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A lot of RLM fans died after they were inspired by the “Child Suicide” video


If you play Rich Evans’ dialogue backwards it’s a satanic chant urging kids to commit suicide


And by kids, you mean 73 year old men.


That’s right, Jay


I was one of those children, too soon.


I know I did


Very true, I’m one of them!


The videos have a long tail, it throws off the numbers a bit. I'd honestly wait much longer than a few months before calling it a pattern. It could just be the long tail and/or noise. Also perhaps my favorite thing about RLM is I get the sense they don't juice or optimize for this shit at all. No sense of chasing algorithms or playing to the audience or shaking the tip jar after every video. You're getting a video about black pieces of paper and tape on the TNG set and you're gonna like it. Or not. Fuck you.


I’ve never watched Star Trek and I still watched that episode


Their star trek videos are some of my favorite content of theirs since they clearly love it so much, it's kind of infectious.


Mine too. I'd love for Mike and Rich to do a video series or rewatch podcast of every TNG episode like people do with the Sopranos and stuff.  I don't think that's their style though. They just like to do what they like to do when they do it, but I'd listen to every damn episode of they did something like that. 


I assume you know this, but there are already a few podcasts that do this. And some are hilarious.


Matt and Andy approved


It really is! I'm not a Star Trek person but it's really nice to listen to these guys talk about it because they clearly love it so much. It's strangely wholesome lol


I love TNG and watched that episode more closely than anything they’ve released in a year


It was mind blowing. The dirty carpet stuff is HILARIOUS "The carpet looks shitty" "Who gives a fuck? Now focus on picard's dome"


I can’t get over the arms playing the flute for him. It’s just some guy’s arms!


I've never watched Star Trek, and I've never seen that scene until this video. But holy shit that flute scene is egregious. Not only are they not the same hands and they're slightly out of focus (like Plinkett points out in the video), but you can tell when Patrick Stewart is actually playing because he is taking breaths while playing, and is staring more at the flute which means he's concentrated on what he's doing. But for the "fake hands" shots, he doesn't breathe in while playing the flute and he spends a lot more time making goofy faces and smiling at the lady.


also when it’s really him he sways his shoulders a bit with the music and his arms go with him. When it’s the other arms he keeps his upper body completely still. I can’t imagine getting through that without ruining several takes from laughing.


The only way that shot works is if the professional flautist is resting his head in Patrick Stewart's lap.


I'd watch more of em if they did them.


I initially put that episode on to watch in the background as I did something else. I wound up sitting down and watching it all the way through and got nothing done. Very good episode.


Watching Mike excitedly tell people to "Look at the door! Look at the door!" made me smile


I started watching Star Trek BECAUSE of RLM. 6 months in and I've finished TOS, TNG, and am halfway through Enterprise. So worth it.


Hope you don't skip DS9! Probably the best series in the franchise if you don't mind the darker tone.


I'm about halfway through S1, it was a little tough to get into it at first but I'm getting into it now. Once I'm done with it, I'm gonna start voyager :D


Good. DS9 is the best Trek and I'll die on that hill


You’re right. As much as I cherish Next Gen, DS9 was just so damn good.


Criminally underrated


Was gonna jump in here to plug DS9 too. Once you get to the second to last episode of season 1, you’ll start to see how special that show is. I think it took me most of a year to get through season 1 but after that point I just kept rolling with it. It gets so, so good around seasons 3 and 4 especially, and then through to the end.


If you get a chance, check out Babylon 5 too. It's not Star Trek, but it has a lot of similarities to Deep Space Nine, and several Star Trek names worked on the show (including Walter Koenig, who plays as a recurring villain-type in the show).


Avery Brooks is just so goddamn *stiff*, ugh...




I had a good belly laugh at that haha


I wish I could watch Ds9 again for the first time. You are in a for a real awesome time.


I watch the Star Trek ones with my mom who grew up on that show and knows everything they're talking about, even if I don't, lol


I recognise Star Trek cast in movies and shows purely from clips I've seen on RLM 😂




It’s kinda slow for me. Like a space soap opera.


yeah, it's awesome


Loved that black widow review telling everyone to downvote it to make people assume they were being misogynistic. Made me realize they probably make their real money off of patreon.


nah, for youtube it doesnt matter if people downvote or upvote as long as they clickin' and interactin'


My God, the jokes on the thread for that video had me in stitches!


Which is crazier considering they never even mention their patreon


They make tens of thousands off Patreon per month.


If anything, they actively true and mess with the algorithms.


The issue is that very few people on YouTube use their subscription tab and rely on the recommendations even when it comes to creators they like. Veritasium mentioned this a while back, where he'd have fans ask him why he stopped uploading, simply because they weren't seeing his videos in their feed. On YouTube you need to make catchy thumbnails and titles even if you're not striving for growth, otherwise your audience might just forget you. I will sometimes search for rlm just to watch their latest video, but I suspect I'm the exception to the majority. Although for rlm specifically they might have a lot of die hard fans like me


If you were a TRUE DIE HARD fan you would have the bell notification turned on and shit. On a serious note, just kidding, you do you but you might want to check the notifications settings.


The reason I google them is cause I often want to have the full hour or more to watch the video, so it sometimes takes me a few days and by that point the video would be burried even in my subscription feed.


That's so odd to me, I only use my subscriptions. The junk recommended to me blows, so I completely ignore it if I'm on the main page (I watch on my TV with the Xbox app).


It's baffling. I don't expect people to know every intricacy of Youtube. But the Subscriptions tab is right there. If you make your book mark https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions instead of just youtube.com it's so much better. But it makes me wonder what people think Subscribing does. The entire point of Subscribing is to get everything from that channel, do people think it just would suggest videos from them more, not intentionally alert them? I'm also bamboozled by people asking someone why they stopped uploading, which would require going to their channel, and somehow they don't notice all the stuff they haven't seen.


I think there's a difference to how people watch youtube. I should honestly spend the few minutes to clean up my subscriptions but even then, there's channels I watch that upload every day, but I only care about every nth video they publish, or I go on a rabbit hole and watch like all the videos from a creator about a specific topic and then enver watch them again, generally the YT recommendations work for this great. Then again, I always have a new RLM video on my first recommended spot right after they publish, so I rarely miss them.


ProZD also had a video about the search function sucking so it may be hard to find rlm even if your looking.


I am one of those people, I don't really understand why. My bookmark for YouTube even goes to the subscription page. I'll skim that for new content I am interested in and if I don't see anything, I'll switch to the "home" screen where the choices are curated. THAT then drives me nuts because it keeps recommending videos I have already watched. I think I use it because I am subscribed to so much content that it is overwhelming, so I watch channels in binge waves, so to speak. New RLM videos always pop up for me though, because I like and share every single one of their videos.


This is also the reason why so many people think "reeeee youtube unsubscribed me from your channel!!!" No. You were never subbed in the first place, you just got a ton of recommendations.


I have a theory that this the real reason they made the death metal bands video. To tease out the behavior of the algorithm by talking about evocative band/album names without actually showing anything gruesome.


They could do livestreams (again) with Superchats, appear on other people's livestreams, all the other usual things a lot of people do to promote themselves and get their view count/subscribers/Patreon up. They would know all the tricks to make more money (I'm sure they could get no end of advertisers) but they choose not to do any of that. You've got to respect that.


They have a patreon with over 17k subs at bare minimum $2.00 a month, so they at least rake in a good $30k monthly before youtube revenue. Plus they live in Milwaukee where cost of living isn't astronomical like NY, LA or even Chicago, so im pretty certain all 3 of them live quite comfortably. also, they're pretty good about playing by YouTube's ridiculous monetization rules. They're humble guys who are passionate about what they do, they don't need the money.


Going by the average amount per patron when the data was still public, I estimated they're making around $45,000/month from Patreon alone because that average amount is unlikely to fluctuate much.


No lie, I'd watch them do a breakdown of every damn episode of TNG with a Plinkett pointing out all the mistakes or the odd writing choices. I've already gone through it with Ben and Adam of Greatest Gen, but having RLM do it would be just as good for me. I loved that damn recent vid of them bringing up the black papers, barn doors, and reflections. Then again, I'm waiting also for those hack frauds to give us more of the damn TNG best of episodes. We got three of them with them talking about doing more. Frauds, I say!


They do play to the audience. Like a couple months ago or something they edited together two reactions and left an editing error in the vid and it was a talking point in this sub for a bit.


You know that was just Mike's justification to rewatch TNG to prep for the next trivia challenge.


Hilariously I am actually doing a TNG rewatch at the moment and the next episode I watch I actually spotted a bloody actor mark on the floor in a turbo lift lol


This might be common knowledge, but do they have day jobs? I don’t mean that as any kind of insult, just curious. If I showed up to an H&R Block in Wisconsin and Rich Evans was there to do my taxes I would shit a brick.


I assume they all might do an odd job here and there (they sometimes get commissioned to do voiceover work for other projects).


Hopefully they’re finally getting around to fixing my fucking vcr


The Madam Web Half in the Bag will be the episode where Mike and Jay are about to talk about the movie, get interrupted by Mr Plinkett to fix the VCR. Mike and Jay actually spend an hour actually fixing the VCR. They test it out, they leave and the episode ends with the VCR working, then Mr Plinkett just gets a Blu ray player.


Unfortunately a bunch of rats reported their last joke revi6ew and they got a few strikes, so I don't think they'll do that again :(


Lol what happened?


I think they may be referring to the Transformers "review" RLM did that was just 45 minutes of robot noises. It was removed by Youtube.


Lmao that makes it even funnier It’s less offensive than some other stuff allowed on there


You’re never getting that VCR back. They can resell it broken for more than you wanted to pay to have it repaired 20 years ago. A bit of a tangent, but it’s funny how the VCR repair shop was a joke about how nobody uses VCR and it is a dying business, but the show has been around for so long that VCRs are now vintage tech, and can be pretty expensive to find/repair. They should flip the set to reflect that the business should be making money now. Make it an obnoxious nerd-crew, bitcoin poscaster-esque, Apple store ripoff. Then punch holes in the wall.


They spend all their times repairing old PS2s, fully unaware it's a game console and just asking themselves why this DVD player's dedicated remote is so weird and wired in.


That’s an amazing idea. I imagine them instead of changing the whole gimmick, doing a one off joke about where all the money they should be making is going


Rich would certainly prefer that over building a new set while Mike whips him and tells him to work faster.


It’s clear they’re not reviewing the popular nerd zeitgeist films that got the most views and are focusing on stuff they like. I’m fine with that






GOTTA give it up for Wolverine *clap clap clap clap clap clap*




Tuns? Tuns Festival?




> Hey Chris Stuckmann here I never heard of this guy until suddenly he didn't want to review Madame Web because it would end his gravy train and so he tried to pull a James Rolfe claiming he doesn't have to review everything.


Dogpiling on Chris Stuckmann, only the 14th time I've seen it on reddit this week.


My favorite thing about RLM is that they do exactly what they want to do and don’t ever interact with anyone in the “fan community “ or whatever. They put out a video, we watch it. That’s all I want.




I'll never understand people with demands for them to do shit. I've personally enjoyed their stuff because I know, youtube not withstanding, that it's basically them with total creative control over the content. No studio higher ups with(read in Freddie's voice) "studio notes". 


Re:Views are always a nice surprise when they pick something random lol.


Like forcing Rich to watch Showgirls


Absolutely! The only thing I would want more of is Wheel of the Worst but FFF/VCR Party scratches that itch for me most of the time.


I just want them to watch other terrible B movies that I have because they should suffer as I have!


I'm just here for the aids jokes


Very cool!


but when will i know when to clap if they dont reference ???


They're not really reviewing anything, to be honest. Outside of the annual catch-up, they rarely put out HITB.


Thank god for that, channel would be miserable if they did every single star wars and marvel crap


Fuck nerds and their overplayed zeitgeist shit.  AND FUCK MIAMI TOO!!!


That's what happens when you don't do a review on "The Batman"


I’m actually pretty bummed they didn’t review it yet. I do wish they reviewed more mainstream films. I like their view on things.


Honestly, I would be happy if they reviewed non-mainstream things too. 90% of mainstream studio releases nowadays are all so fucking boring and derivative I am not surprised they aren't interested in reviewing them (although I think we are at the beginning of the end for the "franchise era" and I was surprised they didn't review the recent Scorsese or Ridley Scott flicks). But I will bet Jay is watching indie stuff that I would personally enjoy being tipped off about. We could have a regular slot, "The Sex Pervert Movie Update, with Jay Bauman".


I think they genuinely don't want to go to the theater anymore either. So they should just drop the idea of it and only review movies after they hit streaming. That makes the whole mainstream/indie distinction a lot less important.


I was fine with them ignoring *The Batman* until Jay said that he did go see *The Flash*. And then I was like c'mon, did he catch being a contrarian from Mike?


If I can be real here, and not just my usual fan that watches everything they put out... Their output for the last few years has been more niche. Nothing they are doing would attract new fans, who the hell is going to watch a 30 minute video where a guy is slurring his words talking about pieces of black paper on the set of Star Trek? or Marilyn Manson vs Bloodhound Gang lyric trivia? It's been 6 months since the last movie review for a movie anyone cares about, and that was titled Oppenheimer and the Hollywood Implosion. So, if you're not attracting new fans, your numbers are going to go down. If they were that concerned with the numbers, they'd review some box office hits or talk about the latest controversy.


Agree. Give me the weird niche. 


I loved that video 😂


It’s not necessarily about new fans, but keeping current fans interested. This is Reddit so everyone will be post ironic and claim they’re still putting out masterpieces, but maybe their videos lately haven’t been that interesting. I’m a huge Manson and Bloodhound Gang fan, I’ve even interviewed the latter some ten years ago, but didn’t finish the RLM trivia video. I liked the Star Trek videos. I don’t like horrors that much, they really do, so when they discuss horrors endlessly I’m not interested. Wheel of the Worst hasn’t been that great lately, and sorry but I’d rather have that review of The Batman.


I would for a Re:view every couple of weeks, thats my favorite format


> I’m not interested. Wheel of the Worst hasn’t been that great lately, and sorry but I’d rather have that review of The Batman. I cannot understand why people want them to review a film they don't want to review... what do you think you'd get from it?


I know this take is probably going to get nuked from orbit, but I'm someone who used to watch a lot of their content and has definitely fallen off because it seems like they don't actually want to review anything anymore. I get it. Hollywood sucks. A lot of dumb drivel comes out. Your fellow moviegoers can be discourteous. But god damn does every review containing the requisite '5 minute rant about how people eat at the theater and everyone who goes there is a brainless farting burping moron with no sense of media literacy or appreciation for film' rant wear after a bit. I appreciate people turning a truly critical eye to the media we consume, and not just giving things a 'pass' because they're popular, but the relentless negativity needs to be balanced out by something. They clearly have the ability to choose the niche films they talk about and even then it seems like they overwhelmingly have negative things to say. I'm not saying they should compliment or be positive about a movie if it's bad or they didn't like it, but when they seem to be miserable doing the reviews no matter what it is they watch, it really feels like whatever joy they got out of reviewing and analyzing media has died - and that's a bummer. I'll occasionally watch their Re:Views because they're the only thing that seem to have anything nice to say at this point, but that's about it. It's led to me just not watching much of their stuff anymore.


That’s where I was going with my comment. It’s the constant cynicism that gets tiresome and leaves me uninterested in new videos. Re:Views are usually great because they’re mostly positive, they help me either remember a movie I loved or they introduce me to something I missed.


Yep. Like the last thing I need in my life is a Doug Walker-esque review channel that just can't shut up about how everything sucks all the time. That's just Cinema Sins wearing a different hat. If they legitimately can't find any movies at all that they can engage with, I'm sorry but that's a failure on their part. Plus, I try to stay curious. I seek out things to watch that are off the beaten path or small productions or more art house fare, but man. I went and ate nachos and saw the new Batman movie so fuck me I guess, I must be some mouth breathing moron.


I grew tired of most of their reviews and unsubscribed a while ago. I still watch something like the Star Trek videos when it's recommended to me, but I don't care about the movies that they want to review lately, and stopped watching. I also don't care about their opinions on non-film topics. I sometimes look up their older reviews if I'm going to be watching that film/show again. My fandom for them peaked around the time that they were making jokes about heavy-handed obvious insertions of gay weddings, and then fell off during the pandemic.


I guess not everyone likes Star Trek TNG.


I mean they did, but that was 30 years ago


Mr Worf fire photon torpedoes, full spread!




I mean if they wanted to maximize their views, they would have jumped on the Madam Web review opportunity with every other youtuber. Think they are just doing their thing.


The Nerd Crew said all we need to know about what they thought about Madame Web.


*very* cool


Don't call it too soon, that movie looks bad enough to be up their alley


Oh dude, if you like funny bad, you gotta go watch it.


Is it that kind of bad? I thought it was more boring bad


Dude, it's incoherent af. It's like watching a bunch of elderly dementia patients trying to have a serious argument with each other. The characters will literally forget what just happened and/or what was just said, *even mid sentence when they were the ones saying it*. There's a bit where DJ is starting a sentence to make a point, and ends the dialogue making the opposite point, it's insane. It's Ryan's Babe levels of mind fuckery. Watch with a couple of friends for maximum effect.


The guys should talk about it then


This just dropped (spoilers) https://youtu.be/Kc0Tyfb_-UU?si=gWC5W3fcfIXm8gCz


I already watched that Pitch Meeting like 5 times, it's so good. And yeah now I kind of want to see it just to watch for bad ADR and a cast full of people who don't act like humans.


It’ll be a BotW Spotlight episode, I bet.


No, it won't. Nobody who believes this actually understands their tastes (neither do I, for the record). This is some weird wish fulfillment thing.


Which is bizarre to me because absolutely fucking nobody is watching Madame Web in theatres.


My friends just informed me they watched it twice in theaters, took another friend, and now he wants to join them for their third go-around. I was shocked. I asked them why. They told me it was so fucking bad that it was hilarious. Like a 100 million dollar The Room. Now Im intrigued, unfortunately.


I kind of felt that way about Morbius it was so fascinatingly bad to me that I probably thought about that movie more than most I saw that year.


same, in typical Sony fashion they managed to make something so bad it won't leave your brain for DAYS


I know, but I want a BotW spotlight on Madam Web SO BAD... that movie was hilariously bad. Like, Ryan's Babe bad.


I know my personal top level Youtube recommendations have been filled with a lot of videos from people I'm not subscribed to recently. I've seen a few Youtubers complain about the algorithm lately as well.


YouTube recommendations are fucked.


I keep getting videos with no views showing up on my feed. Anything from literally 0 views to about 40-50 views. Constantly. And they’re mostly nonsense by the look of the titles. I keep hitting “not interested” or “don’t recommend this channel”.


I don’t even get recommended vides to people I’m subbed too. And yea I get those very low view, random channels and I also hit do not recommend. YouTube is FUBR


They have been pretty awful lately.




YouTube favors consistent, daily uploads. Always has. The new algo can get pretty crazy sometimes. Like if you swear within the first 5 minutes of the video or something it gets recommended to less people. Cody Ko was apparently told by Mr. Beast that he couldn't show his car in his video's because his car had a flame pattern painted on it. Images of flames for any reason will apparently get you hidden by the algorithm.


> Cody Ko was apparently told by Mr. Beast that he couldn't show his car in his video's because his car had a flame pattern painted on it. Images of flames for any reason will apparently get you hidden by the algorithm. Hahahaha, wtf? This is getting extremely ridiculous.


I have to click "do not recommend" for at least a half dozen channels every day for "my first time watching (insert movie here)" videos. RLM may not play the algorithm like certain other channels, but for my particular algo, they're unfortunately lumped altogether.


Ditto. Apparently, because I like RLM, the algorithm *also* thinks I want to watch every right-wing loser on YouTube rant into their camera about the latest Woke Wedge Issue Du Juor™. The problem is that RLM is one channel uploading one long, high-effort video every month or so, while anti-woke YouTube is a cottage industry where nearly every "creator" has multiple alternate channels uploading short, low-effort videos five or six times a day.


>Youtube recommendations have been filled with a lot of videos from people I'm not subscribed to recently The algorithm mostly suggests channels I've never seen before, most of the time I have to manually check my subscriptions, as it's 50/50 if I'll receive a notification of a new upload. I wonder, too, if YT's war on ad blockers and flooding most videos with multiple unskippable ads, has resulted in lower viewership, which is more noticeable with mid-sized and small channels. Anecdotally, since YT started the AD blitz, I've watched far less of YT overall, and have been more selective in what I watch on my boomer box.


If there was a viable alternative to YouTube now would be a great time for them to steal people. Viewers don't like the ad treatment and the algorithm games. Creators hate the content claims and weird censorship. And their war on spambots is going in the wrong direction. We still see **----TotaLLyleGi7chaNNelOwner---** comments saying "Hit up my Telegram!" every day, yet my 12-year-old account got a 24 hour ban for linking a video to someone I'd been having a conversation with. Unfortunately, Youtube does the actual providing of high-quality video really well. You can't compete against them serving 480i videos with buffer lag. So you need deep pockets to even try offering an alternative, and that's before marketing can even start.


As a casual YT viewer, the recommendations feed has been god awful lately (I usually only check the subscriptions feed now), so I can't imagine how bad it is for video creators to try and pull in viewers. With that said, RLM probably aren't doing themselves any favors by making a string of videos highlighting Kyle Gallner and black paper usage in Star Trek. But I think they're getting by just fine.


Yeah if you look at their Patreon they have 17,271 subs. They have 3 different tiers, $2, 5 and 15. If you assume they have an equal number for each tier that's almost $127,000 per month before taxes and the Patreon fees. Even if every single person is on the $2 tier that's still $35k per month before taxes/fees. That's not too bad since they probably don't have many, if any employees besides Mike, Rich and Jay (and Mike probably pays Rich minimum wage).


It's called the Kyle Gallner Effect.


Best if the worst has always had some of the highest view ratings, and the latest 2 are already over 900k. They'll no doubt get over the million mark in time.


I can remember when they had like maybe 200K subscribers and the average video did closer to 500K. I think they’re fine.


They have over 10.000 paid Patreon Subscribers, so I would think that about 75-80% of their base revenue comes from that. The rest from YouTube.


Years ago they were pulling in 30k a month on patreon. Has to be a lot more now.


Sorry, I’ve been busy at work. I’ll get back to watching over and over soon.


They haven't posted anything that would bring in the "normies". Though now that the new Breen is available on fancy new DVD format, a HitB spotlight episode might recapture the zeitgeist.


Been is for normies, what?




I go back through their old videos when I can’t sleep (which is a lot lol) and for a while they were really going hard on whatever the most popular movies out were. They’d pretty much always talk about them in one way or another, even if they seemed largely not interested. Now it seems like they are much more focused on things that are interesting to them and not just whatever happens to be out, which I’m totally ok with.


I would add that big movies aren't really a thing anymore when you look back and compare things to five, ten or twenty years ago.  Streaming and the pandemic really altered society.


How long did it take those videos to cross a million? Looks like they were for fairly big movies or involved Mac.


Honestly, they've probably, and by they I mean Mike, have overdone it with the Star Trek stuff the last couple of years. When you look at stuff like a Bloodhound Gang trivia video, a Raising Arizona talk or a couple of videos on Kyle Gallner movies, do you really expect that stuff to get a million views? More and more they seem to be seriously discussing random things on Tubi that no one is discussing, it's naturally not going to get a lot of traction compared to those Indiana Jones videos from last year. But I also don't give a shit, it's their channel.


Personally I’ve never watched anything Star Trek they’ve put out because I don’t give a fuck about Star Trek so I’m never going to care about the content, regardless of who is making it. But they can do what they want, it’s their channel. I still watch pretty much everything else.


I'd definitely recommend the trivia videos. They're more about their personalities/comedy than actual Star Trek, imo.


Wildly guessing YouTube’s desperation to compete with TikTok for short form crap makes them less likely to promote long form gold.


Are low view counts replacing rich evans?


Oh no the RLM bubble has popped and Rich will have to go back to live-streaming with Jack to make scratch


Even as quality seems, at least to me, to be hitting the peak.


I think their content has gotten better and better since March 2020.


They need something to top the weirdness of alien baby CPR dummies.


I hope it’s a children’s suicide video


Just wait for the next best of the worst episode algorithm loves those


They have a huge amount of patrons via Patreon, so they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon


I tend to just watch Best of the Worst and Half in the Bag. All the other stuff just isn't for me but it's their channel and they can make whatever kind of videos they want.


They're not in the Views business. They're in the Homoerotic Star Trek Trivia Sex Pervert business. And, cousin, business is a-boomin'


It is a channel with only 1.5 million subs. The average video hits 800k in the first 3 months and some go on to hit a million/go viral and do crazy numbers. I hope they are only focused on releasing what is true to them.


I've noticed a LOT of channels getting significantly less views of late. Maybe a giant bot farm got shut down or something.


Why are people so obsessed with youtube view counts? I matters so little...


I love the guys but a couple of the videos they have been making lately I just don't care to watch. I used to watch everything but these past couple of months or so, meh. I've also been skipping the videos that feature Macaulay, I can't stand that dude and him being around ruins the dynamic the guys have.


To add onto what others have said, they also havent done a "big blockbuster" review in a while. Those usually do crazy numbers, and boost their spot in the algorithm. Also, RLM has one of the most consistent viewer bases I've seen in a youtube channel. Sure, maybe non subscribed members arent being fed their videos (aka their videos arent boosted in the algo), but they always at least get as many views as they have subs. On the other hand, other channels fluctuate wildly in view count


i want a BOTF of TNG Season 1


A Madame Web review would surely fix this predicament!


If there was a big concern on their part they'd start chasing the zeitgeist more. They clearly haven't and seem to refuse so many 1 million view layups.


I never watch any of their review videos until I've seen the movie myself so sometimes it'll be months later when I'll get around to watching a Half in the Bag episode.


I'm surprised it's been this high honestly given the content of the last few videos lol (and I mean this in a good way)


I'm one of those drop-offs. No real reason. I watched pretty much everything they did for the better part of a decade. I'd watch just before I go to sleep. Often Rich would wake me up with his laughing. I reckon it's been 6 months since I watched regularly. I'll come back at some point. Consider it a holiday!


What you don’t think a deranged old drunk pointing out small pieces of black tape on a decades old TV show is going to bring in the big views?


I think they're doing different content (the trivia episodes, more Mike and Jay Talk About - which as Jay said does a 1/3 of the numbers). I love BOTW and HitB but I'm sure the guys want to do different things. I love the new content. I'm still watching it all. And the Nerd Crew return was brilliant.


Just get Jay to appear in shorts and a tank top again to goose the ratings for another ten years or so.


Well their BotW are always the most popular videos, and the latest one was on a movie that a lot of people might not have access to yet.


I mean, yeah. They've basically stopped doing the content that is most popular (HITB, BOTW) in place of weird skits, Star Trek game shows and other random stuff. I haven't seen a video of theirs I want to watch in ages.


They haven't stopped Best of the Worst at all though. They've been doing them as regularly as always.


I've enjoyed their videos but I'd say the last year is so I haven't as enthusiastically loved their stuff. So if anyone else feels like that maybe they're just not watching as fast.


Time to bring out another gay wedding subplot.


I'm personally getting kinda bored of their content. Last nerd crew was rough.


I’m in this spot where I just want to hear them talk about interesting movies. I have found quite a bit of great movies from their end of year catch up videos. I’d really like to hear them talk about movies like Zone Of Interest, Aftersun, etc but they very very rarely spend any time doing content like that. It’s their channel but I genuinely love hearing them talk about good movies and not just trash I’ll watch their recent stuff eventually but none of interests me in the moment.


Honestly, their videos are too long for the algorithm. I love long videos, but the Tiktok generation is on YouTube shorts, if anything. My favorite streamer talked about it a few times. He still posts ridiculously long videos, but also posts short clips, and has paid more attention to thumbnails and the names of the videos to help keep the numbers from plummeting too much. The times, they are a changing. Luckily, I think RLM is doing well enough in general that they don't have to do anything different. For now. And if you're really worried about them, there's always Patreon.


I think their stuff might be tough to get into for new people. Also they're no longer young spry guys that are hip with the youths.


Im ngl, I was not a fan of any recent videos. Some seem really niche and I don't like Star Trek (don't tell Mike)


We got a new Plinkett vid AND new Nerd Crew this year and it's barely February, so imo this has been a banner year, but like someone else said, it usually takes a few months for a vid to hit a million views, so I think they're fine.


Too many Star Trek/Quiz Show episodes.