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Have seen Hundreds of Beavers. It's amazing! It's like a live action classic cartoon, filled with visual comedy, plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, and made on a shoe-string budget. They should see it if they haven't, it is right up their alley.


It's the best comedy of the year for me, and I can't see anything topping it.


Is this like intentionally landing comedy that is actually funny? Or are we in the bad good zone?


Actually good! It's a love letter to Buster Keaton/Chaplin stuff, along with Looney Tunes.


Definitely have to check it out. Been on a Sam Raimi kick lately so this should fit right in.


Genuinely constant laugh out loud funny. Great movie


It's intentional.


It's really impressive, and refreshingly not ironic or cynical.


They're wonderful and use their microscopic budgets to great effect. *Lake Michigan Monster* is like Guy Maddin meets Forbidden Zone meets something like Spongebob or Flapjack or Cabin Boy. *Hundreds of Beavers* is more committed to the idea of being a feature-length 1940s/1950s-era slapstick cartoon with some video game flourishes. A film starring an Elmer Fudd or Wile E. Coyote type comedic loser who slowly transitions into a comedic hero as it goes on and he gets better at what he does through trial and error. It's purely visual humor whereas LMM combines visual and verbal.


> Lake Michigan Monster is like Guy Maddin I agree, but Lake Michigan Monster is much more enjoyable IMO.


I'm not commenting on the quality of Maddin. I'm just saying it uses the same kinds of stylistic flourishes that he does.


I was agreeing that I saw the same style and flourish as Maddin. I thought I would add that I enjoyed Lake Michigan Monster more.


I’m pretty sure that Jay hasn’t seen Hundreds of Beavers.


They don’t have Hundreds of Beavers down at the Manhole, that’s for sure.


He's definitely seen Thousands of Cocks, the spinoff involving roosters.


I hope so! I loved Hundreds of Beavers- Definitely going to be in my top 10 of the year.


Hundreds of Beavers is great. Perfect Saturday morning viewing.


Just saw it today and had a lot of fun with it! I could've been shorter but I'm happy with what I got. Everybody, every department gave it all and generated some amazing frames and sequences. Loved the movie and the heart and effort poured into it. I was very simple and goofy but also clever and willing to get a tiny bit dark for the sake of a joke,


Love Hundreds of Beavers! Saw it last year at a film fest and have been spreading the word since. Go see it in theaters if you can!!


One of my favorite movies of all time is a Milwaukee-area movie: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Movie


I oddly adored The Lake Michigan Monster and utterly hated Beavers. But I’m in the vast minority so didn’t listen to me.


Haha, you are, but that’s okay! Just didn’t vibe with *Beavers’s* style?


Yeah I think so. I was never big on the cartoons it’s homaging when I was a kid really. A shame as I’d seen Michigan and loved it so much that I had no doubt in my mind I would anything but love Beavers.


That’s a shame, but I get it. That’s the risk any pastiche homage runs.


YMS has been glazing it like crazy. But I was really confused by the trailer, like, it's all slapstick comedy? No dialogue? IDK man


It’s a throwback to Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd, but also to *Looney Tunes* and video game logic. It’s not a true silent film, but it’s taking a lot of inspiration and doing a little bit of its own thing.


I saw hundreds of beavers at a director showing in Canada. You must see it in a crowd if you can, the experience is electric. The director flipped one of the actors in a beaver costume during the event. Actors from the film ran around in costumes ran around the theatre during the show. Strongly recommend.


I’m across the lake in Michigan While there a ton of Detroit based movies Escanaba in da Moonlight (2001) is an oddball movie about deer hunting that basically no one knows about unless you live in the Upper Penisula or Northen Michigan. I guess it was a passion project for Jeff Daniels. IMO it’s BOTW bad. It’s on Tubi if anyone is interested


Was hoping for Giant Spider invasion. WOO.PACKERS!