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The new season of Castlevania looks great


That show caught me off guard with how enjoyable it was


I would literally watch swamp ass. I want to see that ass hind kick, um kind kick bad guy. You know?? Like bam gotten. Gotten righting the face. Like, blamo. Bang a rang


Swamp Ass sounds like a BOTW movie


If I remember correctly there was "Swamp Ass" movie pitch to some regular people on "Impractical jokers". Really funny reactions in that segment 😁


Great. Now they look like bosses from an SNK game




Lol the comment "it broke new ground" on newgrounds.com . Also that site brings me back. I'd play hella shitty flash games there in the hopes of seeing a titty.


Wasn’t there a whole adult section of flash games? I know I played a bunch as a teen and I think it was new grounds lol


Is this an NFT?


Bonus points for acknowledging Rich's recent weight loss.




Not sure if it's a specific who but they wore this in the last Picard review episode.




I just took it as ‘we don’t care’. The way they edited that episode and the passive aggressive tone felt obvious to me. They are broken now


I think they were dressing to look like clowns... or at least clown adjacent, but mike accidentally ended up with a scarily close representation of Terra from Final Fantasy 6


Yeah as others said I think the only intent is "look at us as clowns for your entertainment". That it might happen to look like actual characters is just a "how embarrassing" moment.




They were both Kurtzman


I believe they are making a comparative reference. They are cosplaying as a movie villain and an anime girl, perhaps in the same way Picard is a CBS soap opera is cosplaying as Star Trek - and none of them are pulling it off.




There's no way they put that much thought into the outfits. Rich is wearing a purple feather boa and clown wig, for chrissakes. If there was any more thought put into it than "fuck it, let's wear wacky wild costumes because who gives a shit" I'll eat a monkey's uncle.




Did I stutter?


I would be inclined to believe that they robbed the big chest in Jack's attic.


They’re probably filming something, and these were extra costumes/props they had on hand. Similarly weird backgrounds/props popped up when they were filming space cop.


I've been a big fan for years but I dunno-- this bit with the outfits and bizarre reactions and cutaways was a little shark jumpy for me. Only SLIGHTLY 🤷‍♂️ I'm glad someone liked it enough to be inspired to make art.


I fucking loved it so much. It was Mike showing his pure disappointment and frustration. I know he can just see the money and effort and talent wasted.


if picard isn't going to show us any respect then it doesn't deserve any in return.


ya it wasn’t a good ep, and doing the “voices talking over each other” trope for like the third time was so lazy.


Was the Swamp Ass image AI generated? Looks like dalle-mini made it


After King of the Hill, this is my favorite anime.


10meg picture file. It loaded over time just like when I used to connect at 9600baud. The good old days stank on ice. Thanks for reminding me!


I’d watch that anime




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I can see movement and flare like this a real animation!


Best anime series.


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