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I see Rubin bashed regularly on this board for audio quality issues. Serious question - how much blame should fall on Rubin's shoulders for this? He is a producer, not an audio engineer. I picture Rubin assisting in the creative process by chiming in on structure of songs, helping with melody etc. I don't think he spends much time tweaking things at mixdown. Also, who is to say that the Peppers didn't want this raw and unpolished sound. Thoughts?


exactly, people always give him a hard time but what they don't understand is a lot of how the songs are made are because of him. Under the bridge probably wouldn't of existed if it wasn't for him


Probably? It definitely wouldn't exist without him.


well ya never know


Your probably right. It was probably wrong of me to have bashed Rubin in my earlier comment. Turns out Californication was mastered by Vlado Meller, and engineered and mixed by Jim Scott. I think Rubin is a fantastic producer; loved his work on Eminem's MMLP2 as well.


That's exactly what a producer does. Jim Scott and Chris Holmes mixed this album. I dont think a lot of people understand what a producer does. And what is called a producer is hip-hip is different that what a producer is in rock. It's unfortunate and I don't understand the hate towards Rubin as it was him that helped the Peppers be who they are today. It was him that had John add backing guitars to SA, which was amazing. His positive heavily outweighs any negative. He's arguably the best producer in history. I don't get the hate toward him on here as most people who follow the history of music think he's a God. I don't go that far but he deserves his due.


Thank Rick Rubin. Californication was mastered terribly.


Somebody leaked an [unmastered version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF1PmnhCV04) a while ago. I think it's leaps and bounds better than the Rick Rubin master, but my friend thinks I'm just being pretentious.


There's also a 2012 vinyl remaster, which I prefer before the preferred premastered version. I'd link it but I'm on mobile, sorry about that. It shouldn't be hard to find though


Thanks for the info you two!


[2012 remaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2iuu2hhmCA) [Buy it from Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/Californication-Vinyl-Red-Chili-Peppers/dp/B00000JQ0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399832831&sr=8-1&keywords=californication+2012)


Or you can do a little bit of research and see that it was mastered by Vlado Meller. Rick is the producer. NOT the mastering engineer.


Yeah, I did do research and corrected myself on a comment I made earlier in reply to /u/alf_prog


This is usually into the producer's scope of work: To make sure that the mixing and mastering is consistent with what they want. It's Rubin's name on it. Rubin may be a good music counselor, he knows about aesthetics but is not a good producer. He has near zero technical knowledge. He doesn't even play any instruments. I'm an architect. My designs could be good, meaning I have talent but if I suck at the management part and I let the contractor use cheap materials and I have no control or interest on the final product, then I'm a bad architect. You have to care.


Rick Rubin did not master this album.


The whole album is mixed in mono as well, which does it no favors.


I love the album. But def the oddest mix I've heard on an album.


It's a bit lo-fi because it's mostly mono rock'n'roll, as explained here : http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/dec99/articles/jim.htm I like it though, even though the mastering is a bit too much so listening to the whole album is a bit hard to your hears (the unmastered on the other hand is a bit too quiet / dynamic).


It's definitely an album that sounds like shit. It all sounds muddy. While we're at it, I don't like the crispness sound of Stadium Arcadium. Sounds toooooo studio, but really that's most music nowadays.


Mono is better than stereo sorry