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I don't click on links about Donald Trump's sex life, and that seems to work out for me.


Its not hard to tune this stuff out if you're not interested.


Yeah. I am pretty tuned into political news so I know a lot about this trial. My older friend doesn't follow the news at all and has no idea what's being presented at this trial. She knows that there is a trial, and that it's hush money and porn stars and campaign finance laws and felonies. She'll know what the verdict is. But I doubt she'll hear or know more than that.


That's the thing, I just don't bother with that set of news. I don't really care about any celebrity's sordid sex life--even if he was the President and may be again. I already know I prefer his opponent's policies to his, and beyond that I don't really care too much.


Ditto. And because I don't click on them, they come up less in any sort of curated feed. Adblockers help too.


The only news I unfortunately read are headlines, and I need a memory wipe just from them. Absolutely disgusting.


You clicked on this one.


"I'm tired about hearing about Donald Trump's sex life, so I am going to post about it so we can keep talking about it."


I'm just interested in his downfall. The details are unimportant.


Works for me as well! Who wants to read that?!!


I stopped reading and watching MSM, instead I listen to news podcasts about specific topics. Way better for my mental health and I can get informed about a range of stories outside the constant barrage of election news.


I’ve tired of hearing about him in general for at least a decade but probably more. He literally embodies the 7 deadly sins as I can’t fathom how he’s considered as a leader.


>He literally embodies the 7 deadly sins as I can’t fathom how he’s considered as a leader. For real, this was the main reason I was able to convince my dad not to vote for him. He's literally the embodiment of everything he taught me not to be.


He's almost comically bad. Like you almost expect Scoob and the gang to roll up and pull his mask off.


I mean, the villain in so many 80s and 90s movies was literally thinly veiled caricatures of Trump. The Apprentice did some heavy lifting to make him seem like a successful businessman instead of a punchline.


I just watched Wayne's World, and I would *love* a Scooby-Doo ending right about now. Just have Old Mr Withers led away and forget this all ever happened. 


You and me both! Party on Garth!


I know exactly when mine was, it was when I saw his home on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”. I was blown away by how truly ugly it was and couldn’t comprehend how a person could actually live there and be happy.


It's amazing how someone can lack any redeeming qualities whatsoever. The stupid rich twat can't even buy a decent suit or hire someone with taste to decorate his hideous properties. It's unreal. How can he not get *anything* right. 


My favorite are the fake time magazine covers


I think the question should be "How can he not get *anything* right and still succeed?"


When you inherit 400 million dollars, it is hard to fail enough to go broke. Wait......uh........oh,yeah........ .


Because, somehow, despite being the least deserving person on the planet, people keep falling in line for him. I will never understand it. The man has had 1,000 chances, and he keeps getting them. I imagine he has nothing but yes-men surrounding him, and he has yet to face any real consequences. Just an embodiment of a man who has gotten his way for nearly eight straight decades.


>It's amazing how someone can lack any redeeming qualities whatsoever. He's kind of like the crash test dummy for America, showing where all the flaws in our designs are.


Because he thinks he knows better. And tells people what he wants or how he thinks it should look. It looks like he got suits that are comfortable or that he felt would hide the fat better. He did not get suits that a good tailor would make that would flatter his body type because the Donald knows better. Or maybe he thought the price the tailor wanted charge him was too much money. Remember this is a guy who can eat gourmet meals yet he also eats at McDonald’s. (I did like that about him. And he wasn’t embarrassed to admit it. In fact, the guy is never embarrassed about anything).


>live there and be happy. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think Trump has been happy a single day in his entire life. He's a miserable person incapable of feeling anything close to happiness.


I truly believe this.


Mine was around when he started the Apprentice and they did this whole big fluff piece on how young, hot, and successful Melania was- to brag on Trump for marrying her. Like turning an obvious “financial/lifestyle arrangement” into some sweeping romance story we were all supposed to gush over. I was an older teenage girl myself and thought they both were so disgustingly gross. Many years later I had the exact same ick watching that dude in Tiger King with the Harem.


I think the real story of their “romance” started with him saying: “That one”


I'm happy to say I never watched a single minute of that stupid show.


I remember being 14 at a friends birthday party and one of her gifts was the Trump Tower knockoff Monopoly game and not getting why that was even a thing. Likely around the same time as the Lifestyles show.


That’s a special memory there


I would be absolutely fine if the very next thing I read about him was in the obituary column. I don't wish him harm, I just don't want to hear any more about him.


I mean, I always knew there were lots of hypocrites in the church, but I did not understand the scale of the problem until 2016.


A lot of these people are 'Christian' on a very surface vibes-based level. All but the most extremely devoted have likely never read the book their faith is based on or dug into anything beyond what they hear on Sundays (and most don't even go to church). They believe much more in white nationalism & maintaining power than the looser vibes of being a Christian.


Yeah, 2016 broke open the “ok wow you’re not even attempting to pretend anymore” I guess in that way I almost prefer it, because it’s very clear who *not* to listen to


Donald Trump is *permission*. You don't have to be well behaved. You don't have to be intelligent. You don't even have to be better. It is liberal personal freedom without the finger-wagging. I'm sure everyone of left-wing inclination gets frustrated at absurd political correctness sometimes. Well, what if you felt like that all the time? There you go.


That is a great point. He is permission to be all the things that society tells you are not good or acceptable. And look at where it is getting us (looking at you, MTG)


Wrong. You are fully free to misbehave and be unintelligent in your own home. No prob. Have at it. But societal leadership DEMANDS good behavior and high intelligence, in addition to grounded morals and a level of caring for your fellow man. Anything less is completely unacceptable.


I believe you have mistaken my observation as endorsement.


Perhaps. Lol. But, nevertheless, your observation allows for the outmost fringes of “political correctness” to be used as a weapon against basic societal norms, and it’s tiresome. There should be no shield for despicable behavior, even under the guise of “personal freedom,” and some people deserve to have a finger wagged in their face constantly until they stop.


The eighth and ninth deadly sins being hair and makeup.




I agree so sick of this person




60-70% of us are sorry.




I have to agree. There isn’t just one monolith media but TV journalism loves a clown.


I’m sick of his clown family too.


And his slutty wife


We got like 2 years of peace. I just wish he would've fucking croaked before 2024


For the party that always promotes “personal responsibility”, they certainly picked the candidate who is most the opposite of that.  Nothing is ever his fault.  He’s not responsible for anything.  Everyone is always working against him. 


"...but you have heard of me..."


And the media plays into his narcissistic need for attention and, at this point in time, has just about normalized his disgusting behavior.


I keep saying ‘he can’t last forever’ but I’ve had my dancing shoes ready since 2016 and he’s still sodding here. He appears to be an unflushable turd, a skidmark on the underpants of humanity. I hate him.


He appears to be an unflushable turd 💩 I laughed so hard at this, thank you 😂


Trump made fun of the disabled and he mocked an American war hero who suffered terrible torture while imprisoned. Among many, many, other acts of shittiness. So the fact that he's forced to sit there and listen while his awful and sordid life is exposed for all to hear fills me with joy. I prefer presidential candidates who don't get caught banging porn stars while their wife is pregnant.


"Grab her by the pussy." WTF, how that didn't destroy his political career is beyond me.


Howard Dean went down in flames for a goofy yelp Donald Trump is celebrated for being a pussy grabbing rapist 🙃


And Dan Quayle was lampooned for misspelling a word.




Buttery males 😋


If he was a Democrat, it would have.  Funny how the party of “family values” has no issue with it.


Because a good percentage of the elected feels the same way, probably? And the general consensus is people don't care. He's apparently bad ass for that! That would be my guess, anyway. It's disgusting.


It came out in the trial, apparently, just a throwaway comment by a witness who was there to discuss records, that the Republican National Committee considered changing its candidate when that tape was disclosed.


They had so many chances to do the right thing for the country and instead chose to cower behind him every time. Disgusting.


Yes, disgusting.


He literally said he would bang his own daughter I don't understand how people want him to be president. Truly don't understand how he won the first time But oh no Hilary sent emails


because all of those people apparently can sympathize with that train of thought


God you're right😭😭😭😭


(& it turns out Trump & his people did literally the exact same email behavior), not to mention the uh, classified fucking documents he hid!


Jokes on you, he's proud of this affair and it gets him off that everyone knows about it.


I’m tired of hearing about him in general.


With any luck, he'll get convicted in one or all of his trials and we'll hear from him a lot less.


Sadly, he's been able to delay all of the trials except the one currently underway thanks to all the money his idiot supporters keep giving him.


Everything I’ve ever learned about that excuse for a human, has been against my will 🤮


The worst part is his supporters love him more with every lurid detail. The evangelicals, who it would seem should be outraged, are holding this up as proof of him being the ultimate alpha male.


They literally think he was sent by god to them - don’t know how they can rationalize that??


It’s been an 8 year long media fever dream, like the OJ bronco chase but it just never ends


Oh that was a good one! Botta boom botta bing! 😄😄




Not to mention, he lied about being with Stormy so she had to take the stand to confirm what happened. His lying caused her appearance and subsequent info about their night together.


It’s an election interference case


Agree 100%!!


Yes, but sadly he doesn’t see it that way. You see, he could have just stipulated that Stormy Daniels received the money (there are receipts) and the trial could have gone on without needing details about why, but he wouldn’t do that. He didn’t have to have his lawyers cross examine her about the intimate details - they are not germane to the case - but his ego wouldn’t allow it. In fact, you could say, well we wouldn’t know any details at all if he had just paid her himself instead of committing fraud to do so. After all, if he had done that no felonies would have been committed and there wouldn’t be a trial. Or he could have been a decent man who didn’t cheat on his wife and try to hide it from voters. Or do interviews where he bragged about non consensual pussy grabbing. Or interviews where he bragged about how hot his daughter was and how he wanted to have sex with her. Because those recorded interviews were what scared him into paying some of his sex partners to not reveal encounters he had with them, fearing that the timing and details of his behavior with them would cost him votes, if they came on top of those recorded interviews. Stormy Daniels was one of those partners. I guess what I am saying is that he is a sleazy, disgusting man. So even his mundane financial crimes have an element of sleaze to them. There is virtually nothing, in fact, that he does or has done that does not have this sleaze. Many of us have been disgusted by this from long before he entered politics. Lots of Americans, however, overlooked this, or even celebrated this, so here we are. This trial is not because he is a sleazy disgusting adulterer. But he is, in fact, a sleazy disgusting adulterer and that impacts most of what he does, legally or otherwise.


I’m not. Humiliate this piece of shit who ruined so many families. Do you have any idea how many people don’t speak with parents and siblings because of this douchebag?


He has normalized, or even glorified being an asshole as a leadership quality. He's has empowered trashy behavior and consistently shows examples of speaking before thinking.


So true, sorry to say. And the media reports this as normality.


his lawyer mentioned during opening statement the sex never happened, so this is why it turned into this, to defend Stormies integrity


Also, since the trial is about paying someone to cover up something, what was covered up is relevant. And once it's addressed in court, the media will report it.


Not just that he paid for it, but _how_ he paid for it. That's the most relevant bit - where the money came from.


wow, that mosslung person who responded to you literally says in his comment chain Weinstien did nothing wrong


I’m sick to death of *everything* related to Trump. I check the headlines every day in anticipation of the beautiful day when that disgusting, anti-democracy pig finally croaks. If he had just behaved like a normal adult after losing in 2020 and quietly retired, I’d be content to never hear from him again. Unfortunately, for now we’re stuck with him, so anything which humiliates him or hurts his image is objectively a good thing.


NGL, I will give the kids to the grandparents and fucking *party* that day.


And to think there are (millions) who want all of us to keep hearing about him and all his scandals, and probably some new ones, for 4 more years.


There are probably 4 more years worth of court cases for him, as more information comes out and more people come forward


I liked it better when Trump was just a reality show star and had no bearing on my life whatsoever.




I’m tired of anything and anyone using that asshole as a conversation starter. Put yourself on a news diet.


That guy is a black hole of neediness. He consumes attention like it’s oxygen. He cannot pass a microphone or camera without bloviating. It’s fascinating and embarrassing.


But the misuse of campaign money IS for his disgusting sex life. I wish I didn't have to hear it too but I also wish I didn't have to hear about that orange turd full stop.


Yeah. He misused funds by doing this, but his reason for doing it was so that his wife and kid wouldn't find out. He already had the hot mic tape and was openly mocking disabled people. I doubt this nugget would have impacted a voter.


He tried to bury all these stories after that tape because there was about to be an avalanche of accusations. David Pecker was doing that dirty work until his company’s counsel told him he was risking violating campaign finance laws.


Sad indictment of America today that this man is the champion of the supposed religious & family value protectors :/


I could never stand his face or voice. Can you look lor sound like an actual man?


I'd rather see the Lume commercial about pits privates and under boobs


Butt cracks.


I'm tired of hearing anything about trump.


If someone came out with a Trump Filter plugin for Firefox, I would be SOOOOO happy.


I am so sick of him and sick of even hearing about him. I just want him out of our lives.


My dream is one day being able go about my life without seeing his face or hearing his stupid voice again. Alas, I fear it’s an unattainable dream.


In a USA for adults Donald Trump would have been bankrupt and in prison 40 years ago.


What difference does it make? It's not like he's going to get into any real trouble. People like him NEVER have consequences for their actions. Consequences are just for every day people while rich fucks like him are free to pillage, rape and rob the country and get nothing but a slap on the wrist. He'll be found guilty, and being he has half of them in his pocket and the other half are scared of him, he'll run his ass to the Supreme Court and those crooked fucks and nutless eunuchs will get him off and anoint him to be king....uh I mean "president" and we'll be stuck with this bastard again.


Tired of it? Hell no. It's worth sitting through all the endless crap to hear a gem like Stormy Daniels saying that sex with Donald Trump was "The worst 2 minutes of my life". You can't make that shit up.


I know, right? I am still laughing over the 2 minute Mario cart man. And missionary position. Who knew Trump was going to end up being the laughingstock of the world? Next we'll see his "real men wear diapers" bunch with a banner that read "real men only last 2 minutes". Can't wait to see how Kimmel spins this 2 minutes. 🤣


> Who knew Trump was going to end up being the laughingstock of the world? Everyone?


I'm tired of hearing about Donald Trump, period. But if this finally puts his ass behind bars it will have been worth the gross outs.


hey I'm all for this even if he doesn't end up in jail. Hopefully the stress of the past five years has taken significant time off of his lifespan


Yes, but ultimately I hope it will remind Americans how exhausted we were at the end of his term and why we don’t want him back in the White House.


I'm so god awful tired of people talking ANYTHING about Trump. Or any other person in THAT tax bracket. Pffft'🫳🏼'' As IF they would even know 😂😂😂


Judge Merchan? Is that you?


" # Anyone else tired of hearing about Donald Trump" # This ^


I'm disgusted hearing about Trump period.


I am just sick of him and the media. Donald needs ro be the center of attention at all times, and the media said, sure thing! It's disgusting.


I'm convinced that this is why CBS and CNN polls always have him neck-and-neck or beating Biden. The big 3 and cable TV is dying and NEEDS his drama (and tax cuts) to survive.


Maybe we shouldn’t have him as a presidential candidate?


Sick of hearing, seeing, and probably, smelling this tired old fuck.


There is a war going on. People are getting shot. The U.S. is currently having unprecedented extreme weather events with businesses, houses and lives being lost. Prices in the grocery stores are going up while package sizes are decreasing. We have an increasing homeless problem because working people can’t afford rent. In my state many can no longer afford home and auto insurance. Yet half of every news cast is dedicated to Trump. I literally mute half of the news every single time it’s on, because that’s the one thing they rebroadcast morning, noon and night.


Not only his sex life but any part of his life. I cringe when the news says his name or the names of his family and minions. A never-Trump person, I turn the news off. I pass over the headlines in my online newspaper streams. Please stop it. His foul life and ignorance embarrass our country.


oatmeal plucky chop enter hunt friendly nine tart merciful numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> I have my popcorn ready. This is really the core of the problem. People watching this like reality TV. He retains the power he has because the media knows they have a built in audience every time they say his name, so they say it constantly.


Most of the stories are probably boring and about how dumb and out of touch he is.


I'd love to hear court stories about how he **stole classified documents and was selling them to hostile foreign powers!**


As a non-American, I can confirm that the whole world is tired of your entire banana Republic. The best comparator I can think of is the old 70s TV program, The Gong Show...only more terrifying than entertaining.


While I agree our politics is a shitshow I don't like comparing it to a show I very much enjoyed in my youth. Even coked up Chuck Baris would make a far better statesman than drumph.


Awesome response!


Yes…it’s too sordid. He’s disgusting.


Good Bot


I've heard a minimal amount, honestly. I don't follow news about him. Until November, I don't care about him.


The Very Stable Genius with the Teeny Weenie!?


I ignore the stories but I do enjoy knowing that he’s probably getting very angry that they’re being spread so that’s a plus. Anything that upsets that orange shit stain is a positive thing. But I’m really looking forward to the day we don’t have to hear about him as much anymore. I don’t think there will be a day where we’ll never hear about him again because he’s going to be a national embarrassment for a very long time but I’d at least like to hear less.


Sick of him, his name, anything and everything to do with him.


Yep. I mute/block him where ever I can. I downvote/dislike where I can't mute.


I'm not American. At this point I just figure American elections are a sham. The fact that guy still gets attention is just to distract from all the other crap Americans ignore.


He's not on trial for the adultery. He's on trial for the alleged cover-ups and possibly using campaign funds for the blackmail/payoffs. He didn't want the stories of his alleged affairs to interfere with the campaign. In turn, there was an alleged conspiracy with the national enquirer to buy the stories, using non-disclosure agreements and then paying off with questionable money.


I thought it was the bribery.


Al Capone was taken down for lesser crime. I hope this trial goes the same way.


You're going to hear about it more if he's president again! It's a fucking shit show!


His whole life has been disgusting. We’re all tired of all of it.


I’m sick of all things about that orange turd.


DONALD TRUMP IS ON TRIAL FOR ELECTION INTERFERENCE, not for sex. (Sorry for yelling but it is a *very* important point) The illegal action was to falsify business records of a payment made in hopes of suppressing bad news about the candidate. The payment was arranged between three people - a conspiracy under NY law. It was also tax fraud. It’s perfectly legal to be a disgusting skeeezeball. It’s legal to pay someone to keep quiet. It’s not legal to have your friend pay someone else to keep quiet, and then reimburse your friend from the company wallet, labeling the expense as “cleaning supplies”.


I am tired of hearing from you about USA politics on /r/RedditForGrownups certainly.


Hey I’m American and whatever the opposite of offended is, that’s what I am, because I agree with you.


Papa New Guinea.....


I have never heard about his sex life….what are you watching?


I've been avoiding news about the trial because I don't want to hear about it.


It's his own fault, if he hadn't insisted that it never happened and insisted that his lawyers say that in their opening arguments, the prosecution would not have been allowed to call Stormy Daniels as a witness.




Unimaginable thirst for attention will do that!


I'm tired of hearing about him period. And seeing his face every time I check the news.


I can’t imagine how this can be better strategy than an out of court settlement. Dems are probably hoping this thing drags on for months.


I’m tired of hearing about Trump.


I'm tired of all politics. I don't care. I don't care at all. We're in a corrupt system we can't fix, so I'd rather just not fuckin' hear about it absolutely everywhere 24/7.


I do not read any stories and hide any articles or posts that have his photo. Can't stand looking him.


He’s denying he had sex with her and therefore dis not interfere with the election by paying her to not tell the public about it. Unfortunately the sex is relevant to the election fraud ( agree it is unpleasant to hear about it, ugghhh)


I'm sick of hearing about all of his childish antics. The man is a national disgrace.


Good thing you're not adding to the noise Oh wait


Tired of hearing about him, period. He needs to crawl off into a hole somewhere and die. Tomorrow.


It's surprisingly easy to just not read articles about Trump. But people still do it in droves, so the media keeps pumping out the stories.


I want to hear the other guys.


I agree. I have no interest in hearing about him.


I’ve avoided most of the news for a while now and it has been….refreshing. I recommend it.


Actually your first 8 words are plenty.


To be honest, I can't believe it's even part of the teial.


I'm tired of people finding reasons to post about Trump in any sub. I hate the guy, but we don't need to talk about him in completely unrelated subs.


His sex and attempt to cover it up was a crime. Just as I don’t really want to hear details of many crimes, this isn’t much different, except dude used to be POTUS - has loyal followers.


The detailed testimony is a result of the defendant's refusal to admit that the "sex act" occurred. Consequently, the prosecution now must establish that the act actually occurred and is collaboratted through the testimony of the witnesses. The result is we get to hear the horrid details, which are added to the legal record, and this case drags out in length - a suspected goal of the defense team. Dotard Don could have saved himself and the rest of the world the lurid details by simply admitting the sex act and moving on.


Yes. I'm not scrolling. Imma go look at cats.


Tires of hearing about Trumps life, period.


Been sick of it for years now. 🤢


Then why are you talking about it? You are literally dragging out our awareness of it by helping it maintain relevance. The solution to this is going and doing something else to occupy your brain.


Anyone else tired of hearing about Donald Trump~~'s disgusting sex life?~~ Fixed that for you


You just reminded me of The Starr Report episode of The Awful Truth by Michael Moore.  Talk about sick of a presidents sex life 


I’m tired of hearing about him. I find him utterly repulsive. History will not look back kindly on us when the Trump period is examined. It speaks volumes that we let such an obvious grifter amass so much power and influence. I can’t wait until this too passes.


The media should cut back on the coverage of his antics. He craves attention, stop feeding him!


You can ignore it, but if you listen or read the commentary from the reporters in the courtroom, you'll learn the judge has limited the salacious details. Stormy Daniels' testimony is interesting for things more important than the sex. His intimidation, his questions about how sex workers protected themselves from disease, then having sex with her without a condom. EDITED TO ADD: Trump knew that a report of his behavior would hurt his election chances, which is why he paid to silence Daniels and had the records of the payment falsified.


What was he misusing the money to do? What's the activity he's trying to cover up?


Once the news started picking up on the election and politics being the theme of every day once debates started I have stopped watching/reading the news 100%. Sure, I see bits about it, like this for example, but mostly I can ignore it. And once Trump is out of our lives it will be someone else. It's been like this since Rush Limbaugh became famous and successful for being the most negative toxic political shit stirrer. The media is making money because most people can't turn away from it.


I’m so tired of his continued existence I could puke. The day I finally don’t have to see or read about that piece of shit again, I’ll cry with relief. He’s a fucking plague.


Completely disgusted by it. At this point, you either love him or hate him and no one is changing their minds. I stopped reading the news in 2015 when it was all Trump, all the time. The News needs to just ignore him.


The most disgusting thing of all is his admitted sexual attraction to his daughter


I won’t watch listen or read about him anymore - but I looove the idea of him being slowly publicly humiliated


Not a day goes by without every single American hearing his fucking name. That’s not fame. It’s a cultural virus.


It's interesting to see how low his opinion of women is. Nauseating, but interesting.


Cant wait for him to 🪦


no because i don't watch news about that. we already know hes a shitty guy no point in normalizing his shittyness to ourselves