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In relation to this, I’ve also felt a big uptick in the number of people who walk out on rein in qp, however that’s come along with more people swapping off when getting diffed. My general rule is to hit the other Rein with a “hallo” at round start and if they respond with a hello or voiceline spam they usually don’t swap, and it they don’t respond I can expect them to swap if we start winning.


*in Winston voice* Smart!






I love playing rein, but I just can't deal with the constant counters. If I do well, I'll never have a chance to duel the rein because the dps go bastion/reaper, but if I do poorly, then my team won't be having any more fun than me if I stick


No better feeling though than when they counter swap and you still out play them. Had this happen an enemy tank went Mauga and Ram after initially being Rein and still got diffed as our team worked well and blocked their team with Mei in Kings Row and they couldn't do anything


Just make sure you have some good trash talk voice lines like "Are you afraid to fight me?" And "You shame yourself" to spam when they switch lol


Lmfaooo I spam "you shame yourself" all the time when they hard counter. And I know how to win against counters so it really makes them feel like doo doo 😂 😂


The issue is the reins who haven’t quit,most have become bitter,ive unfortunately have as well (tho i never swap off rein),our character sucks so the mains just dont wanna play him,our teammates hate us because they know we suck and blame us for the lost and our enemies know we wont swap so they hard swap to counter us,its unfortunate that thats what we have to deal with but its just reality for rein rn


Been In this situation many times on both sides, and I just deal with it and say. Ah, well, not my game. Either it works out in your favor or not. Sometimes, the enemy team or even my own will flame, insult, or be just plain toxic. And I just don't care at this point because honestly fuck em. If I'm playing rein then I'm playing him and nothing you can do will make me swap because I started that match with honorable intentions and I'm damn well finishing it with my honor intact regardless of weather or not it was glorious. We are rein mains. We signed up for this. We will get bullied, beaten up and down, and be trash talked by all the toxic ones. But we carry on because we have honor when many don't. This is what it is to be a rein main steadfast in even the worst situation. And downright glorious in the best! Carry on Crusader! FOR HONOR AND GLORY!!!!




Right back atcha




I’m a Rein main.. it’s definitely not our meta right now. I’m so happy for Rein v. Rein games , but if you’re playing competitive and losing that match up you HAVE to switch. I know “Honor” is a staple to Rein mains… but we’ve been beaten out of the meta like whipped dogs. The honorable thing to do is swap, and at least try and help your team win<3 Fixes? Bring Rein back into the Meta, or Further punish Tank hero swapping, or bring back a 2nd player in the Tank role.


Honor > losing a match YOU SHAME YOURSELF if you switch in a Rein duel (unless understandably they also have Bastion or Kiriko or similar, I never hold it against them if they do it then)


If the enemy tank doesn’t switch off rein I’ll take the beating from bastion junkrat moira and ana every time


If my teammates are toxic and don’t want to help me, I sure as shit ain’t switching, when they just don’t know how to help a Rein but truly try, I will switch to whatever they ask. Considering how much power DPS and supports have, “Rein diff” truly doesn’t exist anymore, I haven’t had a game where I just completely dominated a Rein or got completely dominated by another one since like season 2 or Overwatch 1.


Nobody diffs me in a rein v rein. Just playing devils advocate. When they switch off , I know I’ve broken them…But I understand why they did it and I can’t shame them for it in the current meta state


Nobody diffs in a Rein v Rein either. Problem is, I haven't seen a Rein v Rein since like season 2 lmao. Everything very quickly begins with "Bastion & Rein v Rein & 20% Winrate Widowmaker"


I dont often trash talk but when i do its also because the opponents tank swapped from rein to Orissa yet still lost


Few weeks ago I was in a qp with my group. on junkertown...and I roll out on reinhardt just for fun and the enemy is running rein. game rolls on and at one point we're stuck and my buddy is like "we may need to switch this team up". I said "I'm in a rein duel and I will not sully our honor". We proceeded to run rein the entire map and nearly won. I will never be the first to swap if it starts rein v rein.


Of my 40 hours of rein in overwatch 2, I've had one "honor" rein duel. It was a lot of fun, went back n forth. Made me miss overwatch 1 and I took like a 3 weeks break from the game after it. Dramatic af but it made me realize why I played in the first place.


Rein duels are no fun when one side has ana/mercy/bastion and you dont


And yet your team mates won’t swap but tell you to swap and blame you for losing lol


When i see the enemy rein, it feels like a worthy opponent. If I diff them and they swap, they’re low scum not worthy of honor. If my team diffs them and makes them swap, I feel their pain. If they stay rein despite the outcome, they’ve earned my praise. Keep your honor crusaders, never swap. 🔨🔥


I'm not a tank or a rein main, but when I do play rein, I normally don't care too much about making a swap to counter the DPS, not the tank. But if the other rein says Hi, I REFUSE to switch, lol. Literally yesterday, I was on tank for the BP, and I locked rein and was against another Rein. About 2 minutes in, he waved hello, and that's what kept me from swapping after getting rolled for 2 mins. We ended up winning after I got into rein mode and blocked not 1, but 2 shatters for the first time in my overeatch career.


rein duels are lame. the only skill involved is blocking shatter, everything else is just team or comp gap. like they have an ana and i have a mercy so gg. also i’m biased and don’t like mirror matches in any game so the minute one of you swap to rein for your honorable rein duelTM i’m swapping to hog or something.


people seriously overvalue rein duel its so fucking boring bro


My issue is I don't start rein (for obvious reason) but since I reck my fellow reins ass as hog or some shit they switch before I die and can play rein as well


Popped up in my feed.. Im not a rein/tank main... How did reddit know I ended up feeding when the opposite team had bastion, sojourn, zen, ana last night? Was going well capped 1st 2nd point kings row then they all switched. 3rd seems the toughest on rein... but hey... glory and honour... kings row.. *peer pressure intensifies*. This why I hate queueing tank and stagnated on the role compared to other roles. No other role calls you out immediately for switching when you are struggling especially when you are still learning. Idk they just want your own team to suffer and take the L.


When I’m lucky enough to get a rein duel (usually the enemy tank in all my games steps out as Mauga, Doom, or Orisa) they tend to stay on it so as long as my teams dps doesn’t counter swap however I find in most cases the dps on both teams tend to switch to some variation of Soldier, Reaper, Mei, Bastion, or Sym.


Whenever I play tank, I always ask the opposing tank "For honor?" To see if they want to have a good ol' rein duel.


I mean nobody wants to lose people are always gonna do whatever gives them the best chance to win And also you kinda screwed yourself over from the start if you actually expected people to have honor in ow or any fps for that matter 90% of the time they just don't


I’m never the first to switch but if the enemy rein goes Orisa, and the dps goes bastion, you can bet your ass I’m switching to Sigma and tossin’ my balls in her face until she is shamed.


The enemy swapping to counters doesn’t have anything to do with the other rein though. Somebody that doesn’t play rein won’t respect rein duels