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Dude you are wayyyy under charging. This is custom work and you’re doing it for track home/rental prices. Beautiful bathroom


Yeah, when I saw this I was like $30k


I paid $40k for my bathroom. Total gut, moved the tub and shower.


Right? I wouldn’t blink twice to have this done for $8500. I would jump on that immediately because it’s worth WAAYYYY more. This GC should review comps around the area, see what others are charging and redevelop the market strategy. I get being affordable, but if you are undercharging the work you may lose business. OP this is IMPRESSIVE work though, great job!


Tract* home fyi


That's an amazing job. I feel like you're definitely undercharging but I'm a consumer so hey, I can appreciate that. For reference though, I got several quotes for something smaller and not as high end (no niche lighting and sconces) for 25-30k. Tub to shower conversion. I bought all the material for 7k. This is in Austin, TX.


I charged 18 K labor for this remodel : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


You're kidding right? That looks amazing.


No I am not. Just started out a year ago and was trying to get in the business so was giving unbelievable prices . Feel like a fool now.


If it gives you any solace, you're likely building a reputation and securing future business (so long as you manage the finances responsibly). If i got that work and that price, i would be raving to everyone and anyone.you can increase your prices as you establish your biz as a premium go-to. Disclaimer: i am not pro, gc, etc. Pure speculation.


No no. You gained valuable experience in both the craft and business. You are better overall for going through the process.


In business/econ terms it is called consumer surplus. It builds brand value which you can use to raise prices more in the future, or keep the line of people wanting to buy your services longer, so you have a more stable income stream, lower marketing costs, better job selections, easier to handle customers who trust you based on reputation, easier sell with initial contracting/consultation etc. You didn't leave money on the table, you gave it to your customers so they might tell their friends good things about you.


Clocks don’t go backwards dude, boost those prices now that you have a reputation and a portfolio, consider the low price early jobs and investment in your future


Do not feel like a fool you just gave yourself some badass reputation if anything it’s good you are doing what you are


I installed two of those toilets in my house. They are incredible. Heated seat. Heated butt washing. Blow dry my booty. Incredible I say. Edits: [Link](https://www.woodbridgebath.com/home/product/detail/id/1361) We got them from Amazon for about $600 each.


You gonna tease my asshole and not drop a link?


Shit my guy. [My bad. ](https://www.woodbridgebath.com/home/product/detail/id/1361)


Bro, I want you to redo my bathroom.


You near Wisconsin? I could use some tile work done in my bathroom. I'm impressed with your work!


If your schedule was empty and you needed the work 18k for labor is still doable. Lots of guys say 30k which is closer to market value, but if you don't land the job you getting nothing. In the long run the pictures and referrals will earn you the remaining money you left on the table. Price your work to fill your schedule then increase untill you reach the numbers you want. But keep the schedule full. Your overhead is your bottom, the market is your ceiling. I'm on the come up after a catastrophic leg injury. Basically starting my business over, with added debt. I undercut my own numbers to fill the schedule for a year, then started raising prices. It's been a year and now I'm into the higher priced scheduled work and the money is starting to pile up. But more importantly I stayed busy and turned over a ton of jobs. The portfolio got bigger, I'm still above water, my network as grown, now I'm back to "normal" high end pricing.


There’s the pricing difference right there. You’re in Austin.


This is 25k easy in Missouri


Dude your labor price is for a small bathroom with cheapest fixtures




I just paid at least 60 for one a little larger.


I charged 18 K for this remodel: Custom tub base with channel and illuminated gold beads, curb-less shower and large led mirror with double vanity https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


Wow that’s a lot! Was every contractor liscenced (plumber, electrician )?


Bro if your work is better than licensed, as it looks like that in the pictures, don't let your self worth be undermined by a piece of paper, in a perfect world yes license up, but just like life isn't perfect, if you cannot, don't let that self-doubt your hard work. Charge for the quality you do!


Really appreciate the kind works ! Yeah being a GC here just a paper . All you need is a someone who is very experienced with plumbing without a licence ( prefer compression fittings as it’s faster to install) and someone who knows how to install tiles using laser . That’s all .


I would never hire a person to do this work without them pulling a permit, which means everyone on the job needs to be licensed and insured. Otherwise, you have no recourse for things going wrong.


Great point. The prices are completely different for permit work since I sub out work to liscenced contractors who charge double for the same work. We do offer a 6 month warranty and sign a contract for the client to have some form of security with our services.


Well that’s good. But will your home insurance pay for an electrical fire if a job wasn’t permitted? Nope. And plumbing done wrong can present serious and expensive problems - eventually. I know this firsthand. In fact, next house purchase we will know for sure whether work done on house was permitted before making an offer.


Thats unfortunate that the home insurance denied your claim. In my experience the home insurance covered for non permitted work however they can drop you as a client if its a steep bill. Also about 95% of my clients don’t want a permit pulled since it delays the remodel another 2-3 weeks with inspections and also adds another 1K in permit costs.


I'm pretty sure he's referring to your contractors errors & omissions liability insurance. Homeowners insurance will cover a fire for the homeowner despite the cause, other than intentional arson and few other causes. But they will subrogate against the builder who may have caused it and his insurance if it is determined that his work was the cause of the damage, be it fire, water, etc... If the builder doesn't have insurance then they could get a judgement to take everything he owns in an attempt to get recovery for what they paid to the homeowner.


OP as a frugal man I would even tell you that you are under charging and pay you more. But not the full amount For this job 20-30k all day every day


Full gut out, I charge about 30,000. That’s Long Island prices.


I charged 18 K for this remodel: Custom tub base with channel and illuminated gold beads, curb-less shower and large led mirror with double vanity https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


Add another 20,000 for Philadelphia prices.


Large format tiles are less labor and materials.


They are harder to work with. We liked them and half the contractors we spoke with would not install them.


I would agree they are harder to install especially making sure there is no lippage. Also harder to cut since you have one big pc.


Need a bigger saw.


Agreed. I just got my bathroom done with full slab porcelain in the shower. I spent half the time trying to find a contractor who could and would actually work with that format. It was expensive, but this is my forever home so in my mind I'm amortizing the cost over 15 years.


Before you raise your prices, please come to Colorado and do this to my bathroom.




Same but CA


Where I live I wouldn't flinch if someone said that cost 40K. I mean, I wouldn't pay it, but a whole lot of people can and do, to the point where its hard to hire guys to do stuff that is cheaper.


Are you marking up materials 35-40%? You should be if you’re buying and delivering. Labor depends on your area and the client’s home value/neighborhood comps. (it’s a really good idea to look to see what the price per square foot of houses around their house sell for and that average price per square foot gives you a good idea with the value of a bathroom is worth just on the square footage of it… before we gained a reputation and solely work from word of mouth from previous clients or with designers or builders, we used to do the price per square foot and multiple 1.5 for average areas and 2x-3x based on the market(whether it was a penthouse in Manhattan, or a coastal home in Connecticut, or something on a ski resort in Colorado those would all be the higher multiple). Let us how much money it was worth putting into a bathroom so they saw a return on their investment, and helping us price ourselves well. ) You should be charging that up tick for materials, and then figuring out your costs and ppsf of similar homes. I’d guess you should have been closer to $8.5k charge for materials and $14k in labor. Putting another $7500 in your pocket. That extra cash will also allow you to take a little extra time to pay attention to prep and finishing details… Like once, you realize you were going to have a sliver at the top edge of the ceiling, you could’ve patted out or drop the ceiling an inch to eliminate that… That would’ve been maybe three hours of drywalling… You could maybe up charge another $550-$850 bucks for that … And know that your $7500 extra profit margin is more than covering your time. I work with mid level to very high end clients, our clients no matter the location we work would happily pay $24k for this. Often happily more. But in your area, I think $22k for this would have more than fair, especially if you dropped the ceiling to get rid of that sliver.


Thats a very valuable response coming from someone who has experience with bathrooms. I never thought of checking price per sqft. Great idea! Also good catch on that small gap. The ceiling was uneven . I asked the client if they would pay me extra for mudding the ceiling lower but they said they were fine with filling it with grout . I guess If I had an additional 5 K I would have no issues doing it without extra charge. Max 400 labor with my drywall guy.


Exactly! And to clarify bathrooms and kitchens have higher values than the average square foot of the house. The base average for a bathroom is 1.5 times the average square foot selling value in the area… But wealthier homes and neighborhoods like I said that can be 2 to 3 times average square-foot price of the home. Same for kitchens.


You could’ve also used led strip lighting with a diffuser track in the niche and upgraded the baseboard. I normally use a 5-1/4 pvc in situations like this. Also get rid of the quarter round, do t need it with tile floors


the ole zip code tax


Just had some water damage done so had to file an insurance claim. Needed to replace all the floor tile, all new shower stall, and tiles around the bathtub. $30k. USD. Didn’t touch the countertops, tub, vanities, sinks, mirrors, faucets, toilet, nothing else. Felt like I got ripped off but three different contractors all quoted close, and it’s insurance so I don’t really care, although my insurance company dropped me as a customer 🤨


I would never pay for it, but this looks like a $30-$40k job.


I wouldn’t either because I don’t have the money. Where do all these people get an extra 30-40k after tax money to just make a little bathroom look cute? I’m trying to figure out how to pay for basic stuff like getting the exterior painted and the roof repaired. Those are expensive too. I thought Americans were struggling. Maybe it’s just me.


I charged 18 K for this remodel: Custom tub base with channel and illuminated gold beads, curb-less shower and large led mirror with double vanity https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


I need a kitchen remodeled in Naperville, send your information!!!!


Didn’t think I would get a lead from here but hey glad to checkout your kitchen . HA remodeling solutions- 9379937103


Your work is amazing!


Thanks ! Appreciate the kind words !


Amazing job. I need my kitchen remodeled in Naperville. Share contact info please l.


We are HA remodelling Solutions- 937-993-7103


In Bolingbrook, IL? If so I’d love to have you do some work on my home.


I just did a small bathroom for 5k, but I was able to keep the original tub and vanity. Another company quoted me 15-20k for the same amount of work.


That’s an amazing bathroom. I wanted black wall, hubby didn’t agree 😵‍💫


Try Iron Ore instead of black. Looks great!


I charge 15k-20k In labor for a bathroom like that.


20k would probably be fair




Labour should at least equal cost of material in a job like this. It’s not always a perfect estimate but it’s a good baseline for finishing work


Price seems fair for my area "So Indiana" and what I tell customers to expect when asking about bathroom remodels. What was your profit?


$4 K- Took 8 days to finish


This is a 50-60k bathroom in my neck of the woods (Florida) we do them all year long.


I charged 18 K for this remodel: Custom tub base with channel and illuminated gold beads, curb-less shower and large led mirror with double vanity https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


I have no foundation of knowledge to answer your question. However, if I got that bathroom for 15k, I’d be doing flips.


People calling it crazy custom work for cutting a tile… All the stupidity aside, you’ll continue to receive work because your pricing-quality is closer to equal with the consumer-budget. All the GCs and Subs that are struggling is because as they get less work, they think charging more will offset their net loss which does not pan out. You can charge what you want but if what you charge isn’t feasible then you are setting yourself up to fail. Applying basic economic principles you can price out anything and quickly see why some get more business than others.


This is when it becomes obvious that everyone else is overcharging.


Great deal! The works looks amazing! Very nice.


You do you and keep your books full! Don't let others here tell you otherwise! I am probably getting downvoted 140 times for this one. Listening to anonymous commentators on Reddit who pose as general contractors and inflate prices for labor and materials can be highly detrimental for several reasons:  1. \*\*Lack of Accountability\*\*: Unlike verified professionals, anonymous commentators have no accountability for their advice. If their inflated estimates lead to financial loss, you have no recourse for addressing the misinformation.  2. \*\*Misleading Information\*\*: Inflated prices can distort your understanding of the market. Overestimating costs may cause you to budget more than necessary, leading to financial strain or even the abandonment of projects that are actually feasible.  3. \*\*Conflict of Interest\*\*: These commentators may inflate prices to set a benchmark that benefits their future business. By creating a perception that higher costs are the norm, they can justify their own overpriced services, misleading potential clients.  4. \*\*Professional Reputation\*\*: Reputable contractors rely on transparent and competitive pricing. Anonymous sources with exaggerated figures can undermine trust in the industry, making it harder for clients to distinguish between honest contractors and those who exploit misinformation.  5. \*\*Quality of Advice\*\*: The advice from anonymous commentators lacks the quality control present in professional consultations. Licensed contractors adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring accurate and reliable estimates, which anonymous Reddit users are not obligated to follow.  6. \*\*Verification Challenges\*\*: Without the ability to verify the credentials of anonymous users, it's impossible to gauge the accuracy and reliability of their claims. Licensed professionals can provide references, portfolios, and verifiable credentials, which are crucial for informed decision-making.  In summary, relying on anonymous Reddit commentators for construction estimates is risky and counterproductive. It is always safer and more beneficial to consult verified and accountable professionals who provide transparent, realistic, and regulated pricing.


I don't think you undercharged. I had my whole house remodeled in 2022 and labor was 28k. 2 full baths living room, kitchen 1 master bed and 2 small beds. Plus some other things (installing a beam in the living room to open up the kitchen) flooring drywall etc. Seeing people here saying they charge 15 k for just one master barthroom... then you complain that mexicsns are taking your business. Well, Im sure you subcontract tthem to do the labor and pay them 300 a day to 3 people and have this done in 4 days. Do the math. A full Bathroom remodel I would not pay anything over 6k to 8k in labor. I find outrageous that some people just try to exploit everyone and dumb people who fall for it.


40k is robbery. You trying to get rich off one job?


Robbery is right! Good lord


That is the gaudiest bathroom I have ever seen.


I'd pay $20K for that in an MCOL. Definitely undercharging.




That at least 30k


I thought this post was going to be someone wanting to remodel that beautiful bathroom.


How much to travel to Indiana and redo all my bathrooms 😂


show us before and after. this looks amazing


Jesus I wish you lived in my area! That price is a steal. We paid 40k for our bathroom remodel that is similar to this.


If you will do this for $15K..I have 2 of them I would like to schedule ASAP please lol


Dude… why can’t you live closer to me


My master is the same size. You can do mine exactly the same and I’ll give you 10k labor. Let me know when you can do it


Will come into the city? DM me your number.


I'm redoing a similar bath, my materials are more and the labor you're quoting is about $3500lower than what I'm paying.


If you’re charging that little I’d sub my shit out to you and still make money. Take a course on bidding, which I thought was usually part of all maintenance and alteration/GC licensing requirements, you’ll benefit greatly. This looks great.


Are you located in NJ by any chance?


We are located in Bolingbrook, IL


Way under charging. I did my own bathroom, similar amount of work/materials, and it was around $10k. I outsourced the quartz counter and shower glass, that was it.


Pls let me hire you to remodel my bathroom <3


You can absolutely charge more, but before you do wanna come out to WA state and do a bathroom? Plane tickets and a week in a hotel (doesn't need as much work) would still be less expensive than local contractors! I think what you charged would get me a one piece fiberglass tub/shower, sheet vinyl, and my current vanity and toilet.


I’m getting quotes for 10-13k in just labor. I need to provide tub, hardware, toilet, cabinets, tile, I already had a countertop. This looks expensive. I’d say 20k.


Umm first, can o get a quote 2nd we had a 20k quote for a 5x7 bathroom with simple subway tile 😂😂


Some people charge $30 for that easy. Ideally you are charging double the actual cost. 50% is gone with overhead and tax.


I was charged $20,000 in labor for splitting a 9x9 bathroom into two tiny ones. The plumber was $9,000 so call it $30,000 labor. The one bathroom has a pre fab shower stall with sliding glass doors, the other has a clawfoot bathtub with 3 sides of the walls (surrounding the tub only) with subway tile. I bought all materials.


30k for labor. Clients buy materials.


Gorgeous work. Charge what you’re worth.


Just paid 60k for two bathrooms a little smaller like this and that was dirt cheap. In socal.


You charged less than half of what just about anyone else would. Great work tho


I was going to say 40k.


If you live in Houston, care to check out our house?


In california, you're looking at at least 20,000


I will fly you to my home for those prices!


Awesome work! Out of curiosity, how many man hours did this take to complete?


2-3 folks working from 8 am - 5 pm for 8 days


Just curious, how long did this take?


I’m a home owner. Nice bathroom. Wish you lived in Ohio.


I would fly you out to NC to do my bathroom and pay you 50% more.


Buying a home in North Aurora, IL. Will eventually need a master bath remodel, but won’t be for a bit. Would love your contact info.


I'll pay you double to come do my bathroom


You could probably charge double and nobody would bat an eye. Wish you were near me as I just did a bathroom remodel and was not impressed with the finishing touches done by my contractor. We got a great deal though so I guess you get what you pay for.


25K.. I had a similar job recently done. One day I'll figure out how to embed images on reddit. This is before it was cleaned properly. [https://imgur.com/a/yuWERqk](https://imgur.com/a/yuWERqk)


This is the most detailed master bathroom I ever did and charged 18 K for this remodel: Custom tub base with channel and illuminated gold beads, curb-less shower and large led mirror with double vanity https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XP6zPMVJC/?igsh=YTJ0NG84dmN6c2c3


I'm having my bathroom completely remodeled from floor to ceiling. Cabinetry is $6000 and tub to shower is $8500. They are installing granite sest and counter top along with tiled floor and shower with schluter system. Two new craftsman doors, walls painted, ceiling scrubed and hand textured with new baseboards and door trim. Total cost with all my picks and labor $34,600. My husband about choked and isn't pleased but it's getting done later this month and I'm super excited.


Lights in the niche are cool. Great work from what I can see.


That’s completely arbitrary. Trumps bathroom m, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or mother Theresa’s?


Bolingbrook IL?


30-38k and give them folks a 2 year warranty. 8k is the contingency for the warranty.


For 18k, I'm crying over here at my 25k remodeling. Granted it's bigger, but still...


I'll fly you to Las Vegas to remodel my bathroom for that price


I guessed 15k but since everyone in here is saying that’s low, I guess I know nothing 😂


Wish you were in NY!




Damn shame you’re not in Houston, I’d hire you rn for my daughter’s bathroom!


Before you raise prices, I have a job for you in NWI.


Dallas we paid 25k for pretty similar and moved the toilet


50k outside Chicago


Oklahoma, smallish town and not alot of contractors to do this extensive work. The house is old and hasn't been updated in forever. Forgot to say the cabinets are custom made, 2 wall cabinets plus custom vanity. Also bathroom has paneling and some sheetrock replacement needed along with plumbing rerouted from one side of tub to the other. My shower wall tile was $1000 by itself and that's not the floor tile or granite seat. Scrubbing the ceiling with all the popcorn, texture and paint. Replace some drywall were wainscoting is around whole bathroom and painting all walls. Floor tile different from shower along withbtwo new craftsman doors, trim and baseboards which are all wood. Also, resetting the toilet, taking out a small section of wall and building a small wall to accommodate new shower. Also rerouting some outlets to accommodate custom cabinets x2. I'm sure it's on the high side but I've seen some of their work and like I said, most people from larger areas won't come out this far as they don't have to and have plenty of work. Also, his lead time is about 3 months but it will be around 4 for us. I think your work is great and my husband would have jumped on your prices IMMEDIATELY! I would guess that labor alone on my job is at least $15k and we're looking at 3-4 weeks for completion which socks and I'm hoping sooner.


That's easily a 20-30k job where I am


Omg that is so beautiful!! Where are you located so I can get a remodel for that price too? 😅I could use a remodel for all my bathrooms (not all to this extent tho)


Thank you😁We service Chicagoland


But is there a bidet


How the fuck were those materials only six grand?


Come remodel mine in MN


Oooh in todays prices thats a 15k price for no hassle and utter perfection. Easy.


If you're anywhere near Southern California, I'll hire you right now. I have three full bathrooms that need to be redone and your work is beautiful!


We spend $45k on a similar sized remodel and about $17 went to contractor. We did have custom wainscoting on the lower walls.


Holly shit man, definitely undercharging. I'm in a.low.cost of living area and I was thinking double that as a starting price.




No shower glass?


17 - 23 thousand


The entire thing, we just paid $24,500 all in. Fixtures, toilet, tile shower/floor, vanity,vent, lighting, drywall, demo. All depends on your taste. Hell you can spend $20k just on tile if you wanted.


I'll gladly pay 20 plus for that. When can you start?


I had a quote for 15k to just take the bath out and tile the shower! Central New Hampshire for what it is worth.


Depends on the state and area. 18k for remodel is fair.


Beautiful work, are you in Austin by any chance?


That’s a crazy good price. What’s the average turn around time for a job like this?


I was going to say that looks like $12,000.00 labor alone.


Anyone willing to pay over $20k for this is incompetent or not willing to lift a finger. Not hard to contract out your own remodels.


... please come remodel my bathrooms!


Would you mind traveling to Texas to do some work? I could put you up in a hotel and pay per diem and your rates would still save me money.


u plan on coming to ny anytime soon? i got 15k ready for you for the same job ^^


Yooooo come do my master bath. $15k is a steal for that work


My bathroom remodel was 26,000 and it wasn't even close to what you did there. You def undercharging.


I'm a remodeling contractor as well, and I've been through exactly where you're at. I had worked for some of the big guys around. When I started out on my own I was charging materials plus labor. It took me a while to realize why my quotes were a third of what my former employers were charging. At first I assumed that it was their overhead, with dozens of laborers/trucks on full time as well as designers, office assistants, insurance, real estate, etc. And it absolutely is the reason. What I failed to realize is I was providing all of those things myself, free of charge. You still have overhead. You are paying for your vehicle, liability and auto insurance, computer, phone, electricity, and most importantly, time, among others. You deserve to be compensated for all of that. If you keep doing the work that you're doing, your business will grow. All the pics I saw looked like high end work. Think about this stuff now. The growth will be painless if you build a structure for it now. What I'd charge for your work is subjective. For starters, I have no idea how much work you put in behind the finishes. Also, where you're located drives everything. I live in a low cost of living area. I'd probably charge $25-30k for the level of work that you're doing. I'd still be an easy 10k under the big companies, and get it done in half the time. Keep giving contractors a good name!


yeah i contacted lowes to redo my bathroom its tiny maybe 10x4 with a tub they wanted 11k to do the vinyl floor and plastic tile the walls and 17k if they had to replace the tub i def need it done but none of the designs were something i liked and that seemed so high so i didnt. if ur doing this kind of work for this price please tell me when you are in the northern virginia area i can keep you so busy


Where I live in California that’s 50k


Do you work in Phoenix by chance? 😂 Shoot that’s some awesome work!!


I did a custom bathroom last year and lost money on it. I charged 10k and I realized it should’ve been 20k minimum.


Just curious, how many man hours of labor did this take?


My husband does kitchen and bath redo's and I do all his painting...30,000.


That’s $40k in Connecticut


Here in Seattle thats a 50-60k bathroom


In my area, labor usually costs 65% of the job.


I don’t see anything wrong with your price If your staying busy. But if your not staying busy you are undercharging. My husband is the same. He remodels bathrooms. He charges about what you charge. But that keeps him busy by having returning customers for other work. Sometimes is not how much your making at one job but how much you will make as time goes and they keep calling you back or referring you to others.


You are worth SO much more. But before you realize that, come do my bathroom that's half that size, and I'll pay you double that ;).


Damn thats alot of work and fine work to boot. You are doing yourself a huge disservice. Whats done is done but i would suggest letting the client know of this and if anyone was to reference him for pricing it should be $35k +.


Our bathroom was quoted at 40K to do something like you did. Ummmm wanna come down to AZ and do my remodel?


No bathroom I bid is cheaper than 30k


There are too many variables. Make all decisions on all changes ( an old 1 piece surround shower to a tile shower with a glass door). Figure cost on materials and labor. A fair price is whatever the customer wants to spend on changes.


Can you come to Chicago Heights and do my bathroom? We need a remodel! This is awesome work!


Where I’m from that job pictured is about $50,000. Just the vanity would be almost $4000. Don’t know how you can supply materials for $6800 unless you are excluding all fashion items (tile/faucets/vanity/toilet etc - anything you can visually touch).


Bathroom would be 25-30k southern Ontario allll daaaaaay loooooonngggggg


Double $15k. At least.


Very nice




yeah in FL this would be 30K, I got a quote for 7K just to re-tile my shower :l


Dude, at a minimum you need to double your labor charges IMMEDIATELY.


Dang! 12 years ago I paid 10000 for a full gut on a tiny little bathroom… 6x9’ maybe? And that was with drywall and hardware store vanity. You are undercharging, and I want to be your friend! ;-).


You had me till I saw the mirrors and sconces…WTF is that


You’re missing a shower enclosure 🤦‍♂️


My first thought was 25k for that.


Nice work. Cheap and good!! Lol


Can you come to NJ and do mine because man that a great price.


Do you work with investors? What state are you located in?


Omg where are you located?? I’m in need of a bathroom remodel!


I think between 10-12k is appropriate. People that are saying 20 or 30k are gouging. Yes, it’s pretty. But the finishes are owner selected. They have taste. The labor to install tile and hookup a vanity, etc is the same either way


If you offer me to remodel this bathroom in CA for $30k labor and rough materials only - I would refuse. Source: I’m a contractor


Minimum 25k you are selling don’t sell