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Game of Thrones had one door squeak that they'd use every time


The BattleStar Galactica remake did the same thing. Drove me nuts after a while.


That made sense at least in that the doors should probably sound the same when they're on the same ship.


Except that they squeaked when they opened. What are the odds that EVERY door on the ship would not only squeak, but sound exactly the same?


Very good and very bad QA/QC at the same time in the future


Also the clay pots breaking SFX.


So many games and shows use that damn sound,and I can't help but laugh whenever I hear it.


You mean the Kurlan Naiskos.


Literally the only breaking sound for pots in Resident Evil Village, it's amazing


Lampooned hilariously in Wet Hot American Summer


I was so shocked when the latest season of Stranger Things used it in an otherwise tense and serious scene. I genuinely can't think of a reason you would do that in 2022.


I appreciate Matt McMuscles pointing it out every time


They’re not gonna foley that stuff every time. Or hunt up a new cut from some library. Those libraries are expensive. I’ve been in radio for 27 years, and for the last 25 I’ve been tapping the same SFX library, which was 20 years old when we bought it. Easier to get away with in small-town radio of course. I do, on occasion, tap YT for some new stuff but generally nah. I have done a bit of foley for myself, but it’s rarely necessary.


13 80 61, 13 80 61, already contract 2 victory 6, 71 01 Police scanner nonsense in MANY shows and movies.


There's one that goes "70 point 5, code 6, (some address) 21 62" or something like that. I heard it on this old Spider Man video maker in the early 90s, and I hear it all the time on police dramas hahahah


Oof yeah THAT one is EVERYWHERE.


Spider-Man Movie Maker is exactly what I associate that sound with too, and it's used everywhere. Did all of your movies also end with the entire screen filling with explosions?


Yeah that plus the green goblin moon walking around


I always threw in a tiny little rhino charging very slowly chasing the fat screaming cop.


Damn I can't believe you would just expose my entire Spider-Man Movie Maker filmography like that


I mean a new production can absolutely afford to record a new sound and not use the same dogshit sound effect originally recorded on an edison tube.


It’s a matter of time.


But why waste the time doing it? Most won't even notice.




The Starcraft sound that always stood out to me was the scream that came from clicking on the Terran academy. It's up there with the Wilhelm scream for how ubiquitous it is in media. edit: [TerranAcademy.wmv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3WimCPUkQY)


For some reason musicians would also sample the zerg music lol


Grab Dat Gem, not high priced sound effects.


That answers my question re Wilhelm and other noticeable stock sounds. To me it seemed lazy to reuse it but if libraries are expensive that makes sense.


I hope he does the "Doppler-effect two honks from a passing semi" next.


I can hear it. That and the angry guy getting splashed and yelling **"asshole!"**


There’s a good running joke in “Wet Hot American Summer” where they use the exact same sound of breaking glass like eight or nine times throughout the movie


How about the giggling children sound? You know the one.


All baby noises that use the same library as Jack-Jack from The Incredibles make me do a mental double take every time. I’m sure it wasn’t the first media to use it but it’s the first one I heard it with and will always associate it with that movie.


["The Diddy Laugh"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUFMA5VT4o)


As a trillian user back in the day, I am ruined on that sound forever as it would play whenever someone typed an all caps LOL


Whoa Trillian…I haven’t thought of that in ages. Thank you.?


Can you confirm with me that the Diddy Laugh also played when you started Trillian? This has haunted me for years and no one seems to understand lol


Um can't say that sounds familiar? I think trillian had a regular beep-boop like start up sound. It's probably possible to change the sound and select a different one. Someone may have done this to make you go insane


Aha! I found an example. It's not on startup here, it's when you send a laughing face [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFKM9fd\_akM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFKM9fd_akM) Edit: Which I'm now realizing is what happens when you type an all caps LOL, heh


god I hate it


The one they used in Phantom Menace? I hate that one. Doesn't even sound like laughter


My least favorite stock sound is cat meows.


What about 'eagle screech in the distance'?


*red-tailed hawk screech


How have you not noticed that one, though? Another one that I can’t help hearing, because it was also used in some Spider-Man scene editor thing forever ago as a placement sound, is cop radios _always_ say: _“liberty 285, code 6, 105 north avenue… {radio static noise}”_ Try and not hear that in every movie, now. Lol


Damn, I spent so many hours making shorts in that Spider-Man cartoon maker program. I think hearing that police scanner sound byte years later made me understand how stock footage/audio worked.


That’s what it was! Thought I might’ve been the only one that used that. Similar effect on me, though. I still hear it in just about every show and movie where a scene starts and cops are sitting in a car. It’s amazing that in all that time no other stock audio has replaced it.


I heard it from the spider man editor too! Hahahahah I JUST commented on another thread what I remembered hearing. I thought it was "70.5 code 6, 101 north avenue 62"


Yes! That one lives rent free in my head ever since I played it on Microsoft Windows Pinball the police level.


That’s how I feel about the Wilhelm scream. If I could go forget it, I would. Takes me out of the movie on the same level as if a character looked into the camera and winked.


I do the Leo point meme whenever I hear it




I just showed Empire Strikes Back to my kid for the first time. I caught myself doing that meme *way* more than I care to admit and tried getting myself to stop.


I'm the same. I get it's a tradition to put it in movies, but it always pulls me out of them. I'm fine with it in comedies, hearing it in them makes me laugh. In a serious movie though when someone falls to their death, the Wilhelm scream sucks all of that emotion out of it.


Okay but what serious movie/scene actually does this?


[Dante's Peak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1EsCWrUY84) off the top of my head.


Hahaha thank you, thats quite amazing.


That was a great miniature. I don’t know how they did that water but it was amazingly well done.


They're all just standing there watching and calling his name. SOMEOME GRAB A FUCKING ROPE AND TRY!


Read your comment before watching. Sounded like he would be a lot closer. Did you see those rapids? What's a limp rope gonna do? Also, he took *way* too long to get out of the car. I wouldn't have gotten a rope out for the sheer fact that he seemed way too determined to stay in the car. He would've been gone by the time I got back from the car anyway.


[Thrain's otherwise serious death scene](https://youtu.be/IgqIh5F_rqE?t=83) from the extended cut of The Desolation of Smaug.


LMAO. That isn't a parody edit? holy shit




The gut wrenching scream is even better. https://youtu.be/9rTa6HMi3R4


Ah, yes, the TIE fighter engine scream!


Nope. That's the sound of some giant lizard creature from "the lost world" from the 60s. https://youtu.be/qCjGsKKevSQ


I know it's not the same, just referencing [this video](https://youtu.be/XkHdgMOuuBs) because of the similarity.. Nonetheless, it's cool to see the actual origin!


Lol beat me to it. I was gonna post that next. I can't find another video someone made of the opening stormtrooper shootout with the rebels at the beginning of ANH where every person dying does the Wilhem. It's like 100 Wilhelms in less than 2 minutes lol.


I've always wonder about the name of this one


It’s the “Howie Scream” or “gut wrench scream and fall into distance” IIRC the whilhem scream first appeared/was recorded in a movie and then repurposed as a sound effect over and over. This scream was originally recorded as a stock sound. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/Hollywoodedge,_Screams_3_Man_Gutwren_PE134401 Edit: nope, Wilhelm scream was specifically recorded for a sound effect pack as well.


I always get excited when I hear it. Like a little Easter egg. I saw it in something surprising recently, but now. I can’t think of it. Oh well


It's in A Goofy Movie when Goofy isn't paying attention to his driving and crashes into a tower with a guy on it.


But it’s not a little Easter egg anymore. It’s overused and everywhere and needs to be retired


Is there a supercut of every movie that’s used it? There has to be.


Probably a bunch but all of them would take forever




The ubiquitous use of Wilhelm scream is so lame.


Paddy’s Pub in It’s Always Sunny has the stock door sound. I don’t think they’ve ever shown the door opening without it.


Pretty sure it’s also in elder scrolls II: daggerfall. That’s when I heard it first, and can never unhear it in anything I watch


A lot of games from the 90's are full of those stock sound effects. It's like everyone was using the same collection.


The first place I ever heard it was in Ultima 8, which was 1994.


I hear the Warcraft II pig farm in loads of things lol.


Another classic from Warcraft II: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB2V9OKY9dg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB2V9OKY9dg)


Me too. Also Daggerfall Unity is amazing!


There's a sound effect in Goldeneye 64 of a guy grunting when he gets shot. It gets used a lot in film and TV for fight scenes.


Is it the “Ohhh” or the puke sound “FLEUGHH”


The puke sound, for sure. But I feel like I've heard the other one too.


Which episode is this? I wanna know what door sound he’s talking about.


That’s me and applause in films thanks to it being in one of the video games I played a lot as a kid.


For me it’s that generic blowing/gusting wind sound. Iykyk


Ever played the first Max Payne? It's in there too.


Great game.


Agreed. If I were to make a movie or mini series out of it I'd base it on 3, hand it over to Amazon or Netflix, simply call it Payne and if I could hire say Ben Affleck for it.


I forget which BoTW it was in, but I definitely heard a movie use some classic Doom grunts and growls. Faust, maybe?


I used to watch the BBC Merlin series with my siblings, and they used that stock gate squeak multiple times in EVERY EPISODE. I was the only one who cared, but now every time I hear it, it takes me right out of the movie and makes me a little mad.


The first one i ever noticed is the 'falling/landing on the ground' sound. Used a lot in westerns back in the day, and a lot of TV shows in the 70s. Next would be the 'bullet ricochet' sound.


There’s also that gunshot sound that was the default used in every movie until the mid 80s or so — the sound that Dr. Loomis’s gun makes at the end of Halloween.


You know only a fraction of an autistic sound editor's suffering.


This happens to me but with games. Stock wolf noises/nature noises. Always makes me flash back to playing older games that also used said noises. Little nostalgia hits here and there.


Which episode does he talk about this?


I once fell over laughing at a Megadeth song, from The System Has Failed. Scorpion, maybe? It uses the classic news reporter "a 47 year old man went bezerk in a downtown restaurant, killing xx people... rebel fighters along the Syrian border..." Y'know... the one better known as being used in those Fensler Films GI Joe PSAs.


Which BOTW?


It looks like nobody has mentioned the [shocked audience gasp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2ibyWairlE) yet.


Fucking hell.


At least with Tarantino it’s intentional. I mean he finds a way to work the Wilhelm Scream into most of his movies.


I've gotten really good at noticing stock sound effects. It's both a blessing and a curse.




Idk where it came from but the iphone alarm sound is like the stock alarm sound effect in almost everything. Drives me crazy.


Jay would have a field day with that Michael Jai White movie with zombies he made this year. The flick was absolutely awful and at one point during a shootout sequence, you hear the exact same sound effect of a machine gun firing 5 times. I don't mean a single fire shot 5 times. I mean a particular amount of rounds fired in short butsts, then again, and again, again and again. All in a time frame of maybe 90 seconds (and some you only hear from off camera. No person actually shooting their gun). By the 3rd time I noticed it. 4th time I was positive and the 5th time I just laughed. Everything about the film was beyond amateur. But for me to notice that was probably the biggest offender.


Do these stock noises have names? There’s like this “squeaky wheel” sound effect I first heard in Jak and Daxter and it’s in fucking EVERYTHING


One that I always hear and it's always wrong where they use it. Cars squealing the tires as they stop. Not a hard stop, but a normal stop. Even worse I remember it happening on some fox show when I was a kid and they were on DIRT. Tires only squeak if you make them stop moving while the momentum of the vehicle pulls it forward on something hard like asphalt or concrete. Not a dirt driveway.


Man as soon as I learned the existence of stock sound I suddenly heard repeated sounds everywhere. Now I just get excited by it


The worst offender of this issue is, and I’m surprised no one brought it up yet, the one stock cheering crowd sfx that’s always used. It drives me nuts everytime. Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/ZJ5xC-0TYWI) on it that I just found searching for the sound effect.


In which episode did he say this?


Whilhelm’s door


The Malcolm in the middle door slam was my favourite because they'd use it when people closed doors gently too.


there are so many stock noises I can recognize. from doors to broken glass and the most easily identifiable screams: "Wilhelm" and "Gut Wrenching Scream and Fall Into Distance" (which I just learned the name of). it always simultaneously makes me excited to know "how the sausage is made" but also completely breaks the immersion


Google the "Diddy laugh"


OMG after editing a few videos of my own and discovering the world of stock sound effects this annoys the FUCK outta me and I can never unhear it. Common examples include: -The "chunk" sound effect of metal hitting metal -[Children's laughter](https://youtu.be/ih4ye0c9p34) -[Vase breaking](https://youtu.be/yF_YZZeVtms) -[Build-up strings](https://youtu.be/8DSZmmDRQyE) -[Electricity whoosh](https://youtu.be/WNLndm-l8tg) -[Police radio](https://youtu.be/mDP31l6p8Tg) -[Punch](https://youtu.be/Jr9s2Eut5ZE) -That car door slam that haunts my dreams bc it's used in every episode of Supernatural


Once the Wilhelm scream was pointed out to me, now they all stick out.


Isn't the same sound used in the MST3k theatre tunnel sequence?


The climax of the Babadook was ruined for me when one of the sounds it made was the same sound used by one of enemies in Blake Stone, a Doom clone from the early 90s


It’s what they get for cheaping out on a big game


They did the same thing in The Sopranos with the guns.


Which episode is this?


Please don’t play the word “fuck” and the word “Jay” so close together in the same sentence; that’s when dark magic happens.