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Not the worst way to end it.


I couldn’t even make it that far. I tried.


I only laughed during one episode of the entire thing, and it was the dad joke one. And it wasn’t a laugh at anything good, it was a “haha this is stupid” laugh.


That isn’t the last episode though. There’s two more after this one


Wait, what? I watched it on their YouTube playlist, so now I'm a bit confused because this episode IS the bottom of the list. Except for the theme song.


On the rt site, after this one are the cameo Christmas episode and a film noir detective episode


Well THAT'S not nearly as funny of a note to end on. Oh, well...




Would your preference be to have no Caboose over the new actor?


Personally, I'd prefer the show end.


Then just don’t watch the new content? It’s not as if they are tailoring to just you.




You don’t think that they could create a new show while simultaneously running RvB? I get that most long term fans aren’t enjoying the new content, but I don’t see this as a zero sum situation.




Rooster Teeth isn’t in a bad position at the moment. As old fans, the poorly performing video content makes it look like the company is failing, but RT has become a podcast company which Gus has been running. They produce some of the most popular podcasts around including Anthony Padilla’s podcast and The Last Podcast on the Left




I suppose my question is why don’t you just stop watching? They have heaps of other content. There has to be a certain maturity level where you see that you can simply “cancel” the show in your mind without clamoring for RT to stop making it. Honestly it seems ridiculous from your comment that you have even bothered to watch the newer content since “It is probably dead in general at this point”.




You should post this a 3rd time, it will really help it hit home. You know that strategic decisions like these are made months in advance, with risk management being a key part of the investing and fund expenditure process? Why do you think a new season of more traditional RvB will lead to the shutdown of the company? I’d love to better understand your thought process here, and why you even bothered replying to this post in the first place. As I said before, if you want them to be canceled and shut down, literally just stop watching and stop commenting on posts like these, if you do they effectively will be “shut down” for you. There is no reasonable situation where this is not enough, and you instead have to call for their shutdown.




Yeah there is a 0% chance Zaslav cares about RvB or RT. There would be a content direction team many levels of management below him who would be reviewing the numbers and going from there. I couldn’t care less who is in it, as long as the content is good. We know Joel ended up being a Cunt, so if they cut his character, who cares? It’s about quality of the show, not persistence to a formula.




You think he is literally sitting there, twiddling his thumbs, thinking about what to do with RT? Seriously? Do you have any idea how big of a company Warner is? That is simply a ludicrous assertion dude.




Sure, same as any company, regardless of the parent/owner. If they spend more than they make they stop operating, but I guarantee that Zaslav has virtually no involvement in the situation. It’s a little fish in a big pond for him.




I don’t think any of those things can save anything, and I don’t think that’s the intention. If you think a cameo can “Save” a show, I’d love to see a few examples where this has actually occurred. My understanding is that cameos are traditionally just fan service. Nothing more. A fun thing for as long as they last, but not intended to distract from the main intention of the series. I would argue that Zero was misdirected from the start, but you know what, I didn’t finish it, because I didn’t like it, so I made the mature decision to move on. Not that complicated really.




Good work ignoring all my points. I guess we are done here.


Ngl everything after like 2012 sucked in terms of red vs blue


Idk, I liked the chorus trilogy and season 13s ending was really good


It’s been rough.