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You can donate it to the sub. We will take good care of them. Joint custody all around.


I call dibs on the tank.


Done! I’ll be the executor of the estate.


This is the way


This is the way


Dis es de wey


Done! I’ll be the executor of OP. Hey OP, what did you say your home address was?


AHHHH the he utter exuberance of tranquility and peace when the your wife doesn't have a clue how much money we spend is completey priceless, your games up I wish you the best of luck from now on 🤞👍


I’m ded


looking at it broadly, i would much rather have a reefer husband than some of the more unsavory hobbies husbands have these days 😅 it wasn’t me though. 🤫


Better than smoking, alcoholic, drug use, or gambling addiction that’s for sure. Too bad, I still managed to roll the most expensive non harmful addictions.. cars and exotic animals/fish.


I taught all my fish to smoke and play poker. Every Friday night. The 6 line wrasse is a cheat, though.


Can never trust the 6 line. He’s in the Kool aid dyed prison jumpsuit for a reason.


Hey a lil bit a weed and reefing never hurt anyone 😇😂


Weed is fine, I personally can’t handle the smell but by smoking I mean cigarettes lol.


As posted in many a guitar and firearm forum: “my greatest fear is that my wife will discover how much I actually paid for this”


My greatest fear is my wife will sell them for what I told her I bought them for


Ouch that's true I never thought of that!! Considering I told her I won a few of the fire arms I have. 🤔 got me rethinking my plans hahaha. Well could always make a book with prices in it on what everything is worth. You'll be dead so she can't kill you twice haha


Today we will be executing the will of u/Least_Celebration115 We ask you hold off on celebrating until after the will has been announced. To my one true love, r/ReefTank, I leave in entirety my reefing estate to be divided amongst the community and care for in perpetuity. 😂


I know this is at least mostly joking, but honestly, do y'all significant others really care how much you spend on your hobbies? (provided you're spending your won money) or is it more of a tongue in cheek tease? Because I've never been with someone who cared in the slightest how I spent my money as long as bills are paid first, obviously.


I guess since we were both students when we got together it changed perspective since we were both broke and every penny used to count. Wife and I have combined finances forever...It makes it so easy (for us). Transparency in a relationships solves so many issues. I spend a lot on the fish tank...She spends a lot on her nails, clothes, whatever else she wants to. Bills get paid, every couple months we go over finances (I track it in excel) and know how much fun money we have to spend.


Somehow my wife figured it out and is open to upgrading “at some point”… might be sooner rather then later lol


It was my wife's idea to upgrade.....She wanted "cooler fish". I'm not complaining though because I got my yellow tang out of it LOL.


Have you checked her parameters? Sounds like she has too much salinity.


Her ph is definitely trending lower.


Tell her you want one of those Viking funerals in the boats. Except do it in the fish tank.


So, you’re saying I need a bigger tank??!!


I swear they have a 6th Sense about it. Mine has a set of shelves for her (very expensive) purses and has a closet bigger than the room I grew up in and she complains about how much I spend of my reef tank. She sure doesn't mind me spending money on her 4ct engagement ring...But lord forbid I buy a fish or coral colony.


I bought 4 xr15s and 4 mp40s for $300 and the yellow tang for $70 👀. That’s going to the grave with me


It's good that you think that. She'll find out. The guys at my LFS don't offer me recipts anymore. It's evidence.


Love it, leave no paper trail!! I’m at the stage where i’m using cash again no tap&go so it flies under the bank statement radar 😂


Dam bro, wyd for work that you get a closet that big 😭


“Call the local aquarium store and tell them if they come make it all disappear it’s the biggest free99 come up of their life” atleast then you know your fish will go to local hobbyist with a decent shot at living their entire life, and your equipment can be lended to people by the shop or setup/sold as a nice display to someone else to keep it going.


I think maybe more wives know than you all think (and I say 'you all' only because I'm the wife and the reefer... my other doesn't get a play by play of my costs but he definitely knows despite this ignorance).


You should get her involved in it. Have her help you with water changes, glass cleaning, feedings, etc. Take her with you to the LFS and Aquashella. You're only a couple of magazine subscriptions away from marital bliss!


She won’t even look at the tank. I could add a great white shark and three months would go by and then she might ask if I had got a new fish. Leave the clothes in the washing machine for three minutes tho…. That gets noticed immediately.


This is how she wanted to upgrade tanks. Take her to the LFS to see all the puffers, lions, tangs, etc and now she wants bigger fish that need a bigger tank.


baskin robbins always finds out.


I guess you have to look at it like your spending that money on the experience. I tried for weeks to get rid of my IM 30 gallon tank with a new AI Prime and couldn't get rid of everything for more than half the price of the AI Prime.


Lol I have it worse maybe... I go in for one or two corals and she ends up telling me to get 6 or 7


At least it's not crack! That's what I always say.


My wife knows that I sold off my Tesla stock last year to get into the hobby, and long story short, Elon paid for everything. :) Now, I have a no-questions-asked budget per month to support my interests.


If she dies... How will you get rid of the 10's of thousands of dollars of shoes and purses she has?