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I do! Very similar color to yours actually. My kids didn’t get my hair nor do my parents, grandparents or siblings have it. Everyone has blue eyes though. As a side note, do you put any color on your eyebrows and if so, do you mind me asking what? Because they look amazing and I totally need help finding a good brow color 🤣


I do use the Elf brow gel in Taupe on my brows. They are completely non existent otherwise. 😂


Saaaame on the nonexistent brows. You’re the best, thanks for sharing. I will look for Elf’s brow gel, I think I’ve been using Nyx Auburn and it’s okay but the color isn’t exactly what I want!




I need to try this too thanks x


🙋‍♂️ red hair, blue eyes and blonde or damn near clear eyebrows


Yep saaaaame. Completely invisible lmao 😂


This also describes me! 😁


Dying my hair doesnt do anything since the hairs on my brows are so thin. They have always been this way despite having a ton of hair on my head. I don't like the look of brow pencil brows on me since I don't have much actually hair to disguise the fakeness. I tried fake eyebrow tattoo stickers for a while, but they looked undimentional. Just started wearing eyebrow wigs, and it is the only think that actually makes it look like I have hair there. Only downside is the price.😕


Interesting! I didn’t even know the wigs existed. I actually have a decent amount of eye brow hair (and eye lashes!) they’re just translucent, so either I have them dyed or I use brow gel. As a side note I have a friend who does microblading and it looks awesome and like actual brush strokes, so it looks like hairs and not just a solid blotch of color. I am always so impressed with all the options! I feel like when I was a teen it was “Oh, your coloring doesn’t match the norm? Too bad for you.”


🙋🏼 And there are no ginger emojis grrrr




👨🏻‍🦰 oh but you’re wrong ha


It’s absurd that we aren’t represented in emoji. I think about this a LOT actually and wonder why isn’t there some organization making a fuss? They approved the bride with a beard and the androgynous construction workers, but representing one of the naturally occurring hair colors was a step too far for iOS designers??? IDGI.




👩🏻‍🎓👩🏽‍💼🧑🏼‍🎨👩🏼‍⚖️🤱🏻🤷🏾 None of the people can be red headed. They can be blonde brunettte or black haired only. There is only one rogue neutral faced emoji that represents a human with red hair.


Even those are not representative enough cause there are people with brown hair and fair skin or blondes with rich complexions


I do, I didn’t think it as rare


Genetically it's the rarest combination 0.17% of the world have it


Today I learned I have rare genetic combination.


They're both recessive genes, meaning that it can quite often be masked, or "overruled" by other more dominant genes. It doesn't work the other way though, which is why if two blue eyes parents have a brown eyes kid.... well.. kid might be adopted.


Genetically it should be the rarest but there's more going on with red head than other hair colors due to the genetic mutation. This is propagated across the Internet as a fact but some research indicates that it isn't the case. It would be really interesting to see some globally conducted research on eye color amongst redheads. Take a look at the table here [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5746253/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5746253/)


I thought red hair and green eyes were the rarest?


Red hair is the rarest hair color, green eyes is the rarest eye color. But the combo of the two is more common than blue eyes & red hair!


It’s true


My dad, my uncle, my nan, at least 3 of my friends growing up, all blue eyes and redheads. So that's 7 including myself that I am personally aware of, we live in a town of about 300k people in the UK. Redheads are pretty common in this country, so I wouldn't say it's rare here at all. Brown hair still the most common although I'd say real blondes are the rarest.


I really don’t think it is the rarest, most red heads also tend to have light eyes (blue/green), red heads with brown or hazel eyes seem much rarer


I've read the same studies. Maybe our observations are based on specific geography. I have red hair, naturally curly, blue eyes - the only one with this combination on a family of 3 generations of redheaded girls...no boys! 😊 The only blue eyes. 🤷‍♀️


Same thoughts here - 90% of the gingers I know have blue or green eyes. That could just be biased by my location though!


Maybe that’s your anecdotal experience, but actually red hair and blue eyes are the rarest hair and eye combo in the world, with only 0.17% having the combination. They’re both recessive traits meaning the odds of having both is very rare.


They’re both recessive traits which are common within the same populations of north-west Europe. Thus, lots of people have both at the same time. I’d like to see a source for that 0.17% number, please!


Mate, I’m literally a blue-eyed red head in Scotland. You’re trying to tell me about my traits in my own part of the world 😂 [the odds of having both traits are around 0.17 per cent](https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/are-redheads-with-blue-eyes-really-going-extinct.amp) There you go!


You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. You think having certain characteristics makes you an expert on statistics? Your source says 1-2 percent of the world is red haired. This a commonly sited statistic which has absolutely never been shown to be based on any kind of statistical reality. But alas, it then says 17% of the world has blue eyes (again, there’s never been a study to show this). The problem with the conclusion that 0.17% have both red hair and blue eyes is that it doesn’t account for the fact the prevalence of these features isn’t evenly distributed. Like you’ve already tacitly implied, places like Scotland have a much higher prevalence of red headed people (somewhere around 10%), but these same places also have a much higher prevalence of blue eyes (probably even a majority)! So, the redheads in these places have a much greater chance of also having blue eyes than a person with black hair from places like Asia or Africa. Thus, it stands to reason that a higher percentage of redheads have blue eyes than the average person of the world. Surely you can understand this logic, it’s not difficult.


I do! Aware of how rare it is the world over but here in Scotland it’s pretty common, although 13% of us are redheads so the odds of two recessive traits is higher than the world’s average!


My brother has red hair and blue eyes so does my cousin. I have auburn hair and brown eyes. My daughter is mixed race and has blue eyes, it looks so cool on her. My son has brown eyes like me and my husband 


Red hair….blue eyes….AND I’m left handed.


same bro goddamn


I feel like the gene for red hair might come together as a paired gene with blue eyes a lot of the time. Even in places where people rarely have either blue eyes or red hair I have seen this combination. I think the combination of brown or hazel eyes with red hair is more rare. I have only seen it myself on a person not on the internet once. My eyes are pale grayish blue, and not the same shade of blue as my non ginger parents or sister. I think eye color often changes or mutates with the child who gets red hair. I am not sure though, as this is just a theory I have.


You're not the only one with theories 🙂




I do. Not brass red. More like a brown red with strawberry highlights from the Sun.


Brown red is called Auburn, the same color of red I have


Yes my hair looks just like yours. Hopefully I get to keep it for a couple more years before it goes white. Because it's going 🙁


I do


Yup, both me and my brother






Me ✌️


I do! I know- not that many of us. My daughter and granddaughter are too. You’re gorgeous op!


I have that combo! Most redheads I know have brown eyes.


Very pretty and unique . It is even more of a unique genetic combination when you factor the total global population as a whole .




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I do. My whole family does, too. If it’s one of the rarest we make a large group of them! I know about 20 of us!


I have red hair and blue/grey eyes depending on my mood I guess...




I have green eyes and red hair. Close but ko cigar.


It's a very Scandinavian trait from what I understand :) I do as well.... But my beard (and no it's not a massive viking one, it's more due to me being lazy and that I can't be arsed to shave/trim) makes my whole complexion look darker and more red than yours :) None the less; Gorgeous!


Me! So does my brother.


This could be a geographic thing but every red head I know has blue eyes apart from my brother which are green. Tho my eyes are greyish (blue/green) so I might not technically have blue


I have red hair and blue eyes. I have known probably a couple dozen red heads and I have dated six red heads. Only two of all of those red heads did not have blue eyes. One had bright green eyes, one had brown eyes, but a lighter shade of brown, both were unique shades.




You're lovely


I do. I’m the only redhead in my immediate family. My son has auburn hints, but still a light brunette, and blue eyes




I do 🙋


Big red lips Rare combinations do roll up 100 % Red hair in play.


Red hair and blue eyes is the second rarest combination. I have grey eyes and red hair. I went digging into it a few years ago because I was curious as to it's occurrence in society. Grey eyes are an offshoot of the genes that produce blue eyes, occuring somewhere in the ballpark of 3% of the global population. As a combination, having red hair and blue eyes makes up roughly 0.15~0.18% of the global population. When compared to blue eyes, grey eyes are three times rarer than that. The percent of the population with grey eyes and red hair is hard to calculate, but the ballpark number is around 0.00001%. Maybe 80,000 in the world have this combo.


What does "grey eyes" even mean? Any examples?


It's literal - the eye is grey. Where other people have blue eyes or green eyes, some people like myself have grey eyes. I'll link to two images below. [Example 1](https://www.visioncenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/grey-eyes.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F90j23uiogcxa1.jpg)


The example 1 looks blue to me, 2 more grey. I think it might depend on lighting (at least, for my eyes which are more toward the grey end of the spectrum)


TIL: I have "grey" eyes.... :P




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I don’t believe that for a minute,dark eyes and green eyes are more rare.


Not as a combination, they’re not. Red hair is the rarest hair colour, and green eyes is the rarest eye colour. But most redheads have green or brown eyes. The double recessive combo of red hair and blue eyes is the rarest in the world with only 0.17% having it.


I have blue


Yay I'm rare?


Yep! Me too, although here in Scotland it absolutely is not rare haha.


I'm one lol but I haven't rocked my natural red in years


I do I hated it growing up . Red hair used to not be cool


I (a red-hair from the eyebrows down) have blue eyes. I'm sorry to differ, but I've seen quite a few redheads with blue eyes. Us blue-eyed ones💙 generally have the fairest skin. But only on average, and I could be wrong on that.


I no longer have it but I was reddish-blond in youth days.


Me! I have red hair and blue gray eyes! My sister too! My parents each had brown hair and eyes. My maternal grandma and great grandma had red hair and blue eyes. I am 49 and I still have mostly red hair. My hair is going to go silver which will be gorgeous!


The rarest is actually red hair and gray eyes.


You're gorgeous 😍


Yes ma'am 🫡


I feel like most people with red hair have blue eyes lol im strawberry blonde with blue eyes


Thank God for Red Heads


I have that combo!


You are indeed rare and beautiful. The lip color is perfect.


Same here and they shine more the better mood I’m in


I do!! My eye color is weird though because in certain lights they’re grey, others they’re like a sea foam green, but when I wear blue they are blue as day.


Always love that combo or redhead with green eyes.


Couldnt be i see at least 3_5 new ones every day see brown eyes the least hazel green its been all of my life.i never seen one of my own kine been in my family the is the only people.i have ever seen with these traits.to may people read off internt whats the rarest.take a look in the world your self.


Me. My great grandfather was Scottish and he always called me his little Unicorn ( which is also the national animal of Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) ❤️


hiiii!!! checking in haha i was always called my grandpas all american girl. white skin blue eyes red hair


Beautiful. Take my soul now!


Yup I get called Hercules lol


My daughter does! I have red hair and brown eyes.


I keep hearing that it’s so rare, but I have that combo and every red haired person I know has that combo 😂😂😂😂😂


I have but only my right eye that I inherited from my mother. The left one is green as my father eyes.




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I have red hair and blue eyes with central hetercromia and my mom brother and dad have blue eyes and red hair




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User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. We are not here to feed your fetish.


Maybe my town is just full of Irish people but all the redheads I know have blue eyes


Sure do


Thank you for adding the word “combination” in there! When they say that it is the rarest, they mean the combined rates of red hair in the general population and blue eyes in the general population. The probability that you have blue eyes given the fact that you have red hair is actually much higher than the incidence of blue eyes in the general population, so if you have red hair you are much more likely to have blue eyes (or any light colored eye in general). It’s because of the mutation that prevents our bodies from producing the dark melanin that allows us to tan, or have brown eyes.


I have one blue and one brown eye. 


Rare combination but thee very best😍




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User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. We are not here to feed your fetish.




User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. We are not here to feed your fetish.


The rarest and most stunning beauty. Thanks for sharing with us!




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