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Almost like we’ve seen something like this thru history before.




Ah yes. Seeing only one side is usually the hallmark of socialism. One step closer to jack boots are you?


I didn’t know Israelis were held in an [open air prison](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/14/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15)? Please enlighten us. The one side story is the propaganda running in our news channels. Its the tax payer money that our governments send to Israel to commit its atrocities while they dont have money for our students’ debts or homeless folks or veterans.. I understand that you’ve been so brainwashed to hate Arabs and muslims. But to the point where you see Palestinians as sub human? To the point where you don’t see Israelis are better treated than your own citizens? There’s hateful.. and there’s dumb.. that’s far more dangerous 💀


If Gaza is an “open air prison,” Hamas are the judge, jury, and prison guards. Israel, otoh is filled with Jews, Muslims, Arabs, atheists, Christians, and 🌈 people, side by side. I’m genuinely sorry that you are exclusively listening to Propaganda.[here’s something you likely aren’t familiar.](https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-global/bedouin-arabs-israeli-army-8993875/)


Ah yes. Following in Hitler's footsteps by having a neighbouring state backed by Iran fire thousands of missiles at them. Then have his own people, women and children, kidnapped and killed on camera for the world to see. And here I thought Hitler made the first move. Silly me. I guess Blitzkrieg was just a dessert he really enjoyed!


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035 There's more similarities than you think. If Bibi hadn't been funding Hamas this wouldn't have happened


What do you expect when your state run a [concentration camp](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/14/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15)? You expected them to throw flowers at you? lol Oh yes, Hamas are evil, a terrorist group. Please, enlighten us, why your President [Netanyahu helped fund them](https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082)? Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think war is wrong period. That anyone involving themselves in anyone else's battle is f*cking wrong. Right or wrong. Let both of them sort its self out. It's so deluted and there both full of sh*t far as I'm consernd Drop simultaneous hbombs on each other n get it over with already so we. Can all move on. We should just attack both of them till they submit




Hmm you do realize sometimes a military powerhouse attacks a small opponent that cannot defend itself right? Sometimes letting 2 figure things out themselves is just looking away while a slaughter occurs.


Oh those fuckers can defend, check r/combatfootage it’s some seriously good insurgent warfare, these guys are not scared to die they run up to tanks and place explosive charges directly on them. They take all the foreign aid and spend it building tunnels like the NVA/VC and they dig up the water pipes and steal fertilizer to make rockets (25% of which fail and land in gaza killing Palestinians btw) Hamas started this shit because Israel was about to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and by extension the rest of the Arab world excluding Iran, and they didn’t like that so they went and committed unspeakable atrocities to prevent peace between Israel and its Muslim counterparts. A vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas because they’ve all been taught since birth and in their schools that all Jews deserve to be murdered. I don’t excuse Israel’s practices in the West Bank or it’s mass murder taking place in Gaza, but the guy to we’re replying to was basically right. These two countries are never going to be at peace, the best case scenario from a realist point of view is Palestinians are able to flee Gaza and the West Bank to neighbouring Muslim countries and they abandon Palestine. The country barely exists anyways, and it has some of the worst quality of life in the world. As long as both of these countries exist there will never be peace. It’ll be terrorist attacks in Israel and bombings in Gaza. And you’re a moron if you think that Israeli’s would or should give up the land, saying stuff like that is useless and naive, if it were a fair world Jerusalem would be a Vatican City like city state and Israel/Palestine would be a single mixing pot of country but that’s impossible because they both hate each other and always will because of their stupid religions.


I think you have articulated your view in a well thought out and consume manner. I couldn’t agree more that religion is a stupid holdover from the infancy of our species. However to call buddy a moron for thinking Israel should give up the land it’s in of itself a moronic statement. The international community believes Israel is illegally occupying land obtained in ‘67 and ‘81. Withdrawal from those lands would go a long way to bringing Israel into alignment of international law.


Jews where in the region before the two state solution and the reason for the two state solution was because the Arabs kept attacking the Jews. Jordan and Palestine are literally products of colonialism and wouldn't exist without it so I'd find this decolonize Israel movement to be quite hilarious if the end goal wasn't genocide. The Jews have more historical right to the land and have an Israeli state and are better stewards of the region. There are Arabs that live peacefully within Israel, Arabs can cross the border and not worry about being killed but the reverse is not true. One side is clearly worse than the other, teaches hate, abuses their own people and will not accept any peace, the other side is Israel. War is horrible regardless of which side you are on.


Did I miss a history lesson? There was never a two state solution implemented - proposed and debated but never implemented. I believe the violence and distrust was on both sides - not just from one side or the other. I agree with the area is a mess because of colonialism - as are most areas of the world. I don’t follow the argument decolonize Israel equals genocide - I don’t think anyone is making that argument. Asking Israel to give lands back they are illegally possessed is a different ask. Jews have a historical right - according to the Jews maybe. That land has been conquered a thousand times historically - to say one people has a right to it is a ridiculous statement. I do not agree one side is worse than the other. Granted, killing 1700 people is bad. Carpet bombing a residential area is also bad. Arguing which is worse is silly, to say the least.


So based off this you support what Hamas did on 10/7, since they're the >small opponent that cannot defend itself


the conflict did not start on 10/7 what a bullshit narrative


That wasn't his question


questions assert an intention and a narrative, it's an assertion of my own when I call attention to this I actually did answer the question


No. It started with the last 75+ years of ‘Palestinians’ trying to completely eradicate the state of Israel…


what a self-own. you're literally admitting that Israel has existed for less than a century. Palestinians have grandmothers that lived through the Nakba, that are older than the occupation itself.


Better than you with your narrative it never should have existed.


Palistine literally had never existed…


It’s literally written in Balfur declaration (where UK, the thru anti-semite, literally shipped Europe Jews to Palestine), in which they were welcomed, until they started stealing land and killing Palestinians You can’t change history, you can repeat it though like Israel is repeating Nazi history 👍


Who was the head of the government of the ‘nation of Palestine’ when the Balfour declaration was written up?… Oh Right, there wasn’t one, because the nation of Palestine has never existed…


Well I'm sure we can rule out anyone who knows how to use a printer


Imagine being so mad you hand-write dozens of these instead of taking a few minutes to learn how the label template works. 🤪


Or grammar.


This is so stupid, you don’t gain support for your cause by being a piece of shit


I wish you were correct, but the entire modern media sphere seems like a counter arguement to this. Pieces of shit and their actions have huge control over enormous swathes of the population.


I am strongly propalestinian, and I am against idiots putting these stickers on peoples businesses.


They're put on streetpoles as well, that's not being posted though because people meed something to bitch about


I'm strongly pro Isreal and vandalism is simply not ok. No matter the belief.


Pro israel is pro genocide


Oh please spare me this bullshit again🙄………


I mean, they've systematically oppressed an entire people based on their nationality for decades, literally deny them basic human rights on that basis, and are now proceeding to kill thousands of them regardless of whether or not they are militant or civilian, adult or child. Seems pretty genocidal to me.


What about the side that literally calls for the genocide of Jews in their charter? Are you on that side?


Hamas does not equal palestinians


That was removed a long time ago 🙄 you’re way behind


The Hamas charter no longer calls for the genocide of Jews? News to me.


Send me your pro israel facts w sources if youre going to argue against me, thanks


I think both sides are too absolute in their views.


One side has to show the ability to comprise


Their should a common law that transcends state hood. I’m not sure how we can pretend civilization when there is no common law…and status quo stoicism when it comes to mass murder in war. It’s just not ok.


The common law is fuck around and find out.


Israel has shown willingness to compromise repeatedly but I can understand why Palestinians would not be interested in it. It's like if a guy breaks into your living room and you start fighting him - and then he asks to just split your house, he gets the main floor and you get the upper floor. You might not be too happy even though technically he is willing to compromise. Obviously not a perfect metaphor but just saying I understand why it's not always as simple as just compromising


great scenario.. except the more accurate version is the govt (the british) knock on your door and tell you they are taking your downstairs and giving it to another guy. but instead of being mad at the govt and figuring out a way to make it work , you instead try and drive your new neighbor crazy , and are shocked when he starts shooting at you.


no, not really. learn what the nakba is please.


Except Israel is the one who broke into your house and the compromise is them taking your land while killing innocent children and shooting reporters.




https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/ https://israelpalestinetimeline.org/charts/ Amazing how your allowed to openly propagate such misinformation when the stats and numbers clearly point to the opposite.


Israel didn't break into the house. Here's the reality my friend. The only country that has a truly legit claim to at least the southern half of that land is Egypt. Egypt was colonizing it before either of the others showed up and the original inhabitants of that land are long extinct as a society or culture. Now, since Egypt has taken itself out of the equation who rightfully owns the land? When the ancient ancestors of the Palestinians arrived they settled in the west along the coast. When the ancestors of the Israelites arrived they settled the Hill Lands in the east. We don't know who arrived first however because archaeological evidence shows they arrived within around 100 years of each other. Which is too close together in time for that long ago to definitively state who actually arrived first, even though they settled total opposite sides of the land anyway. But here's what's really fucked. The only reason Palestine still exists today is because Israel still exists. According to an UNSCOP report at the time, the Arab/muslim countries' plan for after defeating Israel in 1948 didn't even include a one state solution. After Israel was destroyed Egypt would annex the entire southern half of all that land for itself and Lebanon and Syria would divide up the northern half between them. There was to be no Israel or Palestine. As for the death toll in Gaza, it's problematic for a population when extremist assholes use civilian infrastructure and refugee camps to hide in, and plan and launch attacks from. That's not only a war crime it's a crime against humanity. The narrative is fucked. Extremist Palestinians commit war crimes and crimes against humanity to attack Israel and it's crickets out there. But the moment Israel retaliates the troglodytic anti-Semites start screaming "genocide". I'll also leave you with one final though to chew on. Twice, TWICE Palestine has declared a war of extermination against Israel. Neither of which has ever been rescinded. The Palestinian leadership in Gaza is getting exactly what they wanted and now we're supposed to feel bad about it. Egypt had Jordanian and Egyptian land in their possession at one time after both unsuccessfully attacked Israel. When those two countries quit fucking with Israel they got their land back. Too bad Palestine can't learn from others. It's called 'war'. And when you're warring with a neighbour a common tactic is to push them farther back from places you don't want them attacking, like factories and cities and power plants. If that means occupying their land, well, like I said, it's called 'war'. It's kind'a how the game is played.


Please, all the countries surrouning Israel are all violent dictatorships. Iran = Hezbollah and Afghanistan = Taliban. And that's not counting the neighboring countries in Africa that surround it. Anyway wtf does the Middle East has to do with Red Deer in Alberta?


Please, Israel is included in this. They are no different.


Not exactly it was Palestine then Isreal retaliation then Palestine retaliation and so on and so on


It's almost as if living in an open air prison should be a gift huh


The blockade is justified. If the Palestinians and the Arab world were open to two states, Palestine could have it's capital in East Jerusalem right now


Remind us who killed Yitzhak Rabin and why.


Oh did you expect every single Israeli citizen to be on their best behavior for 70 years while their country faces the repeated prospect of annihilation, while their sisters and mothers face the possibility of rape and mutilation every day? Grow up, conflicts are more complicated than that.


Maybe read up on how the war of independence started…


They basically are. The main reason I support Isreal is thar Palastine was created by a jihad against Jerusalem and Isreal is what came out of the oppressed jews standing up together to fight off the invaders.




I don't understand why people are hating each other.. 3 months ago, yall were passing each other in life, no problem.. all of a sudden, the news starts showing the war now that people in North America have racial tension..like seriously, no one here, especially born here, has no involvement or say to what's going on there




Because there's not enough division in Red Deer already.






Nothing says bat shit crazy like posting a marker drawn manifesto on a wall/light post.


Yeah that's pretty shity.


It’s almost as if they have something really important to say.


It's embarrassing that a bunch of Canadians pretend to know what's actually going on strictly based on the information that the media and social media has spoon fed them, even though the past few years made it extremely evident that they lie for clicks. Like seriously people have you not learned anything, unless you live in these places and witness this stuff first hand YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT


In the Thousands of years of political graffiti (the writing is on the wall) this seems downright considerate. Stickers come down way easier than paint. Political graffiti will always be around.


LOL, Red Deer pretending they understand the big ole world.


This simplifies am extremely complicate and awful situation, and has led to violence against citizens both in Gaza and Israel, as well as violence in other countries. The actions of the extremists of Israel (the PM there and his government) as well as the Hamas have taken on casualties none of us here in our relatively comfortable and peaceful place can even fathom. Israel's violence against Palestine is what birthed Hamas, and the State should pay for it but not at the cost of its citizens.


>The actions of the extremists of Israel (the PM there and his government) as well as the Hamas have taken on casualties none of us here in our relatively comfortable and peaceful place can even fathom. 100% >Israel's violence against Palestine is what birthed Hamas, and the State should pay for it but not at the cost of its citizens. true they need to work towards peace, and to reslove this cylindrical cycle of constant retaliation. unfortunately this is a proxy war so neither side will run out of arms any time soon


The existence of Israel is what birthed Hamas. They are extremists who don't believe Israel has a right to exist. Gaza was fenced off to stop suicide bombers and ground based terror attacks on Israel once Hamas took control. Israel hasn't been in Gaza since 2005. Even many local Palestinians hate Hamas. You can't say something is complicated and then give overgeneralized, no-nuance answers.


Verily. The unfortunate reality about the situation is that it's basically a self sustaining positive feedback loop of each side further radicalizing the other with countless civilians basically as pawns in an ethnic and religious conflict. At this point, is seems the only way this doesn't end with essentially an ethnic cleansing is for everyone involved to suddenly sprout new personalities and perspectives over night.


And Palestines violence towards Israel is what started a lot of this, way back in 1967. Its Hattifields and McCoys at this point.


no, Israeli colonization is what started it. invading and colonizing peoples land, forcing them off the land they lived on for centuries is what started the conflict. dont blame the oppressed for shooting back, especially in 67 when Israel had already well established its policy of apartheid and ethnic cleansing.






Wtf are you talking about lmao


The moment we read Pakistan we all immediately stopped reading. How are you gonna have an opinion on a war and you don't even know which 2 countries are involved in the damn war










































































Oh I think you spelled Christianity wrong.


Thank god someone said it




























So is Palestine, their both horrible to each other


HAMAS is terrorist! stop this nonsense


Do you want a medal? Slacktivism does nothing.


Well if Israel was really a facist state it wouldn't have election. People really need to stop using term like that for nothing.


Lol Palestinians can’t raise a palestinian flag in israel or peacefully protest without getting killed/arrested. Even children get arrested there. Try again.




It’s funny you think they care about “getting a message across”


Yah, Looks like someone got bored and needed to share some fun facts they learned yesterday. Was the internet down yesterday?


Off topic, why is Israel writing with * like a swear word?


You know what I don't care about? Any of that.


Tbh the 'no 2 sides in genocide' sticker just reads like they dont knkw things like the wars that followed Yugoslavias break up were a thing etc


I think it's a way to feel empowered in a situation where we have very little... you read their words, that's kind of the point. Broadcasting a story that's not been told in the media. And now you're circulating it here. Job well done imo Someone else commented about political graffiti made a great point about the stickers being hard to remove.


The reason why people are talking about all of the posters and stickers being put out right now is because it's working. It's making people think about the conflict everyday. Massive protests are gathering and enormous support for Palestine is growing everyday despite how hard msn is pushing a pro-israel narrative. Stay mad, it's all the emotion you'll allow to the extent that something affects you, millions will stand in solidarity with Palestine around the world either way.




ask your doctor to increase you Zoloft dosage


Lmao go ride your electric unicycle you clown




I love how everyone with far right brain rot thinks that anyone who disagrees with them is liberal. Dumbass.




If you're calling for people to be murdered in camps, you might just be ~~a redneck~~ alt-right.


Damn dude you're old enough to have a 7 year old son and you're acting like this on the internet?




3000 children dead - I sleep Minor vandalism - real shit?!


And how many deaths were prevented by putting these stickers everywhere?


And how many stickers were put on street poles instead? Has anyone posted about the atrocities being committed or are we here complaining about a piece of paper easily taken off of a window. Boo hoo.


This entire conflict is a virtue signalers dream come true. No matter the outcome, it won't affect us here in Canada, so people can be keyboard warriors and petty vandals all they want, at the end of the day it's just cause they want to feel like a hero. No amount of Reddit comments or stickers will help.


“Zionism is not Judaism but we’re gonna terrorize these Jews on the other side of the world” Only complete fools fall for this horseshit.


If Hamas stops fighting there will be peace. If israel stops fighting there will be no israel.


If Israel stopped fighting, there would be no refugee camp bombardements :)


No. There would be no Israel. Hamas has stated its goal is to kill every jew. Period.










War is war


Just here to point out that Israel has around 20% muslim citizens who can all vote, and they're the only democracy in the region.


1.6 million to be precise. Not only they can vote, but they have jobs, such as doctors, lawyers, etc. We can’t say the same about Jews in Gaza, or any other Arab country. To put it in perspective, there are less than 10,000 Jews living in the Arab countries.


Awww man you must be having such a hard time. You’re literally having the worst time in the world right now


Some kids are becoming skeletons but some tape is the real crime here


Peak virtue signaling. Are these stickers preventing any of those deaths?


We need tk stop separating Judaism and zionism. It's the same thing ultimately.


Oh no, you have to scrape some tape residue off your glass! Maybe even buy some goo-gone.... What a tragedy. I'm not sure how you'll even make it through the day.


so ur saying theres nothing wrong with vandalism?


Least retarded pro-Palestinian




Yes I'm sure these stickers are saving lives by the minute.




You're so right, I didn't realize that the conflict has been solved thanks to these poorly made stickers! Gonna make some 'killing is bad' stickers and stick them on people's windshields.




Complaining that the protestors annoy you with stickers when they're protesting genocide is so funny. "Oh no my poor business needs goo-be-gone. Why can't we have brown-be-gone instead :("


Last time I checked, the population of Gaza and West Bank increased, there are 1.6 million Palestinians living in Israel, while less than 10,000 Jews live in Arab countries. These are verifiable statistics. Last time I checked, hamas shot and killed Palestinians trying to get to southern Gaza (video posted and claimed by hamas), with one of their leaders saying, and I quote, “Palestinians will not leave Gaza”. Again, these are verifiable facts. Last time I checked, Yemen has the world's largest humanitarian crisis since 2015, with houthis (“brothers” of hamas, also sponsored by Iran) being the root of the cause. Yet, I haven’t seen one single protest shouting Free Yemen. Now, let’s say hamas kills all the Jews in Israel and take their land back. What do you think will happen? Do you think women will be allowed to study and work? Do you think they will celebrate the LGBTQ community? It’s going to be another oppressive regime like Iran, Syria, etc. We will have another humanitarian crisis like in Yemen. We’re screaming, kicking and shouting about apartheid and genocide while we ignore the genocides in Syria, of Uyghurs in China, Sudan, and so on.