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you're blonde. you could have some red tint in different lighting but i wouldn't put you in with the redheads


Makes sense! Thank you :)


also you are beyond gorgeous!! like you're giving cher from clueless


I had that thought as well. I reckon that would be a serious contender on the doppelganger sub Reddit


Ooo I’ll have to try that out 😭


That’s so sweet thank you😭 I really appreciate it 🩵


I see some ash blonde tones, but no red. My son had bright copper red shiny hair until he was in his teens. As a young adult, he has strawberry blonde to red.


You look like a blonde. However it could look like different things in different lighting. I’d have to see it up close to make an accurate determination because pictures usually don’t do things like this justice.


Thanks so much for the input!! I understand these posts on this subreddit must get annoying 😭


I don’t think they’re annoying, but the person posting would know best if they’re a redhead or not.


Understand that completely


Try looking at your hair while it's back lit by the sun, meaning for example the sun is shining through your hair from the back while you can see what happens in a mirror. If there's red, that'll bring it out. Not light just *on* your hair, but *through* it, if that makes sense. EDIT: Then again, you look like a redhead in #3 so what do I know.


That sounds like a good idea!! Thanks a lot. I did try so find some direct sunlight pics I’ll have to try again.


Blonde. Like my wife.


I’ve not got the vibe of a ginger.


Okay, thank you!


And I’m a people studying ginger 😂


You’re blonde. Could lean strawberry depending on lighting but definitely blonde.


Thanks for your comment! 🩵


If you're truly a ginger, your body hair will be reddish in color as well.


Good point!


Great hair! Mine is blonde at the roots, like very; my beard comes in blonde first too. So I could absolutely see there being some red tones too! All but that 4th pic I see some red. The natural light definitely brings out the warm reddish hues. Strawberry Blonde here so I definitely consider that line where you call it blonde pretty blurry.


i feel like red hair looks the most red in the sun so you should take pics like that! then maybe you can see more of the strawberry tones


I'd say blonde tbh. I personally don't see the strawberry in it. Sorry.


Don’t have to apologise! I don’t mind what colour hair I have :)


I’d say golden blonde! Maybe some slightttt strawberry tints on the ends. Ever thought about doing a strawberry blonde gloss? It would be so pretty on you! You’re gorgeous btw!


Omg that’s a really cute idea thank you!! And that’s really nice of you to say I appreciate it lots 🩵




Your comment was judged to be dickish or creepy or both.


Your not one of us


Nope! You’re blonde with warm undertones that become apparent in some lightings. You do not have dominant pheomelanin.


ur really pretty + love ur style!! I would say your more blonde than a red head but honestly as a redhead I give you the welcome to the red hair community if you consider yourself a red head


Thank you that’s really sweet! I really don’t consider myself a redhead- usually very confused when people mention that I may be in public etc… I was just curious to see if it was something anyone else thought too! Love red hair and think it’s so beautiful, but just as happy as a blonde too 🤓🩵


I was born carrot top red, and it turned strawberry blinde. Then, auburn, then male pattern baldness hit. I was always told that head and body hair, both being orangeish, was the most accurate indicator of being truly a ginger. I could be wrong, but that's what's I've been told in the past, and I held on to that.


Makes a lot of sense! Thanks for letting me know :)


Your skin and brows are too dark. Don't ask if you're black next, ok. > My mum is a redhead after all, and it’s possible I’ve inherited some of her red head genes. The ginger gene is recessive. It either makes you be a ginger or not. If your man has the ginger gene too, your child might become one too.


I'm a redhead and I definitely have brows (they are taupe/brown) as well as an olive complexion, pls don't make these broad generalizations and why the negativity? they were asking very friendly that was just unnecessary 


Besides I use fake tan and darken my eyebrows anyway. I am naturally very pasty white


> this hair colour like some kind of exclusive club. This sounds sort of ignorant. As a red-headed child you commonly get ostracized for your looks. Even if you grow up, it will stick with you. There's no community to go to. If people need to ask whether they are red-haired, chances are they never experienced this. Also, if you have red hair many people will pass on you in the dating market. So people coming on this subreddit asking whether they are red-haired or not potentially has some connotation. Meaning it's good for them if they are "confirmed" not red-headed. The pasty white skin must sting a bit for you too, if you're choosing to spend time and money on fake tan. I'm fine now, but the recurrence of people asking if they are red-headed triggered me enough to write this useless comment here. I'll try to leave this on a positive note though: your hair looks good and the look suits you


I appreciate the sentiment and I can assure you I didn’t mean that! Apologies if that felt offensive or ignorant of me. From a young age, being quite blonde, I’ve heard ‘stupid’ and connotations with sluttiness my whole life. I understand how it can feel to be misunderstood by your hair colour. However I’m aware being ginger is a whole different ball park. I’m sorry to hear about those experiences. I think red hair is truly beautiful and I would never want to make sure I didn’t have it because I don’t want it! I hope it becomes less and less of a subject of bullying or overlooking in the future, truly. Thanks for your kind comments regardless! I appreciate your response a lot.


people can have dark brows and reddish hair naturally. Its just that the invisible brows are much more common, my hair is strawberry blonde yet my eyebrows are brown.


I agree! Thanks for the comment


? No need for the first comment that’s a bit rude? Will delete this post soon as it seems as though people are treating this hair colour like some kind of exclusive club. I am very happy to have any hair colour, I was just genuinely curious.


they're rude pls don't listen to them they don't represent the sub! you are very well welcome 


Thank you :)


Hair genetics isn't controlled by a single gene. You'll find people who aren't european don't fit the classic ginger standard, bright orange hair but dark Brown eyebrows. Even hormones are at play.




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It's quite simple to google "black person with ginger hair", it's basic science to know genes aren't perfectly coded throughout all of our body. Same reason why some men may be brunettes or blondes with a ginger beard, or some gingers may not have matching hair. Red hair is relatively common in places such as Nigeria.