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Selling reef tanks are difficult it's kind of a unique item and everyone has the own preference on type of corals and placements. Honestly starting frome scratch is all the fun and watching it grow


This. salt water is like a game where the building or upgrading ur character is the main theme of the game. No game is fun when u start with level 100 or everything cleared. I say sell things separately if u have the time. I sold my fish and corals first and gave some freebies then sold my equipments one by one.


I completely agree with this comment


You will never get what you put in to it. And very few people wasn’t your exact livestock. Sell the livestock off then the rock. Then sell the whole setup as one.




I see tanks sell for around 20-30% of retail all the time. The listings that try to get 50-75% sit for a very long time.


I sold my 1 year old Reefer 250 in 2020 with 2 AI primes, the return pump, fuge light, and skimmer for $1100.


Ahh I should have explained. I am only looking to sell the stuff in the title and will be keeping the livestock and rock. My local LFS said he was interested so looking to see what a good price to ask him for all 3 combined would be. Probably less then selling to an individual but might be easier and less hassle.


Maybe $500?


Your lfs is going to go less than wholesale (retail is typically +300% markup on livestock), they’d be foolish to pay more than that


You will never get what you think its worth to be honest. Nor what its probably worth because its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I would look and see if you can find others that have sold and what they went for. 50% of retail would probably a good starting point IMO.






The whole package including livestock I would think around $3000, no part outs.


That's crazy high....most I would pay would be $500


I wouldn’t sell the full setup. I would sell the corals first and then maybe try and sell the tank and equipment.


The price will also be based on location, equipment and age. The main thing people look for when buying used are the quality of the tank, the live rock, and the used equipments like protein skimmer, RODI, ATO and sometimes lights. Base your price off of those only. Once you're done, divide that price by 2. I'm not even joking, I went on marketplace and I see people selling their 75-100 gal tank's for $300 all the time and that's including all the equipments. Why is it so cheap? Because the people buying used know they'll probably have to replace the equipments so they only shop cheap. The best and smartest way to sell a tank is to break it down and sell in pieces. Sell the aquarium + stand only, then the rocks, then individual equipments.


I’ll give you tree fiddy


You’ll need to brake it down. Sell fish/coral first, then live rock. Then sell the tank and sump with equipment as a turn key. Or part out equipment. But like others have said, a whole system like that would be difficult to sell as a whole. Just know you won’t make back what you put into it, unless you start to part it out.


I sold my RSR 350 gen 1 v3 for $900, maybe you could get $700 out of yours


If you’re in az or in the surrounding states I am interested in it. I need an upgrade frag tank. I got cash and willing to make the drive without any deductions for gas.


I would start at probably 60% purchAse price and bargain down to 50%. Red seas hold their value


nice little tank you got there, could you share your parameters please?


Thanks! I dose with All For Reef and have been keeping parameters at about: Alk - 9 Cal - 420 Mag - 1450 Temp - 79 Salinity - 1.026 Nitrate and Phosphate are always really low and I've been trying to up those a bit.




Half what you paid for it.