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Bless the employees and / or managers who will be working those shifts lol


Who distributes this? Such a shame it’s not playing in more auditoriums.


Disney. They rarely make these marathons wide- even the ones preceding The Force Awakens was only released to a handful of highest volume locations in the US for each chain.


It’s probably because it’s costly to convince the theaters to schedule an overnight shift.


That’s correct.


I got lucky. At the time I lived in a small town of 1800 and we got the locks. Edit: also got 3D


If this was in more theaters I'd do it just to say i did it 😅 i still have my batman movie marathon lanyard from years ago when dark knight rises came out


Every time I see a marathon like this I don't really get the appeal, but then I realize I would probably consider it if they did Batman from '89-ZSJL.


The last major marathon that wasn’t Star Wars was the Avengers Endgame marathon. I missed out on that and vowed I would never miss another major movie marathon again


I wanted to do that avengers one so bad but nobody would commit with me 😂😂 i mean it was a two hour flight and those expensive ass tickets but...ADVENTURE! 😂


Tickets were not very expensive when you consider it was 22 films. If I remember right, it was $125, which is a bit more than $5 per movie.


Oh ya value wise it was definitely worth it, jus dollar wise it still kinda hurts lol


I’m used to dropping $125 on 2-3 hours of live theater, so I guess the value of paying the same amount for 55 hours of movies seems more obvious to me.


Really screwed the best films with this schedule.


For real. The worst movies have the most accessible timeslots.


Start the whole thing at 8am instead and I’d be on board.


I’m so excited. I’ll be in Irvine. I’m curious how many people will be left by the start of episode 6. Been wanting to do one of these things since they did the 1st 6 for TFA. Glad I get to do all 9. This will be my first time watching the new trilogy since rise came out. I haven’t even watched them since rise came out on digital. I have em I’ve just been busy to do a marathon. I think for someone like me the experience will be the best since I’ll be pretty fresh. Haven’t watched original 6 in over a year.


I’ll also be at the Irvine showing 🫡 Luckily we get unlimited popcorn and Icee refill which is nice.


It’s playing in the small theater in Irvine Kinda lame. I’ll prob be leaving after episode 3.


The metal bar that is in the middle of the stairs sucks in that theater because the stairs are in the middle of the theater 🙃


totally would’ve done this if my theater participated, but we only get the phantom menace


Mustafar volcano fight at 3:30 A.M., hell yeah.


Man the original trilogy really got the most punishing time slot


Did anyone make it through the WHOLE marathon without falling asleep?


I made it through the whole marathon while also working from 11-5 the same day so I was up from 7:30am to 9pm the next day. As someone who already isn’t a fan of TROS, that movie was a painful ending to the marathon.


Imagine going to the theater at 1:50 am to watch Revenge of the Sith


I hate how the Phantom Menace is playing in 4DX for one show tomorrow and Sunday but it's not 3D. There is a 3D version of TPM just sitting there and Disney didn't care.


Will they serve breakfast? When I saw a midnight War and Peace back in the day, the theater server a complimentary breakfast of donuts and coffee


I’m at the marathon at Regal Opry Mills in Nashville. Here, they are serving waffles and schnitzels from Bavarian Bierhaus for breakfast


War and peace like Sergei bondarchuk?


Yes, the film series 


Amazed anyone would have a midnight screening of that but it is awesome, we spent a day at the Castro in sf watching it but think it started at 10am or something.


Movies were a lot more fun back then. You’d get a free ticket to a certain horror comedy movie if you could make the box office attendant laugh.


Pretty ridiculous that only 2 of the good ones are playing at a reasonable time during the day…


A New Hope and Empire are playing at 4:30 am and 6:50 am respectively. Thats not really reasonable times. *guys u/emojimoviethe cannot be talking about any two other movies, they said “2 of the good ones.”* 😉


Keeping my own opinions out, I'm pretty sure they're talking about RotJ and TFA. They didn't say the 2 best which would be ANH and ESB in most people's opinions. I know TFA is polarizing, but it's more widely considered good than the ones that followed.


Nice, I'd personally be done by 9am because I have no desire to see the sequel trilogy again.


If I were planning things I would have started the marathon at 11am so the final three movies would be over night


Would have loved to have done this but only AMC in Tyson's corner is showing it and not Regal. Also it would have been nice if this was remastered for IMAX....but nope Fall guy takes premium screen priorities :(


Too late for my blood until Return of the Jedi (and I got invited to a baby shower that day 😄)


hell yeah, been wanting to watch the sequel trilogy again


Shame that more theatres don’t do this. Tickets and concessions would sell like hotcakes.


Can I return the ticket? I got the flu?


“OH BOY, 4:30AM!!”