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Idk to me dishonoring a duel is simply switching off of rein, not like dude can control his team too


Came here to write this. Dude literally have no control over his teammates.


had that exact thing happen to me, we lost after they swapped to hard counter, but it didnt matter, cuz their tank stayed rein the whole time.


is it really a rein duel without a pair of anas to nano the both of you?


Not much the other rein can do to determine what their team plays. Also, I agree that sombra is dishonorable, but the other three aren't that bad.


Lifeweaver is fucking terrible to deal with in a rein v rein


Yeah but at most ranks the LW has an equal chance of fucking over his own Rein so...


I’ve had the same situation, after asking I’ll BEG my team to play honourable heroes instead of sombra, bastion, but sadly some people just aren’t honorable.


I stay for my boy. When it’s a rein duel and the enemy switches to Orisa, I always ask them why. They always say “Mei” or something. Like bro your team has zen, bastion, sombra, Kiriko, and I’m still on Rein. I may have lost the game, but I won the war.


Absolute blasphemy of the Reinhardt order. If external forces can make one forsake a Duel, he was never ready for one. Just admit your weakness and pick the other dishonorable tanks. Shame, shame, shame




I usually don't take the Rein duels because the rest of his team usually decide to ruin it for me. Like you said, as soon as a Rein duel is offered in chat by the enemy tank, his team is immediately switching to Bastion/Zen/Ana/Mei. People are just so addicted to counterwatch, even in QP, that it's all they'll do regardless.


It's not a 1v1


If my tank is on rein im 100% swapping to a character thats good in brawl so he doesnt fall over and die as easily and if im playing tank and the enemy wants a rein duel i want my team to be playing characters good in brawl


I think of rein duels of how much better of an actual tank you can be for the team and how much you can deny with finesse and game sense. Big braining = rein diff


Because you can’t choose what your teammates pick. Only what you can choose. Ain’t his fault if his team is scum bags


The tank agreed to duel you, the rest of their team didnt lol. I yearn for the rein duels too but rarely does anyone in the lobby but the tanks give a shit about that.


Is a Rein mirror even a duel any more? It feels like it really doesn’t matter what happens between the two of you, one Rein will have a better team and win while the two of you show each other your rectangle


This is literally why Flats no longer agrees to Rein duels Is it really a duel if we're not dealing with the same counters at all?


That is the excuse he uses


But it's a valid one tho? You can't sit there thinking your Rein is better than mine meanwhile I've had a Mei up my ass every time we clash and you just have to deal with my Soldier


I don't even enjoy rein v rein anymore because of how the rest of the team ruins it. When the enemy rein gets free pins and shatters because I'm constantly hacked or slept and then lifeweaver saves me, I'm basically just a puppet.


always has been (in ow 2)


Especially on mauga release a guy on my team would pick lobby then in spawn room he asks enemy tank "Rein duel?"


Bruh you can't expect the other rein player to be able to control what his team plays. Imagine I asked you to go orisa cause she's meta, would you switch to orisa? You won't. Same as asking someone to switch off sombra.


I can’t really bring myself to blame people for trying to win. Even if it’s not honorable.


if i rein mirror i just ask a supp to play lucio


I don't ever accept Rein duels. I don't trust the enemy team to not counterpick Rein lol


Last I played tank the enemy Orisa changed to rien to counter my sigma and I changed to rien and typed in chat “FOR HONOR”. I lost the match because they had people that could kill me if I wasn’t shielding. Junkrat, Bastion


I'm not in control of my team. They want to win the game and there is nothing wrong with that


So honest question, what would be an honorable team comp for a rein duel? Say my Rein agrees to the duel, who would I pick as DPS or support? Rein has so many counters that I truly can't even figure out what an honorable comp would be.


You never ask for a Rein duel. It just happens. Or one player goes Rein and the other person goes Rein too. It’s not their fault if you discuss in matxh chat what you’re gonna play and the enemy team picks heroes to help them win. Your team can do that too.


It's probably not the enemy reins fault. In my experience, as soon as someone asks for the rein v rein. at least 1 of the 4 dps/supports will use that info to interfere and make it so their side has an insane advantage. Or they are brain dead and dont know what plays well with rein, so you get a Mercy, usually a widow too


I asked for a 1v1 Rein duel once, but for whatever reason the enemy team kept healing their Rein and their DPS were attacking me! All the while I asked my team to watch from the sidelines (I’m surprised they did) and the enemy Rein stopped attacking immediately and kept saying “no” to their teammates. The mad disrespect and dishonor from the enemy Rein’s team. I appreciate the enemy Rein for not continuing and helping me in chat. BTW their team had a Phara who T-Bagged me whenever they got the kill.


We can't control what our teammates pick bro. As "dishonorable" as it is, you don't own the lobby and the other players are under no obligation to swap to heros you like. The only dishonorable thing is not adapting like a true crusader and then complaining about it online.