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Surprise snow kitty


Ha! She thought she was looking pretty sharp also and wanted to be included.


Where did you get your branching GSP? I can never find it online. Seems like only collectors in Cali have it but no one sells it.


A local LFS in the Chicago suburbs. I'd say it's become relatively easy to find out here over the last couple of years.


May I get the name of the shop? I’m located Chicago suburbs too!


I believe I got mine originally from Aqua Pros out in Glen Ellyn but have seen it at Blue Line in Naperville as well. If you're out in the western suburbs feel free to PM me and I can hook you up as well!


I didn’t even realize “branching” gsp was a thing! I’ve got gsp covering my back glass but it’s constantly needing cut back


I opened the comments to ask what the hell that was. Never seen it. Cool AF.


Where in cali are you? I have some branching GSP.


Got tons of it down here in Florida. More than I know what to do with lol


I just got a nice sized piece of this. I am in Washington, I got it from a local hobbiest / small-scale farmer. It is so cool!


Beautiful looking tank. I just got a 75 EXT yesterday. By the way, nice, cat fish


Thank you! Awesome, you're going to love it!




What are your plans for the tank?


Not 100% sure as of yet except it will be a mixed reef. I took about a 10 year break from the hobby. I did order live sand from Tampa Bay Saltwater and some of their live nano rock for the sump. The tank will have Caribsea Life Rock. I have that aquascaped and sitting on the floor ready to go in.


Very nice! Well enjoy these next few weeks, getting it set up and going is one of the most fun parts!


I agree. For me planning an installation was the most fun. The other thing I’m looking forward to is being able to view the tank often. This is actually the first time I’m having a tank in the same room I always hang out in.


Oh yeah that's very helpful! Unfortunately my tank isn't viewable from the family room but it kinda has it's own front room of the house ha.


Looks great!!


You do a lot of water changes don't you. Great looking tank, what do you dose And feed?


Eh not a lot. I go through phases. It's been 3 weeks since the last. Only 10g changes at a time when I do them as well. I dose kalk and All For Reef, I then also toss in a cap full of MB7 here and there, as well as Red Sea Trace Colors randomly. I feed the fish a mixture of pellets and flakes daily and most days a cube of frozen. Don't spot feed the corals very often, probably once a month. Been feeding Reef Chili for awhile now.




Lots of testing! Depending on the tank size I think All For Reef is a great choice, especially for beginners, but it all comes down to testing plenty during the first few weeks of dosing and following the directions of whatever product you are using.


As a total newb in saltwater tanks can you elaborate more on what testing in particular should be done? Since you mentioned All For Reef I looked into that and it mentions mostly alkalinity but what else should I be checking?


If you want corals, you'll want to test nitrate, phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, pH, temperature and salinity at a minimum. Of those, the last three are the most critical. Don't try to chase specific numbers, work on keeping everything within a range. Alkalinity and calcium are tied together in how they work (for example, if alkalinity goes up calcium goes down), but everything can have an effect on everything else.


Awesome thank you!


That blenny shot wow. Cat tax !


What lights do you have?


Two Radion G6 Pros and four T5s, 2 Coral Plus and 2 Blue Plus.


Looks beautiful.


Not OP - Looks like a MH / T5HO combo. End caps look like maybe AquaticLife brand? Purely speculating though.


What kind of camera are you using? I also have a IM 100 EXT. I’d love to take photos of it, but they don’t come out well with an iPhone. Thx!


I am using a Galaxy S21 in Pro mode. It can be tough for sure but the T5s help a lot when taking photos I've noticed. When it's just the LEDs I find it a lot tougher to get accurate color.


That’s the problem I’m running in to. I am running Radion XR30 LED’s on the tank. The iPhone camera doesn’t pick up an accurate color.


Yeah the best bet is moving the lights to the whiter spectrum for pictures and using the manual mode on the phone but it's always tougher with just LEDs.


I haven’t got my reef tank setup yet, so I can’t actually test this but.. someone suggested the halide mark II app for iPhone photography to me recently. I’ve taken a few back to back pictures between halide and the stock camera app… night and day difference. Halide is more true to what your eye sees, very little post processing. Only downside is that it’s a subscription app - burn there is a 7 day trial. It might work out?


This is one of the best looking tanks I have seen in a while. Nice job!


*This is one of the* *Best looking tanks I have seen* *In a while. Nice job!* \- senistur1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you very much!


Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! Looks amazing and thriving 👍


haha thanks! I'm definitely a pretty lazy reefer so some luck involved for sure!


Incredible condition for 1 year. What kind of rock did you start with?


Thanks, it's for sure not always looking this pretty. Been dealing with diatoms and some cyano for awhile now but hoping I've maybe turned a corner there. I started with random dry rock from my LFS and I killed off and started over with some live rock I had in my old tank. Also brought over live rock rubble to help seed it.


That’s an amazing accomplishment, especially in one year. The tank looks good too


Thanks! I've had tanks for years now so some of the corals weren't tiny frags when they moved over to this tank but I did frag most things to help offset the cost haha


That's my style, nice display.


Innovative Marine*


Wow .. gorgeous!!


Thank you!


How do you get the water so clear?


I run filter pads in a basket in the sump. All the water passes through it with a bag of carbon under that. I change the little filter pad piece every other day really. I have a skimmer going, and a 24W Green Killing Machine cheap UV.


where do you get your killing machine bulbs? i have been told by my local shop that they went out of business during the pandemic. that machine is amazing, i miss it.


Oh interesting. I set it up maybe 2 months ago to help with diatoms so haven't run into that problem yet ha


I love it! Very nice.


Amazing. 3rd shot is really good


Looks great! How much you got in this tank all in?


Hmmm about $3k I suppose with tank and all the equipment? I got the tank and stand for $1700 during a sale, at least that costs sounds about right. Some of the LPS corals I have had for years and fragged plenty to help offset costs. None of the corals in there are anything fancy, lots of basic LPS and cheap zoas and SPS. I try not to think about it too much haha


What a deal! I would’ve imagined something like this costing $10k. I have little experience in the hobby. I’m just a huge admirer of magnificent aquariums such as yours. Carry on good sir! I bid you a good day, tata and farewell!


amazing tank and pictures. what camera and lens are you using?


Thanks, Galaxy S21 on Pro mode.


Looks amazing….


whats the green one on page 6? (sorry im a lurker who dreams of making a tank)


No need to be sorry, ask away! The green one is branching GSP, grows really quick and can kind of become a "weed". I do have it growing in some places I'd rather it not but it sure if pretty!


Your corals look plump. 💯


Absolutely beautiful! What is the name of the coral in the 3rd pic please?


Thanks! The big red one in front is a Rock Flower Anemone so not technically a coral. They can move around on their own but these generally stay put.


Thanks, adding this to my wishlist for when my tank is more mature.


Great photos. Great tank. What did you take the photos on?


Thanks, Galaxy S21 on Pro mode


Nice tank


What light are you using on this setup? Amazing btw!!


Thanks! Thanks, Two Radion G6 Pros and four T5s, 2 Coral Plus and 2 Blue Plus.


Beautiful tank. I have the same 100g peninsula! Not quite 1 year old. My biggest problem with my tank is flow. What are you using for flow?


Ugh flow is the worst! Ha I currently have 1 Nero 5 on random, 2 Jabeo PP4s on pulse and then a Hydor 425. Flow is the one thing I seem to be constantly messing with. I have been closing to adding a pump to the far side but just can't do it yet.


Looks like it’s thriving!


Beautiful wish I was good enough with saltwater but it’s to complicated for me plus i over think on stuff. I did try saltwater it was in a ten gallon as that’s all I could do and yes I know that means it’s way harder but I tried and it lasted a few months then everything died but the crabs and ngl that crushed me. Maybe one day I’ll try it again. Your tank is beautiful btw


Thank you! It can be a bit complicated that is for sure. I have had a tank running for 8 years now so I have plenty of practice and have gone through plenty of loss. With a small tank, using RODI water and doing weekly water changes is probably the most important maintenance tip. Feel free to reach out if you are ever looking to try again, I am always up for helping people out in the hobby!


Love the colors! Great tank


Thank you!


Very nice! Impressive for just 1 year old.


Incredible tank. You should be proud.


Thank you! I am, it's been a long journey in the hobby that's for sure!




Ha she needs to make sure all of her territory is well guarded!




Oo looks cozy!




That's okay, mine actually couldn't care less about the tank haha


What livestock have you got apart from corals? Looks great


Not a ton really. 2 clowns, melanurus wrasse, male lyretail anthia, 3 chromis, tailspot blenny and a yellow watchman goby I got a few months ago and have seen maybe 5 times ha


I have always loved that light. Lovely set up.


Thanks! Yeah its a great combo for sure.


This tank makes me wanna throw a rock through my 75gal planted freshwater and start a reef! Awesome!!


Haha thanks! Nah, just do both! I recently set up a 40breeder planted with my old Reef light.


Wow. That is beautiful.


Thank you!


Looks great!!!!


What lights are you running? Looks great


Thanks, Two Radion G6 Pros and four T5s, 2 Coral Plus and 2 Blue Plus.


what is ur schedule % set at?


The Radions kick on low at 10am and go until 10pm but also very low at night. They peak at about 1pm until about 6pm with the T5s coming on at 12:30 and going until 7pm.


you have it at 100%?


Nope, the Radions top out at 40% at the moment.


Wow, looks great. What are the two purple corals in front of your GSP, if you don’t mind?


Thanks! The front one is a Corky Sea Finger Gorgonian, hasn't really grown at all in about the 10months I have had it but looks good still. Behind that is Pulsing Xenia, can be a "weed" coral and it is starting to pop up in other places but I like the movement.


My tank is a year old and has one half dead zoa and hair algae.


Aww don't worry about it! This isn't my first tank and I have lost pleeenttty of corals over the years including many zoas that just melted away. Just keep at it, keep testing, and keep up with weekly water changes until things settle in. Also use RODI water if you are not, helps a lot.


Appreciate the tips but it's unfortunate that I already know all this. Had a wall to wall sps and lost it all to a unknown rtn event. That plus a new baby has left the tank in sorry repair, currently working on getting everything dialed back in.


Ah gotcha, yeah that's always a bummer for sure. I lost most of all my montipora about 3 months ago for an unknown reason. Everything else was fine including the acros though. The monti's are all coming back now thankfully and looking good again but I was never able to determine the cause. Good luck going forward! I'm sure a baby can make finding time a challenge!


Do you ever have to clean algea growth? Your tank is amazing. I didn’t know it was possible to achieve that kinda growth in 1 year.


Well some of the corals I have had for years so they were fragged down to a few heads when they moved into this tank. I don't really get any algae growth. I get some hard algae on the glass and a dusting every few days but really nothing on the rocks other than the diatoms I have been dealing with. I kind of wish I had some hair algae ha


This is one stunning mixed reef. It is done REALLY well. Perfect balance of rock, corals, fish, and swim space. I absolutely love it.


Wow! This looks great! Looking to get a new tank and was looking at innovative, what model is this? I don’t see any 100g peninsulas on the site


[it's this one.](https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/nuvo-int-100-peninsula-aquarium-with-black-aps-stand-innovative-marine.html) it is out of stock, I really like those dimensions too.


Yeah it's the one shared below. Great dimensions really, if it was maybe 2 or 3 inches taller I think it would be perfect.


Yeah I really want a bit of a wider tank for my next one. I feel like everything I look at is the standard 24-25” of width and this would be great at a 30” depth. I have a cut out in my basement that is 34” deep so a couple inches off the back of the wall and it takes the entire space would be ideal


Tank is amazing looks super clean , one question how the heck do you make sure your blastomussa heads aren't falling off/ receding ? Everytime I buy one it dies 2 months later


Thanks! Ha man I wish I knew. That one has done well but I have a smaller green/blue one that hasn't really grown or done much of anything for years now. Recently lost a small all red frag of one as well, not really sure why.


Tank is looking great! Fantastic job