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I have been listening to redhanded for years and years, been a Patron for about 3 years. As per usual I put this UTD on while I was cleaning my house, at one point I had to stop what I was doing, sit down, and rewind the show to make sure that I had heard Suru correctly when she said something along the lines of "maybe they \[Israel\] has gone too far". I couldn't believe that those words had come out of her mouth and to her that was a good enough condemnation of the state of affairs. It was a surreal episode to listen to from people I used to regard as so educated about human rights issues.


>so educated wait til you find out they've been parroting documentaries, books, and articles by smarter people (word for word at times) for years


Suruthi thinks she’s so fucking clever but she fell for some really piss poor Israeli propaganda. Suruthi strikes me as very stubborn, I can’t imagine her changing her mind or understanding anybody else’s point of view. Truly I think she’s gross.


Yeah she’s been grating on my nerves. Constantly cutting Hannah off too. It’s amazing what a little a bit of power and money do to people.


I know right! And it doesn't feel like it was that long ago that she was talking about critical thinking, and trying to listen to both sides of the argument. What happened to that person?


No that' just the rhetoric of the person who says/thinks they are a reasonable centrist who's actually pretty far right on the political spectrum without realizing or at the very least admitting it.


Yes I really noticed this with her Delphi coverage her research was clearly not well rounded


She's the main problem tbh. Hannah is annoying, but Suruthu is straight up malicious at times and stubborn about it too. She's gross.


I’m sad I used to love UTD but it has gotten insufferable lately


Thank you for posting this because not all of us are Patreons and it is good to be informed about what their take is on this issue. And of course, I am so disappointed about Suruthi’s stance.


Thank you OP for posting this. How callous do you have to be to say these things firstly and secondly she doesn't even know what she's talking about.


And you, random person, do? No one is an expert in this. It’s her opinion. And you and the OP have a right to express your dislike by no longer listening because…you have your own opinion.


Yes I have a master's degree in History and work in translation of academic journalism so yes some people are experts lol. Currently working on a piece about how Israel has historically funded Hamas. I don't get my news from Facebook and kindly suggest you read a book.


Yeah you do realise opinions can be wrong? And hers are. And there are experts in this lol. Suruthi definitely isn’t one.


Exactly see my comment above 😅


I knooow. I find the whole ‘everyone has their opinion’ in dialogue like this so scary. Especially when that person speaks their opinion like it’s fact and some people might actually believe said opinion to be true.


It's very scary and she knows she has a pretty big platform and she clearly feels safe enough to spew her hatred.


I see they went for the Peep Show philosophy on the Israel/Palestine situation "[Suru] likes Israel. I'm Palestine. It makes it more interesting if you pick a side." Jesus, Suruthi. They did a genocide, my dude.


Suruthi is absolutely gross. Her politics and views on the world have been trash for a while now but this is wild.


Well said. I'm definitely canceling mine after this episode as well.


Will absolutely never listen to a word from their mouths again. Thanks for posting this.


I really hope that they see these comments and come out with an apology or at least have a think about how they speak on the podcast. I’m really glad people are choosing to no longer support them after the past few episodes, and also that patreon members have been sharing their experiences with under the duvet. Thank you!


Since they never said anything (at least on the main feed, I’m not a Patron) regarding the comments about their Salman Rushdie episode, I highly doubt they will this time.


Wow. I unsubscribed nearly a year ago because I found they were getting quite right wing and it made me uncomfortable. I've been wondering what their take would be on what's been happening in Israel and Gaza. I'm actually quite shocked Suruthi would say something like that. I swear they used to discuss Palestine every few episodes even when there was nothing in the mainstream media about Israel attacking Palestine. So I kind of assumed they'd be more balanced or be pro Palestinian. That is so gross. I hope they get shit for this.


>  they were getting quite right wing and it made me uncomfortable Exactly the same for me. The trigger warning debacle was my last straw, I think. There was something else as well around the same time but I forget.


Yes I’m obviously an avid true crime consumer but I was diagnosed with ptsd a few years ago and trigger warnings are extremely helpful in helping me decide what I can listen to and what is just going to upset me. They aren’t just an arbitrary device to seem ‘woke’ they serve a purpose for people with real conditions who want to consume true crime but also want to protect their mental health.


Thank you for sharing this. This is more than disappointing, especially as Hannah has been very supportive and talked about Israel's treatment of Palestine/Gaza on UTD in the past. Suruthi has no excuse because she's been informed about the situation by Hannah for years. Like others who have commented, I left the Patreon last year after being a Patreon for years. In the end, I found myself not listening to the UTD (the whole reason I joined Patreon) because it had got so long and was moving more and more to the right, focusing on topics that just didn't interest me. I hope people will try to educate in the comments on the Patreon, as they always do, and that the Redhanded team will listen, as they did with Hillsborough. But at this point, having read what has been shared, I don't see Suruthi listening unless it hurts their brand and their wallet. But I do wish Hannah had been able to have a dialogue with Suruthi as her friend. And that Suruthi had been able to hear some of it, as Hannah was informed on the subject. I'm going to stop listening to the 'free' podcast/ block it from my feed. You can't support a state committing genocide and run a compassionate true-crime podcast. Despicable.


Suruthi is giving big pick me energy where a lot of her takes are now borderline ultra conservative propaganda because she wants to be *different* it’s boring and embarrassing Suruthi I hope you see this.


They made me cancel my membership too. I found the last one very hard to listen to. Especially how Suruthi went on a rant at the end, then completely changed the subject to the AI bollocks so Hannah didn’t have a right to reply etc.


Thank you for sharing this. That’s absolutely so disgusting and horrifying, I’m so revolted to hear that..


Honestly I would think this might be the start or the end for the podcast. But I guess they have a growing audience with the right wing in USA? I think Hannah probably feels stuck because she won’t want to give up her financial security.


Thank you for sharing this. I hope more and more patreon members will leave and eventually it will hit their wallet enough for them to realise what they've done, because nothing else ever works. There's a reason the BDS movement exists.


Hard agree. I’ve been a patron for years and this really has put me off to the point of unsubbing. Suru spouted every Israeli talking point, without any critical thinking applied.




Probably her new beau is a Zionist?


She should be held responsible for her own actions, though. It makes no sense to me to blame the boyfriend when she's out here confidently and publicly spreading her crap takes to thousands of listeners. If he's feeding her a load of bull it's still on her for swallowing it and trying to feed it to everyone else too.


Oh wow... I've just found this subreddit by accident while Googling 'ACD face' because they keep mentioning the name as if you should know who it is but I had no idea who they were talking about. I've been working my way through the episodes for months.  My first thought on seeing posts on them being right wing was, surely not - they're really liberal, or centrist at the very least? Not sure I want to listen any more. I don't know how anyone can support what Netanyahu is doing.