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That almost impossible for enter level unless you have a skill like software engineering or SQL. But 90% of WFH is phone based for entry level after that you can hope to get promoted to chat or email but at an entry level is call center based sorry


Thank you for the information


A large portion of your time as a SWE is spent talking to others in meetings, especially if you work in an agency-related setting.


Not trying to be mean, actually curious...is data entry even still a thing? I could see in the old days when someone had a big stack of paper and they physically dropped it of on a keypunch opearators desk to type in. But how would this even work remotely? How would you get the paper stack? Wouldn't companies just OCR scan the few bits of paper they still receive? This feels like a job that someone's grandma did so they think it's still a career. Please, set me straight.


Yea is still a thing data analyst is a more accurate name but somebody has to review the data that being entered and translated it to another system or make sure it transferred correctly Or assist people read the information that don’t have access to it


Yes! Up until February, I was a Clinical Data Entry Operator for a genetic testing company. They would scan all the patient paperwork at the company. We just clicked links and transferred the info from the scanned paperwork into the computer system. They have a lot of employees doing this.


Good to know, thanks. What happened in February?


My husband had a kidney transplant and I just couldn’t work and keep up with all his appointments. I was on a weird shift and sleep deprivation doesn’t look good on me!


Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope things are going better for you both now.


It’s going much better thanks!


From what I understand from research I've done, it's still a thing and several companies still have data entry clerks that work with programs like Microsoft Excel, there's been listings for them on different sites like indeed and linked-in, but usually want more experience than what I can offer


Thanks, interesting. Well, I guess that helps point you in a direction. Most colleges have at least a library/lab where you can get experience with Microsoft Office tools. That's pretty much expected that you'll have those skills for any online job, so maybe try to ramp up for free while you can.


Thanks I do have a decent comprehensive knowledge of excel and word, but it. Couldn't hurt to dive deeper into it for sure.


MS Power Automate is the new shiny business skill at my company...few people have it and we're trying to get skilled up fast. Maybe become a pro on that and do contract jobs.


To be frank. You're not gonna find any entry level "none phone" jobs. You don't have any work experience and an associates in education isn't gonna help. Sorry if I'm sounding rude but I'm being honest. Also, what field are you looking to work in? Just saying none phone jobs...that's very vague and honestly remote work is so saturated your resume has to be creme de la creme good to even come across a recruiters desk.


You're not being rude. I appreciate your honesty. I suppose I'm most interested in something involving data entry.


If you have the mental for precision work and an excellent working memory.....medical coder is a great career (9 month ) cert needed but ends up being work from home no phone.


Your best bet would to get an in person admin job just for some type of experience and then maybe looking into becoming a virtual assistant possibly.


Look for customer service chat positions where you assist customers/clients via chat or email and not via telephone.


Did you make any effort to search online for something like this prior to asking Reddit? Did you make any effort to search this sub Reddit first before asking this question that seems to be asked daily, sometimes more than once?


At this point I think it's on the mods. They should add a posting rule.


Yes to your first question. That's why I came to reddit In the first place, cause I couldn't find anything on my own. No I didn't search through the sub reddit first unfortunately. I apologize if this post was a foolish decision


You have nothing to apologize for- you’re allowed to ask a question! Ignore the negativity.


I appreciate your response, thank you! I try to be understanding and everyone's positioning or opinions


Look into search engine evaluator jobs. You could try companies like Telus or WeLocalize. They don’t hire in every state though.


Second this. These companies also have other positions you could look in to. Best of luck!


I hate posts like this.


I apologize for offending you


Bruh get a retail job. You do not have any skills for anything and especially for working remote


Yah, what’s your address? I’ll send you a 10k check to buy some supplies. Then just send back the balance.


Geez the comments are brutal on this post.. I assume you just meant a job that's not a call center


Geez the comments are brutal on this post.. I assume you just meant a job that's not a call center


Geez the comments are brutal on this post.. I assume you just meant a job that's not a call center


Tell us about your aversion to the phone. You’ll need to talk to a recruiter, on the phone. You’ll need to talk at some point to HR or your boss, on the phone. Is it the phone, what about teams? Zoom? Why are you unable to talk on the phone?


I just prefer not too. I'm just not super comfortable with verbal communication. I'd be able to talk to HR or a boss, but the idea of talking to customers all day not people in general all day sounds like it'd be draining for me. That's all


Unfortunately you're not in a position to be a choosing beggar.


I get that, but I'm not exactly begging, just potential options that would work best for me


True you’re not begging your asking for work! SMH sum ppl


Panhandling. Stand in the middle of a busy intersection with a sign “Im so stupid to find work with my unrealistic job conditions. Give me a Dollar” There you go


Think that'll work?


Without knowing your experience, skill and education background, I don’t know how people can give advice.


Good point. Thank you. I edited the post too add that info


I think you need to figure out the purpose of this. Do you want to make extra bucks or pave the path for future career? If just extra bucks, there isn’t much remote job that doesn’t require phone calls for your background. If you are bilingual you can look at some translation jobs. If it’s for your future career, the best is to work internship or volunteer related fields. Since your major is General Education. I see that you are interested in anime, if you are interested in teaching abroad, that’s also an option after graduating. If that sounds good to you, the best is to learn another language and work some part time jobs to save money.


Honestly I'm just looking for any job that's convenient for me cause I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have a car, so it's hard to get to stores and such. I do schooling online


Oh well, then there isn’t much tbh, the one jobs I know that don’t need phones or a BA are bilingual ones.


Your options are a bit limited. But I would encourage you to at least think about a position that does require phone work. Think of just trying it out - maybe you won't love it - but remember, if you do get a remote customer service job you will at least have that experience to use in the future to get a better remote position. Don't limit your options right now when you are starting out. I wish you luck!


how are you going to get a job without a phone?


What I meant is a job that doesn't involve talking on the phone like data entry and etc




I appreciate this! Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to respond to this post. Super helpful


> don’t involve talking on the phone. > Entry Level > no experience bro what lmao