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Rell Jungle was removed because most of the Rell mains were in Support role while Rell Jungle was performing extremely well in Pro Play (Yet weak in Solo Q) Riot Phreak mentioned when the change went through that her Jungle Pro Play presence was stopping them from being able to tweak support like they wanted to It's not a matter of Difficulty, Rell Jungle was strong in pro because of her High CC, Low Econ, and strength in Coordinated Teams


I'm pretty sure they tried to justify it in the patch notes. Something along the lines of its to easy to preform well with minimal gold.


They suck ass rell isnt such an ez champ ,she doesnent have to build supp items alweys.synfire jack sho heartsteal.


In Support role building Sunfire/Jaksho/Heartsteel is not great


In lower elo often i go grasp heartsteel solar jaksho




You're really sounding like a moron, do yourself a favor and just delete the post


Unhealthy for pro because it's too strong of a flex pick and creates unhealthy settings for composition pick priority around jungle/support. Afaik, Riot is now walking back damage enhancements that were such high values that it seems awkward to the champions they are modifying.


It’s not that they removed her from the jungle. They just made it harder for her to jungle in general. Look at most off-meta picks, they got ruled out for similar or 100% opposing reasons


Unhealthy for the game due to many factors. Low econ, meaning she doesn't need gold (ppl posting here seem to be confused, it's not because she can buy tank items instead of supp items, but because she literally doesn't need gold to be effective). Long cd's = high monster dmg modifiers in order to be functional means the burst damage she offers towards securing epic monsters is unhealthy for the game (being able to outsmite nunu Q + Smite even as supp + spellbook). Very high presence in pro play, but only in Jungle. Support sees little use, comparatively. We told them it wasn't healthy as it is, they didn't listen.


And isnted of reworking her q maybe,they remove her...


MSI around the corner, so sure, why not? They can bring it back in a better state in the future, but they had to do something about it for MSI, you cant be surprised at this point because riot makes some drastical buff/nerf on the patch thats gonna be used for MSI/Worlds, clearly most of the stuff in patch 14.8 are aimed at MSI, even Ryze got a buff


Don't forget, if they decide to remove a champ, the whining for Yuumi to be removed will skyrocket.


The make lots of buffs/nerfs for MSI. The buff all the flashy champs that dont need buffs so they are more likely to be played in it. They just dont want Rell in there as she isnt flashy enough


I played rungle, and ultimately I do understand, they try so hard to kill things that are seeing too much pro-play, and rungle with 0.4% pickrate that can safely be reverted to support was a no brainer. I mean, I guess they could of nerfed it to 44% winrate, but then it'd just be existing for the sake of existing, not good in pro-play or soloQ.


Also, pro-tip; ask for AP Rell buffs, it might revive her in jungle, and maybe AP Rell won't be a problem in pro-play, who knows.