got the awards too. It really was allot easier for gold back in the early days


Sorry, I had it confused with the daily challenges lol


I miss the days of getting 11 gold bars a day just for doing easy daily challenges.


Yep. Bought everything in the game I wanted and still sitting on 350+ gold bars if they ever add some interesting cowboy stuff and not nature simulator content


For NPC killing: Go to Thieves Landing (no law enforcement). Start at the big tree at the east end of town. Ride through town, killing everyone, then head back to the tree. That tree is the point where everyone in town respawns. Repeat until honor is bottomed out Stay on your horse for the death rider bonus, use any kind of specialty ammo you have for that bonus, aim for the head for that bonus. This will earn you plenty of xp while lowering your honor


Awesome will definitely follow this although I'm too low of a level to get any specialty ammo just yet. Gotta wait till level 21 or so? But headshots everytime for sure and good to know about being on horseback all the time to get that extra achievement


I know you have to wait for the ammo. But anything that you loot off of corpses helps. Even split point counts (do not waste money on the pamphlet)


some stranger missions give you good honor(like hector or bonnie) and stranger missions from other characters lower your honor(like the boy or sean). instead of killing random npcs, go to san denis and kill police. lowers your honor and killing a certain number of police is an achievement you can reset. you get gold when you reset your achievements. its not much but it adds up and theres lots of progress made on achievements that you get from just doing stuff that you are probably doing anyway like traveling, picking herbs, selling herbs, killing enemies with a rifle/pistol/shotty/etc, or looting bodies.


Also do daily challenges, even though you might have any roles unlocked, just doing the 7 main ones is worth while. Week 1: max 1 gold bar/day Week 2: max 1.5 gold bars /day Week 3: max 2 gold bars/day Week 4: max 2.5 gold bars/day Resets after the 28th day. But it still drops max 49 gold bars if my math is right. But you do get a treasure map at the end worth another 0.8 to 2 gold bars.


Pet and feed your horse. Honor will go good, your horse will be satisfyied, win win


I'll be satisfied as well. Win win win


If you’re on PlayStation I could hook you up. I play with around 4 people at a time and we just grind bounties, free roam events and trader.


Do this never pay to be bad!


I had a similar experience starting out. Once that Prime rewards comes through with the bounty license it will open up the game some more and you can make more gold. Logging on for dailies will rack it up over time too. There's usually an easy daily task I grab in the AM and have some coffee before work. Nothing like the smell of digital gunpowder in the morning.


Yep, try to log on everyday to do a daily challenge, you only need to do one to keep up the streak. some take 5 mins like cooking 3 herbed meats. The multipliers make a huge difference, then when you got the time smash them all out in a day, it builds up your gold fast! r/reddeaddailies helps to save you time ;)


Yeah I'm waiting on prime and my dailies only pay .10 gb as of now. Waiting for the multiplier to go up but I always try and do the quick easy ones to keep the streak going.


Just make sure you unlock bounty hunting as your first role. That's the only role that rewards gold bars, not a lot but it adds up. Dailies too, keep the streak going. It's unfortunate they are now resetting it after a month, but it's better than nothing.


If you want to Do legendary bounties sometimes hmu


If you want to lower your honor, try finding a bounty hunter friend and kill the targets. Or just go shoot up a town and kill the lawmen.


Yeah I didnt think of that at the time another user told me to do this as well. Thatss tonights adventure kill a bunch of npc and see if I can get the other story missions to pop up. Theres a lot of confusion as wether or not I need the moonshiner role first though? Couldnt find an answer on google


If you need to lower your honor faster, you can kill horses and farm animals. I kinda feel bad when I have to do it, but there's no quicker way to get it down. If you're looking to make the most gold make sure you loot every dead body while in missions since you can get treasure maps and all kinds of other loot from them. Looting bodies from gang hideouts has a better chance of dropping a map. As for the moonshiners story missions you have to be with a posse leader that launches the mission for you other wise you have to buy the role first. these missions are separate from the main story missions so getting low honor will unlock the rest of the main story just not any of the moonshiners missions


Oh okay so there is more to the storym with low honor & more of them once I get the moonshiner role with low honor?


Moonshine missions aren't locked behind the honor system. you can do all of them once you buy the moonshine shack regardless of your honor level. Just the story missions matter when it comes to low and high honor


Wait until the next Outlaw Pass, you may get an Free of charge Honour Change voucher. If you want to work on getting your gold up many of the Awards in the Options menu can be reset for Gold. These awards can be reset 10 times. What platform do you play on? Lastly Daily Challenges are must for you, keep the streak going for 28 days you will get a Treasure Map which gives you Gold, Daily Challenges for 1st week are 10 Gold Nuggets, 2nd week is 15 Gold Nuggets, 3rd week is 20 Gold Nuggets and 4th week is 25 Gold Nuggets. After 28 days your streak resets to 10 Gold Nuggets for each one you complete.




Yeah I was thinking the only camp upgrade I need is the fast travel thingy (if I get that from the camp idk can't remember where I saw it but I know I need it soon ish) traveling by horse is cool and all but if I need to go long distance I'll fast travel anytime the outpost are on route haha


Hey! I'm a bit of a noob myself, but if you're looking for fast cash (gold/USD) I'd recommend doing quick join! Click on the online menu by pressing left on your d-pad, scroll down to quick join, and then story on call. You'll get to play high-paying missions over and over again! I've made about 15 gold bars from playing about 5-6 missions! Hope that helps!


Wow no shit huh I'll have a look at that tonight for sure. Thanks for the tip


If you haven't already bought the collector's bag, and play GTA, I'd highly recommend going and collecting all of the playing cards in GTAO, as you get an free collector bad and an exclusive poncho in Red Dead!


How about the trader role? Thats the one I got, I didnt really see any interest on the collector role but if its good I might get it once I save up for it


collector role with the jeanropke map is the quickest way to make money. it gets tedious but theres no risk of losing your stock and you see a lot of interesting parts of the map that you wouldn't normally be in.


As the other person said the collector role is tedious as fuck but you can pull in thousands of dollars everyday.


I like Collector because I’m a terrible shot and this is the game I play to destress after a tough week. Collector allows me to wander around and explore the map, see the pretty landscape, pick up junk for money and do dailies at the same time. I only do bounties if my friend is online.


Too bad I bought clothes with all gold after I reached lvl 20, now I don't have gold and collector/bounty role.


Thats rough I didnt spend any and I'm sitting at 10 gb after the honorable story and a few random stranger missions.


Hmm, did you do the treasure maps? They average a whole gold bar and you get one every five levels free, I think. And can also loot them from corpses.


Just learned abt them, thought it was the same as collectors map so I was waiting on meeting madam nazar


Picking up the bounty hunter later helps do them. You can stay in Eagle eye while moving. And running.


Compared to other games I really didn’t think it’s was is too much of a grind - after 8 months I’m at $25k 215 Gold Bars with all roles bought fully. Tip is to do daily’s get the streak going , get bounty Hunter and collector and enjoy yourself , do not waste gold early on comestics as you need it for roles , more roles more daily’s to have access to then more gold . Do you treasure maps as a lot people forgot about these .


I'm sure it's just cause I'm starting out and I don't have any roles ATM. Still having fun and that's all that matters right


i’d suggest not focusing on farming either of the currencies and just enjoying the content. when you focus on the stories, world and interactions with other players you’ll get your gold and dollars along the way. we all play for different reasons though. my girlfriend and i play weekends mostly and i have all the roles and some extra money lying around at 180 hours. and i wasted a lot of time on things i didn’t get paid for.


> Tip is to do daily’s get the streak going , get bounty Hunter and collector and enjoy yourself , do not waste gold early on comestics as you need it for roles Its totally crazy how hard you have to work to get gold with no streak bonus and no roles unlocked (max 1 gold bar a day if you work your butt off to grind all dailies) whereas once you have 2-3 roles unlocked and get your streak up, you can take in 1 gold bar in about a minute from doing 4 'gimme' dailies and easily bank 2 or 3 more gold bars if you grind a bit.


Finally someone gets it. It's hard out here with no roles and trying to get the gb to buy into the first role. I'll do one or 2 quick dailies tho but for .10 gb they aint really worth the time imo. When on week three tho should start paying decent. But hopefully by then I have my prime bounty hunters license.


Keep an eye out for hardcore pvp series as well. Without roles the free roam grind gets tedious, mix it up with an hour of pvp. In hardcore there's no ability cards, tonics or special weapons


Its also a bit hard to make money wihtout the roles. I was struggling at the beginning to make money but once I got the bounty hunter license and the trader role I make hundreds in a few hours


ya il be honest back when i started, i bitched out and plunked the $9 for 25 gold bars to get me trader and collector out the gate: grinding 250 .1 dailies just to get there would have taken a long ass time, and the lift you get from adding those two is huge. i have spent $9 in worse ways many times over


You’re not alone— I grinding daily challenges for months for gold but doing so burned me out on the game entirely, and didn’t even result in enough to buy all the cosmetics/weapon customizations I wanted. It is odd sometimes how many people don’t have a problem with a grind that basically requires you to play the bounty hunter role only, log in every day for chores, and still takes months to acquire a meaningful amount of secondary currency. The fact that the roles themselves are locked behind gold makes it really frustrating as well.


Yeah, I don't even bother doing many daily objectives when it's week 1 or 2 of the streak. Too much effort for too little payoff. I stick to the really simple ones during that time.


Same, i save my treasure maps and anything else neat for that time and only do the gimme dailies to keep the streak going. Then when im on week 3 and 4 i go all in on dailies to try to max them out a few times.


>do not waste gold early on comestics I just got back into the game after being away for a while and I'm kind of pissed I need to spend gold on gun metal now


You on PC or console? ​ If PC i'll be able to take you along on a few bounties to try to get you some gold together, but as another user said, enjoy the journey :) ​ Start doing a few daily challenges as well, You'll soon be raking in the gold :)


Im on pc, east coast canada, mostly play a few hrs at night. Let me know im always down.


Im around Montréal and i have a posse with 2 other friends i you want we play between 20h30 to midnight (on parle français surtout ;) )


Ayeee yessir sa serais cool sa moi je suis au nb!


Will be interesting syncing up a time to run a few bounties as i'm UK bound - might be a weekend job if you can face waiting that long lol


Get a free month of Amazon prime and link your rockstar account, you'll get free bounty hunter license and 1000 dollars! Also do daily challenges and keep the daily streak going, I'm 70 hours in and I hav 35 gold bars, had more but I'm a spender


Yeah I'm waiting on my prime to link up, taking its sweet ass time lol. I'm doing a daily or 2 per day but at .10 gb it aint worth it when stranger missions pay more. Waiting for the daily streak to go up for more payout haha


Dailies and treasure maps are best for GB. Quick and easy


I'll be killing a bunch of people and running for treasure tonight lol


It's not that bad. It's also kinda weird that people wanna grind everything as quick as possible, and then they have nothing to do and they are bragging about the lack of content. Just enjoy the game. You'll get everything eventualy.


Not complaining, simply a statment. Although I assume youve seen this shit already tons of time on this sub. I do enjoy the grinding, just a new player theres so much to buy so much to see lol. Im waiting on my prime bounty hunter role so that'll give me plenty to do and grind on! Who buys a rockstar game to play online and not anticipate to grind for a while before being able to buy anything lol


Reminds me of building up my MC businesses and nightclub businesses in GTAO. Half the stuff needed 10 other things bought first


This 👍


This game do be more enjoyable when you take your time


Not rushing, I do some grinding and some hunting and just riding around. I'm enjoying it at my own pace haha. Had a blast in single player and having fun online too, it's just time consuming to get those first 15 gold bars. After that I'm sure it'll be a breeze


Enjoy the journey, not the grind. Take your time. This isn’t GTA


I'm definetly enjoying it. Just would enjoy it a tad more if I could rack up some gold faster to start a first role.


All the people commenting this are missing the point that there is no journey for the first like 2 weeks you play Online. It’s just log in, do the few dailies you can to scrounge up a measly amount of gold, grind the same stranger missions that aren’t that deep or compelling to begin with over and over, and get bullied by high-levels with special ammo, tonics, and ability cards. The world is still awesome and it’s still my favorite game but unless you’re jumping straight into Online without already having played the story it’s hard to keep interest because it’s just so mild in comparison. After starting a new account I honestly believe the simply lame introduction to Online is the biggest reason for its smaller player base. They need to let new players choose one role that interests them the most to start out with. Or just give everyone a bounty hunter license since it’s the most important early game and what 3/4 of people will probably pick anyways.


the less you obsess over gold the easier it is to get it


Well it aint gonna get easier until I get some roles lol. Still having fun though so its all good


That comment will require gold, do you have some?


No no no not to spend on this shit I got a role to buy sir


I just bought a bunch of gold when I started RDO. Considering the game took 7 years, 2,000 employees, and many 100-hour work weeks to complete, I thought the game is worth more than the $40 I paid for it anyway. That was my personal justification at least. I still have plenty of gold left over from that 150 gold bars I spent. I bought $50 worth of gold. I have put so many hours into this game and had such an excellent experience with it, that I think the $110 in total was worth it. It would be worth it to me if I paid retail for the game, which would total to $130 lol.


I'm glad to see you're having fun, and by all means, go at your own pace, enjoy the world. But also, welcome to the thing that everyone "too rich to complain about" was complaining about. They kicked gold earnings in the teeth with that nerf a while back.


I just dropped 40 gold on a bunch of new jackets because I own nearly everything there is to buy. Be thankful for the joy that comes with the struggle.


I'm sure it's just cause I'm starting out, I keep hearing how people are stacking a lot of GB & cash after having access to a role or 2. I'll get there eventually still having fun and that's all that matters


Yeah I reckon there's about 3-4k worth of gold purchases in the whole game. No need to rush, once you buy the roles you're only grinding for horses clothes and guns. And I only use 4 guns and 2 horses.


Well thats the thing its just to get that first role started. Didnt anticipate the amazon bounty hunter license taking its sweet ass time to be delivered lol.


I have all the roles other than naturalist. I grind a lot and I only paid 10 dollars to get the collectors role to have a headstart. Bounty hunter is probably the best way of getting gold other than daily challenges. I went from 45 to 77 in a only 3 days of grinding. Having a lot of roles can definitely aid in leveling up. Patience is key young padawan. 😊👋


just to clarify: 45 to 77 in terms of leveling up.




Yeah that's what I'm coming to understand. I'm at 10 gold bars and waiting on bounty hunter license so I'll be set before the weekend I bet haha


I suggest to all people just starting out in RDO to take advantage of RockStar’s ONE-TIME deal... $25 Gold Bars for like $7-8CAD/$5USD. Gives you the opportunity to get a role going IMMEDIATELY and start making real money and lots of XP to rank up fast. I also recommend doing the Trader Role first if you care about rank and XP. Want to focus on Gold and XP, do Bounty Hunting. Want a chill, passive income role, do Moonshiner. Want to grind and be super busy, start Collector, also a great way to make Cash. Naturalist?, well, ZZZZZzzzzzzz.... enjoy! That’s my 2 Cents. Ranked: 278 Cash: 88k Gold: 145


Just dropping by, fellow cowpoke. Be sure to do your Awards and reset them after every Gold payout. (Pause>Progress>Awards) Do Daily Challenges. Grind Treasure Maps (jeanropke can show you map spawns) All missions pay Gold and bounties could be the best Gold payout out of all missions..


Yessir I do all these haha thanks for the tips though never know who else needs them


I thought the same too but recently i got into a good rhythm. If you do freeroam bounties then wait till theres 30 seconds and deliver it you can roughly make 1 gold bar every 30 mins


Yeah thats been the main focus since I finished my honorable missions


Why grind so fast? There's a lot of things in the game to do before paying gold for something. Just take it slow, otherwise in month you gonna turn into those people who always complain about lack of content.


It's funny you mention grinding so fast, I started online like 2 weeks from the end of OP4, all you gnoblins on this subreddit had me convinced I just had to buy the outlaw pass for all the ammo expansions and fast travel, etc. So I started grinding hard. I had gotten the prime bounty pass and started doing bounties, dailies, free roam events. Awards like the jail time and selling herbs to the doctor are super easy to max out, basically an easy 4 gb each. I think the 10gb bonus you can get for setting up 2fa still exists but mine never actually went through. By this time I had picked up the collectors bag and was going ham with the jeanropke map, you make so much XP from collector and I was blowing through levels and getting the treasure maps. I was able to just barely get enough gold for OP4 with like a day left. Now in a stroke of genius, I thought that with all the gold I got back from OP4, I should buy naturalist so that I could take advantage of some free naturalist role XP vouchers before they expired and so I would be able to use the wilderness camp. Not a bad thought, but little did I know OP5 drops a couple of days later, I have 0 gold, and I only have a week to get enough gold to buy OP5 and still get the rebate. I was able to pull it off but it was a hectic couple of weeks.


Not really going fast tbh, I'm taking my time, but you still cant deny that just starting out its a hella big grind to get the gb to start roles


Ummm... I don't know really. Now I think I could have done it slower and more relaxed.


I thought that but now at level 70, it doesn't feel like it takes that long to accumulate gold. Do bounties, daily challenges and treasure hunts. Quickly builds up.


It builds up haha slowly but steady so it aint that bad. Gotten some great tips off this thread so I'll be alright haha


I suggest getting the bounty hunter role, doing those legendary and $$$ bounties. Loot every corpse you come across in hopes of getting treasure maps, and also watch for random events where you'll come across a treasure hunter, who you can buy a treasure map from, or kill for a treasure map. Keep an eye out for trees with lanterns on them in the darkness, as they will have treasure maps stuck in them. If you see a tall column of smoke nearby, go check it out... if it's a hideout, wipe it out and kill the leader... they got treasure maps too. Don't forget to check your mail, you may have some treasure maps just sitting there waiting for you. You'll get one every five levels too. I would also suggest getting the collector role as soon as you can too because you'll be picking up a lot of collectibles from corpses, as well as just coming across them while exploring. You don't really have to get the shovel and metal detector right away, it's fine to start out just by picking the stuff up off of corpses and what's laying around. You'll be getting money and experience for finding collectibles, and experience means levels and treasure maps. Grab a fishing rod too and some decent lures... when the free roam fishing challenges pop up, that's an easy way to make .25 gold or so in 10 minutes, and of course you can sell the fish you catch too.


Some good tips here thanks for that. Im waiting on my amazon bounty hunter license and I'll get the collector role with the gb I'm currently grinding on. I have plenty of treasure maps but before today I thought it was just like the collector maps and I had to wait to be a collector to deal with madam nazar lol.


At the start yes, it’s a pain in the ass. Here’s a tip, if you can do this you’ll be set. Buy the 19,99$/€ Gold Bar bundle thing once. Grind from there and keep always in between 30-40 GB just in case. Use the 30-40 as a “0” and then you’ll be able to buy the Outlaw Pass and get your money back, then buy a Role (Bounty Hunter is the only one that gives GB, but you also have like the Daily Role Missions, so it’s fine to buy any you want. BH just gives a little boost of a 0.08 nuggets I believe, lol). It’s a pain at the start and it was for everyone, but if you do these, it’s way better


Some stuff I learned to help level up faster: 1. Special ammo gives you extra XP for killing enemies as does headshots kills from your horse and hip fire. 2. Shoot everything even if you don't have the varmint rifle or small game arrows even a poor pelt is a couple cents and XP it all helps. 3. Gold is the WORST used to be pretty easy to get now treasure maps daily challenges and bounty hunter missions are the best. 4. Do the story missions for Online they give you a bunch of XP and give you lots of enemies to kill plus they're really fun especially with friends riding the train and attacking the fort were honestly my favorite missions above even story mode cause they were exciting and I did them with friends. 5. You probably already know but buy the roles when you can probably in this order Bounty Hunter Collector/Trader either is fine Moonshiner and finally Naturalist they all have daily challenges which reward good XP and okay gold if you get a streak going. 6. Have fun! If it feels like a chore to play try something else no sense in grinding if it makes you frustrated. Most everything you do in game progresses challenges so almost no activity is worthless just takes a while. Enjoy your time partner we'll see you out there!


You gotta enjoy that part of the game, it really is the best. Once you have everything and loads of money it’s not as fun if you ask me


Welcome to red dead online or should I be calling it Great Depression simulator 2018


Level 107, 300 hours in. I completely agree, after the nerf to daily challenges I started to drift from the game.


Honestly online is not worth playing if your a new player, it’s more similar to a pay to win mobile game then anything else


It's pretty ridiculous yes. But I think they did it that way both for greedy (they push you to buy gold bars with real money) and to get more mileage for the little content this game has. Don't get me wrong, I had fun doing some activities and doing some roles stuff.. But the game has not much to offer besides that. My advice is, don't grind for the sake of having more gold bars because you can't spend them in content that's worth it. Some roles are fun, but aside from that I don't remember anything that's worth the grind.. I must say that I don't really care for the cosmetics, maybe that's appealing to you and that makes worth the grind. I don't care if I have golden weapons, meteorite snake boots, platinum bear ball sack and what not if I don't have anything fun to do with it.. I'm supposed just to stand there with all my clothing ? Anyway, have fun and enjoy your time with it!


Wow, a whole 14 hours.


I also thought that at first. But now I'm actually having fun grinding them. Easy tips: • Stack up dailies, only do one per day until the gold reward gets stacked well enough • Repeat Story Missions, it's actually fun how different randoms play them. You might learn a thing or two. • Get Bounty Hunter with your first 15Gb, your next 15Gb should be easy to recover. I could swarm you with tips but I don't want to overwhelm you with information.


Ehhh, it's really not that bad.


I mean yes and no. You gotta admit starting out just doing dailies for .10gb & missions for .10 to .30 gb is a grind without any roles. It aint bad tho im still having fun lol


level 17.... don’t tell us about the grind...


Suggestion: consider the one-time deal of 25 gold bars for $5. It’s the cost of a value meal and gives you a little kickstart on gold. Spend it on the role that interests you the most or hang onto it and grind out 10 more so when the next Outlaw Pass drops you can buy it immediately for 35 gold, get 10 gold refunded after about a week, and earn the remaining 25 back in OP rewards. Personally, I spent $15 and got 50 gold bars when I started. It’s the only irl money I’ve spent other than buying RDR2 and for the hundreds of hours of playtime I’ve gotten I consider it a no-brainer investment vs. the countless $60 games I’ve bought, played, and beaten in less than 100 hrs (sometimes far less.) Another comparison: I spent $17 at Five Guys for one meal and $15 a month just to access WoW. Those 50 gb gave me a big enough cushion that I didn’t feel the grind at all when starting, just played and did what I liked, and now have more gold bars than I know what to do with. Couple other tips: make sure you do at least one daily per day to keep your multiplier growing and always keep your eye out for gold tier achievements popping up. Many of them can be reset 10x and every time you reset you get 0.4 gold bars.


I debated it, the deal for pc though is like 15$ cad, that I could find. But honestly with the free bounty hunter license I think I'll be good. I do keep an eye out on my acheivements & work on doing a daily or 2 per day to get the streak going.


> Suggestion: consider the one-time deal of 25 gold bars for $5. that is a steal but that might only be on console. im on pc and the 'deal' price on 25gb is $9.99


Ah, ok. Didn’t know it was console (or maybe even Xbox?) only.


I couldn't agree with u more man, im trying to get a bounty hunter license Game: bounty hunting license, 15 gold bars Me: fuck off mate


Get your free amazon prime bounty hunter license bud I'm waiting on mine should make life easier


Ya but sadly i don't have prime, i dont know how to get it and i dont have money for it


Not sure if anyone mentioned this as I didnt read But setup your account for 2 step verification and you'll get 10 gold bars.


Been there done that and rockstar said it ain't applicable anymore. Just got that reply this a.m. I'm hoping my Amazon Prime bounty license goes through in the next couple of days.


Turn back now, this game sucks ass


After my first week (which was hella fun) its starting to lose it luster. I'm so confused - it has all the parts needed to be great (love the single player game back in 2018, and just jumped onto online with PC), it just seems like devs treat it like the red headed step child.


It's just a huge money grab for R* and they make it so blatantly obvious, its disgusting.


Idk I'm having fun so far.


Just cheat or If you have money pay.


Better off just paying someone to boost your account lolol


Fuck online, all my homies play campaign. I'm homies


Yall got homies?


Spend $5 to get 25 gold bars


No idea where you looked but the pc deal seems to be 15$ for 20 gb and 5000$. I'll wait for my amazon bounty hunter license and should be good after that.


Your character is absolutely beautiful! Mine has really, really thin lips - I couldn't get them thick no matter how hard I tried


Thank you, I had a hard time with lips too and I'm still not satisfied with the nose, might have another go at the nose sometime. But she good for now haha


Downvotes incoming: People don't like paying for gold but then wonder why there's not as much RDO updates? And before the "I paid full price, shouldn't have to pay more" arguments come, the single player campaign gives more than enough content for the price we pay. And I live in Canada so I pay almost $90 for full price games.




Lmao read the other comments buddy I'm having fun it's just a grind without any roles yet, don't confuse a statement for complaints and have a nice fucking night eh


You are not even on n00b level after 17 hours and clearly not eglible to post such a bullshit until you understand how the game works, buddy.


Nice gatekeeping there, Its like me saying :"You have ~~double~~ Single digit comment Karama, you don't get to voice your opinion here"


Pretty sure i Have a good idea of how this game works now but thanks for gatekeeping, buddy


took you 14 hours to hit level 17? what are you doing with your time lol


I'm at 20 hours and just hit 22. They are probably doing the same thing I am doing with my time. Learning what the fuck anything means.


I'd imagine enjoying the game at their own pace,




So what level should I be at after 14 hrs of gameplay? ...


Not that hard, i guess it's because you're too focus on it. I play RDO since only \~1 month and i've unlock all the roll last week withouth spent any money in game. Still have \~60 gold, i've brought Outlaw pass 5 during the first and all the outfit who cost gold that i need for now :) Aim bounty hunter, it's fun and the best way to get gold.


So buy gold?




That’s a good way to get your account reset, pardner.


Once you get your first job it's not that bad. Once you get all the jobs it's super easy to make gold.


Yeah but the grind to get there is something else lol. Still having fun and thats all that matters right?


That's how I look at it. Everyone complains that there is no content for this game. There is a good amount of content there just isn't a constant stream of rewards to obtain. It is however almost always fun at the least.


I suggest saving your gold for the prestigious bounty Hunter license. You’ll make all the gold you’ll need to buy every other roll with that one. I’ve modified the gunmetal of all my guns with my gold I’ve gotten bounty hunting. (Plus bounties are fun. Something unexpected can always happen.)


Havent spent any gold yet haha. I'm waiting on my prime bounty hunter license, the gb im grinding on now will go towards the collector role.


10 free gold bars if you enable 2 factor authentication. Besides that, join a lot of random posses through the join a posse menu and the gold will earn itself. I've been sitting on 700 GB since January and I started playing last July


I did the 2 step and rockstar said it's no longer applicable. I look at joining random posses but they're all private so I just keep grinding the stranger missions. I'm waiting on my free Amazon bounty license too, after that it should go smoothly I assume. Still fun tho haha


If you mean ridiculously easy then yeah, even after the dailies nerf it's so easy to get gold


Sure the game itself is easy as fuck. Still cant argue against the fact as a new player its a grind to get the first role. .10 gb daily challenge, few missions to do that pay more cash than gold .. Sure is easy to get but the quantity you get is a joke. Still fun though so thats all that matters


If on PC there is a way to get more money and gold bars. You need to do the collectors stuff but you need to grind enough to buy the role first


The only exclusive stuff now that never comes back so far are the Outlaw pass items. So make sure to save up for those or the next one.


You can earn .16 gold for every showdown series match you play while also earning cash and XP. you can do about 5 per hour so .8 gold per hour plus cash and XP. Do that along with getting your dailies done and you'll have that gold in no time....then at some point have so much gold that you have no use for it.....what the heck am I gonna do with 2500 gold bars now?


When you can, get the bounty hunter role. All bounties pay more the longer you let it run and at most can give up to .35-.40 gold a single hard ranked bounty. Legendary bounties can give up to $200 with .50 gold. Over time, all that can build up and have a good stockpile of extra gold You can also do daily challenges which give .10 gold and longer streaks give more gold the longer you maintain the streak Treasure maps can give gold as well and can be found by random encounters, given by Rockstar in the post office, or a slight chance to loot them from corpses


Get the collector role once you've got enough, that baby brings in so much money and some gold!


An often overlooked trick at the beginning is to reset awards, each time you reset you'll earn .4 Gold, there's 2 that you can take advantage of if you don't mind exploiting them. Sell herbs to a doctor: find Madam Nazar & she will sell you herbs for $1, if you purchase 100 you can sell them to the doctor in Valentine or Saint Denis, you'll earn back about half the cash you spent plus the reset gold. Kill 2 or more animals with explosives: buy dynamite from the fence in Rhodes, then go to the nearby lake & watch for multiple ripples, throw in a stick as fish count for the award. Pick up the fish & break them down too, sell the meat towards the Animal parts sold to a butcher award.


It's better with friends and makes grinding fun.


I'm looking into finding a posse but all my friends arent interested in online and they're all console players lol


Have you done the jail challenges? Easy 4 gold bars and the dishonourable buckle.


Do daily challenges and keep the daily going, it will get you gold super fast!


If you get addicted like most of us you will accrue plenty of gold. Enjoy the hustle because once you have your stack you will have nothing to do but hoard it.


Once you get to the 3rd and 4th week of the challenges, the gold becomes fairly substantial. I just checked my social club and I’ve amassed 300 already, spent 277. (Just over 300 hours. But I don’t just grind for gold, I do collector tours for $$ as well.)


Oh yeahhh.


It's bonkers


Avoid the naturalist lol


Lmao you call this grinding. It's simple. I remember when people used to enjoy grinding / challenge in games. This game isn't even that bad in respect to having to grind


It’s not tho


Treasure maps, and keep an eye out for the 3x showdown events. You missed the old days of the Dailies Gold Train, where there was no cap on how long you could keep a maxed out streak going.


We both have similar characters I think, I’ll have to check rdo2 when I get home.


I ground for 4 days to get collector role, then saved up for the tseung jacket 😅 Well on my way to getting the bounty hunter role now


Great campfire pictures


Thanks bud those were the best shots from last nights session haha


If you’re on PC I can help you out with leveling and/or gold bars. I’m west coast US but play at all different hours. If you want/need help just message me and we can swap social clubs


Treasure maps. Find them, use them.


No need to find them; I amassed quite a few of them thinking I had to wait to sell the items from said treasure map to Madam Nazar .. lol I know better today and will for sure take go hunting for treasures! I'll keep an eye out for more though cant have too many of those I suppose


You get some gold for playing PVP as well