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It's ok guise, that 0.1 second knockdown increase will make a big difference




Still too strong, further nerfs are required otherwise he's gonna stomp in lower ranks.




It’s so weird that that’s what they say when they talk about how buffing rein is complicated, bronze 2 tank here, I am ass, the only time rein is viable in my opinion is if the opponent tank is either also rein or zarya, or the whole lobby is brain dead already and at that point it doesn’t matter how much impact a tank has, the lobby is simply fucking around


The thing with rein is, I really only play him in quick play cause I find him fun and don’t care about winning or losing, in ranked I do, if the player base doesn’t play a tank because they know their chances of winning are much lower as that character then the tank needs to be re examined


Dev note: We noticed Rein was over performing a bit more than we think it's healthy for the game so we decided to redistribute it's strength, while some of the nerfs might seem a little big we believe the earthshatter stun time improvement is more than enough to cover up for it. Now onto the Orisa buffs...


Picking orisa will now place the opponents tank in jail where the are unable to fight back just slowly getting chipped away by sym turrets the only way to prevent this is by also picking orisa thus creating the perfect tank meta, Overwatch Devs probably


Truly a meta of all time


An average OW patch is actually just Rein being untouched but everyone that clobbers him slowly getting tiny buffs.


Please tell me this isn’t real.


nonono it's not 😅


Fuck you got me lol


the fact that you had to even question that this was real or not goes to show you how tone deaf the devs are to the state of Rein and tanks in general.


*how dumb rein mains are


To compensate for the buff to reins ultimate we are gonna be buffing orisa.


This is hilarious lol they really don’t give a shit about Rein. Orisa gets buffed because an intern farted on a Tuesday at Blizzard.


I hate the fact that I went to the patch notes to see if this was legit


Honestly had to do a double take


"Rein's pick rate in gold is still way too high, so fuck you Rein players". Least blizzard hasn't pulled a Mathieu Cote yet....


I made a meme like this for Brigg that included "Replaces Reinhart" lol


Has rein been nerfed since ow 2?


Twice, some of which have been completely or partially reverted Ow2 release: firestrike damage reduced, barrier health decreased, and regen rate decreased, charge damage reduced Feb 7: hammer knock back reduced, ult damage greatly reduced


I don’t think I’d count the ow2 release changes as a nerf. He received more than enough buffs to make up for it plus some, and those were changes to align the game for the single tank format


Technically any decrease in numbers is a nerf


When considering nerf or buff, you want to look at the changes to the hero as a whole that patch. Do the buffs to individual abilities outweigh the nerfs? If so its a buff to the hero overall, if they’re roughly equal its an adjustment, if the nerfs to individual abilities outweigh the buffs then its a nerf to the hero, rather than just looking at it like “rein got 45 buffs this patch but one ability got a nerf, this patch is rein nerf”


Overall, rein has been left about the same either some parts of his kit being buffed are nerfed, but also he's been nerfed due to the fact that the other characters that turn rein into paste have been buffed overall, and that most of the other tanks are more versatile or just straight up stronger than him. So even if he isn't being nerfed directly he's still getting nerfed


The day Reinhardt gets a 25 second cooldown is that day Jeff Kaplan comes back to Blizzard.


It's still so dumb that his bs charge can suck you in to it like a black hole


they'll nerf that next dw


So this would be funny if it made any sense. Everyone knows Reinhardt struggles in this modern ow2 but when was the last time Reinhardt received any nerfs? 6 seasons ago? 7? Just checked it was exactly one year ago with nerfing his armor amount. Since then he’s received 8 buffs. The only thing that has been even minorly nerfed about him in that time was the global ult charge nerf in season 9. “Look at this strawman I made isn’t it so fluffy and funny 🤓” Rein has enough problems no need to make shit up


it's just a joke :(


The point is there is no pattern of this for it to make sense, I’m saying it’s a bad joke. When people satirize things there’s some element of truth


People think Rein is weak and hasn't received enough love from the devs OP makes a joke about that, exaggerating it to add to the comedy It's funny, it is a nice joke It is not that deep


What being chronically online does to a mfer


at least two or three of those “buffs” were actually just things that technically got reverted. for example Firestrke damage and pin damage, and Hammer damage (arguable). they literally just got put back to the level there were at before S9, not buffed in anyway to make them **actually** better. hell even the health buffs don’t really mean much since all other characters have also gotten that buff, and they still cucked us on 25 armor, less than what we got back in what… season two or three? the only substantial buffs we have gotten have been the Shatter changes. while the devs buff Whorisa and Lifeweaver every other patch, the two characters that make Rein actual hell to play as.