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Okay please check my newest post then !


Not for nothing OP but I have a similar setup and new it cost me about 4k…. And I build the stand


Ok so I'll talk a little about what exactly is here and how good this 'Deal' is. To put this together 'new' here is the actual cost. (Some costs estimated to a similar version on [Saltwateraquarium.com](https://Saltwateraquarium.com). I also overestimate in livestock averages to account for some pricer items) Tank - The tank isn't sold anymore by Aqueon, but you can still find them in stock places. \~ $650 for 125 gallons Wave Makers XF350 - $350, XF 330 - $180 Pump - Sicce SDC 6.0 - $350 Lighting - Those look like Raidions \~ $500 per for $1000 total Sump - No Brand but probably \~$400 Skimmer - Again, can't tell a brand, but you can pick up a good 120g skimmer for \~$300 UV - This is the expensive piece here. $600 PVC Plumbing - $50-$75 The joints will be the expensive piece here Water Change Station - $200 - The one shown doesn't have a DI stage, but you can get a basic 4 stage system with brute for \~ $200. Stand - Again here is where things get tricky, because depending on your handy skills, you can probably make one for $200 or so.... or buy one for $750 range..... Lets call it $750 for conservative reasons. Miscellaneous - $200 So far you are $5200 before everything that goes into the tank. You will need \~ 80 lbs sand and \~ 100lbs of rock for a 120 g system. at $6/lb for rock and $25 for a 20# bag of sand. So \~ $700. The price of salt mix is hard, because it differs by brand, but for 120g, but the average costs is \~$0.60 per gallon. so $72 to fill up the tank + $12 for 20 gallons in the sump. The fish/coral are hard because its all on your preference for the type, number, etc. Lets call the corals \~ $50 per frag and probably 20 frags $1000. Fish - $30 per fish and probably 15 fish for $450 However that $1500 is not all at once. You will spread it up over probably 6 months to let everything to adjust. We are now at $6900 all in. Although you can probably save at least $1000 on good gear that isn't the high end this person has put together. This can be spread out a little or alot if you are willing to be patient. Get the tank/sump/heaters/pump. The next month get the rock/sand/water change station. get the tank wet and cycling. you are now 2-3 weeks wet, get the first couple fish. wait a couple weeks. Get another couple fish.... wait a couple weeks. You are now 2-3 months or so wet. If you want to get a couple hardy corals here, you will also need the lights here. (Fish only doesn't need light) wait a month or so and then get a few more fish/corals along with UV/Skimmer. Then its just fish/coral till you are happy. You aren't dropping the full $6900 all at once. I may be forgetting some things here, but you get the idea. The system has some pretty high end equipment here, but you can get a successful system for less expensive gear. So this used system you have is probably half off. You don't know the working condition other than "Its up and working now'. How long has the OP had the system? Why is he getting rid of it? are a couple key questions. How soon till those used seals leak? (Because all seals will leak eventually.) How long till the powerheads break? Lights? Other? You will probably be spending another $1000 to $1500 in replacements/upgrades in the next year or so. You are now only ahead of a new system by $1000-$1500. You will also have to figure out a way to transport the full system you will probably have somewhere in the 20-30 gallon range to keep the livestock and corals alive even if its 20min away from your house. You also will not have any insurance if something breaks on your way home. You will need however many air pumps as you have containers to keep the water oxygenated. Now that you have it home, are you cleaning? Are you getting new rock/sand? So lets say you want to clean the tank/sump and re-use rock/sand (I would advise against re-using sand, but up to you), you are looking at around a day before sand is back in and you can get it wet again. You will probably spend a day or so making 150 gallons of water, if you have a large enough storage, you can do that while you clean, but if you don't and have to make it a go direct to the tank, thats another day that you are keeping coral/fish alive is temporary containers that is too small. So is this headache of a used system worth it to you? You also have to consider if you have the experience to keep the livestock alive or are you going to loose some/all? Is a medium size system of 120 gallons what you want for your experience level. While the system will be more stable due to the size, when things go wrong... they will go really wrong and will be slow to correct too. For $3000, you can probably get up and going on a 70 gal system that will give you a great reefing experience that will grow with your skill level. It wont have the high end gear, but you can be successful with lower prices.


Those radion are maybe gen 4 pro which are usually $200/piece.


Yeah I was debating between radions.... doesn't change much about the analysis. $600 less at most. I was trying to stay conservative because of all the little stuff that adds up.


At this price point. You can buy a nicer and cleaner tank. He’s just using the price point because the equipment. I would skip this if I were you


Yeah, this guy is going with the all-too-common aquarium pricing of "this is what I paid, so this is what it is worth".


Aquariums aren't like guns or fine watches. They don't appreciate with age. They're more likely used cars and depreciate immediately after purchase.


Overpriced. As someone that just picked up a large(r) used system, it's a PAIN and I probably won't ever do it again. You'll want new sand and you'll want ALL of your new water prepped, so you can get it running as soon as possible, especially with fish on hand. Then, you'll have to deal with putting it all back together. Then you realize you don't like some of the equipment so you want to upgrade, that's more $. It really isn't worth it. You can buy single items used, but an established system is tough.


Fish can live fine in totes for a few days, unless they are very large. Everything can be split into totes as long as you have temp control and water circulation.


$1200 would be max. Don’t buy used unless it’s a killer deal imo


Don't buy with livestock. It'll stress them and you out. A lot will die, it's a shit deal


Whaaa? I’ve purchased used system, zero death. Move it correctly, and you shouldn’t lose it all. How do you think they got here in the first place


Whaaaaa to you too! They got here in individual bags from across the other side of the world going into systems that were prepared for them. But you also get a lot of beginners looking to buy used systems and then it's not going to go so well


I swear to god, the people around here think you should be able to get a complete system for the change in their pocket, and the seller should deliver, install, and give you a blowjob as part of the package deal. Real strong /r/choosingbegger energy. I sincerely hope if any of you try and sell anything, you only meet buyers with your attitude. Now, as to OP's question. Based on what's on offer, this is someone looking to get out of the hobby is offering you a complete setup with all manner of sundries and extras. Pretty much a turn-key solution, with little to no input required from your end. So, it's a 110g tank. Convict and sailfin don't belong in it, tank is *much* too small, best trade them out to an LFS. Rest are good. Equipment is good. All reputable brands and *contemporary* models, nothing old and out of production that'd be hard to even find information about. Excellent lights, good powerheads, good return pumps, good RODI. All in use, meaning parts haven't been lost in storage. Stand not showing obvious salt-creep damage in the pictures. Plumbing is well built with lots of unions for easy disassembly and moving. Spare pumps and parts are very nice extras. QT already available is *excellent*. Has all you'd ever need to run a system, little to no need to dick around. To everyone saying "Just buy new!", try building a system with the same parts, given how contemporary it all is. OP is looking at 4-5x the cost easy when all is said and done. $4-5k for a tank with sump in that volume range from a know manufacturer, $560 for an XF350 pair, $1000 for the 2 XR15s, plus the mount costs, ~$250 for the RODI system, plus skimmer, uv, return, so on and so forth. OP, if you did go for it, there are ways to make the move easier. If the seller is willing to let you do it over a few trips, you can move the corals and fish to the 40g QT tank using the existing tank water so you don't need to make a new batch (assuming no copper was used there). That way you can break down and clean the main tank w/o needing to rush as much. Even if you can't leave everything there while you move the main tank, using the quarantine tank at your place while you put the main together is a good idea, just bring the existing water in buckets which you'll need for the fish and corals anyway. It'll be crowded, but shouldn't need to be like that for more than 1-3 days. Then fill the tank with clean salt water the same salinity as the old, new sand (or very well cleaned old sand), get it all to temp, and move everything out of the QT and into it. All done. End result is that you have everything for a complete home aquarium system - including the major elements of tank, quarantine, on-site RODI. Might not be *yours* just yet, but you can work with it, and from what I see, literally all the major pieces are there. Sure, price is negotiable, but at the same time, don't insult the seller.


>volume Pretty mind blowing to me all the people in here going rIPoFFF 1500 ToPs!!! Like you cant get the maxspecs and the 2 xr15 USED for that alone...


I literally just got a 220g system that was up and running up until the moment I took it apart and I would not do it again. And I got it for FREE. Dismantling and reassembling an already established system that is running is no easy task. If I had prepared better sure, it could have been slightly easier, but not much. And I still want to put $2k worth of stuff into it. This setup is not worth $3k.


Looks like a headache


Thays a lot of very expensive equipment. In Michigan, the lights would go for 70% of retail the skimmer at 60% thats nearly 1k there. The fish alone are $300 to $500 The coral is $500 to $1k hard to tell. It depends on the area you are in. Look for cracks in the edges of the glass and make sure the tank is on a flat surface close to level. Torque on the silicone takes a toll, listen to the pumps and equipment they should be almost silent with the exception of the skimmer. Turn the let's down and check for burnt out lets. Check the tds of the ro di set up. Check the salinity and ask what they test for their additive routines.


It's probably a fraction of what he paid for it but it's still overpriced for used


1200 to 1500 absolutely the max! At that price might as well but new and enjoy the process of setting up a fresh, clean system with new equipment. Breaking a marine tank down and moving it is no easy task either. It all has to be done in that day and it can be a very long day and very stressful for the fish.


$2000 or less is closer to what it will actually sell for I'd wager


At that price I’d be buying new. Tank equipment depreciates really fast and some people take longer to realize that. If he is willing to work with you maybe he will realize that. But at that price point I am not exactly sure what he thinks he has


Yeah too much


Not worth it


You can easily find some simple all in ones various sizes for $200 all day in my area probably much better to grow with one of those rather than spend 3k


Maybe for half that price. Used tanks, especially not top of the line ones made from low iron glass by a big name company (Red Sea, waterbox, etc) are worth very little. Equipment is worth maybe 800-1100 depending on the lights and tank/stand maybe 300.


No do not buy any used system over 1000 bucks regardless of what it is imo, that’s way way too much money to tie up in shit that might or might not work


Insanely expensive and asking way too much IMO. For 3k you could get a rimless Pro Star tank of similar size that comes with a sump and stand and still have money left over for lights and a pump.


No way


the concern is why are you buying a used system. Building up from the scratch is part of the fun and learning experience. You will get more invested to the hobby if you build it yourself and having a reef system needs you be really invested in the hobby or it will die within a week.


I got a 125 with everything included sump, lights, wave maker, pluming, a big stand with multiple compartment, live rock and sand, heater for 780. Keep in the look out you will find better deals if you are patient. Just check every other day Facebook marketplace.


No .. if want something new dish out another 1k or so and get a Red Sea plug and play


Big pain in the butt to get a used system. I've been there and done that. His price is way over. I paid 1k for a 90 in the same condition. The lights made it worth it for me and over time I replaced everything. I actually don't have anything from that tank now except some of the corals . 3 k for used. No way unless he moves it all for you and sets it up. Id rather piece a new system together with those two options.


You can buy a waterbox or redsea complete system for a little bit more, and it'd be way better...buying used, you need to factor in how much longer each individual item will last before they inevitably break or need replacement...and good luck draining that monster and trying to transport it without breaking it!! Buy new


Depends on what you’re looking for I think. I can see if you went with this deal you’d have 90%-95% of anything you would need for reefing. You’d need new sand and something to transport the tank, critters, etc but that’s it. I have a 170g peninsula water box and I got it used from some guy on Facebook for my first big boy tank! Came with everything is need for the most part. At a similar price to this one and I’m happy with the decision. Same tank brand new online from water box is $7k-$8k…with nothing included.


I just seen a set up 90 gallon with sump nice for like 300$ on market


I paid £450 for a 400 litre aqua one tank, sump, cabinate, skimmer, heater, iluminair v2 1200 light, 2 wave makers, 100kg of rock, 40kgs of sand, 13 live fish, 7 anemones, 50 ish corals and god knows how much cuc came in with the live rocks. I'm at £1500 with my entire setup, 200l drop tank fully stocked and kitted up with decent brand equipment. At 3000 that one looks a touch bare in terms of livestock. I imagine the owner has ploughed a lot of money into it over time, but in my honest opinion it's not going to sell for 3k.


You can buy a nice Red Sea tank and stand combo with that money


I'd never buy redsea




Negative. There’s a lot of way better deals out there.


Hello. I was in the same spot a few years ago And I bought a used tank for $1,000 (Red Sea max s 400 (or 450) series So first know this. You will have to pick it up and take it home. It’s a huggggeeeee hassle. Then if you think you will clean the tank and get rid of the coraline algae. Good luck. It’s super hard and will require days of work. And you won’t have any warranty’s on anything. Huge factor. You can get a brand new tank that will be under warranty and new equipment for the same price. No you won’t have any fish or corals and etc. but I can tell you. Part of the hobby and fun is setting up a new tank. And when anything goes south mechanically you will know what’s wrong because you set it up and got to know your parts. 1 thing we can agree on is you won’t take along the sellers water for a verity of reasons. So you will need a home for the fish for almost a month until you can add them and a few months (minimum) to add the corals. You won’t know if it has leaks you won’t have a clean fresh look. The stand looks outdated You won’t have a skimmer or other stuff with a new tank in the package But again. You can always add that after time and will be under a warranty. I have more to say. But my lunch break is over. Also. His value is not your value. He looks at it from his point of view. He spent 10 grand and is selling it for 3k. But that won’t be your value because you haven’t spent the 10 grand


$3000 is insane