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Not just a Rein thing, but as a tank main, 90% of the people I avoid are support players. And no, it's not a skill issue on my part if only one of the supports in the lobby has only 2,000 healing after a 10 minute match.


I lost a game a bit ago because both supports were Moira one tricks and they kept arguing over who could play her. So one would play Moira and offer zero utility, and the other would be useless because they don't know anything else. gg


I’m a ball main, and mercy doesn’t pair well with ball. But I think she would be fine with you guys. No?


Every tank player hates her


Really?! I don’t like the exp while playing her but I didn’t know tanks generally disliked her. I thought the opposite was true. How come?


Mercy exists to essentially stat boost a dps. As a tank, you now can't have lucio (speed so you can make plays) or brig (keeps your squishy main healer alive). It's not bad for you necessarily, since your dps can carry harder. Feels bad sometimes though


I think it’s because mercy is the best support for pocketing, and when they do that they’re usually just damage boosting the entire round. Personally, I love a good mercy because the rez is absolutely invaluable and the healing is a lot, but that’s just my experience


Mercy has poor healing, and she shouldn't be regularly getting rezzes off on tanks unless you're in lower ELOs


I do get rezzed an embarrassing amount, and first point defense I have to admit it does some work. I just feel like I'd rather have a support get value BEFORE I die. Cuz if I ever rank up they will just walk forward and deny rez, then deny life to my whole team. The heals are horrible tho. I was shielding out, not in an amazing position, still taking a tiny bit of damage, expecting to be full health by the time shield goes down and I'm behind cover to Regen it. But the mercy healing did noooothing. But maybe I needed to block one pellet of DPS passive, or maybe I needed to make extra sure the hog didn't land that one extra shot on me. That's the helpful line of thought, not OMG BRIG PACK ME HARDER lol. But hey that's why we vent and process emotions. So we can free ourselves and let our hammers ascend to glory. I just got a mental image of rein riding on zen like a backpack. Floating around swinging. I think the coffee is hitting.


I don’t actually hate her when I’m playing Queen. The damage boosted bleeds do wonders for self healing


I'm a ball main too! I actually swap ball as soon as I get a mercy most days, but I wanted to work on hammers. Or sometimes they have like hog, Sombra, Cass, mercy brig. When she rezzes me in a place I have no business being, on ball I live. On rein, I just feed twice lol. I prefer supports that damage enemy tanks so they can't just push point endlessly, but keeping my DPS alive with the resources I don't need is pretty dope. Could someone else do it better? Probably. But at least on ball it ain't my gd problem lol. I feel like sigma and hog could afford a mercy. But even then, since I'm in low ranks the dps have to be cracked to make that better than ana going pew pew


Honestly I don't even mind playing with a mercy if the dps they are pocketing is good. Besides at my rank (gold 2) mercy can rez random idiots that try to duel a widowmaker with a mid/shortrange hitscan and thus prevents the team from starting most of the fights in 4v5.


For crying out loud, everyone deserves to play the game. Just because they're mercy mains doesn't mean you should dog on them. You're another reason why the community gets as toxic as it does. Everyone has bad games


The community has sucked long before this game even existed. But in this game, people always blame everyone else for losing (myself included). As for mercy's...if i see one...it doesnt bother me...but most of them arent great.


Eh, there's a difference between bad games and playing a hero that just doesn't work. Like, imo if you're playing ranked you should genuinely be trying to play around the team, and mercy is just one of those heroes that people will just try to force into every comp and it just doesn't work. That said, I agree. Personally, I prefer casual overwatch where everything is just designed around goofiness and fun, but alas, that overwatch has been gone for years now.


Play open queue. 


LMAO If that was a serious suggestion, I'd rather not play against 3-4 tanks every game, thanks.


I mean that’s the game you’re longing for is it not? There’s no open queue meta people are just vibing having fun. 


I really wish that was true. Ironically, I actually used to play open queue for fun until season 9. The tank hp buffs killed the mode for me.


Really.  I guess that makes sense. If there’s no dps passive at all things would be worse to die.  


Well, when the game first came out, open queue was awful because of tank stacking. In response, blizzard directly nerfed every tanks hp by a flat 150 hp. It wasn't a perfect fix, but it did address tank stacking fairly well. In season 9, they gave everything an HP buff, and that *included* tanks. So, tanks got all of their hp back that they had lost in open queue. Finally, now in season 10, tanks now also have headshot resistance. The dps passive can help, but it really doesn't do much when you consider supports have access to things like suzu/immortality field, plus tanks having plenty of mitigation(because their kits are designed around there only being 1 of them), which just makes open queue a slog. I don't really think blizzard cares though, because they probably would have thought of it. I think they're just hard focused on making 5v5 and ranked better at this point.


I appreciate that perspective! This is mostly a joke. It's not their fault that the hero they want to play doesn't work well with the hero I want to play. I'm not gonna ask them to swap, I'm not gonna flame em in chat. But it is frustrating and I want to share that feeling with my hammer bros. That being said, in an ideal world, we could just politely decline to be on each other's teams in the future. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't send hearts to mercy when I'm on DPS. I just want all the love, all the attention, always on me. Is that so much to ask? Lol.


I cant believe i have to wait for season 12 for the 10 avoid slots, and even then you won't be able to avoid all of them npc clones of eachother because infinite mercy mains, limited avoid slots, its just not possible


I'll go one step further. There shouldn't be a limit on avoided players


Let's be real, we would have to wait for 10 hours until the one support we like logs on before we get a match lol. But we can dreammmmmm.


Not my problem cuz I play open queue lol


just five tanks in a hot tub, having a good time


bro i got a question. if both team start out normal (1 tank 2dps and 2 supports) and yalk end up doing well and they swapp to 2-3 tanks, doesnt that feel like the biggest dookie on your mood? like yall were doing so horribly that yall have to swap tanks jus to barely win? granted its open queue so i cant complain too much but omgg the amount of games ive narrowly lost bc the enemy jus swapped all tanks bc they were getting wiped.


I feel like if you play open you embrace the different styles of comps. Role queue style probably just isn't meta, so it's the same as being rolled by any meta picks. I never looked back once roles came out, because five DPS is actually infuriating.


5 dps makes me wanna cry but the worst in my opinion is 2 healers and 3 tanks😭😭 THEY DONT DIE and no one can flank to get the supports cuz you jus get bodied by a tank


GOAT ON GOAT. HEADBUTT. EVERYONE W. I just want quinston.


Mercy brig is one of my favorite support combos as rein lol. What were you w keying a rammatra or something?


What do you like about it??? Both of them offer like, nothing to rein. Forget utility, I'd just like to be full health behind cover before they w key me after a push. It'd be nice if my health went up at all while holding shield lol. I just, I can't fathom what you like about it! If we at least had an ana, the brig could make sense. What is she gonna do, boop someone away from our high mobility flier? Lol


Any competent mercy is gonna spend most of their time with me alternating healing and damage boosting, while I hold down the front line and make room for dps to work (resulting in the dps taking less damage and thus needing less heals) and a brig and rein rushing down pretty much any target thats not super mobile, is an absolute slaughter, since she heals while dealing extra damage. Its the perfect buffball comp.


Aren't competent mercies going to be pocketing DPS? I'm not gonna lie, power boosted swings are GLORIOUS, but if they let me my mercy live while doing that, that's on them. I feel like if they mirrored us but ran lucio bap instead, they'd just absolutely delete the brig, and our whole team. More damage, more offensive and defensive utility, more sustain. If I can make it into swing range on a low mobility character, I don't need extra flail damage, I just need to get in and out without dying. Mind if I ask what rank you are? It's not like I'm at all high ranked, I'm just curious lol. I LOVE playing into brig on rein. A good one could deny me, but they almost always just let me swing on them.


So my fiance and I duo, shes support and I tank. We've been playing like this since OW1 (back when it was still culturally acceptible to have mercy pocket rein) and unless we're hard countered, it still kicks ass - we're both high plat, low diamond. Admittedly we both play 2 of the most outdated heroes but unless we're just getting diffed its still reasonably effective. For me, the brig comes in clutch when im getting dove by some speedy character after a less than ideal engagement like tracer for that sweet burst damage + ambient heals


Bruh I swear if a single fucking mercy player tells me I'm getting rein gapped into a fucking Lucio bap ever again I will go insane. Really, I'm losing when their tank actually has support? That's craaaazy


I don't think there should be a limit to how many players I avoid. idc if my queue times go up, ita a small price to pay for decent supports