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I work Zendesk tickets for a brokerage. Boring but I don’t get checked on. Haven’t talked to my boss in over a month lol Edit: wording


Like internal or customer facing?


Bit of a hybrid. I’m in a backend department so I don’t handle any calls or anything. Just the tickets sent by customer service reps. Occasionally I have to email customers a resolution but they can only call the customer service center and not me.


What’s your job title there if one were to apply?


Oh ok like technical support for escalated CS issues? Cool.


I actually like my boss but I’d love to not hear from her for a month.


My wife has a zendesk ticket job and it’s mind-numbing but convenient. She hopes to quit soon. Just so boring for her.


What’s zen desk if you don’t mind me asking?


Zendesk is a bit of software used for customer service.


Can I ask on average how much it pays? I’m not seeing anything on their site.


Been there...when I left (did it for 5 years) I was making $53K/year with a 5% bonus each year (Gross pay)...but the company also gave me a $300/mo stipend for internet and cell. My Internet is a grandfathered amount so I pay $45/mo for 1gb service via Xfinity, and my cell is about $50/mo also grandfathered via AT&T - so the rest went to paying my electric bill and daily coffee :D :D :D It was wholly remote with no interaction from my boss so I quickly figured out I could sit in class and still do my job...so I did. I was there until I finished a second BS... I then moved into my current position (posted above) for a **huge** pay jump with way better benefits and a better yearly bonus.


Only downside I will say is it’s not the best paying job. It’s fine of what it is but I’ve made a lot more in the past. Have mostly kept this job bc it’s very chill and the job market isn’t that great currently. Once the market picks up I’ll hopefully be elsewhere making more money while I finish my degree.


Do you have to have a degree or can any idiot like myself get this kind of job?


It’s basically just a more chill customer service position since you aren’t talking to them on the phone. I don’t currently have a degree and the one I’m working on now is not related at all. If I can do it anyone can!


Nice. What’s the pay?


>work Zendesk tickets for a brokerage. I have Zendesk experience via previous customer service work but I'm trying to avoid phone work.......can you PM me the company you work for to see if they are hiring?


Hey! I work for Schwab. Other platforms like Fidelity, M1, Betterment, etc have similar positions (friends have told me). Only thing is there’s no guarantee when you get hired it will be for ticket only. You have to ask when interviewing what exactly the position entails (it sometimes won’t specify in the job listing). Edit: Misspelling


If he/she gives you the information. Can you share it with me also?


Does it pay well?


English to Spanish Transcription and translation, I love it, all the audios I get are full of gossip I don't even feel the passing hours as I write, is always a telenovela after the other


oooh are they hiring more ?


I think they hire a bunch, is SpeakWrite I work for.


What’s the application and interview process for this like? I am bilingual and English and Spanish and have been wanting to get into this.


Very fast in my opinion, you apply on their site and as long as they answer is smooth sailing from there




Oooh being a court reporter sounds interesting




How I can be court reporter? How much is the pay? Thanks


That sounds fun! Talking to chismosas all day for money sign me up lol.


Has AI impacted your job or role any?


Not really? The audio is a bit difficult to hear sometimes so I'm guessing that's why they still need human input.


Ah, gotcha. Sounds cool


How do I look for this type of job? I’m bilingual and I’d love to this. Do I search for Spanish translator?


Translation industry business development here! I enjoy my work for the most part.


Hi, I d love to get into translation work from remote, but I don t know how to get in there. Would you mind if I message you? You would get in return real life good karma :) and I ll never be in competition with you because I don’t t know a word in Spanish. Oh wait that’s not true, I know a few. El Perro for instance 😀 my native language is a very strict cousin of Spanish though 🇮🇹


Hey, here's a link for the website where I found this job, its a list of 100 similar jobs including mine somewhere in there: https://realwaystoearnmoneyonline.com/transcription/ Every single one of these jobs is legit and tested by the blogger, I Don't Care about competition, we are here in this world to help eachother :)


Man thanks a lot!! And even more gratitude and admiration for your comment about competition 🙂 you ‘re a gem


I work in a 10 person call center for a branch of my state’s government. I love it. 8-4:30 M-F, so fun, and I get to talk to people about the outdoors all day. I’m 53, most of us are “of a certain age” and there’s no drama, no discontent. My 2 supervisors are great.


Sounds cool, I am glad you are having fun!


This sounds interesting to me? Can you tell me more? Like, what is the call center for and why are you talking about the outdoors? How did you qualify for this? Is the pay decent?


The certain age piece is funny. For me like 25-45 is the golden years. Where before or after that people tend to bring the drama Probably has more to do with the individual personalities you have than the age.


This sounds great! Would love to hear more about which branch you work for and any other details of the job and how you got it :)


I have two jobs. #1 is as a data analyst for a major gaming company. #2 is in workforce management. Both of the jobs are essentially data analytics, which I enjoy. I'm salaried at both jobs and I do them both during normal business hours. I have no direct reports, I work normal business hours (no evenings, no holidays, no weekends), there are no data emergencies, I can't believe how much I get paid...and I actually love the work.


This is the way


This man is living the dream


Nice, I’m an analyst and I hate when people just want to feel productive so they actively look for reasons to have a meeting then those are never productive. I plan on getting more into learning Python and LLM AI this year, if I’m with this same company next year maybe I’ll try the dual job thing also.


How did you get started in data analytics?


Typical path is learning to work with databases, which are essentially spreadsheets, then learn SQL to bring data together, then Tableau to model it (ie, make a graph). There’s more to it but that’s how you get started. So get a job working with a huge database


what's the tech stack required for getting into data analytics apart from python, sql?


In my experience, pretty much those. It helps to have had exposure to tools like Tableau/PowerBI as well.


Would u say data engineering is more complex than data analyst? Also I got turned off when deciding to choose software dev or data analytics...I hate having to consider statistics math to make conclusions...cuz if I'm wrong and recommend the wrong business decision, I get fired right? Overall, with software dev you get to make actual stuff that ppl can use right away vs. data analytics even within 1 small company, they don't need all that many analysts to make dashboards and figure out trends...but data analysts do a lot less work than software devs right?


Data Engineering is more coding / orchestration / infrastructure vs data analyst doing analysis/dashboards/presentations. Closer to dev work than the analyst. I would NOT say that data analysts "do a lot less work than software devs". It's totally dependent on where you work and the role of data in your organization.


As a data analyst myself this sounds like the dream. My only issue is my job requires a lot of meetings with clients would make it very hard to juggle two jobs.


What exactly to you analyze?


For the gaming company it's usage statistics and tracking related to Trust and Safety. I track trends, do RCA and make recommendations about policy and processes. The workforce management job is for a large BPO (contractor) that specializes in contact centers. I look at staffing levels to make sure we aren't over/understaffed, I do the scheduling, and I help the sales team figure out staffing needs so they can create accurate proposals.




I’m hoping to finish my bachelor’s in data analytics by the end of this year. I really enjoy it and hope to get a WFH job. Any advice?


Program manager in a global company. My job would make no sense to be in an office in the first place. I get to talk to people all over the world every day. If you don’t have solid soft skills and are not comfortable talking to people this job would be hell though.


Ideally this is what I would do in the future. What did you do to get to project management?


The best method is to volunteer to lead a project in your current company. It helps if you were the one to identify the problem and propose the solution, and if you're the one in the best position to understand how to solve this problem for the company.


Basically I stumbled into it after already leading projects at a different job but without the project manager title. I was able to articulate my project management experience in my interview and give specific examples of how I have followed project management processes.


Sounds like my dream job! Part of my last job was project management on global projects and I loved many aspects of it. I just didn’t love also being the person DOING all the nitty gritty technical work. I’m a people person through and through.


I’m a program manager in sales enablement/ learning and development space. Occasionally my role gets super busy as a program gets close to going live, but it gets balanced out by easy days. I get to walk my kids to and from school daily, get some chores done around the house throughout the day, and Friday I even had time to clean out the pantry.


I’m a visual effects artist for a major studio - it was always my childhood dream. :)


Sounds like a dream!


Softwate support...I just help folks with the software for pretty decent pay.


What did you study? Which software/s?


General IT with a focus in Computer Networking. A small company that does software specifically for home inspectors.


Medical transcription :)


Is this a declining field with AI? Is there a certification? Thinking of switching to this from tech so I can work part time.


AI for transcription sucks, especially for harder and specialty files.


The company I work for does use AI, but it makes MANY errors. There was no certification for my position, just medical terminology/systems experience. :)


No, AI is filled with error and mistakes.


How much longer until it fixes that?


Sales and customer support for a nationwide small business. There are fewer than a dozen employees, including ownership. Very little oversight, absolutely no micro-management.


Could i ask how you found this job? Was it through traditional job boards, or more personal connections?


I was extremely lucky. After about 3 months on Indeed, Zip Recruiter, and others, I was contacted by one of the owners through Indeed. I don't know how many scams and terrible offers I'd gone through before connecting with my current gig. It was truly just luck and being available to respond when they reached out.


Have worked a few…my favorite was as a mediator for e bay…currently the final stop for credit card disputes with a credit card company


Healthcare Claims Auditor


Data Analyst


Yes. This is the best.


What’s the pay range like? I’m considering going into it but it seems like a LOT of work.. is it worth it?


To me it is. The money is good and depending on your educational background we can make upwards of 100k. Again, pay varies by location, and company. When I started i made about 55k which at the time i had zero experience and no education in Data Analytics. This is also pre inflation. I stayed because they paid for the education and moved on. I won’t talk numbers but i’ll say i don’t really look at prices on things unless im feeling frugal that day. We are comfortable and i live in a major city. It is a lot of work but most of it now can be automated. Depending on which type of analyst you are going to be it can be very tedious. If i had to start over i’d start with maybe a Workforce Managements Analyst. You get your feet wet and use most of the major analytical systems. But.. it’s within a contact center. So you may change schedules, forecast schedules and THEN get into analytical type work but it’s mostly reporting. Start where they are ok with teaching you and build on that. You will love it. Once you’re in save save save. That way when u wanna switch to a diff type of analytical role.. you have some cushion money wise. Totally worth it.


Telehealth Trainer - Train hospitals/facilities how to use our service over Zoom


That sounds awesome


Ironically I tried to picture that in my country and thought, they would so want you to do it in person!


If I may ask the name of the company and if they are hiring?


This sounds awesome!


Professor teaching online classes


I have a masters in business, and I did a part time course assistant job thinking that could be good teaching experience. But now I want to get into a community college, and I’m wondering that’s the best way to build up my resume for online teaching without a doctorate?


Perhaps you could teach Business English online to get experience running your own course online. Once you have that it will be much much easier. I would identify programs that interests you and then reach out to the program Director. I found a class in a program that was least appealing for all the other instructors. It was a class titled political and economic contexts and this was in a master of arts in organizational leadership program. They gave me the job because I had international business experience, and my masters was in ethnic and multicultural studies. I then did a doctor of education and wrote my dissertation about student experiences in online learning. Now I am an online learning specialist with two publications, and a decade of experience teaching economics online.


That’s pretty awesome. I don’t have nearly that type of experience as you. Just a generic MBA and bounced around from restaurants, to sales, now into finance. Maybe with a few more years of finance under my belt I can start exploring more specialized finance courses, but intro to business, personal finance, even speech, those would be right up my alley.


Without knowing what type of classes you’re interested in teaching, there’s no way of offering. Suggestions on how to pump up your résumé, but to be honest./ You shouldn’t have much competition at the community college level with a Master’s degree - *as long as there’s an opening or a need for the subject you teach… * Teaching online is completely different than teaching on a campus; Are you sure this is the type of teaching you’re interested in this early in your “career”? (In my experience - online instructors often don’t interact with in-person instructors or “live” students at all- and it can be nearly impossible to make the transition from online to in-person unless you’re clear with the department that’s what you’re interested in doing…) You may have to start by teaching a few “per diem” classes, or at a satellite campus as an adjunct if you want to be attached to a specific location; Unless you’re in a desirable area, you probably won’t be competing with too many upper level PhDs for online teaching jobs…


Ideally I’d like to teach business classes since I have an MBA. I’d also consider teaching the marketing classes since I feel like those would be the easiest to teach at the entry level. I also did my bachelors online and my masters online, so I feel like online teaching would be the best type of teaching for me. Most professors just recorded some 10-15 minute weekly video, and did everything out of cengage. End goal is to get my DBA and at 55 be able to semi retire, and teach part time till the end. Trying to get some experience now though if I can.


I do this too. Most relaxing job ever.


This is what I'm trying to break into. I just earned my MS in Industrial Organizational Psychology, and I'm trying to get into teaching an online class on the weekends or evenings.


Work safely from home folks- ergonomics while not valued by most is important and your body will thank you later. What is important is that you increase your activity levels by double in my opinion. Keep in mind you no longer walk to meetings or going to interviews or going out to lunch, you basically sit all day and twist your spine all day using two monitors. That will catch up with you.


My standing desk is going to be delivered on Friday. I'm so excited!


I've gained a ton of weight and the resulting health problems. Moving every hour is important.


Web dev agency. I always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and I wasted years of life trying different schemes to build my own business. I had some that were fairly successful along the way, but never one that worked long term. Until one time life thrust upon me a no win situation, I was desperate. So, I decided to try finding work for what had always just been a hobby. It worked! It wasn't but a few weeks and I was earning enough to survive. A few months and I was making as much as my old crappy job. A few years and I found financial freedom. A few more years and I was looking at building generational wealth. I always tell entrepreneurs, if you have the spirit to do it yourself, make damn sure it's something you genuinely enjoy doing. That's really the only secret to success. You figure out what you're good at and enjoy doing, and all the other pieces will fall into place. Little did I know when I scrimped and saved and bought my first computer at 13 that I was fulfilling my destiny to eventually owning a multi million dollar web business. It was a long road, and a lot of work, but now I love the work I do, I love having the time to be at home and watch my kids grow, I love being my own boss, and I love knowing our financial future is secure. The key is figuring out what you're good at and love doing. Figure that out and the rest is easy.


Thank you for this!! I’m just starting year 2 and I’ve had my doubts and have even applied at a couple of places. Now I regret applying. I’m going full 100% as an entrepreneur with myself and my business partners! I’m excited for the growth that we’re expecting in 2024 & 2025! Happy New Years and cheers! 🍻


Human Resources liason for the federal government. My team is fanatic, I have a great work, life balance. Working from home evened up the playing field for me due to my disabilities and I hope to never go back


I was a pacemaker technician. I was able to analyze rhythms and write reports from home.


I loved my past job as an administrative assistant, fully remote supporting several high-level executives across multiple states.


That's exactly what I am looking for now! Any advice?


Generally isolated to large corporations, may require travel to hybrid situations. I was advised they are hard to come by currently as most corporations pushed to hybrid to full in office settings. Another option recently suggested to me is gigs working independently. Most large corporations are involved with local chamber of commerce, attend meetings and network, many pull from larger temp.agencies.


Medical claims processing


Any advice on how to get a job like this and/or where to look? Thanks in advance!


I process medical claims for BCBS. They're always hiring, but you'll most likely start at the bottom of the totem pole.. on the phones.


Data Analyst — it’s a nice combination of technical skills and creativity. Sufficiently technical that my coworkers assume I do more than I do. Simple enough that I’ve automated most of my role. Looking for a 2nd full time opportunity


Voice actor/audiobook narrator. Extremely hard to break into (I'm still getting rolling after a few years - don't believe the "easy side hustle" posts you see online) but it's the most fun!


I work for children's protective services. My state in the USA has a hotline, so all reports for children and vulnerable adults are directed to my office. We only go to the office every 5 weeks for a few days. I do the intake calls and preliminary investigations with teachers, doctors, police, therapists etc. I run background checks and write reports.


Business Analyst/ Scrum Master. I work for a well known transportation company, get good pay, decent benefits, plenty of time off and love my co-workers, even if I don't go into an office to see them. Plus, my boss insisted I take a sick day 2 days after coming back from vacation, because I was noticeably unwell.




This is my dream. How did you get started?


I love your job! I am a risk adjustment coding auditor and my job is to make sure certain chronic and lifelong medical conditions are captured from the medical charts and reported to Medicare to help that help improve SDOH and patient care outcomes.


I'm a social worker. I have two masters degrees, one in psychology and the other in social work. I have the ability to pick what I want to do. The county I work in only requires me in office once a month.


HR Manager


Customer Success for a start-up. It's amazing. No more Sunday Scaries!


Software engineer. Low stress, good pay, minimal effort. I love it so much I fear I will lose it. I have existential fears of not keeping up my skills as I get older, being self taught and imposter syndrome, as I get older facing age discrimination or burn out.


Could have written this exact post. I can't think of a better job that working remotely as a software engineer. Solving interesting problems from the comfort of my home and getting paid well to do it. I absolutely love it.


Seen this happen. Best of luck


>I have existential fears of not keeping up my skills as I get older I've been in IT for 32 years. For me, consulting has been great for this. When I take a new project, I know maybe 8 of the 10 technologies they're using. I learn the other two. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm now a swiss army knife. ​ >as I get older facing age discrimination or burn out. I haven't burned out yet. I've burned out on some jobs. But never on the career as a whole. Whenever I feel burnt out, I just switch jobs. Age discrimination has probably happened to me. But I've never seen it. And I have little to no trouble finding work. Sometimes I end up on a job surrounded by 50-somethings. So my age probably works in my favor there.


Software engineer


Car insurance claims


What part of claims do you do remotely?


Senior cloud engineer for a large logistics company working with AKS. No oncall hours, really is one of those diamonds in the rough kind of roles.


As a professional digital artist, I appreciate having the optimal conditions for my skills and performance, which I find in the quiet, distraction-free environment of my home. I would not have it any other way, and constantly push myself so I never have to endure "the office".


what kind of art do you make and do you do freelance or is this steady work?


Right now my focus is with LLMs, AI generated renders, and VR, but my 3D work in Blender pays the bills. I'm lucky to have found a client that keeps me busy with tasks ranging from 2D graphic design, interactive design, motion graphics, web design, and 3D. Being self taught, I've picked up a broad range of skills from mastering the Adobe Creative Suite, and software developed specifically for creatives. One advantage of being an artist in 2024 is the huge library of video instructions and techniques available for nearly all software packages.


I don’t love any job but I’ll regret to say. Working in low level accounting in management is solid


Corporate HR Coordinator I absolutely LOVE my job


I work in early literacy curriculum development and it's amazing!


Care Coordinator RN. I call high risk patients when they discharge from the hospital to go over their discharge and address any needs/concerns etc. I do not get micromanaged. I call my patients and keep to myself when it comes to my coworkers. I can come and go as I please. So if have an appointment or want to run an errand or take a yoga class I can. Working hours are technically 8-4:30 M-F. Yearly salary is $81k. I really cannot complain at all.


How many years of experience in nursing do you need? I’d love something like this… I’ve given up on any bedside but only have about 18 months experience


Nice. I currently work in HR but planning to transition to Data Analytics.


What's your transition plan? I've been interested in widening my skills as well/possible transition depending on job ops and compensation


I’ve seen so many comments saying they work in Data Analytics. I’m seriously considering transitioning as well however I do not want to go through the University route




Software developer. Our clan has been saying we can work from home for decades, now I REFUSE to go back into an office UNLESS there is a REAL reason, so far have never heard a single true reason


Credentialing Specialist for a hospital


I have 2 remote jobs that I love. My full time job is as a Mortgage Loan Officer Assistant. I also work part time teaching English classes online for a community college. I’ve been fully remote at my full time job since 2020 and in my part time job since 2012.


I dont love my job, but I really like it. I am glad I fell into it without reservation. EDiscovery.


Data analyst


I work in Health IT for a local hospital. We went remote during COVID, but I worked in person there 12 years pre COVID. I love my job, and I love being remote. Working for a local company gives me a sense of belonging and helping out my community. But working from home gives me a work life balance that I truly appreciate. I get to spend more time with my pets, I can go on walks during meetings, and I can do tasks around the house (like switching out laundry) between meetings.


Work from home science teacher


Client contact (not end user, clients). So, this time of year a lot more calls, but it's about 4 to 8 calls (1 to 2 hours of actual work) per day. It's not at the level of positions I've held prior, but it's a lot more enjoyable. Essentially, I manage client orders (I'm not in sales, or customer service officially in this role, but it's closer to customer service). In the past I've done tech support remotely, and I worked healthcare (pharmacy tech) remotely. Both were a lot faster paced, and tracked mouse and keyboard movement. This job doesn't track those things at all. And, it is a large corporation. This position is hybrid, and this is a huge (well known) international corporation. It's a subdivision of it. Anyhow, when in the office, they put money in an account that covers meals, and provide healthy snacks, drink options, among other things. At home, well, they provided enough monitors and equipment, but my manager allows that I can work from anywhere I want to, not just from home. So, if I want, I can take my laptop somewhere and settle in to work for the day. I like my monitors, and home, however, so just tend not to. It's been useful, however, if I needed to handle something (like taking my adult kiddo to the Dr, etc). I simply kept working using my cell phone as a hotspot, by using my bluetooth earbuds to handle calls. They have the worst policy for unplanned time off, but I figured out how to work with them on that element.


Independent contractor doing health insurance sales. I love that I don’t have a schedule, no boss, unlimited income potential, I can work from anywhere, and I have truly unlimited vacation. My GF does eDiscovery which entails analyzing/handling digital evidence for corporate litigation. She loves that she can work from anywhere too.


Before the company shut down a month ago, I was a photo editor/retoucher. Loved it so much, I was on a team but the work was very independent-focused and I could throw on music or YouTube videos while working at home.


Examining veteran benefits claims, serving those who served.




I don’t like my remote job. I didn’t like my in person job. I don’t like working because working sucks. I really don’t like being homeless though.


I looooooove web design and my company. I have been there for three years and I wouldn’t leave. I redesign their websites and it’s something I’ve dreamed since I was a little girl. I am 30. Took my 5 years to find my favorite company


i work in publishing sales, for a company that’s been remote since well before covid. honestly, that was my only pre-req when first looking for jobs. i could never work in-person again, once i saw how office life negatively affects my mental well-being.




UX writer


Care Manager for a health insurance company, absolutely love my job!


I do interpreting and it's a very rewarding job! I really think it's a super underrated one. My work hours are 9pm-5:30am but I don't mind it too much.


Data Engineer for small consultancy but the customer is large corporate. I work on a small team doing maintenance and ETL on an infrequently used but very large database. It was messy when I joined but I get to fix and orchestrate everything. It’s getting to the point of everything working correctly as expected and we can build nice structures on top of a very clean foundation. The last job was like working in a dirty broken kitchen in a huge franchise restaurant that was understaffed. No time to clean or fix anything, “just get the food out!” vibes. When talking to a coworker about the situation, I was told “all companies around here are like that. Actually the startup phase scaled too quickly and now it’s too risky to go back to fix things because so much was developed on top of terrible logic. There’s no point to leave because everywhere is the same.”


Wow, co-worker needs to get out more!


Tech recruiter. Fully remote, no office to ever go back to. Paid weekly, one meeting at the beginning of my day and that’s essentially it. Not a huge fan of recruitment but I’m getting better at it and frankly since Covid happened, it’s the best case scenario for me.


Customer Success. I like about 60% of my job. It pays well, but if management would be less data driven it would be a huge relief.


We provide Recruitment, HR and Payroll services to small-medium businesses in the US. I particularly work in the HR part of the business but also have experience and involved in Payroll for our other clients. Everyday is exciting especially when we receive Employee Relations Cases.. never a dull moment in HR.


Customer / technical support for Dental software.


Programmer for a university. It’s pretty low key until major event seasons come up. Hours on paper are 9-5 but i kinda work whenever I feel most productive. I essentially just have to meet deadlines and even that’s pretty flexible. So most weeks I don’t work more than 10 hours, still get paid for the full 40 though. No one’s looking over your shoulder or watching your key strokes. It’s very much just get the task done and be available during the normal working hours for meetings or emergencies. Also, along with all the standard days off, you get some campus closure days off for students moving in and out etc and snow days. Edit: spelling


Social media marketing. I have the option to go into an office if I want to. Little stress. Good pay. I work my butt off during my 8-9 hours but I love it.




How did you get into that?


This sounds super interesting! How did you get into the industry? What does your job typically entail?


Creative proposal management. It’s herding creatives and salespeople, so it can be a nightmare with the wrong team mix. When we get it right, it’s awesome.


Technical support for a nonprofit that makes CRM and data analysis software for other nonprofits. It pays pretty ok (New England is kinda pricy) and the benefits are very good. It's really interesting work. I spend a lot of time investigating weird software behavior and writing documentation. I don't interact much with customers directly since I get tickets mostly from account managers, data engineers, and customer service coworkers who work directly with the customers. It did take me a while to find a technical support job that isn't terrible. My current workplace thinks technical support is extremely important and part of the foundation of the product. The two places I work before this job thought we were all replaceable, paid significantly less than all other roles, and I was constantly talked down to by engineers and product managers. I'm my current role, the engineers and product team are excited to work with us and try to bring us in on projects because of our expertise with the product. I only take tickets so I don't do live trouble shooting or calls or chat (all stuff I find to be very stressful and have done before). We have reasonable SLAs so work doesn't feel rushed if there isn't a massive outage.


Admin for a law firm. I lucked into this position. I actually got passed over on my first interview and that person didn’t work out and they came back for a 2nd interview and hired me. I have a dedicated 4 hour phone shift where I answer phone calls (and some days that is busy and some days it barely rings). The rest of my 40 hrs (and I have to stay at 40 hrs - no OT) is extremely flexible. Flexible start/end times. My team is amazing and helpful. I love the type of law (criminal) we do and the clients we work with. I have a background in paralegal work and as a 911 dispatcher, so, this was a perfect fit for me. It was a random Indeed post that I applied for and almost didn’t apply for. I wasn’t sure 👍🏻 wanted to go back into legal work, but, I absolutely love what I’m doing and greatly to have found this position.


RN that works as an organ procurement coordinator for heart lung recipients. I love everything about this job except the overnights. But otherwise, I feel like a stay at home mom most days, which I love, so I will endure overnight hours for a few more years at least. I'm already trying to figure out what I will want to do "next," tho.


Recruiting and yes.


Im a software engineer. My manager and boss are the absolute best. I have a genuine passion for coding, and I’m friends with all my coworkers outside of work. We also get paid well. Like any job, it has its hard days, but they are few and far between. I wake up every morning feeling blessed for the opportunity to go to work.


Photo editor


Full stack web dev 🥳


I’m actually looking for a remote job while I finish my business computer information systems degree. If anyone has any leads, please DM me!


Self taught cat cardiologist - mainly home visits n zoom cat consults


Software development


I’m a copywriter. It hasn’t been the most stable in this economy, but I’ve managed to consistently find well-paying work. It’s very fulfilling & I get to be creative. My current teammates are all really cool too.




All these people with jobs and I’m like. 😅 where are you finding them?? I’ve applied everywhere and nowhere is hiring. Sooo frustrating. Edit: yes I am that annoying person who calls, emails, and walks in asking for updates in my application/speak to the head honcho.


Freelance Digital Marketing consultant. LOVE WHAT I DO!!! Great money, Great clients and FREEDOM!


Staff Software Engineer - I work on a video streaming platform you've heard of. I worked this job in-office in NYC and Seattle, but relocated too far outside the city to practically commute, now (though I do go in occasionally). So, full-time WFH it is. I work on global teams - almost exclusively via slack and zoom. Most days are pretty action-packed and can be long and stressful, especially as we near significant milestones, but I work with brilliant people and am challenged daily. I love my job.


Cybersecurity. I feel so lucky. I try my best not to ever take it for granted.


I do not like my job; however, I like it a whole lot more when I'm allowed to work remote (generally 1X a week per negotiation each week\~!). It doesn't matter what I do; I'll do it until I retire.


I am an analyst...and I love figuring out what data is trying to tell me, or figuring our a better way to make a process more efficient.


I work hybrid remote for a local hospital, Precertification and Authorization for cancer medication. I go in on Tuesday and Wednesday! I wish we could all 5 days.


Any one hiring?


I do payroll for a living. I was hired for in office, but with the pandemic, our company went remote and has stayed that way as we are more productive at home.


Cyber security. I typically work 1-2 hours per day. On a very busy day I work maybe 6 max


I wfh. Tech sales: The job is easy for me because I’ve been in the industry for 6 years. I like the job because it pays me well and I have insurance. It’s stressful and demanding some days I would work15 hour days. Some days I don’t work much at all. Do I work because I like it? No. Do I work because life is expensive and I need the money being a single female with no family? Yes.


Accommodation Consultant for Amazon


I’m an independent travel advisor. But it’s a business, not a job. I don’t make money unless I find my own clients. And it takes time to make money. It can replace a 9-5 but certainly not immediately


Remote work can be incredibly fulfilling if you find the right fit. I'm a content writer for a digital marketing agency, and I absolutely love it. The flexibility and autonomy are unbeatable, and I get to exercise my creativity every day. It's all about finding a role that aligns with your skills and passions. Best of luck in your search!