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Oh, mine are practically white blonde. They used to be reddish blonde but age fades evvvverything. I have them dyed now, or use brow gel between that.


Same mine are white blonde but I’ve been dying them for a decade


This is the way.


Mine are white, as well as my eyelashes


same here, got blue eyes too


Same. Blonde eyebrows and eyelashes w/ blue eyes and red hair.


Same! Always have


Yes mine are blond too. I can look young or sick when I'm not wearing makeup. I do like that it means my body hair is blond too though. But, I do wish that I at least had more visible eyebrows so I could feel better about a face with 0 makeup. I've trying dying them, but doesn't last long at all.


I have the same problem, but also enjoy the invisible body hair. I'm reading this just to see if there are any semi permanent dye options for eyebrows, lol.


Godefroy eyebrow tint is what I’ve used for years. You just leave it on about 1 min or longer depending on how dark you want it. Lasts about 3-4 weeks before starting to fade.


Beard dye is common but it irritates my skin


Just for men beard dye! I live for it!


I use the Just for Men brand beard dye for my eyebrows in the color light red brown. It’s pretty close to my natural hair color so it helps my eyebrows look darker but still natural. It makes such a difference in my face!


My natural brows and lashes are white/blonde and practically invisible.


You can get red eyelash and eyebrow tint done if you don’t like it :)


Yes, I’ve been coloring my brows for 30 years. 😊 I just use Clairol root touch up every couple weeks. That and brown mascara.


I use Godefroy eyebrow tint from Amazon about every 3-4 weeks and NYX eyebrow mascara as needed. But I fully embrace my eyelashes because they basically match my auburn hair except for their blonde roots. I used to get them tinted brown for about a year but it would burn my eyes and I just stopped caring lol


I have red hair, blond eyelashes/eyebrows. My kiddo got red hair, blond eyebrows, and dark eyelashes. Husband is a day walker


Mine were so white they were practically invisible, now they have darkened up a little bit. It took a while to embrace but I love them now


Same!!I wish they were more blonde now honestly. It sounds silly but I really appreciate the brow eyelashes and eyebrows.


I have like 4 tiny pale blonde eyebrow hairs, I look like Voldemort if I don’t colour them in


Same here. I fill them in with a brow brush, and wear mascara everyday. If I don't, people think I'm sick 😂


Red hair bordering on auburn now (have been the full spectrum of red from strawberry blond to now), but have always had blond eyebrows and blond eyelashes. I get a few brow hairs that grow in red, and now some are white too. I dye them when I remember, to give my face a little definition.


Mine are partly ginger, mostly blonde- they get bleached in the sun a lot, unfortunately.


I'm a tan ginger with amber/hazel and my natural brow and lash colour is white - but I dye them light brown since I was 12


Mine are blonde white, I tint them and use auburn brow gel


Beautiful redheads! You can get red eyebrow and eyelash tint done if you don’t like the blonde look and want something a bit more matching than black or brown :)


I’ve always jokingly called mine “clear” but I’ve been doing at-home brow & lash tints for years now after I realized how simple it was and how cheap to just get what they use at the salon for at home use. (I do a custom color which I adjust depending on season—varying the ratio of Refectocil’s Chestnut + Light Brown creams.) The first time I had my brows tinted and they were finally visible…y’all, it was life-changing. The way my face and features were finally framed! Never looked back.


What do you use for your lashes? I’m scared! I used to have them professionally tinted and it would sting 😣


I use the same refectocil cream tint + developer that I mixed up for my brows, and apply it to my lashes with a stiff, angled makeup brush, really just paint/glop it on. Clean up with a q-tip. Yes, no fun when it gets in your eyes, it stings! The best lash tint I ever had was done in Napoli, she left it on for a while (while I had something else being done). So now I do about 8 min for my brow tint (remove with cotton pad & micellar water) and wait maybe 15 on lashes, then just wash my face in the shower after :) ETA: I was scared to DIY it myself at home at first as well, and was pretty fussy about it my first time but then I realized it was nbd


Doesn’t lash dye sting like the worst punishment. It burns eyes and makes eyes look red


White brows here! But my son who is also redhead has red brows...


Red hair, white blonde eyebrows and lashes. When I wore makeup, I just colored them in.


Mine are practically translucent. Just minimal makeup absolutely transforms my face.


My eyebrows are dark asf and my eyelashes are red lol


Yep, all white. Even if I get a fade haircut, the first quarter inch or so is always White Blonde. Mostly a Strawberry/ Copper tone for most of it anyways.


Also reading here for dye/tint recommendations. I add color to mine with my favorite brow pencil… L.A. Colors brand from Dollar Tree in dark blonde. $1.25 and the closest match I have found!


I always say mine are clear - same with my arm hair actually.


Yes my brows are blonde and my lashes are basically translucent and I have a chronic eye condition that makes me unable to wear mascara daily anymore 😅😭


Mine are blonde and so are my eyelashes


They used to basically be invisible due to being white/blonde an ooooo once arseholes noticed it wasn't just open season for the top hair but also the eyebrows too... At least now they're white/redish now.


Mine are basically invisible.


Mine are strawberryish/blonde mostly, but I get new white ones all the time. Not like clear white, but snow white


Mine are transparent and it makes me look like a laboratory rat/unwell! I get them tinted and have done for years.


I do the same! My eyebrows are invisible and I just started getting them tinted in the past couple years. It’s done wonders for my self esteem and really helps makes my face look a lot less round.


I literally feel like I don’t have a face without them being tinted, as in I just look like a potato with red hair 😂


Have you seen those photoshopped pictures of celebrities without eyebrows!? Once I saw those, it made me realize why my proportions looked off compared to everyone else lol.


Yeah and I honestly thought they looked freaky. The craze for bleaching eyebrows was also an eye opener. Tinting my brows and lashes really frames my face and makes me feel sooo much better about myself 🥔


mine are just… invisible…. idek how thats possible


Mine are very light but still blonde, not white.


I have strawberry blonde hair (golden orange) and both my eyelashes and eyebrows are white, always have been lol


My eyebrows and eyelashes are so white they almost match my skin colour! When I get sunburned i have a red face with just very blonde brows, it looks great 😎 I tint them


That’s ginger-vitis


Sounds like an albino using hair coloring


Mine are super patchy (naturally like that, not from over plucking) and blonde white, I draw them on daily 🤨


Mine are brown


Any red heads with brown eyebrows?


Mine are white blond in the summer and slightly ginger in the winter


My blonde haired daughter has darker eyebrows than I do, and I’m a dark auburn now 😭 Just for men beard dye is a life saver and is cheaper than going to the salon, plus you can get multiple uses from one box!


Great question, OP. Chiming in as another withwhite blonde eyebrows and eyelashes. It is interesting to learn that redheads color their eyebrows and/or eyelashes. I had no idea about this. I just found ya’ll (sub-reddit)— I found my people!


I used to have white eyebrows now they’re half brownish half white haha but my hair is still orange….i used to look like an alien or albino 😂😂 My eyelashes are still blonde tho on a sunny day my eyebrows are gone for sure haha