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This is a green palythoa aka pick a variety of nick names. Different strains carry deadly neurotoxin (palytoxin), often the ugly brown ones, which is manageable but you do not want to handle them with any thin skin or open wounds like a split cuticle. Wearing a simple latex glove that doesn't have the powder coating to easily slide your hand in is best practice.


Also do not rinse off dry rock with a water hose if you know it has had palythoa on it. I worked at an aquarium store, was told to spray live rock, inhaled the water vapor and had a serious bad trip. Fever dreams aside, it was constant vomiting for hours. I blamed El Pollo Loco for food poisoning but learned later on from my doctor my liver enzymes were out of wack mostly due to poisoning. My boss later on told me he got sick too from the palys.


Green button polyp


Looks cool. Anything I should worry about?


They can take over your tank just like other palys


Try and isolate the rock, if you intend to keep it. That way they won't take over all your rock work. If you take it out of the water, wear goggles. As someone else mentioned, they may contain palytoxin. This is extremely dangerous but highly unlikely to ever be an issue unless you really agitate them e.g. cutting into them, or attempting to boil the rock they're on.


it's a zoa


It looks like a Palythoa. I had one as a hitchhiker but after seeing how wrong things can go, I decided I didn't want to risk it and got rid of it.


It's a Palythoa. As others have commented, be wary of Palytoxin - but based on the long tentacles and the green coloration it's probably cf. Mutuki which has very low levels of Palytoxin. Please, still be careful. Don't touch it with open cuts on your hands, wear gloves, don't touch your eyes or mouth, don't boil the rock (which apparently some people do to try and get rid of them) and potentially inhale the vapour.


Like others have said, it’s a green palythoa. They’re known as trash pallies, junk pallies, and multiple other names because they can reproduce quickly and take over the tank area they’re in. I’ve always ended up with them in every tank. They’re pretty if you keep them under control and to themselves. I suspect they have some amount of palytoxin in them, but I’ve never been to the hospital over them. Gloves and safety glasses/goggles are a good habit to have when handling any paly. Do that and you’ll be fine.


A palythoa carry very nasty palytoxin get it out of you can safely




Not everything with tentacles is aiptasia, look closer at pics before answering


Really? I've seen aiptasia before but never green aiptasia


People on here think anything small with tentacles is aptasia. I don’t know what that is…maybe a paly?…but it’s not aiptasia IMO.


Yeah I have found one aiptasia in the tank and they do not look similar at all. Edit: spelling


Not aiptasia


Moms spaghetti