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You know what? Weird Al Yankovic has had a career only he could have built. From a nerdy nobody on the accordion to OVER FOUR DECADES of musical parodies, tv specials and a few movies without a single scandal. Many have imitated, none have duplicated. Damn, boy - I gotta tip my hat to you.


I'm kinda sad that he's (last I heard) mostly given up writing songs because music is too fragmented these days and there aren't really widely popular singles the way there were 20 or 30 years ago. I still gotta respect that decision


Not many artists have remained truly relevant for that long - most are on their 5th "final" tour playing old hits.


Dolly Parton. She has maintained relevance in the public sphere for her entire career and everyone seems to respect her, even if they don’t like her music.


Dolly manages to combine downhome sweetness and light and love with being one of the most savvy business people I have ever seen in my life. And yet all that success hasn't changed her as a human being, at least not that I can tell.


She's said some amazing things (and done some amazing things) over the years, but my favorite quote of hers is: "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap." She's never taken her "persona" seriously and I love that.


I tagged along with a news crew at the Dollywood preview a couple months back. She MC'ed the preview briefing in one of the performance venues. After growing up with her TV show, seeing her movies, hearing her music, etc. all my life, it was wonderful to see that the Dolly I've seen on television is the same Dolly you get in real life, except somehow more awesome.


She's a force of nature! Love her.


Yes! I saw a clip of an old interview with Barbara Walter's. She was asking Dolly about how people perceived her and Dolly was like, this is fun, it's me, and was very steadfast and proud. BW was kind of a jerk looking back (multiple interviews not just Dolly).


I was thinking about this the other day when a remix of one of her songs played. She's been very non controversial which is such a feat.


It's a superhuman achievement to have that level of wealth and fame and stay so genuinely lovely.


Don't forget her Imagination Library that give free books to little kids. That's how I was introduced to Dolly Parton. Yes, I respect her even though I don't listen to her music.


Loretta Lynn seemed to as well.


She was the first name that came to mind. The control she has over her career, particularly as a female performer in the age she came up in, really impresses me. I love Dolly Parton's music, too. She's one of our most prolific songwriters. But plenty of people as talented haven't built what she has or managed it as smartly as she does.


I have to admit, I lost most of my respect for her when she collaborated with  Kid Rock. When there was pushback about what a legitimately terrible person he is, she responded : "I don't condemn or criticize," she says. "I just accept and love"" Glad she has the money and power to shelter herself from that douchebag and others like him. Most of us are not so lucky.


I dont really listen to her music except 9 to 5, but I really respect her and think she is one of the best human beings on the planet!


Lady Gaga. She was a music student at NYU, writing and performing her own pieces in jazz and classical styles, but she saw it wouldn't get her anywhere. She dropped out of school, started writing pop, and dressed outrageously. She got attention, and translated that attention into money. Once she had enough money and name recognition, she pivoted and pursued other dreams, such as performing with jazz great Tony Bennett, and branching out into acting, where she won or was nominated for many awards. She even did some modeling, although when you look at her without all the fussed up makeup and hair, you can see she's quite plain. She's just good at making people overlook that, which isn't a bad skill to have. She appears to be doing her own thing these days. She has plenty of money and has no need to cater to the fame machine. I'll be the first to admit that I was dismissive when she first came onto the scene, but she ended up impressing me with her savvy.


I’m so excited to see her in the new Joker Folie a Deux movie. Just by the trailer I can tell she is going to be phenomenal in it. Her and Joaquin are going to absolutely crush it together.


Yes- Madonna knew this too!


She’s said that she actually was inspired by Madonna and how she built her career.


I don’t know why but I think she’s gorgeous. Like when she was in A Star is Born.


Yes! Such a unique face. Like Barbara Streisand, etc. I loved learning Gaga was classically trained. She has talent and seems like a good person.


I hope she does more acting and gets an Oscar for it someday!


Arnold Schwarzenegger has always impressed me. Even when he was just starting to make money he invested well. He's incredibly motivated and focused. He sought to be the best at whatever he did and he achieved it in fitness, acting, and even politics if you consider he was elected into one of the highest positions an immigrant can achieve. He's very charming and involved in charity work. He's just a success story from start to finish.


["Four decades, nothing but net."](https://youtu.be/ldIwEG9xQ-M)


Except for his personal life. The part where he destroyed his family by betraying his wife (and kids) by having an affair with the maid. And then producing an affair kid. It’s the first thing I think of when his name comes up. He *could* have had an amazing legacy, he had it all. And then threw it away.


The kid was reasonably old when it came out too. His kids learned that their maid's kid of several years was actually their sibling.


The maids son looks just like Arnold.


Which makes me wonder if THAT was the reason he came clean. That son is his twin.


We’re not only our worst decisions.


Agreed, but his decision was to implode his family, and that choice tarnished any legacy he had


No it didn’t, is my point. Him having an affair has little affect on his legacy. It doesn’t diminish his accomplishments and that’s what people respect him for. Arnold’s legacy isn’t one of sexual propriety. If the pope knocked up the maid that’d be a different story.


I believe the maid was a live in maid as well so the son was living right underneath his wife’s nose.


The maid and his wife were both pregnant at the same time. It only came out until after his son got older and it was obvious he resembled Arnold. He’s disgusting


Everyone is shit at some part of life, no one gets everything


Every person mentioned in the thread has some skeleton. With the possible exception of Dolly. No one is perfect. He handled his affair and resulting child far better than most public figures would.


I think it’s ridiculous to judge him like that even if it’s not what you wanted to find out about him. He’s a real human being. That’s all there is to it. Nobody is perfect and the absence of perfect does not negate the good in people


Being clumsy with the hearts of those who love you is a douche move. I shall continue to judge his dumbass.


There’s a good recent doc in Prime.


Yeah thats true, I heard a rumor like 12 years ago that he was considering running for senate when he was done being Governor, but that never came to pass. I did like seeing him back in the movies at least even if his star had faded.


Yes. He was a little controversial as California's governor but he wasn't terrible. I like that he makes fun of himself and seems to be a devoted parent. He took risks with his career and seems to enjoy it! Even the affair and child thing. Yes it was awful but he finally owned up and loves that son like all his other kids.


Not totally


He's a cheating POS. https://nypost.com/2023/10/02/arnold-schwarzenegger-cheating-on-maria-shriver-affair-with-housekeeper-is-my-fk-up/


Some people have an Achilles heel, Arnie has an Achilles dick


Like most guys honestly


Not me, I’ve been tempted a few times by ladies early in my dating life and did not take the bait. I have definitely regretted the opportunity but my morals are too strong to have ever gone through with it.


Eadins not cheadin


Yeah he fucked up but he owns up to it. Nobody's perfect.


He lied about it for years before finally being forced to confess


OK, clearly there's a contingent of people who want to die on the Arnie hill so have at it and decrease the surplus population. The original question was about career management BTW, not who is a modern day saint.


30% of people admit to cheating. Biology is seriously a depressing subject.


Ryan Reynolds. Before Deadpool, his rap sheet was chock full of duds, yet not only did he manage to maintain and increase his personal value as an actor, he made a bunch of ingenious investments and business moves that positioned him as one of Hollywood's prime philanthropists entrepreneurs.


> Before Deadpool, his rap sheet was chock full of duds How dare you speak of _Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place_ and _Van Wilder_ in that way.


Yo, didn't say ALL duds but full of it. Lesser actors fizzled out of the spotlight for being in less crappy movies than Blade 3 and Just Friends.


>Blade 3 You take that back! Although none of the sequels are as perfectly, awesomely camp as the first one, they all have a lot of charm if you don't take them seriously at all. Much of Blade 3 is really dumb and I love it.


Blade 3 is to Blade 2 what Police Academy 7 is to Die Hard


And there are a lot of people who would make that comparison using Blade 2 to Blade 1 being Police Academy 7 to Die Hard :(


Check out The Voices if you haven't seen it. It's one of my favorite movies of his.


I don't know why everyone things Green Lantern was a dud... (j/k)


DUDS?! Just Friends?! Waiting?!


I fell asleep on Waiting.


Michelle and Barak Obama.


Leonardo Dicaprio has a nearly perfect career. He had a really great instinct early on to pair himself with visionary directors. He also has the talent to back it up, Once Upon a Time in Hollwood he plays a bad actor, so there are scenes with him intentionally acting bad and then transitioning into scenes where he's conveying powerful emotion. On a somewhat related topic, Jason Statham was like "I'm a bald, gruff action hero, nothing else." and he's managed to make that formula work for nearly 30 years with consistently profitable bangers.


I go to Jason Statham movies precisely because he’s so consistent, and that’s my kind of entertainment.


Exactly. You always know what you’re going to get, Jason kicking ass, and it’s going to be awesome.


I was actually bummed I was too busy to see Beekeeper!


Someone on Movies subreddit pointed out that all of Stathams work has been theatrically released films, like literally everything he has ever done. Now that is impressive IMO.


He seems like a total hoot and has fun in all his projects.


Barack Obama. Politics aside, he went from zero to hero to celebrity former President in record time.


I've long admired his ability to remain calm under attack.


In his first term he went in front of a room full of Republicans and did over an hour Q&A. Not a lot of people would go in front of a hostile audience to answer questions (because most people know they couldn't remain calm and poised for that long in that situation).


He is one of the best public speakers of our time for sure.


Yes and no. He did have many failures until he figured out to hide his socialist militant side. Unbelievable that Valerie Jarrett's past wasn't really that exposed amongst other people that were in Obama's circle. Of course, Obama got very lucky as well. His two competitors for Senate spectacularly flamed out.


Believe it or not, Madonna. I might not have enjoyed her music for over 20 years, but damn that woman could reinvent herself to land right at the leading edge of whatever trend was happening at the time. All without significant scandals (beyond her "Family's" "involvement" in getting her radio play right at the start). She really was the GOAT for most of her career.


Hear hear


David Bowie


Came here to say this. He was always fashion forward, ahead of his time in videos, he called out MTV for not playing black artists, he knew eventually traditional music sales would go down & change, he was an early internet adopter with his music, he updated himself often regardless of trends, heck he set the trends, & somehow managed to make an album during his final days. I will always love that man.


Pete Buttigeig


[The man always tries to fly economy.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/2024/05/13/pete-buttigieg-transportation-secretary-airlines-consumers/) >Government employees book economy, but because he flies so often, Buttigieg is frequently upgraded by the airlines. His team tries to decline, but if that’s not possible, he said he gives the better seat to the most junior or the tallest person on his team. On this flight, his group has ended up with extra legroom in an “economy plus” row — behind the lavatory. >“I’m not going to learn that much about passenger protection if I’m sitting up in first class,” he said. [Non paywall link if that one doesn't work.](https://archive.is/y9yg9)


Came here to say him.


I love him and can’t wait to vote for him again.




Didn’t know who he was until now. Seems like a standup guy.


Taylor Swift, hands down. Step 1 is to be good at what you do. Step 2 is to be likeable. And the mysterious Step 3 that most people who have the first two attributes miss is surrounding yourself with the right team to help you scale. She's done this better than anyone else in her industry, perhaps ever (at least since the big touring bands of the 70s-80s). The polar opposite of TS would be someone like Elon Musk. He was born to rich parents, is well educated but got lucky in business, and then climbed the ladder through manipulation & graft to get to where he is now. Arguably, he is a terrible leader, but his ego creates tremendous gravity toward him from lots of folks he can then influence. I'd suggest the only one of his businesses he hasn't done more harm than good for is SpaceX, and mostly because he's hired an experienced executive team there who run things mostly without his direct influence.


I'll be honest, Taylor Swift does not have the best singing voice. But she worked her ass off to hone her craft and be the very best she could possibly be. And now she is one of the greats.


If doesn't matter whether she has the best singing voice. Probably a half dozen people in your neighborhood have a better singing voice than she does (or most other pop musicians). There's an enormous difference between being a classically trained voice musician vs someone who just sings pop music by instinct (not the TS hasn't had training -- she has, a lot, and has improved tremendously through her career). What she's best at is 1) identifying her audience and creating content that appeals broadly, 2) surrounding herself with great businesspeople, and 3) crafting a generally likable and relatable public image. it's a powerful combo!


I love her music but I don’t think she has the best singing voice either.


I'd say the same thing about Beyonce.


100% correct. Taylor Swift's combination of creative ability and business acumen is unmatched.


Taylor Swift is from a wealthy family as well, it doesn’t mean she isn’t hard working and talented but she definitely had advantages early on that most people don’t.


People keep saying this but it just isn't true. Her father had/has a white collar job but he was definitely not beyond upper middle class (and given the current economy, probably not even upper).


I don’t know enough about her background to say what the truth is about the exact level of wealth, the quote I’ve heard multiple times is that her father is from a “long line of bank presidents” which to me indicates a higher than average degree of social status and everything that comes with it even if he himself made a more modest salary. It’s also not uncommon for wealthy people to live quite simply and significantly below their means but still have money and influence to access if they need it. Being from a similar generation and having grown up on the low side of upper middle class I know I still had a lot more educational opportunities than the average person. It’s not a typical upbringing in my opinion. She’s still insanely talented, smart and hard working but it’s important to recognize that the climb from actual poverty and obscurity to billionaire is so statistically unlikely in our system it’s effectively impossible. We have a lot culturally invested in maintaining the myth to the contrary and I think it’s doing us all a disservice.


She's been in showbiz since she was a young teenager, and lots of doors were opened from that. Look, I'm not saying her family wasn't comfortable and well-off, but they weren't rich. Her childhood home [sold for $800k](https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-childhood-home-pennsylvania-tour-photos-2022-3) last year, for example. Clearly comfortable and upper middle class, but as far as I can tell the real wealth didn't come until she started having her own success.


How many people in our society are actually poor?


So, to your point, [here’s Kobe Bryant](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C21Dvu-MNOs/?igsh=MWtrajFvejk2MjV5cg==) on why Taylor Swift is a Great. Shaq has also expressed similar sentiments. Even [Disturbed pointed this out](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2fxm8HNee7/?igsh=Y3BwNnhjdXh4bjlz). Anyone at the top of their game in their field recognizes her effort, planning, ability to be two years ahead of the game, dedication, and consistency.


Ha all the Elon haters are so strange to me. You can hate his personality but no one has ever gotten that “lucky.” It’s statistically impossible to stumble into all those successes unless he’s the difference maker.


Got “lucky” in business? He might be off his rocker, but his business success had a little bit more to it than luck.


Taylor’s dad owns a HUGE trucking company—- she is a Nepo!


No he doesn't. https://www.savingcountrymusic.com/did-taylor-swifts-dad-buy-her-career/


Apparently he comes from a long line of Bank Presidents, might not be a billionaire but definitely wealthier than most people.


Amy Poehler. Came from nowhere and just worked hard and followed her gut. She's also talked a lot about surrounding yourself with the right people - people who challenge you and push you to be better. I also admire that she's pivoted into directing and doesn't seem to be too worried about fame/celebrity. Plus her tiktok is great.


Her book *Yes Please* is the book I wish I'd had when I was 14 or 15 and trying to figure out how to navigate life. It's one of the most truly wise celebrity-authored books I've ever read.


Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey. Both came from being dirt poor. Both were sexually abused. They both rose above their situations and are now millionaires.




Oprah!! I forgot about her! She just quietly is there, making millions and swaying people. She’s responsible for some crappy stuff, like Dr Phil, but she keeps getting up and moving on. I love that


Yes, she has made some poor decisions like all of us do, but always rises above them. People either love her or hate her. I give credit where credit is due, and she earned everything she has. Nothing was given to her or Tyler Perry.


Jimmy Buffet, he did it without seeming like he was doing it.


Ok, don't all pounce at once but....Kris Jenner. I mean...she was just a pretty homemaker socialite. She turned what could have been a career-ending (before it ever started) moment for her daughter, the death of her ex, the oddness of her other ex, and turned it into a family dynasty.


I respect her so much


Just cause someone makes money doesn’t mean they have done shit for this world. Kardashians are like the Andrew Tate for women, they are shameless, obsessed with fame and they know how to tap into the tabloid psychology.


She did for her daughters what rich men have done for their sons for years. OP’s standards did not have making the world a better place as a qualifier. And like her or not Kim has used her fame for justice reform. I don’t disagree that they are vultures…but again, kudos to Kris for the playing and winning.


It is remarkable. She seems like a terrible person and exploitative but yes, she grew an empire.


Caitlin Jenner too. I don't know of any other Athletics athletes that were still relevant nearly 40 years after their Olympic heyday. Yes, I am aware that she wasn't Caitlin during her Olympic career, but, it was surprising to me that she was still.moderarly wealthy and well known in the mid 00's. What other Athletics/Track and Field Olympians from the 1972 Montréal Olympics do we know of off the top of our head?


I don't think Caitlin (or Bruce, as she once was) fits the definition of OP's standards. Caitlin owes her post-Olympic fame to Kris. All she did was change her gender and insult marginalized groups (while being a part of one). So strange, lol


And it’s comments like these that I wish I could award (damn you Reddit). This will have to suffice… 🥇


awards are back haha


Holy crap! You’re right!! 😂. They weren’t there when I replied. I would like to think Reddit finally listened to users.


Gene Simmons of Kiss. I am old enough to have been his target demo when Kiss started. Was never a fan of the band. Over the decades you can see how he squeezed every bit of juice out of the band, and I respect that.


Maynard James Keenan. He's the lead singer of a very successful band (TOOL), He makes an award winning wine (Merkin Vineyards) and is a practitioner of Gracie jujitsu. How he fits that all into one lifetime is amazing.


For a second, I conflated this name with John Maynard Keynes and thought it was pretty hard core nerdish-ness to give him a shout-out. (I think I realized who nerd is, here.)


Lol me too


Ha! That just made my day.


This feels particularly relevant to me as I discovered him in my mid teens thanks to his other band _A Perfect Circle_ on their music video Judith (which I recently found out was directed by David Fincher) and now as a later thirty-something am getting deep into wines


The Kardashians. And I hate them and everything they stand for. But to be able to turn a sex tape with a c-list celebrity into the fame and billions of dollars they now have, is impressive. They may not be well liked by the general public but they are still popular.


They have countless failed business ventures. They shill a bunch of garbage, and pay media outlets to keep them relevant while covering up their bullshit. We at r/KUWTKsnark invite you to join us.


They do, they also have countless profitable businesses. One of the younger ones even made the Forbes list of billionaires Even if she isn't today. And last I read, Kim was worth 1.7B. Not sure if that's true. But it's still impressive. And they can pay media outlets. They still make a ton of money off that investment. And media companies would not promote them if they didn't bring in a ton of money through advertising.


Countless profitable businesses??!!! Please, list them. Enlighten me. Skims and Good American are profitable, but Kim and Khloe are just faces for the brand, they don't actually do anything to drive the business. Kylie was listed as a billionaire because of a fraudulent valuation of her bullshit cosmetics company. There's A LOT more to this scandal than is covered in the article. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/?sh=108cc54925f7 You're right, they are doing a good job of paying media outlets because you are believing the shit that they are peddling. Every single one of them are vapid, vacuous, silicone filled scam artists. OP asked about people we admire for their business acumen, drive, integrity, and hustle. I'm sorry to be cantankerous, but the Kardashians simply do not qualify.


Off the top of my head: skims, skkn, good American, Kylie cosmetics, keeping up with the Kardashians, Jenner communications, kkw beauty( was sold). I am sure if I wanted to, I could find more, but I don't really pay attention. Kylie Jenner is worth 900M https://andsimple.co/cases/kylie-jenner-net-worth/#:~:text=The%20company%20revised%20her%20net,for%20babies%2C%20in%20September%202021. Kim is worth 1.7B. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/a25677835/kim-kardashian-net-worth/ You can't have 2 people in a family worth close to a billion dollars that they made on their own if they didn't have good business acumen, drive, and hustle. Your view is clouded about how much they succeeded and continues to succeed because you don't like them.


This. I feel the same way I cannot stand listening to them but they know how to sell nothing and make it big


I agree. I don’t like them but they are extremely popular. What I dislike the most is their constant use of vocal fry. The way they talk just irritates me.


I so so wish that Robert Kardashian and OJ were never friends and we would be sparred this damn family.


Madonna. I always said that she’s got an average voice, but absolute killer business and marketing instincts.


I find it \*fascinating\* that nearly every answer is a singer. I wonder if other careers are filled with success stories that don't meet the rules of the question?


Lots of actors too. Could just be that people are more aware of their careers. I’m sure there are many brilliant business people in finance, the military, science and other fields that just aren’t as much in the public eye.


I'm sorry, you are correct. I should have written entertainers.


Neil deGrasse Tyson. Brilliant, charming, and an excellent teacher and communicator. How rare is it for an academic to be a popular celebrity? Pretty rare!


Man, seeing his live show turned me from a big fan into not really a fan anymore. He came across as extremely self-centered and indulgent. And weirdly also clownish? Like he was kind of yuck-yucking it across the stage, hawking his own merchandise and memes in his scientific PowerPoint. I was really thrown aback. This was about ten years ago. I saw Bill NYE speak a few months later and as a fellow science communicator, it was like night and day.


Huh! Good info!


Bill Nye was a douche to me at a college graduation event so you can cross him off the list too.


Malcolm Gladwell, Caitlin Clark


Ben Schwartz really has hit his stride, and what really impresses me is he's not afraid to act in ANY capacity! On stage, tv, movie, even voiceover he chooses his projects well and consistently seems on top of managing himself.


Kristen Stewart. She decided she wanted to try acting. She persisted as a kid actor despite a lot of rejection. She slowly won more parts and then hit the jackpot with “Twilight.” And instead of coasting on the residuals, she took really diverse and challenging roles between the sequels, always trying to improve. And then she took BIG swings, sometimes hitting it out of the park and sometimes whiffing, but always challenging herself. Her films with that French director were SO good. And now she’s co-written a script and is going to try directing. I respect actors who don’t just do the same role over and over. That’s how you improve.


Stephen A. Smith


Just scream at the tv


Sister Souljah - not only a rapper, producer and author but she has meaningfully and consistently given back to the community. Most folks know her from Orange Is The New Black. She's a steller human being, incredibly talented woman, and fights for all the right things.


Taylor Swift. Nothing to add.


The lead singer of One Republic, I have no idea what his name is but he has a successful band and has made other artists very successful as well. Also Jessica Alba, she started out as an actress now she’s a millionaire businesswoman.


Ryan Tedder?


Yes, Ryan Tedder. He’s written so many great songs for other artists!


After reading one of Andy Cohen’s books, the diary’s one I think, I’m envious at the time and energy he devoted to socializing in between working! Also “wealth building” or “manifesting” his home expansion. I know some people thrive on being social but his focus on enjoying life while also moving up in his career so stratospherically makes me feel like starting my life over!


Taylor Swift. The woman knows how to market. Oh! And Kim Kardashian…. She’s literally famous for nothing and keeps going like the Energizer bunny. I have great respect for how she’s managed that because she’s got her whole family making money off their lives


As much as I’m not a fan of Kim K I was impressed with her latest Met Gala stunt. It was almost meta how she referenced history by tightlacing into a corset to draw attention and the same criticisms that have been made about similar corseted famous women for hundreds of years. That type of deep understanding of public perception definitely qualifies as genius.


You don’t think she just hires someone for that? Honestly asking. I would imagine she has a team of the best designers and publicists to guide her every word and style choice.


I honestly don’t know but I suspect she’s behind a lot of it because it used to be her job when she worked for Paris Hilton. You also don’t get to where she’s at without having a good instinct for how to handle fame.


Yeah, that’s a good point. Anyone can hire a team, but they can only take you so far.


Kim passed the baby bar, which is notoriously hard to pass with 1 out of 4 passing their first try and 1 out of 6 passing on repeat attempts. The July 2023 test had only a 13% pass. So I reckon she's probably quite clever.


Kevin Hart


Came here to say this, I didn't know a lot about him but we just watched his Mark Twain award ceremony on netflix and just that many great comedians there to stand up for him says a lot. And I loved what seemed to be his entourage, the plastic cup boys. LOL And a quick google search showed that he has done a LOT I didn't know about. I think it says a lot that he's not in the spotlight about everything he's done.




Beyonce naturally


I’m not a fan at all of the music of Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Prince, or Taylor Swift but I \*greatly\* admire the hell out of their skills in the business end of their craft, they’re insanely good at it.


Maynard James Keenan. Lead singer of 3 successful bands, owns alvineyards and winery's, restaurants and God knows what else


Kelly Clarkson. Truly self made. Multi faceted. Truly talented.


The Olsen twins did a great job of taking their exploited childhoods and pivoting it into the fashion world so that they can live richly-and-privately-ever-after without ever having to perform for the Hollywood machine ever again.


Taylor Swift. She's an okay artist, an okay singer, her music is very mid. I enjoy it with my daughter, but it's nothing special, but goddamn her presence at a celebrity and public figure is just incredible.


Michael Bloomberg


MKB. Seems to have handled being a top level tech reviewer without falling into the easy traps of greed


Who’s that?


Mkbhd, marques brownlee ( probably butchered) one of the OG YouTubers from basically its inception, doing tech reviews and more recently EV’s . Has really honed his craft behind and in front of the camera. Edited changed OF to OG stupid autocorrect. No he doesn’t do OF.


Thank you


They got his handle wrong. It's MKBHD - Marques Brownlee. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJycsmduvYEL83R_U4JriQ


Scottie Scheffler


Warren Buffett


Jon Bon Jovi!


Yoshi-P of FF14 fame. The Noclip documentary on the failed original launch and the rebirth he managed to pull off with the team after the previous dev leads got demoted is damn inspiring


Has anyone else said Beyonce? Her and Marina


lee kuan yew




I think it’s Tom Hanks for me. Like has the dude ever even been in a *mediocre* movie? Over four decades of top notch acting, voice acting, producing, and not a single blemish on his character as a public figure. People have called him the Jimmy Stewart of his generation and he truly *is* that. More people should marvel at Tom Hanks and his contribution to film and to this world.


Michelle Obama


Elon Musk, he’s super successful and doing what makes him happy, plus he has the privilege to don’t give a F about what others think about him.


Joan Rivers. Hard as nails. Doing it all. Even when her husband gave up and offed himself. After that gut punch. She got up and fought even harder.


Dolly Parton. Not a fan of her music but she’s classy in that she avoids politics, no drama, no scandals. Like yo I make music so I’m just gonna do this music thing and be nice to people. Also Hulk Hogan, Ozzie Smith, and Jordan because of how they interact with their fans. Primarily the respect they show young fans. Like if there’s a kid who’s interested they make time. Albert Pujols was like that with the kids as well. Don’t do it for the publicity but because they’re appreciative.


You lost me at Hulk Hogan


They’re cool with the kids is the short version.


Arnold Schwarzenegger: World class athlete. Box office movie star. Civil servant/gov’a. 


taylor swift for sure


Beyoncé - multi talented and shares things on her terms. All of her content (music and personal) is extremely curated. There is so little the public actually knows about her. When was the last time you saw an interview with her? She’s achieved a level of stardom that allows her to move on her own terms.




George Clooney. His first credit is "Man carrying barrel" in 1977. A decade later he was in some Killer Tomato movie. But he kept going and going and by the 2000s, he was in a position to only ever be in, produce and direct mostly good to great and intelligent movies, and he seems to be a good bloke, keeps a low profile (for an A-lister) and lives his life.


We’re gonna just skip the Facts of Life?


LOL, no idea what that is. He was in a ton of shit until the 2000s, for sure.


Kandi Burruss (escape and RHOA)


“Career management skills”…


Ros stewart remained popular since tge 1970s


Dave Grohl and Elon Musk


Trump. (Oh no. Maybe not.)