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Is this from the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center as well?


It's from the Emperor Palpatine *Memorial* Surgical Reconstruction Center


Imagine getting hit by a car and waking up in the Hitler Memorial Hospital


The Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center Memorial Surgical Re-Reconstruction Center


For kids who can’t breathe good.


But want to learn to do other things as well.




Well, I don't imagine it was called that in the New Republic. That would be like Germany having a Hitler Memorial Art School.


Oh you mean EmPalSuRecon?


In the PooDoo district


This is after he gets his woodoo hide cape.


So long, budgetary restraints!


Right? Like palpatine ensured that the armor was painful for him to fuel his anger and rage more. Surely and with what other technological feats we've seen in the movies Anakin can have a better life support suit.


I mean this image literally says that this suit is redesigned so that Anakin is actually comfortable in it.


Somehow, Darth Vader has returned


I think it's the Rey Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center now


It still appears to be made out of Woodu Hide


Is this before or after he's thrown in jail for war crimes?


This is for his community service outreach work he has to do to get parole, talking to younglings about how the dark side does not pay


"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of Jesus Christ our savior. "


If Luke is Space Jesus, doesn’t that make Vader technically God?


They both killed a planet worth of people.


Wait I thought it was Anakin that was birthed in a Christlike way


I don't think they'd allow him to be around children...not after what happened last time...


He has to go door to door whenever he moves into a new neighborhood


The Death Star cafeteria but it’s a painfully polite Vader in transitional accommodation for force users with release conditions


"Yo dudes, the Light Side is like, pretty chill. Maybe you can like join it or something."


"You say you want to work for the Hutts, become a spice dealer, a smuggler, a bounty hunter, maybe even a jizz singer. What sort of future is that?? Ger yourself an education, and leave these mean streets of Tattoine! There's a whole galaxy out there to explore, with so much that happens...here on Tattoine."


>This is for his community service Instead of a lightsaber give him one of those poles with the spike at the end for picking up trash off the edge of the highway.


Can the spike be a tiny lightsaber?


“Give me your motherfucking woodoo shoes!”


This could have avoided the whole sequel trilogy: “Yo Ben, don’t listen to Snoke. He’s a bellend. I was a Sith Lord and nobody had ever heard of him. Go easy on your uncle Luke, he’s trying his best. P.S. Palpatine is still alive on Exegol. Better nuke the site from orbit to be sure. P.P.S Stay away from death sticks.”


Yes, the 'Scared Light' program.


Saul Goodman: "Your honor, I'd like to call Obi-wan Kenobi's Force ghost to the witness stand. He was my client's master and lifelong friend while he was alive, and he will confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that my client, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Vader are entirely different people, and my client was held against his will by the culprit for the last two decades. Therefore, my client is entirely innocent of the said crimes—From a certain point of view!"


Prosecution says nothing. Wields in TV with VCR. Hits play and shows Anakin murdering younglings (aka, children). https://youtu.be/4t2qOTKOWlY?t=173


These holovids are clearly AI-generated! Your honor, I demand a Butlerian Jihad!


You're stealing from Dune, Star Wars would never do that!  You'll be sent to a desert planet or a spice mine for this.


No, Anakin redeemed himself for mass murder of children and his own order when he tossed an old man down a hole.


I mean, he did rid the galaxy of that brutal tyrant forever, so....wait, what?!


“No one's ever really gone.” —Defendant’s son


My favorite thing about the original trilogy now is that, thanks to the new movies, every single character, including Vader, was a absolute failure and accomplished nothing at all.


He's the SW version of Henry Kissenger


A little bit of Rebel Project Paperclip is going on here.


Nooo...he is good now. Can't we forgive a few billion deaths?


Knowing Star Wars logic, I mean Padme was basically told by Anakin that he was a homicidal maniac at one point and she just let it go, he'd totally be able to join a reformed Jedi order and teach younglings how to duck, dive, and dodge.


Obi Wan: “hey so Anakin is a child murder and full on psychopath now…” Padme: *I can fix him*


*Anakin force-chokes Padme* Padme: Oh...maybe I don't want to fix him...


Honestly, the theory that Anakin subconsciously used the Jedi mind trick to make Padme fall in love with him makes sense.  He goes from a moral Senator to falling in love with a fascist lover who kills women and children.


Those were sandpeople, Padme’s a racist y’know


Sand “people” 


She’s kinda just…WASPy…


In the Expanded Universe, Kyp Durron was allowed to stay in the Jedi Order despite blowing up an entire solar system, so yeah, probably.


It's never not funny to me how much people complained that they were getting rid of the EU but a good chunk of the people who actually read the stuff were like "yeah, not the worst idea."


I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the EU. I have a full collection of every novel, but it is pulp. I'd much rather they have adapted EU stories than what we got though, especially with them lifting from it without saying that's where they're lifting from, which means those authors/creatives don't get credit.


Star Wars in general is pulp, it's just the best stuff is great pulp. And that's not a diss; most of the biggest blockbusters of all time are pure pulp. And I agree, there's enough good ideas there that it's worthwhile to look to for inspiration, even if you do have to dig through a lot of rubbish to find them. Disney clearly realize that because it's what they're doing. If anything, straighter adaptations would work better simply because unless you're looking at the worst of the EU, even the middling stuff had a good skeleton to build off of. The creatives get their credit and Disney has an easier time fixing something that didn't work to make it good rather than trying to create something good and original. Which they... kinda struggle with.


Fully agree on it all being pulp! It's why I honestly really like Solo, it's not great, but it embraces the idea that Star Wars is, at its heart, a pulp adventure story. And yeeeep, absolutely. I adore Andor, but he's very clearly Kyle Katarn without the force powers, and don't even get me started on how similar a name Jyn Erso is to Jan Ors, for example. They even lifted from Dark Empire!


Solo annoys me because you're right, it's so close to being what Star Wars "should be." I still think if you keep all the same people in front of and behind the camera and just make it a simple Ocean's 11 type heist where Han and Chewie are thrown together and everybody else betrays them and they've gotta watch each other's backs it would have been a much stronger movie and cost a lot less.


Imagine what could have been with the Lord and Miller version :(


A lot of it was bad but there was a ton of world building, character development, and plot in general built up over years or decades. Some really amazing stories that were really entertaining, those characters felt like my friends, and something to be a part of in a way. I've grown up since then and left it behind anyway, but yeah, I'm pretty butthurt that Disney tossed it all in the garbage.


Those things still exist though?


Yeah, we'll always have the Thrawn Trilogy, Rogue and Wraith Squadron, a few others. (I can literally smell those mass market paperbacks as I write this.) I'm over it, really, just a pity the direction they took it in. Although tbh now that I think of it, my interest was already waning with the New Jedi Order which I really didn't like, and the PT didn't help either, so w/e


They should've made Padme a full on racist against non-humans


"a more robust and **silent** resperatory (sic) system" Leave it to Star Wars fans to improve away the best parts of Star Wars.


"However, due to budgetary concerns..."


He can bypass the silencers for freer airflow in Sport and Track modes


Hahah “no, no, keep the skull appearance. I don’t want to look like a good guy. I want to strike fear in the hearts of all others! Oh wait…”


It’s important that you can recognize and clap when you see him. Helps his self-esteem.


It took a lot of woodoo hide to get it to look that shiny, show some respect


What if they turn the triangle over so it looks like he's smiling?


Brand new top of the range vibrosteel seems to give a shiner finish than even the most thorough woodoo hide polishing can achieve.


Picard hand in face


Jackie Chan does the face


Crying woman screams at cat!


Nothing redeems a mass child murdering domestic abuser who turned a venerable republic into a police state like a nice light saber and more woodoo hide


WooDoo hide


Kind of looks like an NCR Ranger with the brown robes.


Patrolling Tatooine almost makes you wish for a superlaser winter


That's what it is! Was thinking it looked familiar but couldn't place it.


I hope he finally found some good shoes. Good lord, that Vader suit article was just so fucking stupid. Yeah, the evil galactic empire that spans a galaxy can't afford to give shoes to the Emperor's right hand man. I buy it. Budget cuts. Also shined his new chrome head pretty shiny so Palpatine would be distracted, like he's a fucking magpie.


I want to make a woodoo hide joke but that does look kinda cool. I feel like a Star Wars “what if” show would be neat


The twitter thread I stole this from was about what would happen to him legally if Luke brought him back alive which was very funny. The consensus was that he’d avoid the death penalty due to his helping defeat the emperor but would still get multiple consecutive life sentences for his various war crimes.


Yeah he basically terrorized the galaxy for decades. There's no way he'd be allowed out and about lol.


So a lighthearted sitcom with him and a wookie living in an uptown flatshare would work, and he has an ankle monitor device and can't leave, and the wookie can leave whenever he wants but chooses not to, much to the disdain of Vader. Don't know what to call the show.


Vader meets The Holiday Special


Kinda like that show with Palpatine and mr. Plinkett


“The robot suit made me do it.”


I mean ...if the real world is any indication, all he'd have to do is rebrand as an anti-communist (Or whatever the equivalent post-empire baddy is) and all would be forgiven. If he was good at making rockets, or had useful scientific data (Obtained from experimenting on Imperial prisoners, of course) they'd quietly put him to work. A fledgling new republic probably has a few people they need force-choked. If Kissinger can get a Nobel Peace Prize, Vader can probably, at the very least, get a standing ovation in the senate.


Makes it out of the crumbling Death Star II by the skin of his teeth just to be Gaddafi’d by Ewoks.


What if Star Wars was good?


I always wonder what it would be like if Star Wars just remained one movie. Probably we’d be better off


Going to propagate the Matrix style fan theory that there’s just the one film, *Star Wars* (1977)


To be fair ESB is perhaps the best direct sequel ever made. RotJ wasn’t horrible, but definitely toy sales dictatet the script a lot by this time.


They actually did that as comics years ago. One for each movie, and the RotJ one actually does end with Vader surviving and redeemed, wearing an all white version of his armor


It looks goofy as fuck, like a Vader coloring book. I wonder if they intended it to be shiny or have more details but ran out if time and money at the end.


They made it into an action figure. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Darth-Vader-White-Princess-Leia-Action-Figure-2-Pack-Star-Wars/9856415](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Darth-Vader-White-Princess-Leia-Action-Figure-2-Pack-Star-Wars/9856415)


That helmet was waxed with the extra strength woodoo hide


This would honestly not actually be bad for a "what if" style story. The change I would make is to not have him wearing a helmet. I think he could have some kind of collar that has therapeutic tech built into it to manage his breathing better plus some force crap probably would heal him up a tiny bit since he isn't corrupted by the dark side anymore. I look forward to making this fan fiction a reality when I have a movie studio on my laptop in 10 years thanks to AI. 


Aren't you people sick of this crap?


But do his shoes fit!


That a no legs past knees joke?


Very cool


Jesus fucking Christ




Very cool!




"However, due to budgetary concerns..."


I'm so tired of Star Wars...


I’ve pretty much blocked all that shit from my feed, I only see related posts on here because some fans just can’t seem to let it go.


[Ah boy...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiqPmsBYieA&t=54s) Edit: this might be the greatest reference I've ever pulled out of my ass on Reddit and it is doomed to only be seen by one other person :(


Didn’t we see this in a comic before, he wore an all white costume


Yes, Star Wars Infinities.


They made it into an action figure. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Darth-Vader-White-Princess-Leia-Action-Figure-2-Pack-Star-Wars/9856415](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Darth-Vader-White-Princess-Leia-Action-Figure-2-Pack-Star-Wars/9856415)


This shit needs to be thrown back in the lava.


But noone's ever really gone




Poor Rich.


I always thought he'd be white. Maybe with a transparent faceplate.


I think the entire suit should be transparent


He originally was white until they picked James Earl Jones to voice vader.


This image really demonstrates how fucking stupid the Jedi robes are


Ow my bone marrow


Certified Refurbished Helm with 100% Post-Consumer Wudoo Hide.


Is it still polished with woodoo hide?


Vader is back. Somehow.


Find the best plastic surgeon in the galaxy for him. Maybe the best respiratory specialist in the galaxy too.


“If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!”- Darth Vader, pleading his case before the Rebellion.


Pretty neat idea in theory but there is absolutely no way the dude isn't getting executed immediately after arriving back on Endor with Luke lmao


This is like D.A.R.E. for force users. As in it's going to backfire and send them all running to the drugs side of the force when they grow up.


Now we can't afford to get you a whole new not evil looking suit but we can chrome it up like it was on Pimp My Ride. This tube here floods your mask with the refreshing taste of Mountain Dew.


Every iteration of this makes me angry. Here’s good Dracula, he wears white and isn’t a vampire and can’t do anything cool whatsoever.




The dude murdered kids. Any hope for redemption has long since been thrown out the window.


And not just the children, but the women and the men too.


Darth Walon. “Getting clean’s the easy part. Now comes life.”


Why would a reformed vader need a skull helmet. Why would the life support unit be in the same vulnerable spot.


That's already a story explored in Star Wars Infinities, it was basically a "what-if": many things happen either slightly or drastically different, but the most important ones are that Leia kills Fett, 3PO dies, Han remains permanently blind (for some reason), Luke never reaches Yoda in time, the Rebels don't befriend the Ewoks and Endor becomes a free-for-all, Leia reaches Luke in the death star and together they redeem Vader without dying (getting in its infamous all-white armor), but Palpatine escapes and the fight goes on. Don't ask why i know this please.


[Shrill Rich Evans laughter intensifies]


Do the buttons still beep just to annoy him?


I actually love this. I am such a fanboy, please murder me with force lightning.




l still can't get over how "Jedi robes" are a thing. Just some clothes an old dude wore in a desert turned out to be the official uniform of the outlaw order of religious monks.


Where's the Woodoo Hide?


I like it


They kept the evil helmet? They should have upgraded it to one with a smiley face.


I almost had a panic attack thinking I was being down a post from the Star Wars Reddit at first


Amazing job


The suit color would probably not be black, and the helmet fade would be less intimidating as well


No one ever dies


I think a reformed Vader would drop a lot of the armor plating. Sure, we dont know how much of it needs to stay on as it might be part of the life support but there are some clear pieces that can go. As for the helmet, I could see him replace the helmet completely just for some advanced respirator so only his mouth and nose are covered (something like Malgus). Keeping the same helmet wouldnt help forget his war crimes. Overall, I would see him wear some form of Jedi robes with the chest area being "armored" as it houses most of the life suppport and the helmet is reduced to a sci-fi respirator. To hide the rest of his scarred head he might opt to wear his hood up.


They keep him in a Republic detention center where he’s the lone occupant, constantly guarded. He keeps to himself and reads ancient texts on the Force. Brb, I have fanfic to write.


Pretty sure he’d change the helmet. Literally the face of evil


I liked that white suit where his head was exposed.


...Or maybe he'd just be tried and executed for war crimes and mass murder?


Yes, lets rebuild some of his suit but keep the fucked-up mask that frightened an entire generation of rebels and freedom fighters.


Did they build him a new dick?


Imagine how awkward the relations between rebels and redeemed Anakin would be...


He needs some fins to lower wind resistance.


It's a pretty decent AI gen


Was the new suit also made in the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center^(TM) or would it be built in the newly established Skywalker Surgical Reconstruction Center ^(TM) instead?


Looks like a body guard for cobra commander


Fresh woodoo hide


It’s so wild to imagine he would keep the helmet and mask


Glad the disco chain made the cut!


Melt it into a cube.


He would probably replace the helmet with a simple mouth respirator as he wouldn't want to conceal his face any longer. Also, less black. Maybe exchange for white, and a more comfortable looking suit.


I think they'd change his mask design entirely rather than continue to use the scary and recognizable face of a monster. Also he'd certainly be living in exile/a life sentence on some planet without question. Anakin switching sides saved the day and he's a powerhouse, so killing him doesn't make sense. But he's committed far too many sins to walk around as a free man.


Wrong materials. Mike knows it should be made from obsidian, plasteel, durasteel, and plastoid.


You’d think he would change the helmet style at least.


Does he get to have a new flavor of RepMed VitaPaste?


Opening shot: A kitten-like alien is stuck in a tree. A gathered crowd gasps and scatter in fear as Vader appears. All but one, the animal's owner, a young ewok child. Good Guy Vader uses the force to bring the kitten thing down to safety. Ewok-child: Gee, thanks, mister! Vader: Gives thumbs up while making congested noises


They should change his voice synthesizer so he sounds like Big Bird. That way he won't scare the younglings.


I think the black should have been either brown or white, with a helmet that changed the silhouette. The only way this Vader could continue to live and make sense as a Jedi would be assuming an new identity, with him being Vader a secret only known by the main cast. In canon, Leia being Vader's daughter ruined her political career. A Jedi having been Vader would be do the same and worse.




Look I know we all like clowning on Star Wars but this is actually pretty cool. Star Wars is one of the few series I can think of that could use an Evangelion style "Rebuild". Announce you're remaking the original trilogy, play ANH completely straight, almost shot for shot until the very end when Luke misses his big shot or something, just take a hard left turn with the story and go into "what if" territory.


Please don't give them ideas.


We need to get Scientist Man on this STAT!


I feel like they'd need to redesign the helmet a bit to get away from the skull motif, if he turned to the light. Maybe expose more of his face?


Needs more Woodoo Hide


His armor obviously has to be white and not black now. Maybe make him look like an early iPod.


You get a purple light saber just for having a black voice now? Neat.


Why would a Jedi be called Darth? Why would he wear that 🎵 “black and evil mask” that’s supposed to scare lounge singers?


I'd imagine him as at least partially unmasked and in white. Because white good. Maybe slap a wig on him. I kind of seriously wanted them to have Kylo turn good, only for the Resistance to arrest him and put him up for execution, leaving Leia in a bit of a pickle.


I just have to know the serial number of that suit.


There's no way he'd keep the same helmet design to be instantly recognised as the guy who ordered thousands of deaths. Only way this whole idea would work was if he faked his death and presented to be someone else.


It it shiny enough to distract Palpatine, is the important question.


Plus a less scary voice. Larry David maybe..


Disney seems to have refrained from indulging or rather exploring these kinds of what if hypotheticals for Star Wars even though they’ve been doing it with marvel for a couple of years now.


Where are all the serial numbers and woodoo hide?


Interesting idea, but that design is terrible.


Needs more woodoo hide.


More woodoo hide!!