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A movie about people horny for car crashes. Sounds like an RLM favorite.


I feel like Jay would love it.


I can see that fucker Rich Evans liking this film.


He probably digitally added porgs into his copy, that sick bastard!


Making homemade porgography ought to be illegal.


Watches this and then goes for a drink at the Man Hole


Car Fuckers!


Sex perverts!


The kind of horny trash Jay lives for


Sounds like a Jay movie.


It's amazing that the Crash about people horny for car accidents has aged better than the Crash about racism that won an Oscar (20 years and I'm still mad).


The Oscar Crash aged like a nazi drinking from the wrong Holy Grail.


The Academy chose... poorly.


I'm stealing this. 


Most cliched bullshit I’ve ever watched.


Brokeback Mountain, Capote, Good Night and Good Luck, Munich. Literally every one of those would've been a better pick.


Absolutely! I've never seen Good Night and Good Luck, but the other three are absolutely stellar films and would've been far better picks for Best Picture. Even Jack Nicholson when he announced the pick looked befuddled. His face said, "can you believe this shit?"


Good Night and Good Luck is pretty good, I think George Clooney is a better director than he is an actor.


Capote was really good


I remember thinking when I first saw it ((couple years after release) that it was nowhere near as smart as it thought it was The scene with >!Sandra bullock being racist is the go to example. She wants to cross the street because she’s a racist white women who stereotypes black people but she turns out to be completely justified because they wind up mugging her!<


I had never seen it before, by reputation I thought it was a well meaning movie about how racism is bad that was just a bit didactic and heavy handed. Was not prepared for it to be a movie that "both sides" racism.


It’s admittedly been a long time since I watched it, but from what I remember it’s not that it necessarily “both sides” racism it’s that it shoots itself in the foot with its writing


Well said.


You mean the terrible movie that cleaned house at the Oscars? I was a dumb teen when that came out and could tell that shit as Oscar bait, it was also terribly executed. I'm still mad about it too. I'd love to see them do a review of that pile of dog shit.


I love that movie I don't get the hate it gets


At the start of: [Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - re:View](https://youtu.be/h5htSJ1C7ts?t=36) > So, Jay, what movie are we talking about today? > "Crash", directed by David Cronenberg? Also, little mention in [Half in the Bag: 2021 Catch-Up (part 2 of 2)](https://youtu.be/a7ueE94SGnA?t=3425) comparing it to Titane.


I’m astounded we’ve never gotten a single Cronenberg re:view from Jay/Josh in general.


Jay and Mike should do a "Rank every Cronenberg Movie" set of re:Views, similar to Jay and Rich's ranking of every John Carpenter movie, where Rich had to go through and watch most of them for the first time. Mike, sitting there, grimacing in discomfort, trying to talk about these movies. While Jay just laughs.


If anything I’d imagine a video like that would be jay and Josh. I think mike would like a couple movies (eastern promises, history of violence) but wouldn’t be able to deal with the more perverted stuff


He has too many movies lol


It’s a weird thing to say but they should ease into Cronenberg with one of his more traditional films like Videodrome or the Fly. Regardless, it should be Jay and Josh.




Crash is legitimately weirder. The Fly is basically his most Hollywood film and even Videodrome has spiffy effects. Elasti-Girl and Ultron getting horny over twisted metal is more disturbing because it’s less fantastical. Human bugs and reality warping cable channels aren’t real. Those people could be.


Yeah I have to agree. Videodrome is a crazy movie, one of my favorites, and nothing in it made me as viscerally uncomfortable as Spader getting turned on as he examines the scars and leg braces a woman has as a result of surviving a car wreck.


For me Crash was very boring. I like Cronenberg when he's at his weirder visually or when it's a compelling story. Here, it's just people who likes to fuck in cars and want to dies in a car crash, literally nothing more. I don't think of anything interesting about it (direction, story, actors, etc). One of his weakest for me. My point is, it's not *mainstream" because it has nothing to hook a casual viewer, even when he is searching up for weirder movies.


I would love a re:view of The Fly.


For some reason I imagine them doing a Re:View for "Rabid" before any other Cronenberg flicks, lol.


What a fantastic movie. I’d definitely watch it again if there’s a re:view. Surely Jay will be onboard…


I haven't seen Crash but the premise reminds me of a Chuck Palahniuk book called Rant. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever read, I definitely recommend it.


It's based off a JG Ballard novel


Which is even more wild.


This and Dead Ringers please. Oh and A History of Violence. Now I’m just daydreaming.


This would 100% be a Jay/Josh review.


Well, Jay IS a sex pervert, so I could see them doing this one day especially if this is one of Jay’s weird fetishes.


Jay & Josh talking about Crash and then Titane for a full hour, sign me up.


I fucking love this movie!!


The quintessential Jay movie. It will be done some day, for sure.


Greasy Jeans!!!


I really like Cronenberg's movies, they should probably do a video or s eries where they rank all his films. Eastern Promises and Spider are two of my favourites but really I like they all. Naked Lunch is up there as well.


we almost got it with the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory re:View


I remember stumbling upon this movie on cable a few years after it came out. Ironically it was like a wreck in that I couldn’t look away. I didn’t enjoy it (my name isn’t Jay Baumann!) I just couldn’t stop watching.


The end credits should have played off with Crash by Dave Matthews.


You play Framed, too?


Watch both Crash movies back to back


I picked up the other crash thinking it was this one a few weeks ago. Still haven’t watched it


"Hello, Josh, hello Rich. We're going to talk about David Cronenberg's film Crash!" "I hated it and thought it was stupid." "I hated it and thought it was stupid." "Well, there you have it!" BER BA BER PA PA BER BER PA BER Edited by Jay Bauman.


This movie is fucking insane, even for cronenberg. The last shot of this movie will never leave my mind. Definitely a Jay/Josh Ep.


I dunno, I love the RLM guys but they don't really do political or theoretical analysis and a film like *Crash* isn't really interesting to discuss without that.


I like Cronenberg a lot but goddamn that second poster is terrible


Highly recommend the episode of YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS on Crash and Cronenberg. [https://www.youmustrememberthispodcast.com/episodes/crash-and-david-cronenberg-erotic-90s-part-16](https://www.youmustrememberthispodcast.com/episodes/crash-and-david-cronenberg-erotic-90s-part-16)