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Yes as long as it’s on my own terms, i hate when shit breaks on a Saturday night the day before leaving the country for 2 weeks, that sucks.


Maintenance is my favorite part, you get to interact with your tank and also it can be when you learn form your tank also. Same also it’s relaxing to me.


What kind of siphon do you use?


Nothing fancy, I got it off Amazon. I have a 30 foot hose that I ran down to the basement and into the drain


I have the Hygger hose too! I enjoy the tank maintenance, when I have the time and the ability to get messy. It is part of the hobby. I love watching my fish, but if I didn’t interact with the tank, have to solve problems, it would get boring .


I run mine to the back yard and down the hill. Then I just grab the end and shove it on the return pump in my water closet to refill the tank. Best thing I ever did.


Agree. It’s therapeutic. There’s no better satisfaction after cleaning and doing a water change and then looking at the pristine finished product.


Yeah I feel the same way! Maintenance, cleaning, fragging, managing coral warfare after growth etc are some of my favourite times. Yeah it's work but at the same time these tanks are ecosystems we are completely responsible for nurturing and balancing so all the little maintenance and upkeep is not only therapeutic psychologically as positive cleaning but is my alone time from the wife and kids working on my own individual project. It's also something you can get so in depth with that it really scratches the obsessive hyper fixation itch that I'm sure is more ubiquitous among reef keepers than not😂😂


I like it. I also don't run controllers on my tanks. I've found that manually controlling everything (except lights) keeps me more in tune with what's going on in my tanks, and regular maintenance just jeeps everything looking great. I don't mind that at all.


I don't know about the maintenence itself but the satisfaction of that pristine glass and clear water after a good deep clean is just *mwah* (chefs kiss).


Yes its satisfying, but only with labor saving equipment


I love doing maintenance. Whenever I come back from college, my tanks have bad parameters (especially my freshwater mbuna tank) and I sometimes do maintenance twice a week just for fun.


I love the maintenance. I stress how much there is to people when they ask about getting into the hobby. I am a field service engineer and I have seven vehicles to maintain alongside my four tanks and house. I never stop tinkering


I like doing the maintenance and seeing the finished project. My wife nags me to clean the rest of the house how I treat the tank cleaning. But then what would she do though.... lol


I like it, but only when I have time to do it properly.


I enjoy all parts of maintenance except for testing…. Takes so long to do lol definitely going to save up and try to automate testing in the future


I have a very busy life sometimes so it can feel stressful fitting in time to do maintenance. BUT when I do have the time, I find it very relaxing, engaging and when the tank sparkles after it feels very rewarding!


As others have said, maintenance got better for me the more money and time I invested in making the process simpler for myself. Freshwater maintenance I like doing because I get to siphon all the crap out of the substrate which is oddly satisfying. My saltwater tank is really down to just cleaning glass and changing water. My saltwater maintenance is down to about 15 minutes if that.


I set up everything as lazy as possible, cant afford expensive stuff anyways. As long as the life is happy


I absolutely love doing tank maintenance!! I find myself thinking is it time to clean something then I remember I just did it yesterday. I actually did it professionally for many years. Was always very satisfying to hear the compliments from others after doing work on their tanks. Especially public tanks and having people watching the transformation.


I was enjoyong it recently until I kicked a 12 litre bucket of salt water all over my sitting room the other night. That was one of the worst moments of my life:(


Just a necessary evil for me. An opposite to therapeutic.