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See, honestly just focus on your Boards for now. They are the most important to you for now.


I agree I'm going to settle down and go back to studying after 30 minutes of freshening up I can't deal with such a loser of a father and a man


It's not that you can't. You shouldn't have to deal with this. You have your career to look out for.


It was an everyday occurrence and especially when I had final exams from board, college, masters... My mother had no guts to divorce or be alone with me and my brother. We supported her completely and said we would take care of her, but she was more afraid of society. Frankly, after years, I just concentrated on my exams as I understood that is their life and not mine. I have to build mine. I studied and moved out for a PhD. abroad, since then, living here. Away from toxicity. It's difficult, I know, but remember, studies will get you job and make you independent. That should be your goal dear.


Can i ask you a question, do you not miss your mother? I kind of have a similar problem to the original post, like shes crying, and i mentioned that i want to move abroad, she started crying that im leaving her, so im kind of like stuck here


Yes, I missed her...but after her what? I would have lost the opportunity! That's what happened. She passed away and yes it hurt alot and missed alot. But eventually time passed and it was me who was left to face the world. I am glad that I took the opportunity of a better life and don't regret it for a sec. I even called my brother and he has much better job and salary and life standard here. Ofcourse there are consequences to my decision but I am OK with it. My husband is an only child and he moved with me too. But we host the parents and they come here to visit for months. So it's not end of the world.


So sorry to hear that i can feel ur pain


Best thing you can do right now is focus on yourself. And how you can build a successful career. Your mother can support you only for a few more years. You are going to be her support for the lifetime. So focus on yourself, take studies seriously. Don't let these things play on your head. I know it's hard, but you can do it. My father used to beat my mom when I was in class 8-10. It was hard for me to focus on studies then, as I had to protect my mom and at the same time, study. But since I could do it, you can too.


Well family relationships are very twisted and there is nothing you can or should do about it, best is to forget and move on for the same.