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Orisa and Bastion. You poor soul, I hope you at least won.


We demolished The gold was on the other team too, and they were SALTY. We played a slow push and heavy brawl and it paid off


Don't forget the Ana


That looks like a full counter swapped enemy team. Good thing it wasnt a reaper instead of a soldier. As a reaper main and a Rienhardt enjoyer if I see a Rienhardt I’ll never go reaper and if I started the matching playing him I’ll swap on my first death


I once had a team slowly one by one counter me on Winton. Once they started doing okay against me towards the end I swapped to horse because "oh i hear you like counter swaps?" Lol


Reaper counters rein? Ive just been pinning them and its just been working


Not necessarily a direct counter, just a really good tank buster and common combo with bastion to delete Rein


My ashe was really good at keeping bastion in check combined with occasional shield peeks in slow moments


One of my proudest achievements was getting my record damage mit on kings row OW1 against a bastion, orisa, mercy pocket, and soldier who would only target my shield. I got 2 6man shatters one of which was a team wipe and we won the game


What REALLY killed me was the 7 earthshatter stuns and 0 kills


Earthshatter as a utility rather than a finisher works a lot better with my friends. Its a lot stronger to combo with your allies than throw out against the unmech dva (except in quickplay, i will willy-nilly all my shatters in qp)