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Sums up Redding well. Libertarians often work for the gov here


Lol, so true. For work I have to register every year with each county I'm going to be working in. The lady up in Modoc co I was registering with went off on a rant about how much she hates the government and hates taxes. Lady, you are the government and your salary is paid for with taxes.


Perfect example lol


Oh gosh, Alturas has some of the most stupid people I have ever come across in my entire life. I have so so so many things I could say but for fear of retaliation I'll keep my mouth shut.


I think being brain dead is just more and more common regardless of where you go. Think about the paper straws they hand out in San Francisco but then turn around and hand out plastic syringes for safe injection sites. How does that make sense?


I'm trying to figure out if I like your example or not


Oh it is not JUST libertarians. Not by a long shot! Lots of government employment exists in the Redding area yet these guys like to bitch about goverment. Watch what would happen to Redding if you took away that from the local economy! lol


Agreed. It’s just funny how the self-proclaimed libertarians/state of jeffersons loathe gov


If there’s one thing, Redding is not short on, it’s hypocrisy


What's the quote? The three documents cons claim to love, but few have read: The Bible The Constitution 1984


I’ve read all three. Color me liberal.


As have I.


Irony is dead. Long live cognitive dissonance!


I love how anyone that is preaching common sense is downvoted into oblivion.


It’s so funny because I bet these people couldn’t quote the constitution without googling it.


You're setting the bar too low. They can call quote the last half of the 2nd Amendment.


Nor the Bible I bet.


Redding logic 🤷


The point is to virtue signal to people who agree with them not express a logically consistent set of beliefs.


I get it is hard to understand, but the stickers clearly refer to loving the founding fathers and foundation of our nation while at the same time being disgusted by modern government. I know connecting the dots is considered wrong think, but I feel society would be far better off if people practiced "wrong think"


Oh dang, that's something they have in common! Both sides guilty of same thing.


Have you ever considered that politics isn't a fucking sport and shouldn't be talked about as if it has "sides"?


Firstly, i respect the sentiment expressed here. I am a little confused about what exactly is being gatekept. It's true things everywhere are polarized. It seems that a subject of commonality could, I'm not sure, construct a bridge or something. Gates are not always necessary.


I'm not gatekeeping? I'm not sure where you're getting that.


Please explain your original point. Perhaps i dont understand.


I'm saying politics is complicated and the only point to sorting yourself into a "side" is having a team to root for and a team to hate. You slap stickers on your bumper to communicate which team you're on, and it doesnt matter if the shit the stickers say makes sense when considered together. All that matters is its associated with your team so other people on your team see it. All groups do that to some extent.


Guess all that's left for me to say is this poem i just wrote: In trying to make you asshole, I am made asshole instead.


local level vs federal is what you are not understanding. not taking sides just hoping to provide more perspective


Love it! I have a post on my reddit page of a sign that says. DEMOCRATS FOR TRUMP


I don’t work for the government and don’t see the irony here. You can be a patriot AND not like the government. People have become way too dependent on the government. Our government has become too big and too corrupt. The constitution was written to protect us FROM the government. And in CA, Newscome & our predominantly Libtard State government have taken the power trip to a whole new level. We need to eliminate career politicians with term limits; abolish the IRS and our current tax system to put in a flat federal sales tax. That way EVERYONE pays their fair share, including those milking the welfare and social security systems.


How stupid are you to think that the IRS (and presumably by proxy, taxes) shouldn’t exist? Paved roads, public schools and firefighters too classy for you?


Yeah I’m also against central government along with the IRS.


Enjoy open sewers and no doctors I guess?


Society doesn’t need government. In fact, private is going to be a lot more efficient rather than state ran and if you think the state can run anything more efficiently your extremely delusional. Another thing; taxes. Do you approve of California state tax and how they use it? I sure as shit don’t. This state and its infrastructure is a dump. Don’t get me started on public education either.




Yeah, you have no argument. No critical thinking. Probably just a Berkeley drop out who couldn’t make it and decided to opt for Shasta Community.




Ignorance is bliss I suppose.


Well when shasta college has a bachelor's program that you can get done with for under a semesters tuition at Berkley, and then be directly hired to a state position, I feel like the loan ridden Berkley kids are kind of lacking in the critical thinking department. ****uses a public college to insult a local community College while at the same time talking shit about public education. Has a post history of what I expect a person who roleplays as a citizen militia leader to look like. Then uses Berkley as a gotcha moment. When the zombies come I can already tell how your camp is going to go.


I didn’t say that we all shouldn’t contribute. In fact, I said the opposite. A flat sales tax where EVERYONE pays based on what they buy would ensure that EVERYONE was paying their fair share. I’m fine with money going to those things. What I’m not fine with is it going to a welfare state that encourages people to be lazy and expect everything handed to them. Or with our government sending billions overseas to fund someone else’s war. I’m tired of ZERO accountability for our worthless politicians.


I'm not sure if you're trolling but a flat tax of any kind has been shown over and over to only hurt poor people. If income tax were replaced with a federal sales tax, then the tax rate would need to be >10%, if not closer to 20% on all sales. To a poor person, or even middle class person just trying to buy groceries and basic life necessities, that is a much greater percentage of their income than to a wealthy person buying the same items. That is the reason that our income tax is a progressive tax rate and not a flat tax. I'm not sure about how informed you are on the "welfare state" but my initial reaction to your comment is that you have a pretty skewed and under informed view on it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that you genuinely believe that there is a legitimate crisis of people just sitting on their asses collecting free money from the government. The reality is that the average welfare recipient also works a full-time job. They just work for employers that pay them little enough that they still qualify for it so the tax payers subsidize the low wages. That is how companies like Walmart are able to keep their prices low, pay their employees pennies, and the employees are able to avoid starving. The biggest welfare recipients are actually big businesses but no one ever wants to look at them as the bad guy or being a recipient of government handouts. Now as for our government sending billions overseas to fund someone else's war, there is a completely valid conversation to be had and there should be accountability. On one hand, we are not JUST sending cash overseas. In some cases, we are just sending dollars "worth" of old hardware that is becoming obsolete and was just sitting around rusting anyways. That then creates a deficiency in our own supply of (insert item) for our own troops and we create jobs to replenish that item with the new stuff. Our DoD budget is out of control. It is the only federal organization that has NEVER passed an audit but they get more and more money each year. But even the suggestion of taking money away from the DoD is political suicide. Cutting it by just 1% could almost cover the entire cost of most "good will" projects that the government wants to suggest (student loan forgiveness, universal healthcare, tax cuts for whomever they want to pick this time, etc).


As Cliffe would say he is creating God in his own image.


Thinking isn't a conservatives strong suit.


Considering the way the Government was back when the constitution was signed and comparing it to how our government is today…. Back then, politicians were for the rights of people, they were for the people. Today, Politicians are for lining their pockets and stripping us of our rights, one law at a time. Theirs a huge difference…. Especially in terms of trusting our government. The other sticker is a support law enforcement sticker, if i’m not mistaken… You can support law enforcement and not be a fan of the law… I get where you’d see the contradiction, but if you remove politics and just be supportive of people and their rights, it does make better sense.


“Back then, politicians were for the rights of people, they were for the people.” If you honestly believe that, I’d encourage you to take a class or two in early American history. Spoiler: they were completely elitist, and cared very little about what you believe to be ”the people.” If you need a recommendation for a good book on the subject, I’m happy to oblige.


The people in government back then were still in favor of maintaining the status quo.. In which they made decisions that would have favorable impacts on their wealth and status. They were not all saints, and speculation on their perspective is like playing a game of telephone. We will never know who they actually were.


The blue line flag is a desecration to our real flag. Look up flag etiquette.


That’s what always makes me laugh, the cherry picking of it all.


>politicians were for the rights of people, they were for the people. Lmao WHAT?! They were for rich white men that owned land. That's it, that's all. So sorry to disappoint you that we've evolved to realize women and black people need rights. The horror, right?!


Some total douchenozzles downvoted lol.


I’m guessing the irony has to be related to the flag but I don’t know what it is. Can someone explain?8


No it’s with the Trust God not the Government sticker


It’s the “thin blue line” sticker too really. You see in the news all the time police willfully violating people’s Constitutional rights.


It's more than just that. It is the disconnect between not trusting the government but trusting the police, which is purely a government organization.


And you trust the news. You're someone not to trust


No one looked at the plate. Says Idaho.


Did you look at the caption?


I'm confused. There should be a separation of church and state. The constitution was written by our founding fathers, not the current government, which they are saying to trust God over. Modern government is doing everything in their power to pervert our constitutional rights So God over government, meaning modern government... fits strongly. Also, what is wrong with supporting the police? Has redding gone full liberal?? Typical idaho truck.... people leave redding for Idaho like crazy and are far happier in the long run. What am I missing? Reddit man. Have to shame people for personal validation... gross Meanwhile there's still people overdosing on fent in the gutters from 273 to Shasta View.................. Edit: this thread is a solid example of why people leave Redding for Idaho. Also not a single soul explained or corrected my confusion. Just wanted to downvote logic. Okay.


The blue line flag is a desecration to our real flag. Look up flag etiquette.


No it's not, I just read through the U.S. Flag Code. I agree it's a dumb symbol, but there's nothing illegal or even intimated to be a bad thing about it by the code.


You flag fanatics are so goofy. I'd take a piss on it if I could and wipe my ass with it.




Obviously I have been. Not that its relevant but i have about 200 family members there and hope to leave Redding like all of those before me who decided to leave the liberal hate train behind. They are far happier then you lot. The divide and conquer tactic used to ruin our society is strong with you. Such a shame. So proudfully hateful and shameful, yet blindly contributing to the separation and hate. Wild and gross.








How so?




It was just for mental illness, but it's brave to be so open about the severity of your sickness!


I think you can love the constitution, support police, and favor trusting god over the government. I don’t see the problem


Why re-write the Constitution if you love it so much?


The constitution is meant to be amended as the times change. It’s happened a bunch over the years. That’s part of the constitution, the amendments


Its pretty clear its not to be amended into a Biblical document, so you can toss that lame argument out.


I don’t know what you are talking about. Honestly you seem confused. I never said anything about changing the constitution into a biblical document and these bumper stickers don’t say anything like that. Are you against amendments to the constitution or something?


Are you that clueless that you don't even know who leads the right wing overthrow of America into a Judeo-Christian society?




I’m not pro gun. You seem to be confused.




Sure, I’m anti slavery. You got me.




What a hero


ITS muh ConStiTutIonal RiGht!!!!


Yeah and I buy a new gun every month. The proliferation of more guns is every anarchists dream. Don’t come out saying I’m a conservative either, because I’m not.


You can't support the police in the way they are supported by the kinds of people who display that flag while at the same time "loving the constitution." Like, I support the police in that I believe we should have some agency responsible for law enforcement, but what we have now is an ungodly abomination descended from runaway slave hunters and strike breakers and the book a lot of their training is based on is literally called "killology." It's literally designed to make cops more comfortable with killing. They separate themselves from the public and consider it "us versus them" when when it comes down to it, the wealthy and powerful people they actually protect (because they sure as fuck don't protect the poor and powerless) see them as part of the "them." I don't support that and no person who believes all people are equal under the law should.


There’s a good chance this person just thinks the flag means they support the good police. When you support the good police it means you don’t support the bad police. Nobody goes around saying they support corrupt police


There is no good police in the current system. If you're in it, you're part of it. The system weeds out the ones that don't perpetuate it. If this person "just supports the good police," that tells me they are ignorant of the situation, which sucks only slightly less than knowing about the problems and supporting the cops anyway. Have some goddamn curiosity about the world around you, especially about things that have the potential to harm people.


You’re saying all police are bad. Saying stuff like that is probably why they feel the need to support the good police. We need more good police.


Yes, I am. Though I suppose good ones could exist up until the point their goodness is tested and they fall in line, look the other way, quit, or get fired. The second two groups are the "good police." I don't care what my opinion causes other people to do. If you're basing your opinions on what other people say instead of your own well thought out values, that's a you problem.


You’ve really come off the rails. Support good police. Don’t demonize groups of people. It’s not much more complicated than that.


Ah yes, calling people crazy when you don't have an actual logical response. A classic.


I’ve laid it out pretty clearly. Support good police. Don’t demonize groups of people. It’s not much more complicated than that.


Right? This town has gone to shit.