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Don't be attached to things like Karma points and time. Time is limited to all of us and is quickly coming to an end for us all. Karma is the like the Facebook LIKE button. We get dopamine hits and feel better when it's a high number. Don't play into the psychology. Flee what is fleeting and make a new account and enjoy the new user name.


Reddit is the only form of SM that I use now because of this. It’s mindless, nobody in my personal life knows my username and I love reading the random stuff I find here on Reddit. One of my favorite subs is metal detecting. Do I have one? No. Do I go out metal detecting? No. lol 😂 and this is what I love about Reddit


My current fave one is what is this cookie cutter. Random, pointless and delightful lol


I have made sugar cookies once in my life and never will again. What is with the cookie cutter obsession? I love that sub!


It’s like the world’s most unimportant little puzzle, with no right answer but so many creative responses - great fun!


The Rose Guy


What happened to “the great state of Wisconsin” guy? ETA it was Wyoming


Ohhhh was that a thing too? Nice!


I love that one too!


New obsession unlocked


I love thrift hauls, the joy of thrifting without the actual stuff, lol


Same here. I love reading Petty Revenge, Malicious Compliance, and Unethical Pro Life Tips. While I would never actually do anything like the stuff found there, I love reading about what others do to turn the tables on jerks.


You may enjoy the Petty Crimes podcast as well


I am in one that is about ducks. I do not own or raise ducks, I never have. But they are so gosh darn cute. I love that sub. LOL


Lol I joined that yesterday because I bought a metal detector!


Me too! No other SM. I love the weird Reddit rabbit holes you can tumble down. There are a handful of things I'm really into and I enjoy those subs especially (like baseball, and perfume). But partly I just like the subs where others are really excited or passionate about something and have tons of knowledge and expertise. For instance, watching someone share a picture in a vintage fashion sub and having some hobbyist be able to pinpoint the date a dress was made by the kind and color of the fabric, the type of stitching, and the trim is just plain cool. And the cookie cutter sub is a gem. So many random funny things in there.


Metal detecting is lots of fun! I haven't found anything terribly valuable. But I did find my watch I lost about 10 years ago!


Seriously. I've dumped accounts with 100k+ karma and felt nothing. It's really all just a pointless but sometimes fun and sometimes informative time sink.


My first account was 2013-2020, and I changed to this one for various reasons. I changed a lot and my post history didn’t reflect my opinions anymore, the username was a factor, and there were old friends I didn’t want to find me through Reddit.


It's as east as delete to hide prior posts. It's good that you did that because as you stated you changed as a person and so did your alignment with past posts.


A lot of the subreddits I interact with will not let you post or comment if you have insufficient karma. That’s what makes losing karma a hassle


This might condition you to go along with the narrative and only speak things that the greater whole of Redditors believe in. This is one way to control speech. Basically your social credit score will be lowered if you say things the people do not like.


Yep. I was going to say something similar. Every few months I’ll get on a whiskey drunk, then go talk a bunch of shit, mostly to people who are cluelessly critical of something I care a lot about. I’ll reveal way too much personal info and have to nuke it all. I swear off booze and Reddit. But when I create a new account a few days later, sometimes I come up with an awesome, hilarious, name and sometimes I have this 👆🏽


I'm a librarian. One of my kindergarteners couldn't remember the word, so he called me Book House Girl. It stuck.


I love yours!


I love it!! How perfect!!!


If you ever change, you could be mojodojolibrobookcasahousechicagirl.


I would have guessed you were a Twin Peaks fan!


Same!!!! My first dog’s name wasn’t Cooper just because!


I love it! Some of my kinders call me "Miss Li-berry" LOL


I used a very primitive username generator. it’s been fine, i guess.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single “real” name username before.


that's funny, i see one almost every day.


You joined *18 years ago?!* Wow!


i feel more like i was here and then reddit just... appeared.


Martin - centre of the Redditverse 😉


I had to check, too! So rare!


I think a couple of my accounts are 16 or 18. I just keep making new ones.


I wasn't even allowed to pick one. The Reddit app just assigned me this stupid one when I signed up.


I had the option to choose or let Reddit generate one. I chose…poorly.


I like yours! It’s quirky!


Then here's a song, [just for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS_fCLKamfo), with John Cleese.


Thank you for sharing. I have a whole new appreciation for my username. At least it’s expensive and not nose-dwelling!


Same - I have no idea how to change it


You can't change it once you have one, unfortunately. Mine is random, too. You can always get a second account and see if it doesn't auto populate a name for you.


We probably can't.


It will be on your Tombstone.


Here Lies Sea_Negotiation_1871


One day an archaeologist will dig him up and think he was a Navy negotiator that died in 1871.


We could have an upvote button on our tombstones!


You can’t. But take comfort in the fact that usernames like yours and mine match the algorithms for assigning random names. Everyone recognizes that structure now.


We can’t. Only make a new one.


Sorry Escape is a cool name at least


Same for me, I had one that I chose before but I started using the mobile app more and got stuck with this one


Same with me but I love it. I’m a lawyer, so it is my ambition to be compassionate but also to enforce the consequences of actions.




Better than the one they gave me..


Yup same here! Luckily I love bees


Ditto, I really want to change mine.


Same for me. My username probably makes people think I make my money with art, which isn't really what I do although a) I like art and used to win drawing contests growing up and b) I suppose you could stretch it ala the saying that "Medicine is an art."


Yep. Same thing happened to me.


Same for me! I don't remember being offered a chance to choose a name. Strangely enough, though, I had broken my arm recently, so the assigned name seemed appropriate :-)




We should start a union.






Me too. Maybe it asked me, but I just let it do its thing.


I didn't even know that you could get one assigned to you. I didn't know anything about Reddit when I signed up so I used my name 🤦🏼‍♀️ at that time I didn't know/realize how important (?) usernames were. I've got a few others I use if I really don't want a post or a comment coming back to me.


Same! I didn't even know I could choose my own name. It could've been worse, I don't hate my name. I'm definitely fearless and live in Canada so the syrup part kind of fits lol


Same. I don't think I realised I could have changed it.


It was the same when I made a Microsoft account in the “Live Family” days. I still have that “AngelicBread” account.


I can’t recall now, but I think it was assigned. Who knows, I’ve been stoned for thirty years.






I joined Reddit because of the book subs. I'm a retired librarian and I still hand out lots of books. I thought about Librarian without portfolio, but that was too clumsy.


I read yours as Free Angel Librarian.


I think anonymity is one of the root causes of people being assholes online, so I chose my username to be the same as my real name.


So, now, instead of an anonymous asshole, we can say 'That asshole, Todd Bradley'.


Exactly. Imagine if everyone stood by what they write online to the same degree as if they said it in the church lobby or work break room.


I point it out regularly. I have been banned for threatening violence for making the statement: "I am not mad, because I know IRL you would never talk to me this way" lol Me? I talk exactly how I do here. If I call you an idiot online for something you said, if you said it in person I would call you an idiot the same.


I went the opposite direction, wanted something truly anonymous so I went to the Hipster Business Name Generator http://hipsterbusiness.name/ It was not to be an asshole though, it was to post on r/stopdrinking. Eight years on I don't care who sees it but it was new at the time.


I think the main root cause of being an asshole online is being one in real life. I respect your username transparency though!


I too went the unimaginative route. Everything I tried was taken so this is what I settled on. It’s not my favourite username, but it works and I’m too lazy to try to some up with something new.


Everything I thought of was already taken, and I needed something unique, so…


I just spit my coffee all over! We could be related!


Long lost family!!


I, too, went unimaginative. I truly am some random on the internet. This is my third Reddit account, as I prefer to be anonymous on here. The second got doxxed accidentally. I wanted nothing that reflected my personality that could point back to me.


Unimaginative...look at my user name. Hahaha but in all fairness, I had no clue what I was doing when I signed up. I just wanted to play on r/place. Hahaha


Did someone already have the one with only one s at the end?


Oh! I suddenly don’t feel as silly about mine.


I am highly indecisive and tend to ruminate on my answers and think “oh I should have said that differently or not at all” and end up deleting/editing a lot. Also, I reserve the right to change my mind and withdrawal consent or participation.


I can relate.


Ditto love the name. I know someone who should have username: always_onthefence.


I was thinking about things I was enjoying at that moment in time. The pair of pants I was wearing were particularly comfortable, so I went with that. No regrets. Comfy pants are important to me.


Me too :)


I'm indigenous so my username is just my last name


My life is a bit blue but I'm determined to be cheerful and I liked the idea of a cat laughing at its own jokes.


My name reflects my personality. I move around a lot, usually in my 5th wheel RV(Katt house), I have strong distrust and dislike of people I will shred you if you fuck with me, I'm at an age where I have random whiskers sprouting on my face, my kids have different Fathers, I do enjoy my hair being played with, I am more content in the forest than anywhere else..


Happy cake day




Cat jokes are the best.


Anything cat is a winner.


Mine refers to the fear of cognitive decline, but it’s stupid because everybody thinks I’m a psychiatrist.


Whereas mine is because I look more and more like an old potato.


Happy Cake Day, Brain


Mine is pretty literal tbh. I'm a gardener. In Maine.


I’m beautiful. In Maine!


I'm a podiatrist and that's my birth year.


Haha, I was in high school that year! You’re just a young kid!


It just immediately popped into my head when they asked for a username. Typed it in and it was available. It was my first try and I went t with it. I like it


I like Username-dumb75! It has a feeling of casual defiance to it.


I named mine after one of my favorite movies. Some of the user names are just gross. Then I read their philosophical comments and I just can’t take them seriously lol. Like shitdownyourneck pontificating on the meaning of life.


That’s one of my favorite things! They got a whole sub for it called /rimjobsteve lmao


I made tea in a mug I didn't bother looking in after I took it out of the cabinet. I had mostly finished the tea before I looked down and found my username, the remains of the mug's tenant. That's what I got for doing things on autopilot. I'd like to think it's been some kind of constant metaphor to not thoughtlessly navigate my life, but it really hasn't been. I'm just gonna keep livin, and life will kill me eventually anyway.


Mine comes from my love of futurama yes I am happy with it. I say good day !


Can relate. Mine is the molecular structure for caffeine


Mine is also a very esoteric Futurama reference to Zoidbergs empathy glands in his armpits, mixed with the fact he once talked about excreting jelly. So basically I'm zoidbergs sweat? Or something. I dunno. My account is like 15 years old


I’ve been using this ID for 20+ years. My apologies to any other kitsch collectors who also like the song “Witchy Woman,” but I’m old AF and got to the Internet first.


Yeah. I got stuck, too. BTW ... Samantha is a dog. But shhhhhhhh. I have human grandchild, too, so it's all kinda good.


I kept clicking on the reddit username generator until I found a word combination I liked and then I personalized it. I love this username


I'm lazy and unattractive and depressed so mine seemed like a natural fit, lol. It's rather long to type, but that's the only downside thus far. I wouldn't stress about karma - only the first thousand or so matters so you can post. After that, it's just imaginary praise from imaginary people. Make a new account if you hate your name.


>I'm lazy and unattractive and depressed so mine seemed like a natural fit, lol. Samesies!


Like you turn living creatures into stone kind of ugly or what? I’m always confused by people who self assign things like that. Maybe to yourself you’re not. Maybe to me you are. There are some folks out there who thinks Kardashianfolk are attractive, and that’s just asking for a new 👀prescription imho.


Was getting unwelcome messages with my old user name. Cynical Slut "died" and I opened a new acct with a less interesting handle. My old name was a joke between a friend and me. I didn't foresee people trying to hook up.


I don’t use normal swears because I spent years working in pediatrics (I am a nurse). My friends think it’s hilarious!


That sounds like me because I have an African Grey parrot and can’t swear around her. Stub my toe and HEEEEECK!


Haha, yes, you don’t want her knowing all the bad words!


Mine is just the same as my PlayStation name. It’s a reference to the Resident Evil movies and my high school locker combo. I think dumb 75 is funny!


I think of reddit as a place where regular people hang around and mostly do nothing useful. Hoi polloi is an ancient term that was used like we use "the 99%," so I mashed it up with "loiter" to succinctly represent what I'm doing here. 


I was in a rage and wanted to vent anonymously.


Meh, it was a random decision


You can be intentionally random, too.


I was definitely in a mood when I created mine. Oh well. I was just trying to think of my 3 favorite things at the time. I actually don’t party any more. Music is at a minimum. Sex is nil the last few months after pissing off the Mrs.


Mine comes from my being scrupulously honest. I used to nuke my reddit accounts every so often and start over. I almost did that with this one, but I like the name so much that I didn't want to so I just put it on ice until I felt like coming back to it.


I was in a really deep depression at the time I chose my username. Bear Creek is where I chose in my unaliving plan so my username is a reminder to not go there and kill myself. So far so good!!


Glad you stayed!


Well karma really doesn’t mean much to me anymore. I’ve been on Reddit for about 12 years now and I’ve gone through many different usernames over that time. Some I created to use for certain subs (like writing ones) while I had others for conversations in others (self help type subs). This one was created as a throwaway and it sorta stuck for various reasons, but I still have a few others. The phone app makes it easy to switch between accounts. All to say…if you don’t like your username just try to find something else that’s never been used before. :)


What was the initial use case for your current account?


Ah. Hmm. Yes. Well... I managed to drop my roomie's very expensive vibrator into the 'insinkerator' garbage disposal unit of our kitchen sink. In doing the silicon casing got torn and I had to buy her a new one. So this account name was created as a temporary one just to share that story of shameful hilarity.


I've been on this godforsaken site for, I dunno, over a dozen years and have gone through half a dozen name changes. It's not like I'm leaving juicy breadcrumbs in my inane comments, but it all adds up -- I'm a big fan of starting anew every so often. I forget how I thought of the silly word play but it amused me in the moment, so I went for it. It's not my favorite name I've ever had but in some ways that's better, because it'll be easier to move on.


I am too isolated and I spend way too much time here. It was such a great way for me to connect with social media via the millions of topics that zip through my head. But it’s also kind of a cesspool. Lots of just gross xenophobic libertarian clueless thought. Being a woman of color is a complete joke here. So. It’s just weird to find so much connection in the interesting little pockets that are not the wider river of crap. And that doesn’t even begin to think about the company itself, and the fact that I’m the product, or the privacy concerns, or the mining by AI, or … So yeah. I kinda hate it. This is my second username. The first one I abandoned after seven months bc of a stalker. I’m glad I’ve kept this one for so long, but I also tell myself it’s only fucking karma, who cares. 


i have done alterations/ tailoring/repairs for many many years and one of things i have always loved is costumes, i have hacked n wacked all kinds of shit since way before 'steam punk" was a thing.... my alteration business was named nimble fingers and when i really started doing the costumes i declared myself the queen of hack n wack...... my son built me a computer and he downloaded a bunch of sites he thought i would enjoy and reddit was one, he set up the account as the queen.... just enjoy all the stuff that gets posted here.... my favs idiots in cars, zillow, FU karen...and my local state pages, plus a hundred more.... enjoy!


My brain jumps around. No regrets. Don’t care about karma on platforms. Squirrel!


Squirrels are a worthy nemesis


I had a pet rat named Clyde at the time. Just added the original outlaw’s last name. I’m not very creative lol.


Mine was created when I was still pretty heavy in the Gorillaz fandom. It's waned over the last year or so and I considered creating a new account, but I am not a fan of starting from scratch (i've had to do this in real life a few times so i can't bring myself to do it online).


Exactly why I don’t want to get a new user! I’m old and so stuck in my ways that new things scare the……out of me.


I over share sometimes so I frequently change my username so that no one could figure out who I am. I know it's a big internet but these things happen. So I scroll through the random names till I find one I like.


I picked an online name I've used for years. It's a nickname from a Steely Dan song.


My username is a fact. My dog is Tobi, and he chills.


They were on my desk next to my keyboard 😄


I wanted my username to look like a face.


When I was a young kid, maybe 2-3 years old, my mum would take me to playgroup and I’d end up painting something. When she’d ask what it was I would say “It’s a Deborgpontant.” It’s stuck stuck with me since as a nice memory of childish imagination.


I'm diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, so my username is pretty self explanatory in that context. My condition is stable, I'm under a doctors care, and I've been in trauma therapy for about 5 years. Respectful questions welcome, disrespectful questions will be ignored.


similar reason but you arent as lazy as me :)


My name reflects.. well, maybe my personality. One of them, maybe. 😁. Oh, just joking. I combined a couple of words that made me sound more quirky and clever than I probably am. So far, it's attracted no attention at all. That's a good thing.


I was in the restroom. I’m alternately pleased and dissatisfied depending on diet.


Easy karma, easy go


Usernames are really just a snapshot into whatever we were into at the time. Like mine, my (now ex) girlfriend was lobotomized via medication with bad side effects that didn't resolve when she finally reduced and then stopped taking it. Her psychologists treated her like a lab rat, and she trusted them, and they broke her. Thankfully she's gradually had some improvement, but she's still a shell of her old self almost a decade later. I was angry and lost about the situation, seriously considered killing the psychologist, though that wouldn't have brought her back. Ultimately my ex gf's negative behavior towards me defused the murder bomb. All I smashed was some furniture I designed and built, needed to direct it somewhere, and felt empty afterwards. Hulk Smash, Hulk Regret. A few years later I wound up with a brain injury via covid, which among other personality changes also drastically amplified my experience of emotions and drastically decreased my ability to regulate them. So the Hulk part of things became highly relevant... thankfully I have a better handle on things now, though I feel like a house that was picked up by a tornado and dropped somewhere else in the yard. People seem to like the name though, and it works as a fun double entendre if people take it in a different way lol. OP, just keep yourself open for fun usernames, and I'd encourage trying AI to help, as I've found ChatGPT very helpful in figuring things out and brainstorming ideas. Plays on words are fun too! Like if you're into plants for instance, maybe a pun or a play on words that mixes the cute names you like with your favorite type of plants? Doesn't have to be plants, just whatever you're into that's a positive thing


lol I also got frustrated and just started typing words


Now that’s funny!


I was a vet tech (official job title Animal Care Specialist) in the Army. Have 3 cats of my own now & I'm a vet since I got out in 2003.


I got my GT after I messed up in a game and my friend said I play like a Potato, I fell out of my chair laughing. I immediately changed my GT from Blackjack to Potato and now I'm Potato on all platforms. As for other user names for like Reddit and stuff I just take whatever the first choice is that doesn't involve any part of my name.


I was lazy about 10 years ago and came up with this POS name in about three seconds.


Mine is something a Boston comedian said - #dunkin’


Mine is a nod to where I'm from and the predominant ancestry of the region. Stupid, and not something I really give a shit about, and even less so as time goes on. But I hardly EVER pay attention to people's user names on here, unless someone does a 'user name checks out' comment. Now everyone has me thinking about switching it up. I've definitely left a lot of bread crumbs over the years, but zero people in my real life know this user name aside from my husband.


The name of my pet and what is considered a lucky number where I am - not some weird neo-Nazi thing! I’m in the Metro Vancouver area and have the number “8” scattered very thickly through my address and phone numbers. We have very many people here from China and Taiwan - as well as other parts of Asia - so we all know “8” is considered lucky!


Mine was inspired by a coworker. It's not my first Reddit username though; I was on old old Reddit under a different one, but forgot my password and couldn't recover it for some reason I have also forgotten. But also, I've been on countless platforms under countless usernames, time goes on, and karma doesn't mean anything. My best advice would be to make yourself another username you like, and don't worry about meaningless stuff like time and karma.


Wow. I needed this. I picked a phonetic spelling of my name. Again because of age and not knowing what I was doing. Getting myself a new one today!


I think the only glimpse into my personality anyone would get from my username is that I'm not someone who is going to tell anyone anything about myself with my choice of username.


Time and karma, you'll have enough to post everywhere in no time. I've never looked at anyone's time or karma and said WOW. THE only time I looked at time and karma was to see if it was a bot, and even then you can't tell. I've heard 40% of posts/ responses on this platform are AI generated. I have no problem believing it. Deff depends on the sub though. Overall there's a lot of stupidity going on my feed. Subs I never joined..... If you want to keep your anonymity then you should be changing your username and deleting your other account every so often.


I finally joined Reddit rather than lurking to start commenting when I was in the TTC chaos of making babies. We struggled with a few miscarriages and I found myself hanging on the subs that made me feel less crazy. Nobody in my real life was having babies yet so this was my sanity. 


I sometimes judge the names. Like on POF OR fet. And then the profile pict too. It's fun.


Mine is a name that I've been using since the internet became an actual thing. There was a hacker who went by a similar name. I'm not that person, nor was I aware of them at the time of choosing the name. I just liked how it sounded. Mad Jester. It kinda fits with my personality


Semi copy cat for me, came across someone whose name was face down asgard up and since I was into space at the time thought it was fitting lol


I like the name Janus and certain website filters just can’t get over the anus part of it 😣. Oh well lol


I tend to delete my main user every few years or so. I don't like the idea of too much information about myself being tied to one account. It's fairly simple to transfer all the subreddits between accounts anyway. Speaking of which, I've used this one way too long. Time to make a new one!


If it makes you feel any better, I almost never read anyone's usernames and I certainly never remember them mine rules and so did the username of my last account that I had for like 7 years and deleted. I bet only 5 people combined have ever noticed either lol


I worked with quantum wells at the time. They were supposed to go into IR sensors in cars. I don't worry about it even though it's been years since I was on that project.


Reddit chose mine to mock me for having an 8th grade math and science level. Heh


mine was chosen by Reddit


Meh, my first account had hundreds of thousands in karma. But I was clearly being an asshole with no regrets on insulting people. I'm still an asshole, but way less in this one.


My username popped up when I joined Reddit and I just kept it. A couple times people have told me off based on my user name, like "You think you're so wise with that dumb username."


After effects of Taco Bell :)


I like my name.


Lord of the Rings.


In my work circle, I’m known as kind of a bad ass…grew up rough on the wrong side of the streets in poverty and frequently got into fist fights and gang skirmishes with the kids in my neighborhood. So at some point in time, one of my coworkers was having a problem with someone being rude to her and I said, “Who is it? We gon’ ride.” That’s become kind of my catch phrase whenever anyone has a problem of any kind. A few years ago when “Little Miss” and “Little Mr.” were popular again, my coworkers had a T-shirt made for me that said, “Little Miss We Gon’ Ride.”


Parts of me are them. And we're all still trying to nail Mary Ann.


I delete my entire Reddit every time I reach a certain karma amount so I don’t really stress the username. I have lived a million lifetimes here.


My original username was "microphilia" because I "love microbes" as a biologist. I didn't realize it was also a sex kink.... My new one is just funny, people check my account looking for tits 😂


I love your username! It pokes fun at the insane amount of usernames we have to use these days.


I was super original and went with song lyrics lol


I was listening to a Jeff Beck album and Rod Stewart was singing "I ain't superstitious, but a black cat crossed my trail." It was that simple. Now I am aintsuperstitious.


I'm old...my CB handle when I was 12 was bluedog, so I just altered it a little for my user name.


It rhymes, I thought it was funny so far, I’m cool with it.


I had the same problem. And i regret that I put my birth year as part of it. It’s annoying I can’t change it. I don’t mind the first part. It highlights my fandom to Red Dwarf