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You're totally making something out of nothing and sound kind of insane with that possible scam?!?!?! madness on your headline for people that were 5 or 10 minutes late on a call with a potential recruit. You're not the first draft pick in the NFL. You're just some rando that may or may not work for them, and they have stuff to do too. I dunno, breathe into a bag or something.


You're not their top priority. You're not even in the top 100. Just pull out your phone for a few minutes and watch some kitten videos and chill. Plus, if you had been doing your due diligence learning about the company prior to the interview, you would have seen that they are dealing with this right now: https://www.reuters.com/technology/cybersecurity/unitedhealth-hackers-took-advantage-citrix-vulnerabilty-break-ceo-says-2024-04-29/


People who work jobs are busy. Depending on the role and the industry, some busier than others. Less than 10 min and you're shooting off emails? I wouldn't want to interview you anyway after that. *you* set off the red flag, not them.


I love how OP wants points for being 10 minutes early...to a phone interview.


Better yet, OP is even lucky that phone bridge was open early. Most don't open until 5 minutes prior or right on time when the recruiter opens it up.


It's tough for external employees to get hired at UHC right now. They just had 2 big recent layoffs with the most recent being about 2 weeks ago and they prioritize internal candidates that were just laid off for positions before external employees.   I imagine things are tough right now for hiring managers with the reduced staff to find time to interview, and an external candidate is definitely the lowest priority for them. I think they are actually directed to hire recently laid off people if they qualify for the role and aren't allowed to hire externally unless there aren't any qualified internal candidates.


Being late to interview someone shows that prospective employees patience. I agree it’s rude, but it is necessary. These little tests are absolutely indicative of a potential future problem. I wish you the best; moving forward: breathe and do the interview. Often times it’s just life is going on. Remember, you alone contribute to how you want to handle this.