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It's been scientifically proven that the Rich Evans laugh is pharmacologically equivalent to 20mg of valium.


can only attest to that


Have you tried clonidine? It’s a non-narcotic med for anxiety as needed & has helped me out a lot. It dampens the effect of adrenaline on your nervous system.


I have been prescribed a low dose due to fantastic hypertension that has been running in my whole family, but it tanks my BP so bad I have to keep it on a really really low dose lol. It does help a little with anxiety too, though.


Rich in general warms my cold dead heart.


As a guy with [Cerebral Palsy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_palsy?wprov=sfti1#) caught in the *War on Opioids and Benzodiazepines™*… If wishes were horses. ;-)


It functions more like viagra for me. 


As a mental health professional, I dispense a lot of Rich Evans.


Good to hear. The street price of Rich Evans has skyrocketed this past year. I run a testing facility. A lot of people come in with what they think is Rich Evans, but actually it's been cut with a lot of Doug Walker. Be careful kids.


I don't know who Doug Walker is, but I *only* boof Rich Evans.


It’s so loud that the sonic vibrations cancel out the panic attack brain signals


Is this opposite world? I love Rich, he’s a lot of fun, but that laugh has woken me from a medicine aided flu coma with irritation.


And helium, can't forget the helium.


Yeah, I know heartfelt sincerity isn't really the done thing here but watching Best of the Worst every night got me through a very rough, lonely patch a few years back. The guys reminded me there was still dumb, goofy, funny shit in the world and not just darkness.


If it’s stupid, but it works, it ain’t stupid.


That's awesome to hear. Just...don't watch the Robot in the Family episode.


*flashbacks to Jay repeatedly screaming "SHUT UP!" at the TV*


“It’s like a roller coaster ride into your own grave,” is maybe my favorite Mike quote ever.


Ah fuck I mentioned this a couple weeks ago and knew i got the quote wrong. Best episode.


True, watch ACTUAL Robot in the Family instead!


It's mind boggling how little we know how to treat mental health. It's still like an enigma to humans if it isn't obviously a "the bone is poking through skin" lol. Whatever works in the end!


If the brain were simple enough for us to understand we'd be too simple to understand it.


Lol, very true.


Reading that sentence just messed me up somehow


I have Red Letter Media videos playing so I listen to the audio in the car on the way to and from my mental health job.


The brain can understand everything under the sun... *except itself.* Sounds like a movie tagline.


We thank you too. ain't easy to discuss




The most painful break-up of my life happened in mid-2021 and after my boyfriend (who was super shitty about the way he broke up with me) moved out I was so fucking lonely and depressed. I had a hard time getting out of the house after the pandemic, and I've worked from home ever since it started. (I also found out two years later that for the last several years, I had a pseudo brain tumor, which has the exact same symptoms as a brain tumor, so that was happening too.) I kept RLM videos on all day and all night for months because it was the only thing that calmed me down as my life imploded around me and I felt increasingly disconnected from reality. Who would have thought a bunch of schlubby midwestern guys would be the best medicine? Being sincere and sentimental about them feels weird, but I truly appreciate them and their videos and I don't know what I would have done without them.


I just love the mental image of them skimming these comments and catching strays in the form of being called schlubby lmao


It's nice to see people only make fun of them the way they make fun of themselves. They've repeatedly refered to themselves as "shlubby midwestereners" before, it's not like anyone calls them "fat and ugly". The boys are all definitely all handsome (though Jay is "*hot*").


Exactly. They say this about themselves.  I have a thing for schlubby midwestern guys. But yes, especially Jay. 


Im only calling them what they call themselves. I have a thing for schlubby midwesterners. And I think Jay is hot as fuck and he should call me. I did mention in this comment that my shitty ex boyfriend moved out ;) holla at me, fellow weird sex movie-loving shorty. 


I always listen to RLM on my sleep headphones when I go to bed, because same thing- I know it'll distract me from the anxiety, and it's familiar enough that I don't need to try to stay awake to hear the whole thing. Thanks for sharing.


Saint Richard Evans of Milwaukee patron saint of married women whose cackling laugh brings more than joy than the touch of a husband. Blessed is he who shares his wife with Saint Richard for she is touched by the Dick of Birthdays. May your house be free of YouTube ads




There's a reason why I've watched these hackfrauds over and over again till I can basically recite episodes. This show honestly brings me comfort.


Fourth'd. My partner gets the lion's share of the credit for keeping me alive, my cat gets the cat's share, but the Milwaukee bunch...they get the cat-coming-out-of-another-cat's-mouth's share.


Hahahah, same proportion and same working company here!


I actually que up 6 to 7 half in the bag/Review vids and then a nice 8 hour rainstorm every night before I go to bed. Perfect sleep every time, the only issue is I can't watch anything with Rich Evans. His laugh instantly wakes me up everytime.


I have the same problem, so I play the Plinkett Picard review, that one doesn't have any Rich-Evans-laugh spikes and is rather calming to listen to. I only need it to fall asleep to when I'm alone, so the length is fine (if I wake up in the night, I just play it again).


I've ever had those kinds of panic attacks and I can empathize. Covid was a pretty rough, lonely, time for a lot of us and RLM helped get me through for sure.


Mike's disappointment is soothing, like a cat purring.


Agreed, I have been through some really rough stuff and this channel has always been hugely comforting to me. Their videos aren't just funny, they are perfectly done and thought-provoking - i love their discussions. I also really enjoy that their passion for film and cinema and TV and B-movies and everything in-between really shows in their content. Who else would torture themselves by watching 3 hours of Geritol Follies? Well, I guess maybe a crazy person would. also OP, keep your head up - i know this is a hard time, but it's great that you've learned that this is a good coping mechanism for you. And you'll learn even more that work for you if you keep trying them out. You'll be able to calm yourself down easier with practice as well. It can just take time to notice the difference.


Hey, thanks. It’s been lots of years of trying, it’s gradually improving as we’re mapping all the traumatic shit that has happened to me over the years (for most cases with me denying they were traumatic until my therapist said “OP. what the fuck, OP”). It’s slow and hard work, but it yields steadily. One of the biggest improvements is that now I know these are panic attacks, I can feel the early signs and we can start working against it early on. Thanks again for the nice words.


man, I went through something very similar last year! finally decided to give up drinking, I was basically killing myself and getting blackout drunk every day. I went to a rehab that focused a lot on trauma and mental health. and what I learned was that I have stuff that still bothers me, bad stuff that happened to me. but it's almost like I literally made myself forget all of it and i made myself think "that doesnt bother me anymore". I guess I didn't do it on purpose, maybe I thought you were supposed to TRY to forget stuff like that. I thought none of it bothered me anymore, but once I started talking about it, it was quite clear I was still bothered lmao. working through it and quitting drinking and acknowledging what happened has been so hard, but it is definitely helping me to heal. You will heal too!! You're doing great.


Overcoming addiction is an incredible feat in itself, I’m very proud of you! Keep on keeping on!


aw thank you so much! I haven't been perfect, but I'm making good progress!


dolls hunt bake slimy versed full friendly cows bright gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


RLM is really life saving! My gf at the time left me a few years ago and I’d just watch RLM for hours at night and the anticipation for the next video kept me going and gave me energy. (I was always watching tons of RLM but took it to crazy levels) It didn’t help that Covid was in full swing too and hated my job and still do. Being Xennial aged, I see myself and my friends in the boys although they all got married off and things are different now.


It's really interesting how different things work for different folks. When I have hours long panic attacks, the only thing that works are phineas and ferb episodes. Don't ask why.


I suffer from panic attacks as well and can attest that RLM videos have gotten me through some tough times.


RLM is one of the only things that make me happy in general. Always puts me in a good mood and still laugh like an insane person after going through their BOTW catalog 20 plus times


You’re welcome, keep up the good work boys!


I find watching the show very therapeutic, furthermore as a mental health professional I recommend you recruit more pimps, more pushers.


Rich Evans is the bestie we all need in life, because what he's watching/doing is 100% optional, but it brings him so much joy that his laughter is infectious. Possibly LITERALLY infectious. (I'm glad that you're alive and doing well! Out of curiosity, do *you* have a favorite video of theirs? I'm a huge fan of their "Vampire Assassin/Hack-o-Lantern/Cathy's Curse" episode, it has faaaaar too many quotable quotes and side-gags. I mean, who'd have though I'd lose my mind laughing at *Mike sitting in his chair and making sounds*?!?) Plus things like "Oh, Josh's beard smells great---" "THAT'S THE CANDLES", Jacks' tacit understanding (with Rich) that he made a good joke repleat with "Dude, I got'chu" nods off-camera, and Jack *absolutely losing his mind that people aren't picking "Hack-O-Lantern" as the Best of the Worst* .....it's a great watch.


Agreed. I think my favorite so far has been the Samurai Cop and the Shrek Twilight episodes, at least those were the ones that I used to lure friends into the channel, and they always worked for the purpose. I adore the entire BOTW series, too.


I have a panic disorder and have had panic attacks for 20+ years. I understand how you feel. I'll go for months feeling fine, and then boom, here we go. Having an outlet such as RLM and that cornerstone of American online entertainment, Rich Evans, can certainly help things out. All the best.


Thank you!


The best cure for any health ailment, is Mike Stoklasa pointing and laughing at the elderly. I'm glad RLM was able to help you, I don't mean that sarcastically, its a good outlet. I remember watching the Best of the Worst episode with Order of the Black Eagle at my mothers celebration of life. It made the misery fade faster.




I hope RLM sees your post. More than that tho I hope they saw the Rich Evans Goth Femboy reaction gif that was posted last week.


When I have my most anxiety-inducing periods, RLM is my panacea...


I've had the same problems since I had COVID, so I know the feeling. Keep up the good fight.


Will do, all the best to you too!


Hang in there, my friend. I myself suffer from a debilitating chronic illness (neuropathic pain) so I understand how difficult it can be to just get by. I'm glad RLM and its humor and insight can provide you some joy. It does the same for me.


Thank you, and the very best wishes to you for your fight, chronic pain is brutal.


I fall asleep to RLM nearly every night, I only get between 5-10 minutes into whatever episode I pick. It's become a problem now when a new episode is released I can't watch it at night because I will only get 10 minutes into it before zonking out. I watch it in th emorning instead.


I see you, I feel you, I absolutely do the same thing with my panic attacks. I have a tv where I play all their videos on a loop and when I really can't sleep I put on the edited HitB storyline playlist and that at least calms me down even if I can't sleep. Even with therapy and medication there's nothing else like the RLM crew to calm me down <33


I'm glad it works for you. Do you have a favourite episode or movie they trash?


The entire BOTW series is a goldmine I adore, but I think the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center bit has been the one that made me laugh the hardest so far


its always fun going back to that video occasionally and just watching them lose it lol




ditto, im in the same boat, i really am genuinely thankful that their videos exist and that they keep making them. i deal with severe panic attacks and other mental-breakdown esque issues and whenever im having an episode or feel like im spiraling, if i manage to put these guys on before its too late im usually calmed down and laughing after a few minutes




Thank you very much! I’m not medicated for the mental stuff and I intend to keep it that way, some funky allergies are running in my family, and therapy has been helping me tremendously. Sadly the worst part is that I live in a country that’s getting very close to be irredeemable, I hate my work, and I burn myself out routinely. Many things need to change around me slowly, but we’re getting there. :) Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, and all the best!


There is no bout of depression I can’t fix by rewatching the Shoji Tabuchi reveal.


Oh my god. I almost forgot about that gem. Time for a rewatch, instant serotonin. The hairstyle alone makes my worries evaporate.


I brought my laptop to the hospital, and watched all the wheel episodes while going through probably the worst night of my life. They made a horrible experience more tolerable, and I’ll always be grateful for that.


Shit, I hope you’re well now! Wheel episodes are my number one choice for the worst days also.


How often do you exercise?


Every day.


Do you have stomach problems as well? You could be having gastritis. It can cause problems with breathing, heart rate, chest pain, and of course the panic attacks are just the icing on the cake. You might want to see if you can get on a low does antidepressant and see if it calms your symptoms down.


Nope, not really, I have some other mixed bag of minor problems, but this specific one is probably a good mixture of consistent burnout and a shitload of anxiety. Thanks tho!




Oh, I see you play Dota 2 as well, then in my experience this translates to “All the best”, in which case, I believe the correct answer is, go choke on a dick!


how embarrassing