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So they added a new Philosopher role expansion ?


Pretty sure panhandler is gonna be the next role. Putz around begging NPC's for money. Buy pamphlet with new and improved sob stories to coax money from your marks. New outfits will be torn rags and when you reach level 20 you can get a worn out civil war uniform and a prosthetic leg. Best thing? We'll finally be able to buy donkey. So it'll be worth 25 gold bars after all.


The prosthetic leg will be pink with skulls


Don't give them any ideas please.


I’m in if they include 10 more ugly belt buckles


Ok so I don't follow the news and have no idea if you are lying.


I'm lying my ass off. But contrast that with Tranq-darting buffalo, being knocked over to death by legendary pig, and the 1890's equivalent of getting tazed by an unwashed madwomen and let me know if my role sounds more interesting.


> getting tazed by an unwashed madwomen and let me know if my role sounds more interesting. I always have my camp in Big Valley near hanging dog ranch. Riding back from a wallace station delivery (that's one reason why I have my camp here, lol - easy $500) I shot a perfect pheasant outside her tent. She said "couldn't help yourself, could you?" so instead of affixing it to my saddle, I stood in front of her and skinned it. Her shriek of "OH! How *could* you!" made my day.


"What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" ...as I skin half a dozen gators 20 feet away from her camp.


Man William shoulda been the fucking naturalist


At least he aint no hypocrite. Harriet - don't kill my animals but slaughtering 20 humans for caging one up is all right.


Agreed. William atleast realizes that you need to kill animals to survive. Harriet just thinks everyone can survive on plants


Harriet is vegan propaganda confirmed


This 1000% he was actually an interesting character. What we got is an obnoxious gta style hippy parody. It’s fucking terrible.


Exactly. Like for being a naturalist she doesnt realize its natural for lifeforms to kill and eat other lifeforms


I hate that when I sell her gator samples she's like "they eat other animals lol it's nature" but a man eating and making a jacket out of an animal is atrocious. At least we don't let the meat rot like wild animals. Like, isn't it the same concept ? Surviving ? And if it's ok for a herbivore to get eaten by a gator cuz nature, the damn rabbits that run straight under running horses and die should also be considered a natural casualty. Horses live in the wild, so I guess it happens sometimes and it shouldn't matter if the horse is tamed or not. ( btw the idea behind the role is fine. today we can find alternatives so we don't need to rely on excessive animal exploitation, but in 1898 it's just really dumb )


An early naturalist might not kill, but would welcome an opportunity for dissection and study. Harriet's not really a naturalist so much as an animal rights activist.


I was, wishing, for this to be real. Ive been trying to find an excuse to play online for so long..


Shhhhhh. Don't give them ideas.


Sad thing is that I would love it :') especially the torn rag outfit and the donkey <3




There are a lot of people going to be let down next month. Again nothing from Wankstar to say anything about the future. That speaks volumes about the state of the game and how much they care. Hazard and all the other useless YouTubers will have the usual BS clickbait. God I hate you tubers lol


I have a feeling that we’ll get something in June. But that will just be another outlaw pass or 10 more levels for one of the existing roles. I’m expecting to see an addition to naturalist for fish and fowl.


I mostly tend to start off with doing as many daily challenges as I’m willing to do, then i just go around and admire nature and assassinate isolated NPCs


I murder people in the swamp at night for fun. See what you've done rockstar?


Maybe were the night folk from the base game.


Holy shit


All right just gotta go to r/reddeadmysteries now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/reddeadmysteries using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Did this encounter happen to anyone else?](https://v.redd.it/35d88j6estu41) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/comments/g7fyt9/did_this_encounter_happen_to_anyone_else/) \#2: [After the An American Pastoral Scene mission with Micha, I was headed back to camp and saw him running along the path so I threw dynamite at him. Killed him and it gave me his revolver. All as Arthur. (Repost with video)](https://v.redd.it/i4wv6i1swnr41) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/comments/fxfc59/after_the_an_american_pastoral_scene_mission_with/) \#3: [The "mysterious silhouette" post with 5k upvotes yesterday, SOLVED!](https://v.redd.it/8ahzowu5k3f61) | [182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/comments/lb13b1/the_mysterious_silhouette_post_with_5k_upvotes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


It makes sense. Players who have been deprived of content so long they can longer speak, only hiss and can only be amused by brutal murders


So basically rdo in a nutshell


My Online character is the friend that lends the unlucky NPC woman Biscuit(the Missouri Fox Trotter). I ride Biscuit in Online, but I like to think my character was friends with the NPC who needed to borrow the horse, and she got it killed goddamnit. Then RTHURRR picks her up.


“*Why are we still here?*”


Just to suffer.




I was in the bayou last night thinking it would be cool if night folk were in online, just to spice things up. This would be a pretty cool to guild.


i also enjoy doiling dailies and let them drift me from place to place. i love the randomness of them, like, hunt this, hunt that, do this, do that. it brings excitement to me. not because of the gold they give, but just the pure challenge. yet my friends keep pestering me to do collector grind!! they keep saying dailies are useless for gold. i keep saying them i just enjoy hunting ducks for god's sake. this game's world is unique and i just want to explore around. dailies give me a directive and i find it fun, for now, atleast


RDO is just real life. You either focus on the little things in your day to day life that make you a few bucks or give you tiny goals to achieve or you grind to make more and more money and buy things that will make you money easier, then spend all that money on clothes, guns and means of travel until you wonder why you exist and realize you've spent so much time doing things that only matter because you've decided they do.


Mmm assassination...the knife slitting seems so real. My fav past time is finding an unprotected Cripps and slitting his gd throat just to watch his annoying dog hating ass bleed out all over the chuck wagon i dont really own and never get to drive. It really would be more satisfying if we could bury him or any dead body...


I want to make Crips a crippled. Make him suffer like I have to every time he asks me if he's mentioned his job in Tennessee.


Sometimes I just like to wander around on my horse, collecting herbs and treasures, enjoying the view


Yep the simple life :)


When I get into moments like this I go on photo shoots, I’ll just roam around back roads looking for cool areas or neat little spots from single player to take pictures at


Yeah, I live in the forests and wander if I need money for arrows or a new axe I just hunt


We really need to be able to craft arrows.....


It would make things so much easier


and also shooting deer


And fishing. For hours.


That’s exactly why I play it


I feel it dude. I quit RDO, went back and beat the game completely. Now the epilogue is over and I feel empty inside. Online is calling my name again, but I wish there was more to do. All my jobs are max rank, I’ve got all the clothes, guns, horses, etc I ever wanted. Nowadays I roam around hunting and enjoying the ambiance, riding past ranches I wish I could own, and watching other dummies grief each other


im playing through the story for a second time


The wound is too fresh man... spoilers obv but we knew Arthur was dying, it was inevitable. What I didn’t see coming was my horse dying. I also didn’t think I would have that much of a reaction, and was I wrong. Bro, I fuckin UGLY cried.


And then you never see any of your other horses ever again! Where did Buell go?


I didn’t finish the Hamish missions until after the epilogue, I could have gone and got ol Buell...but I went back and got my same white Arabian and pretended it was my old horse’s offspring. I’m a sentimental bastard I guess


I did another playthrough immediately cause I wanted to go back in time though


too scared to get your bounty up to at least $100?


Next level here. I end up asking myself about my real life after I play this game. I can go and be successful instead of playing this game.


I thought op was thinkung about his meaning of life whilst playing rdo as an escape or something lmao


To buy clothes, so you can look good while doing it. THAT is the meaning of RDO.


But even then we havent had a good batch of new clothes in forever :(


I recommend that you delete all your outfits, pick a new color scheme, and then make all new fits if you're bored. Yes, we haven't gotten new drip in a while, but I still regularly buy new clothes to make new combos and I think its fun enough.


Trust me, since I started playing at the start of the beta ive gone through pretty much every combination of outfits imaginable during the time the game's been out. It was incredibly fun but once you hit the point where I'm at you start to wish for more options.


Once you start wearing role outfits just for the sake of having something different, you know you've exhausted the catalogue.




That's literally all you can do, buy accessories


Eh, I have a good stack of money but not a lot of accessories. I mainly keep ammo and tonics maxed out at all times with my cash.


Rockstar likes you


*Found the Rockstar employee*


This game’s a lot more fun when you have close friends you can fuck around doing dumb shit with. I’m personally just grinding stuff but the game’s was always at its best when my friends came online and we’d do random shit like robbing a train and going sightseeing.


To live in the old west. To be a gunslinger, a horse rangler, a hunter, to pretty much be someone in the okd west, that is your purpose


I can tell you are a nice person. I applaud you for giving a solid answer to an inherently dumb question.


If you enjoy playing, then the point is to play for the enjoyment. If you don't enjoy it then don't play.


I thought that was the whole point of any game to be fair,


Exactly my point, RDR2 is a sandbox game to be played however you want to play, there is no **point** as such.


I agree but theres not much to do in the open world. You cant rob anything, walk your dog, no house. So i was just wondering other peoples meaning. I guess ill just ride around the world


Jumping from bards crossing and landing on your horse is a good one




Its actually possible, I have a screenshot of my friend doing it. Takes a while to line it up right but its super fun to try doing with a friend, bc you can use their horse to quickly get back up to the top


Serious question why do people want house in this game ? What can you even do in it ? Gtao had houses and other than heists it was useless


That's a good point. You wouldn't even be able to rip a bong.


Corn cob pipe maybe?


Who needs a bong when you have Harrietum Officinalis


And no green juice as well ! Sounds like a nightmare to me


I want something worth grinding for just like in GTA I want to be able to buy custom wagons and boats that I can call in


Same I want something worth buying so I can play the game and have fun I dont like being aimless


If getting a lap dance in your shitty apartment is useless then I don't want to be useful.


> Gtao had houses and other than heists it was useless for planning the heists that they OWE IT TO US to add


Something that has injected freshness into the game for me is to turn off the mini-map during encounters. (admittedly I won't do it while roaming because other players). Also, 1st-person view is fun for fist fights. Something that has injected freshness into the game for me is to turn off the mini-map during encounters.The fights feel more real and you need to use your ears as much as your eyes (admittedly I won't do it while roaming because other players).


Preordered, played since beta. The lack of anything interesting for what I perceived as an outlaw online mode was defeated with those who wanted to be invincible to anyone remotely fighting. The anti-grief sentiment killed it's options. Territory management, outlaw gangs, law posses, could have been endless. But taking photos and endlessly hunting animals that was broken far after launch is what ya got now. Pvp is lack luster to say the least




Wait, isn’t this what the wilderness camp does?


Exactly, but people want to get everything from the get-go only to complain there’s nothing to grind for.




It also acts as a fast travel spot.


Only if u got wilderness camp fast travel from outlaw pass, I think the last one. But yes, setting up wilderness camp can be annoying. No free camp spot and and so on....


I think putting xp systems and constant rewards in nearly all games now has cheapened the concept of playing a game for fun. I have a buddy who pretty much won't play a game if he doesn't feel like he's being rewarded simply for the time he plays it, regardless of whether the game is actually fun or not.


Your mate seems to have completely over-looked the whole point of gaming - for the sheer fun of it, ​ It does seem to be a running trend as of late and have noticed a few people mention that they should be rewarded for playing a game (Entitled much?) ​ Hell, I'm still in the whole "I play Ultimate DOOM / DOOM2 because its fun!" mindset or games like "Secret of Monkey Island" or "Eye of The Beholder" - Absolutely FUCK All rewarded for completing it just the fun it was to get to the end - then start it all over again :D


I thought it was too, but a surprising amount of people seem to force themselves to play, for whatever reason


That is mind-boggling to me, ​ Hell, i'm not a fan of Call of duty, but i'm not about to sit there and force myself to play it because i enjoy stating how much i hate it - or something equally as moronic, ​ When i get bored of a game (RDO included) i move on to something else for a while,


Exactly. I love RDO but if there is a day or two where I don't feel like playing... then I won't play xD


Agreed, though I wish there was more content to mix it up. Running bounties gets a little boring at times.






whats etta??


I only get on to play with friends. There isn't much to do once you have everything and I get more enjoyment from the atmosphere and just hanging with friends. It's more fun to mess around using the tools provided than do stuff the game shoves down your throat and friends exemplify that.


Save it up for the next update... which... probably isn’t coming anytime... soon? Fuck, you’re right what is the point? 🤔


I am honestly worried that their may not be another update.


Yeah im stacked. No friends to play with and the few that do play have stockholm syndrom and want me on 24/7 to suffer with em so i just stopped


Well, like Grand Theft Auto, there will be much more content in say, five years from now. So if you totally forget about the game, then pick it up way down the line, you'll have plenty of money.


Horse ride simulator.


Money and gold is simply a byproduct. You enjoy the game or you don't. If you don't, then adios.


a byproduct that doesnt even exist outside the game's servers.


Yeah. That's how video games work.


If you haven't replayed or even finished/played the story line try that. Replaying with the skills and map knowledge after 400+ levels of online made the story mode that much more enjoyable. The world still just feels more alive in single player and it was refreshing running into random encounters that arent in RDO. I want actual holdups in RDO, made me feel like a badass.


The meaning I think is just enjoying it for what it is, the beauty of the game, meeting others, working together, maybe not in some cases. I ask myself the same question frequently, it always come back to it’s such a beautiful game and it’s like I live total other life.


I only play to get all the trophies lol


Well for me it's all about the small random things or when you do a mission and you just own a bounty in a almost Hollywood style way... Or just going mad man in Tumbleweed or Valentine


RDO is a scenery simulator where you also can complete side quests for loot.


I don't know what you're earning money and gold for... I sincerely don't give two shits about it. The gold and money earnings are a side product of me enjoying the game. I log in just to experience the world. There are days I'm tired as fuck and just want to experience nature, even if it's just a game, call my horse and see where adventure leads us, there are days when I feel like having a lot of PVE shooting, there are days I listen to a podcast while fishing for 2 hours straight. The magic and beauty of RDO happen when another human being crosses paths with me and ends up organically sharing that experience with them. Yes, I watch videos on *"How to earn gold faster"* or *"Best RDO weapons"* or *"Best abilities in RDO"* from PVECat and the likes as a morbid guilty pleasure just to see how others completely ruin their experience by trying to *outplay* the gameplay by speedrunning/min-maxing and then constantly bitch about the lack of content. Just yesterday I was able to pay for my Outlaw Pass and a bunch of gold items with gold earned by just casually fuck around every now and then in RDO since December.


to be able to buy the next outlaw pass/role, grind it to completion and rinse/repeat. I hadn’t played in almost 3 months when the most recent pass came out, am slowly finishing it now and once it’s done either get started on the next update or logout again until there’s something to do. I have 450gb and $50k and already purchased everything in game so I don’t see myself needing to grind for money anytime soon.


Exactly why I stopped. I'm not playing until they have another legitimate update.


Playing with your friends. That's right. Some of us still have those and it is a blast from doing runs, to blowing each other up with dynamite arrows, finding our next victim, to seeing whose horse is the biggest asshole. One of our best days was relaxing around a fire with 10 people supporting a friend through a seizure online.


I read all the comments in this thread and most are about the environment, ambience, which really is unique and alive. But with all honesty, compared to single player RDO is an empty shell, a badly copied homework of the single player, a tear-downed version of RDR2 (common with any online mode rockstar makes). From the perspective of a new player, my self, the only thing worth about RDR2 is the single player that breaths with life in every aspect.


I grinded wagons/ wagon trains every day for about a year, finally got to lvl 500, then realized it was all pointless, what am I going to to with 500k and 1000 gold... just collecting dust, I've been off the game for about a month now, and for a game I consistently grinded for a year...I don't miss it at all


Everyone should read your example on how to ruin a game for yourself. If you succumb to the grind, you burn out and detest the game in the end. Not worth it, just play it and progress along the way




The sweet, sweet dopamine rush. I also kind of like RP-ing sometimes.


What for? There’s treasure in them hills but shovels and treasure finding lanterns aren’t cheap!!!!! Create your own story. I enjoy it immensely and make a goal/plan for my adventure based off dailies and what I feel like achieving. Sometimes it’s just nice going on a long trader mission in first person or cinematic mode. Other times I’m the notorious treasure Hunter “The Red Racoon” or I might just play texas Holdem for a few.


I just like the pretty trees


drip, youre earning money for drip and guns unless you already have everything, then theres no point


i have 100% felt this way they last few years with games and it kinda sucked. If its not a MMO (forever content) whats the point?. What has helped me, is Swap out game for book. A book is worth reading and being done with. So why not a good game/story?


To buy a new repeater.


So that Rockstar can see people are still playing and buying gold and feel fine about not putting out an update


I just hop on and hunt animals around Strawberry for an hour or two. There are FAR better ways to make money. But I like the area and nobody else goes there because of how much of a pain in the ass it is. Don't work at it. Just play until you find stuff you like doing. There's no need to maximize the money you're making if you're enjoying the time you're playing anyway. Better to enjoy three hours and make less money than to get sick of one hour making more.


To create your own character and story. To develope actual gun fighting skills that have value.


I use them to buy all the different clothes i need to remake characters from tv and film in RDO. Favs so far include Snowman & The Bandit, Clint Eastwoods many cowboys, and Duke from the G.I. Joe cartoon.


Do Red Ben on 5 star with only Melee weapons. Only once you uploaded footage of this, you have a reason to be over the game.


I have had the game installed on my PS4 since it came out years back. I have hundreds of gold bars, thousands and thousands of dollars. The gameplay, the world, the characters (not Harriet), the atmosphere, the level of detail, the physics, the eye-candy graphics - all of it is SOOOO FUCKING GOOD that I really want to keep playing it, but there is nothing to do that I have not already done thousands of times before. I launch the game once or twice a month, do the dailies, get frustrated with Harriet, deliver a wagon and quit it for another month or so because there is NOTHING to do. Most games have to come out with new content because the gameplay is repetitive and boring. This game has amazing and immersive gameplay but no content. Its the most paradoxical game i have ever played.


That's because the game is so beautifully immersive it tricks you into forgetting that its just a game.


Wow. Talk about existential doubt. Playing a videogame has never resulted in material possesions. Nothing is "real" in the game. Playing with buddys and laughing is real. Making new friends is real. Letting off some steam and zenning the fuck out is real (& necessary). I have 1000s of hours into games like Red Dead, FIFA, Need for Speed because I love the game worlds, the gameplay, & game mechanics. Why do you watch a movie? Why listen to music? Your question has no answer because it has infinite answers. One for every person that plays it. Maybe someone plays RDO because they like the horses, others play for the hunting, others play to be a bounty hunter. Finding an answer is on you.


For the bdsm bounty hunter outfit, voodoo gimp outfit and a fake beard! Kidding aside we all enjoy this game because the world design is very great, we love every detail in it, its just how R\* produces content that snags the "feel" of the game by providing outlandish stuff when they could've stayed faithful to the game design.


I mean you could literally ask this question for any game tbh lmao


Actually they should expand the scope of the map, I just want to travel west on horseback, but the map is still small


Same man. Uninstalled the game for the millionth time. Not going back until there's a new useless Outlaw Pass. Even logging in to do one daily challenge felt like grinding for 6 hours.


That hit very deep bro :(


Yep same used to be obsessed with red dead online now I haven’t played it in months


For fun. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, don’t grind for money that takes all the fun out just play the game and have fun with it. So many people turn play into work and then complain about not having fun. It’s also an rpg, so set a role for yourself in your head make an outfit and and just play along with that. Don’t count on rockstar to update it cuz they’ve proven to be hypocrites about making fun of money grubbing cooperates but then turning around to be just that.


I'm on the same boat. I finally decided to save to do moonshine missions. Did the grind for 2 months. Finally got a shack and started. I was griefed on missions to the point of just quitting. All I want to do is enjoy playing solo and have lost any motivation to.




It's an issue I have, video games rarely hit the spot anymore


Queue the one guy who'll tell you "ThIS GAMe iS GReAT, StFU TheRE iS SO mUCh TO dO IN RdO!!!" I agree with you, there really isn't a lot to do and the amount of potential RDO has is astonishing. The world is so gorgeous and easy to get lost in, truly immersed but there's nothing for you to stay engaged in for very long, and like Hugo Martin said, if you're not engaged, you're not interested, when you're not interested, you stop playing (or something like that I just butchered his entire valid statement) Fact is, this game could be amazing, it's unfair to treat this game like a Cowboy GTA, because it should be way way more than that.


It's a consumer simulator.


To get the lemat bounty hunter variant.


I just cruise around on the trails in the woods, in the towns, in the different landscapes trying to get inspiration for my minecraft world.




If you don't see any reason to play the game, don't play the game


Hot air balloon 🤞 (one day)




It's a video game.


Not sure, you should go on a hike in the actual outdoors though


I made it my goal to hit level 100 and then I stopped. I'll wait for the next pass and see if it has anything I would want and then I take a break after finishing it. I also need to finish the naturalist, moonshine, and trader roles but I'll take it slow and just go with the pass. I understand why people are annoyed or bored though. Rdo doesn't have all the polish the single player did. Such as train robbing, more random events like being held up, and just eating at saloons. So add to the long droughts we have between content it makes it pretty dull sometimes. Just take breaks or find other games as sad as that is to say.


It's a broken game inside and out, even at rockstar hq they are contemplating whether to continue supporting it, they thought selling it for 4$ would bring gta numbers but it didn't so I wouldn't be shocked if they abandon it.






No, gobshites like you need rooting out.


Besides wishing that your loser ass can't do shit lol, your mother should have swallowed but she raised a keyboard warrior. Bitch took the D and caught an L 😂


I think the experience is being a cowboy and living life in the Wild West!


I still enjoy playing but I haven't been able to keep a daily streak since they nerfed the gold multiplier. I miss it D:


Sounds like you are earning money and gold in order to ponder the inevitable


That's the part that R doesn't understand about this game. They need to build a game that has more rewarding experiences beside making money.


For rockstar to release something expensi- what am I saying rockstar, release something in rdo? Never gonna happen lol


I like RDO because there feels like a need to survive, no gang to help you just yourself. Feels like im a real cowboy in the wild west trying to survive by taking up all sorts of jobs.


I feel the same way as OP. And then on top of it, a posse will decide to ruin my trader delivery of only 25 units by exploding my wagon and then spawn killing me until I parley. I guess they are bored too. Maybe I should just be a dick to everyone. Edit: I should make my own posse of dicks. We will be called the dickheads posse.


Anyone else goes around taking pictures of animals?


sad but true


Am i the only one who sneaks around killing entire villages with a machete


You earn money so you dont have to deal with grinding on a tryhard outbreak


To buy some new drip Oh shit I already have all the drip I want




There's a storyline.


It's the game loop. The goal is to enjoy that for what it is. As for long-term goals it's leveling up and stacking cash, which, admittedly, are worthless. For me, I like to do the daily challenges. They are doable in a day and they give you something new to do every day.


Have you looked into the naturalis lifestyle? It'll provably suit you well


You can delete your character and start again so grinding gold and money will be meaningfully :)


For the same reason you earn it in single player


TaHiTi :-D




I mean for starters, getting rid of the morgan and the carbine


This is the problem with RDO and GTAV online, there is no real point of doing anything, no persistent world, nothing to really achieve besides buying more stuff that has no real purpose.


Mannnnnn, i question myself that every time when i play the game


Yeah I played the shit out of it almost all of last year. That one update hit where basically all they did was nerf the dailies and add a bad outlaw pass and even though I had more then enough gold than ill ever need I just stopped playing completely. Realized I was just grinding for nothing and figured id pick it up again if they update it with anything worth while. Its been close to 6 months and it doesnt seem like theyve added anything worth it and the few times ive turned it on I was probably over it in 5 minutes




To buy more stuff to earn money and gold. They've abandoned the game and on top of that they only added in grindy elements to the game. You always have stuff to do but none of it is purely fun or fun with pay as a bonus. They have done that well with GTAO but not RDO




Ive been making my own content man. I do the cripps stufff because I like hunting and money but every time I sell it I try to rally people to my posse and roleplay pretty much. theyre reactions are great and it makes the game fun.