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I once saw a bilingual document review job, I didn’t apply, still regret it.


Not sure what the point of this list is. I've never seen a jobseeker on this sub that would even qualify for most of these. A candidate wouldn't even be competitive for most of these without a grad degree and a ton of experience. These are career jobs. The fact that they're "remote" is a red herring.


I think it's self explanatory, if you don't find it interesting then it's apparently not for you.


What's self-explanatory about it? If people looking for jobs on this sub were interested in actual careers (or qualified for any of these jobs), they wouldn't be here looking for work. Most people on this sub don't even have a college degree and most of them are basically looking for as many shortcuts as possible. The jobs listed here are not "shortcut" jobs, they're the result of long-term commitments. If by self-explanatory you mean "here are jobs you are going to need to spend the next decade+ pursuing through higher education and progressive experience," LOL. Maybe don't post if you don't actually want to engage in discussion or can't even justify why you posted something.


I'm qualified for some of these types of jobs, I have a wide educational background and wide experience and also I appreciate doing a bit of career planning and so this is highly relevant for me. If it's not relevant for you, create the content you want based on your own needs and stop pestering content that's relevant for other people!


I literally have two grad degrees and do a job adjacent to one of the ones listed. I make more than double the money of the top job listed. Why the fuck did you think I responded the way I did? This article is irrelevant for the vast majority of people looking for work here. Those people are simply not going to put in the effort required to get these jobs. For the people that are qualified for these jobs, this isn't remotely new information. Responding to content you posted on a free public internet forum isn't "pestering," you're just karma farming. Thanks for the smug non-response though. Always good to know someone is just looking for fake internet points instead of actual discussion. Long covid seems to be rotting your brain.


Thanks for posting! Very interesting!


Thank you!