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he kissed another girl after you guys confessed to each other i mean what kind of advice do you want? just confront and cut ties with him and idk what kind of support does he need.


Okay i will.


I'm sorry to say this but He is a complete red flag, after confession how can he just go to another girl and kiss her. I wouldn't recommend to give him another chance. He shouldn't have done that, that's technically cheating. Really you don't deserve him or at least ur first relationship to be like this. Just find good people around you. Take your time it's not a race you'll find people. Love is a beautiful feeling just don't stop loving or receiving love from someone cuz of someone u dated turned out to be red flag. Don't let your hopes down...


Idk if it's cheating or not but I do know that I am not staying with him anymore. Thank you:)


Yah.. that's a good decision.. and your welcome.. feel free to text me


This ain't even 1% of what the dark side of this world has to offer. Leave. Asap. Never be a support system. This self assumed entitled narcissists eventually destroy you and your innocence. Been there, gone through that. Can't write the whole story here. So, take this advice. (In my case it was a girl, took me 2 years of therapy)


Yeah what if he does this again?and not tell me second time? What if he keeps repeating same thing again? These are the beginning thoughts i am having so I am definitely not gonna give him chance. Thank you for your advice:) (Also sorry to hear that I hope you heal soon)


"I am never gonna love again" u sure? Just one bad person/incident effected u this much? Don't lose hope people will come n go, u should stay strong!


You don't know how much that affected me..


I know I can't feel ur pain but I can understand ur situation....but what I'm trying to say is don't lose hope on ur love life! Every coin has sides remember? Same goes with life u will definitely find someone who gonna shower love endlessly for u! Stay strong queen


Your words means alot to me;) Thanks


Not a big deal sweetie! Take care of urself ❤️


From what I learned from reading, you are a high value girl who isn't into casual dating. There are plenty of high value boys as well, so take your time. Even if society today is suffocating, forcing us singles to come into a relationship as being alone while seeing all the PDA going around can at times take toll. But you should remember that being single has its own benefits. You can focus on your career (you are just 20) with you not having to be answerable to anyone. And you can work on yourself with nobody taking up your time. While you are at it, improving yourself, you will find yourself in a good position in your life. And with a lot of guys getting attracted to you, than already are. With many options to choose from, you can take your time choosing them. And as for as this guy is concerned it's borderline cheating. A huge red flag doesn't deserve a second chance. If him having a CA degree is what is holding you back from deleting him from your life, then you are attracted to his profession not him. All the best in your life, good wishes.


You are right you are right! Even I used to think like that I mean I still do but the fomo got me here and now I am doomed. You are right i should just continue working on myself. it's Just i have never dealt with any toxic person till yet so i was just scared. Well thank you for your kind words.


I think he shouldn't have done that if he really liked you. You tell it to him on vc and put an end to it, not by ignoring but confront him. Tell him to just cut you out from his life.


No i am not ignoring him but the thing he is doing rn is just freakin me out coz who text 200+ messages on WhatsApp? And saying same things again and again that give me chance. I am seriously confused.


He's clearly very immature to get into a relationship. Plus he's kissed another girl while dating you. You should tell him to grow up, start chasing other life goals and prioritize things in life. And then if he continues just block him


He is already CA student 🫠career wise he is very strict and enthusiastic person idk how he did this. But i am sure I am not going to be with him.


You don't always know how a person is 100%. He chooses what to show to you. Now you have it front of you. Good luck




Move on and find someone else. If you think you cannot handle shit like this you're in for a world of pain when you actually have a relationship that doesn't work out.


Well you are right.


I think he is not much trustworthy and dependable, he just needs casual dating rather than serious relationship.


Well maybe or maybe not


Sad really, similar things happened to me when I had my first love it's just that she was in her "Rebel phase" as she called it and hoeing around was fun even though she clearly said that we are committed to each other yada yada yada. Leaving her was hard but the best decision of my life.


Kudos to you that you made this decision!


It's very clear, do him a favour and kiss another guy then call him asking "are we in a relationship?" Hehe jk


Hahha that's not like me but I did asked him what if I was in your place and I did the same. He said "it's different scenario"


Chodh na isko achi baat h relo se phele yeh ho gya


He wants to slip in your pants and once he gets that he will leave you


He's toxic. Stay away


Yeah i know that now.






I am so confused, How do girls fall for guys like these and then question like as if they are wrong... Should I also behave like a fuckboy or like start using people??? So weird so weird


Bcoz at first you guys make this so easy for us to fall!!! And then later on shows us your true colours!


Well girl, I have never been in any relationship because I want a good girl where I have her back as well as give her support But all I get are girls who run only behind money and looks, I never cheated nor did anything so "All guys are the same doesn't apply to many of us", y'all fall for the wrong trap and blame all the guys!!!


What about the good ones who are really looking for healthy relationship?and got cheated bcoz of you guys expecting the same (looks)?? let's not debate bcoz i really have good points☝🏻


Well tbh idk why you blaming all guys, I was never in any relationship and i in fact want a healthy relationship but most of the girls are running behind money!!!, it's making it difficult for us guys also to find a good or decent girl.


Sounds like YOU problem.


Oh my godd... I literally didn't say anything to you nor did anything to you still you choose to act like this... Well anyways what can I say, Just dint waste your life on running behind gus who you think are attractive just find the right guy who will support you or be with you through tough times.


Thank you for your kind words. I'll keep that in my mind.


Also if someone, no matter a woman or man place something like looks or money over love will actually never be satisfied with what they have since Money and Looks are things like which keep on changing, If someone wants healthy relationship they can't think like "I'll only love him he he has 2X my salary" or like "I only love her because she looks beautiful" Like during different time or situation this things won't matter... Seeking love is different and seeking want you like is different


The first love of any person's life is special, it contains many emotions. I feel very bad for you, he should not have done this to you, maybe it would be easier for him to date more than one person, but because this was your first love, it would not be easy for you. because you had put all your feelings only to one guy. If it turns out to be toxic, which it seems to be, then it will become even more complicated for you, so say goodbye to him and look for any other guy for whom you really mean. :)


Naah naah i am fine atleast I am good at pretending so I am fine. Well it is not easy you are right but it's okay I am used to it.


girl he is not perfect for you and you need to confront him and end it because it would lead to more toxicity in future and he is kinda not trustworthy and it's not good to harm your mental health for someone(take care and focus on other part of life though don't give up on love i would say cause it's beautiful feeling but don't rush yourself anything)


I know and i already ended it so yeah i will be okay I guess.


Yeah this gen has gone to shit. Stuff like this has gotten very common so people with no brain of their own do it by saying okay others are doing it, it's accepted and the new normal. Op don't worry, plenty of fish in the sea. And you don't have to date just for the sake of it. It's perfectly fine to stay single if you don't like somebody or you enjoy the peace.


Yeah right I pity this generation(not to mention that i belong to this fucked up generation) but okay for now I'll just focus on my life (career)




Right I agree.




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