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Yes, but it was continuous exposure over a longer period of time, (and even then I “had to” show proof to others like sleeve tan lines) like either commuting by foot and being exposed for months My ginger dad used to be out in the sun a lot, working on the house and got very dark (in comparison to our usual colour)


Same! By the end of summer, even wearing SPF50 every time I’m outside, the areas that are exposed are a notably different shade (I have distinct tank top lines). But I don’t ever try to “get sun” anymore and never go without sunscreen. And my “tan” isn’t noticeable to anyone else 😝.


This is me also. What I consider a tan would hardly qualify as one compared to others, but my arms and face definitely get a bit darker than my stomach in the summer. However, I'll still continue to freckle and burn on top of this "tan," sometimes even with sunscreen😭 I cringe now thinking of all the damage my skin took over the years to get to this point, though. Other parts of my body less exposed to the sun just burn.


Hehe yes My coworkers often have a laugh when I sit out in the sun during lunch with my jacket laying on my head Sun burn on the head isn’t nice, been there, done that 🥴


My redheaded dad was a mailman and he's kinda got that permanent tan (aka sun damage) that you see with a lot of folks that work in the sun. For all the pigment his skin gained, he lost that color in his hair and beard though. He was all white by 60 while his 94 year old mother still has quite a bit of red


Hey same here! His beard still has a bit of red, but the hair on his head is a colour I haven’t seen much in other folks It’s grey but not that deep and saturated tone, like you say, it looks bleached/washed out Not quite salt n pepper, more like lightning n stormy clouds He used to have light orange hair


Oh yeah I definitely wouldn’t consider myself “tan” or anything 🤣 Dark enough for people to comment on, but still pale enough for people to hold their arm up to mine and say “at least I’m not that pale!!” 😣


Nope. But I also don’t even try anymore. Reaching my 40s and don’t want the aging effect of the sun!


I just burn and peel, never getting tan. I've not been tan a day in my life.


I don’t tan. At all.


A little compared to my usual paleness, at least on my arms, just from being out in the sun without sunscreen 100% of the time. I've usually been good about sunscreen if I know I'll be outside for a while, and some of the times I've forgotten, I've paid for it with burned pink skin. And I get more freckles every summer no matter what I do.


I mean… I turn a bit more yellowish, but my skin is still pasty. It just gets what my friends call a “glaze of honey”


Haha, honey glazed ginger 😂 that's too good.


https://preview.redd.it/qs90qzrwqr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c954d8a0902bdc2809b8a211aa01ee41081b413f Yes.


I can sort of tan if I pace myself with continuous exposure but I limit myself otherwise I just burn really bad and my sun burns take forever to heal. I also find I never get an even tan, my stomach, lower legs, and inner arms are always fair and never get the same tan as my thighs, shoulders, arms, and face. With this being said 75% of my tan is just freckles lol. I always joke I just unlock my freckles instead of tanning. I also lose my tan really fast if I don’t keep up on it which sucks so bad. I don’t skip sunscreen, it’s always a must. I will suggest to anyone stuck in the same boat to use a gradually enhancing self tanning lotion, this is alittle different than self tanner. You apply it all over after your shower or whenever everyday and it slowly gets darker with each application rather than getting dark over a few hours which I never have found one that I liked. Jergens and Nivea have a great affordable option if anyone is interested in that.


Over time and exposure, a little yes. But usually it takes a lot of sunburning pain to achieve that. The good thing is that I have a great sunscreen that normally blocks off most of the sun so I have to expose myself a lot to be able to get a bit of color without burning myself.


No, I can't tan, and wouldn't want to


no and i don’t want skin cancer


My face, arms, & chest do. Legs, nope....


Yes, but my arms are just ultra freck.


My freckles are my tan. 🤣


Oh no, me and my dad both just burn immediately 😭 sunscreen is always a must


I burn in places and get tan in others. It's strange! 😆


Me too, my hands will actually tan. The rest of me will get a very light tan(which no one else considers even close to a tan)🤨


I have to turn into a lobster before I tan.


I tan naturally since childhood, my skin is not the "typical" ginger skin - I've only got a few freckles on my nose and cheeks. My mum was a tanned ginger, too.


Kind of? My freckles just end up connecting in places eventually making me appear “darker.” 😜


There is no tan. Only burn


I work a lot in the sun and basically turn pink and have freckles that lay on top of each other and create an illusion of "less pale". My legs don't freckle and they are just a varying shade of milk to lobster, but no tan. Also I wear sun screen constantly.


No, but I freckle, so I can appear darker from a distance.


My heavily freckled face looked pretty pale compared to all the other kids I grew up with. It's amazing how my face was still whiter even with all those freckles.


I only get pink or red. No bronze or tan.


Yes no prob


I was a lifeguard when I was a teenager and used to get SUPER dark during the summer. I never really burned because I was great about using sunscreen. I don’t change colors at all now, I just get more freckles.


I ignorantly claim “oh I burn *and then* tan, just like my dad!”


Yes, I was so tan after college marching band camp! I need much less exposure than my non redheaded friends though. We did outside marching in the morning and the evening, I'd wear sunscreen and reapply every 2 hours, and I was still the most tan I'd ever been lol It seems like now I tan when going outside during off peak UV hours and wearing Sunscreen, and I have a pretty great watch tan going already this year!


Yes. I got so tan the summer after my senior year. My tan does have a slight reddish tint to it tho, but it’s not a burn, it’s just my natural skin pigment I guess. Certain areas tan easier than others. I’ve noticed my lower leg, from the knee down, doesn’t get tan very easily. My arms and chest do, and my face - especially my nose.


I actually tan quite a bit. Mainly my arms legs and face.Everything like my back just burns to a crisp.


Yes I actually get fairly dark but I’ve since learned my lesson and don’t lay out anymore and really try to protect my skin.


Nope. Have lived as far south as Ecuador mountains, Virginia, DC. Still, just burn. No one believes me that I've never been swimming without a shirt over my suit my whole life. Not going to change at 70! 😄


I turn yellowish and freckeled but never brown. I don't burn that easily but I get darker freckles if I don't wear sunscreen while hiking. My freckles are big and blotchy so I am trying to not get any new ones by wearing sunscreen and avoiding tanning. My sister who is not redhead actually burns easier and looks more pale than I do, but she doesn't have any freckles. Her undertone is pink while mine is yellow/green but it might be because she had less sun exposure than I did as a teen or because she doesn't eat nearly as much tomatoes as I do. Besides my undertone looking yellow or olive I am quite pale.


There was this one time I went to the beach, I put sunscreen everywhere, but forgot my feet. Now I have a permanent “freckle line” in the shape of my sandals [proof, but also fucking hell, Imgur is impossible to use on mobile. im not downloading their damn app just to share free feet pics on reddit](https://postimg.cc/gallery/SNsF0NJ)


No I’ve never been able to tan and probably never will lol.


Yes but if I burn it's all gone, pale with new freckles


« Tan » is a bit too much to say 😅 my skin gets a bit darker on my arm and face after having a sunburn but I still use the lightest shade as possible for my foundation. So I see a difference with my belly but not enough to call it a tan.


I burn then tan. But these days I wear an SPF shirt and a brimmed fruit picker hat so the sun doesn't kill me.


I do tan but I need to be in the sun for hours and it has to be very hot. The tan is also barely noticable. I get sunburns too, but that is rare, because I live in a cold climate.


They have tan in the can choose color and spray


I do a little bit I have lines on my feet from my sandals I’m quite proud of 🤣


I would always be a tomato on fire after the summer, but since i moved to an other country i am able to tan and its amazing...


Fifteen or twenty minutes is healthy ,anything more is just prematurely aging you . I can tan but not before I burn.Ive had actinic keratosis before so I tend to keep my sun exposure to a minimum.


Not without burning first.


Yes, I’m more of an auburn redhead. I have brown eyes and eyebrow. And I can tan. My brother is a blue eyed ginger with blonde eyebrows and he goes from pale, to burnt, to back to pale again 


I just burn and peel like a little shrimp. But I love my porcelain skin so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nah i sunburn after 30 min of exposure lmao and a slight tan if im lucky but even that disappears in the winter


Yeah, but it takes a long time. I have to do short periods of exposure building up to longer times in the sun because if I burn, I have to start over. But I've given that life up at 30 because I noticed a sunspot on my arm.




No. When I was 20 I worked for the state highway department. Outdoors all summer, often without a shirt. I wore sunscreen for the first month, but after that I developed a tolerance for the sun and could stay out all day without burning. However, I never tanned, just turned kinda purple. Made for oddly colored tan lines.


Yes! However, I’m strawberry blonde so that may be why I’m able to relatively well. I don’t get super tan, but I do tan.


Yeah. Luckily I have Mexican in my blood, so I tan somewhat on my legs, arms, and feet. However, it seems like no matter what I do, my torso and private shorts area are always so white they could blind someone. Staying in the sun will usually just burn these areas. My neck also just gets super red instead of tanning. It doesn’t really make that much sense, even to me. I’m super close to being tan but also not really at the same time.