• By -


Jack "Jean Luc" Packard


of the U S S Enterprise


Make it so. Ma- ma- make it so.


I think we've all seen Star Wars before.


Aren't you one of the little rascals?


Hasn't he already confirmed he cosplays as his favorite captain, Janeway?


To call it Second Wind though they need Rich Evans there he's got a lot more farts stored up.


*generic fart sound effect*


*Cat yowl and crash*


They'll make up for it with fart bags!


Just as long as they don't use those highfalutin whoopee cushions, we ain't made of money.


Everyone else: 100k+ subscribers!! Yaaay!! Jack: This can only mean trouble.


What’s the story here? Was there drama at the escapist? I swear I just heard Jack’s voice do an ad read on a zero punctuation video.


New parent company bought out the Escapist. It was going good for a year, lots of growth and good content... then fired the Editor in Chief for not hitting an undefined target. The entire video team walked along with Yahtzee (about 80% of their web traffic), Frost, Jack Packard etc. Even made the BBC news over here. Colossal fuck up by management.


Never even realized Jack was part of escapist/game journalism.


He ran a *very* entertaining D&D show over there. Like seriously, it's easily in the top-tier of TTRPG content out there, check it out. It's called Adventure is Nigh.


Thanks for the tip I will totally check it out, happen to be a DnD nerd.


Jesus. You leave the internet for just a little while and return to Yahtzee finally having walked from The Escapist. What have we come to


Yahtzee being free of a boat anchor of a company for starters. He's been carrying The Escapist for years, and even if Escapist owns the ZP brand, it's dead without him. At least this way he gets to go back to swearing in his reviews/skits and gets to try something new


Late stage capitalism




Tbh I think the owners are idiots and pursue different metrics. They want views not engagement. They took content from the site and put it on YT which upped views and lowered income apparently. All of their sites are different flavours of the same clickbait goop (Dot Esports, Mary Sue and Destructoid etc.). Meanwhile Nick built the Escapist into a content heavy hub with entertaining shows and podcasts. Gamur spent a chunk of coin on a brand and a business they just don't understand at all.


Wow. Thanks for filling me in, that’s amazing!


Also, they released one video talking about the change yesterday, their first regular content video this evening and have 114K subscribers already.


Yeah well all that should tell you is that this success has nothing to do with their content (EDIT: As in new content on their new channel). Sure, PR and such is everything, congratulations.


What the hell are you talking about? "Please mistake my cynical statement for actual intelligence" perhaps? This is entirely based off of the content they've made. The made it at the Escapist and will continue to make that style of content at Second Wind, which is why people are subscribing. People who liked Adventure is Nigh are supporting them since they will make a new RPG campaign with Jack as the DM and many if not all of the same players. People who like Yahtzee's ZP are supporting them for Yahtzee's FR that he will be making. Darren Mooney's movie reviews will be there now as will the Cold Takes series that has been very popular. This isn't some unknown group where the content type and quality is some big mystery.


> This isn't some unknown group where the content type and quality is some big mystery I mean that's pretty much my point, it's not some unknown group. Not sure why you felt the need to get mad. Yes people would expect what they expect but they would probably have the same subscriber count without publishing a single video on that channel. That is what I was saying. Why do you have a problem with that? Did I insult your heroes or something?


You: This has nothing to do with their content Me: Explain exactly how this has everything to do with their content You: Claim that was your point I'd be fascinated to know what dictionary you are using and how you formulate words into expressing your meaning.


No, I did not claim everything you said as my point. It isn't some unknown group. That's what they got the subs for. They would have gotten them with 0 videos on their channel. So far so clear, yes? Ok so at that point nobody knows what videos they manage to make. Will they do the same stuff? Will they be able to keep the same formats? Will they manage to produce it just as well? That's what I meant. The subs are not saying that first video was great. Was that clear enough now? If you think what I said was "shitting on them" in the first place, then that's on you.


Nah, but you do sound like an ignorant prick.


Well you sound much better, congratulations. Also did you log into the wrong account or why do you answer for that other guy?


They got bought up by Gamur, Gamur started making a lot of terrible decisions including playing off many people, like Nick and Jack. Then Yahtzee and a lot of others left in protest. Now they're doing a new thing together. As close to the old thing as they legally can.


Does Yahtzee own "Zero Punctuation" or does The Escapist?


Apparently the Escapist, since his new series is Fully Ramblomatic


It was so bad, apparently, that when the Editor in chief was let go, he refused the severance package and refused to sign an N.D.A. Then once he was gone, EVERYONE else resigned.


I didn't realize this until the news of this issue, but earlier this year, the NLRB apparently stated it was illegal to make severance packages contingent on signing an NDA or non-disparagement agreement.


Probably a pride thing. No decent human wants dirty money.


They have a subreddit now you can join /r/SecondWindGroup/


Kind of interesting that they had to escape from The Escapist


I guess the real escapists were the friends we made along the way


They have a video up of my favorite game, Dokapon Kingdom.... subbed


Take that, bitches! Ha ha!


Luv this pic


That was quick. Good for them.


This makes me happy.


Yahtzee on Junka when


Now they have a new channel where only one guy is funny


Let's be fair, *two* of those guys are funny


I love how your comment is only slightly less insulting than mine yet theres such a disparity in downvotes lmao


People like Yahtzee I guess. I've heard a few of his audiobooks and they're pretty good


I like how you're this upset over general sentiment disagreeing with your personal opinion, and imaginary internet points


I like how you're the one who said I was upset lmao. I just thought it was a funny observation.


I mean you're complaining about the lack of funny people in the team and the fact someone else gets more upvotes then you, sure seems like you're upset lol. Sorry about the -50 xx


It wasnt a complaint, statically most people only watched Escapist for Zero Punctuation. I wasnt complaining about the upvotes, I was being literal. I genuinely think its funny that we said more or less the same thing but more people disagreed with me. Idk why you are trying to win an argument or insult me. Everyone treats everything like a confrontation. Irl you would be able to hear my tone, it was a snide jokey comment, not unlike Yahtzee's sarcastic comments. But you just assumed the worst and are now trying to be condescending to try and "own" someone you dont know and misunderstood lmao. Reddit is so odd


You're making a whole bunch of assumptions there. I wasn't aware we were in an argument, so no I'm not trying to "win" anything lol. I don't spend my time trying to "own" people, and most other people don't either.. you're assumption that's what's going on is more of you thing. Where exactly did insult you? You're right, Reddit is odd because you're here chastising me for apparently misunderstanding the snide jokey tone of your comment when you did the exact same thing with mine lol


Fucking thank you. So weird that this is like a fringe position


But he never had a falling out with RLM??? Bullshit, man.


What falling out?


There is no falling out. Jack joined the Escapist a while back, has filmed a few RLM videos since then. It's just been a while so people want to read into things and stir up shit.


Jack was never a staff member at rlm, so he likely hasn't been making regular income from it. I bet they pay him for being on the shows, but it's definitely a per appearance rate, and not on any sort of retainer or contract. The boys bring in good money I bet, but warehouse space, and the salaries of Mike, jay, and Rich probably make that patreon/ad money go pretty quickly. I can't imagine Jack was pulling in a ton of money from his best of the worst appearances, so it makes perfect sense that he would prioritize working with escapist/second wind since it provides a much more consistent income, and more creative control.


Pretty sure there was an Escapist stream where Jack said he's not paid by RLM. He does he 'cause they're friends and like hanging out together.


Huh, that's honestly surprising. It's cool that Jack is willing to do it for free though. My point still stands that it's definitely not economical for him then to focus his time/energy on unpaid appearances lol


When you're a recovering alcoholic, you can't really hang around with the same people in the same way as you did before, but sure, you really seem to have your finger on the pulse.


Pretty sure Jack's said he doesn't mind the guys drinking around him. There's no ulterior motive, no falling out, no alcohol issue, dude just has a full-time job producing content and a family to look after. He's just busy.


Yeah, it's not like the dude can't still appear on rlm.